Chapter 5

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Suprachiasmic Nucleus (SCN)

Part of hypothalamus that regulates circadian rhythms using light information from the retina - distributes info to pineal gland and reticular formation

______ drug dependence occurs when the user develops a drug tolerance in conjunction with unpleasant withdrawal symptoms, whereas ______ drug dependence occurs when the user has a craving or irresistible urge for the drug's pleasurable effects.

Physical/ Psychological

What do stimulants do?

Speed up the central nervous system

REM rebound effect

a tendency to increase the amount of REM sleep after being deprived of it

What is the most common depressant


The all or nothing principle states that:

an action potential either fires or does not

biological clock

an innate process which facilitates sleeping, aging, fertility, and other physiological activities.

beta waves

awake and alert

A researcher is investigating why your heart races when you tell a lie. What approach is this researcher likely using?


Problems with the biological clock

blindness, jet lag, seasonal affective disorder

what is the most common stimulant


altered state of consciousness

can be produced by drugs, trauma, fatigue, possibly hypnosis, and sensory deprivation Ex: alcohol use

subconscious awareness

can occur when people are awake, as well as when they are sleeping and dreaming Ex: sleeping and dreaming

sleep apnea

difficulty breathing during sleep

Almost all drugs act on ___________ _____________

dopamine receptors

Cognitive Theory

dreams are subconscious cognitive processing Uses memory, information processing, thinking Dreams are dramatizations of real life


drugs that reduce neural activity and work by slowing down the nervous system

reasons why we sleep....

evolutionary (keeps us protected), rejuvenation and restoration & memory consolidation

fact or fiction: We act out our forbidden fantasies in our dreams


what lobes begin to shrink from drugs and function less effectively

frontal lobes

What does caffeine do as a stimulant?

increased attentiveness, decreased reaction time, nervousness and insomnia, headaches and depression from withdrawal

higher level consciousness

involves controlled processing, in which individuals actively focus their efforts on attaining a goal; the most alert state of consciousness ex: doing math or science problems

drugs activation of limbic system...

is evolutionarily powerful and overrides frontal lobe control

Stage N1 sleep

light sleep, theta waves

less overall sleep with age, ________ quality


In late adolescence/early adulthood, you probably need ________ sleep than your 70-year-old grandmother.



mostly genetic, occurs in stages 2-3 sleep, occur more in children, Boys more than girls, difficult to wake, no memory later

biological rhythms

natural cycles our body uses to regulate different bodily functions and activities. Ex: are body temperature, sleep cycles, and circadian rhythm.

night terrors

neurological fear response that occurs during non-rem (usually stage 3) sleep. thrashing around and screaming while you are asleep - common in kids 3-8 yrs - unknown cause


our subjective understanding of our world - awareness & arousal

negative consequences of marijuana

psychological addiction, lung damage, paranoia/anxiety, weight gain, memory/concentration, significantly impairs driving

activation-synthesis theory

random electrical energy stimulates random memories; brain makes sense of memories by building a potentially meaningful story


recurring problems in falling or staying asleep - occurs in 1 out of 4 Americans

how to recover from biological clock problems

spend time outside & hormone melatonin

circadian rhythm

the biological clock; regular bodily rhythms that occur on a 24-hour cycle Ex: sleep/wake cycle, body temperature

You and your friend go to a party on Friday night. You know your friend has been drinking a lot, but he insists that he is perfectly fine to drive home. You take his keys away, but he says that he's completely sure he will be ok and gets mad at you for interfering. Which region of your friend's brain is causing him to make bad decisions while under the influence of alcohol?

the frontal cortex

alpha waves

the relatively slow brain waves of a relaxed, awake state

What percentage of women do you think are sexually assaulted during college?

20%; 1 out of 5

how many sleep cycles per night


how many hours of sleep do teens need

8 hours

how many hours of sleep do younger kids need

9 hours


A sleep disorder characterized by uncontrollable sleep attacks. these people go directly to REM sleep.

How long does each sleep cycle last?

Approximately 90 minutes

Activation-Synthesis Theory

Ava dreams of a flying zebra that attacks New York. She says that she feels like she made up a story from a bunch of random images.

Fact or Fiction: Sleep deprivation is as dangerous as drunk driving


Fact or Fiction: It is dangerous to wake up a sleepwalker


no awareness

Freud's belief that some unconscious thoughts are too laden with anxiety and other negative emotions for consciousness to admit them ex: unconscious thoughts, getting knocked out

lower level consciousness

Includes automatic processing that requires little attention, as well as daydreaming ex: typing on a keyboard when you are an expret

Freudian Dream Interpretation (Latent)

Liam reads a book that says the symbols in his dream mean that he is unhappy with his current job.

Cognitive Theory

Mia is worried about a fight she had with her girlfriend and she dreams about the fight when she goes to sleep.

Which of the following statements concerning differences between nightmares and night terrors is FALSE? A) Nightmares occur during REM sleep, while night terrors occur during stage 3 sleep. B) People can remember nightmares, but they do not remember night terrors. C) Nightmares are experienced by people of all ages, while night terrors are experienced primarily by children. D)Nightmares cause an intense physiological fear response, while night terrors do not.

D) Nightmares cause an intense physiological fear response, while night terrors do not

Stage N3

Deep sleep when sleeper is difficult to awake, delta waves, large, slow brain waves

Stage N2: EEG

Deeper sleep characterized by "sleep spindles" (brief high frequency waves) lasting up to 20 minutes

Freudian Dream Interpretation (Manifest)

Devin tells his friend about what he remembers from his dream and asks what he thinks it means

_______ activate the reward system in the limbic area of the brain, producing powerful feelings of pleasure


Stage R (REM) Sleep

Rapid Eye Movements, EEG similar to relaxed wakefulness, most dreaming occurs in this stage, last for about 10 minutes in the first sleep cycle and up to 1 hour in the last sleep cycle

REM sleep

Rapid eye movement sleep, a recurring sleep stage during which vivid dreams commonly occur. Also known as paradoxical sleep, because the muscles are relaxed (except for minor twitches) but other body systems are active.

unconscious wish fulfillment theory

Sigmund Freud's theory that dreams represent unconscious wishes that dreamers desire to see fulfilled

Grandpa is napping in his recliner, snoring loudly, when suddenly he stops snoring. You look to see if he woke up, but he is still asleep and appears to not be breathing. For a moment you wonder if he's dead, but suddenly he snorts and resumes snoring. Grandpa is displaying signs of _______.

Sleep Apnea

When you are sleeping, what state of consciousness are you in?

Subconscious awareness

brain plasticity

The capacity for the brain to alter its structure and function.

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