Chapter 5

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The union victory in the Civil War and the ratification of what ended slavery

13th amendment

Social Security

America is aging rapidly people in their 80s make up the fastest growing age group in this country. Went to Social Security program began in the 1930s 65 was the retirement age. Social Security is not an adequate income and not all workers have good pension plans or retirement savings plans. Nevertheless employers routinely refuse to hire people over certain age

What did President Clinton announce regarding homosexuality

Announced a new policy that part of the Pentagon from asking military recruits or service personnel to disclose their sexual orientation. Popularly known as the don't ask don't tell policy.

Equality and the scope of government

Civil rights laws increase the scope and power of governments. However civil rights is an area in which increased government activity in protecting basic rights can lead to greater trucks on government by those who benefit from such protection

What is the third standard

Classifications based on gender fit somewhere between these two extremes; the courts presume them to be neither constitutional nor unconstitutional. A law that discriminate on the basis of gender must bear a substantial relationship to an important legislative purpose

What happened after the Civil War

Congress imposed a strict conditions on the former Confederate states before it with seat their representatives and senators. Some government agencies such as the Friedmans bureau provided assistance to former slaves who were making that difficult transition to independence

Define voting rights act of 1965

Eli designed to help and formal and informal and barriers to African-American suffrage. Under the law hundreds of thousands of African-Americans were registered, and the number of African-American elected officials increased dramatically

What five words represent the only reference to the idea of equality and the entire constitution

Equal protection of the laws

American society does not emphasize what's

Equal results or equal of rewards; few Americans argue that everyone should or in the same salary or have the same amount of property


Equality tends to favor majority rule. The principal if he quality can invite the denial of minority rights where is the principle of liberty condemn such action. But the blacks and women made many games even when the Lackawanna essential component of democratic power the boat. These other rights such as the First Amendment freedom

The concepts of equality

I believe in equal rights has often lead to a believe in equality of opportunity; in other words everyone should have the same chance. What individuals make about equal chance depends on their abilities and efforts

Define Craig v boren

In this 1976 rolling, the Supreme Court established the medium scrutiny standard for determining gender discrimination

What was the Seneca Falls convention

Look radiant bought and Elizabeth Cady Stanton organize a meeting in 1848. The women's side of the Seneca Falls declaration of sentiments and resolutions which kind of big and the movements for suffrage

How did people react to busing

Majorities of both whites and African-Americans have a post by saying, which is one of the least popular remedies for discrimination. Courts do not have the power to order bus in between school districts bus school districts that are composed largely of minorities must rely on other means to integrate

How did the states prohibit African-Americans from voting

Many states required literacy tests that were hard for everyone to pass. The grandfather clause exempted persons his grandfathers were eligible to vote in 1860 from taking the test. Call taxes and the white primary

What was the boldest decision supporting slavery

Scott versus Sanford

The first and only place in which the idea of the quality appears in the constitution is where

The 14th amendment

Define Scott v Sanford

The 1857 Supreme Court decision ruling that a slave who had escaped to a free state enjoy the no rights as a citizen and that Congress had no authority to ban slavery in the territories

Define Brown versus Board of Education

The 1954 Supreme Court decision holding that school segregation wasn't hair Atlee unconstitutional because it violated the 14th amendment guarantee of equal protection. This case Mark to the end of legal segregation in the United States

What three errors delineate African-American struggle for equality in America

The air of slavery from the beginning's of colonization until the end of the Civil War in 1865, the era reconstruction and resegregation from roughly the end of the Civil War until 1953, the era of civil rights roughly from 1954 to the present

Define 14th amendments

The constitutional amendment adopted after the Civil War that states no state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life liberty or property without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws

Define 15th amendment

The constitutional amendment adopted in 1870 to extend suffrage to African-Americans

Define 19th amendment

The constitutional amendment adopted in 1920 that guarantees women the right to vote

Define 24th amendment

The constitutional amendment passed in 1964 that declared pull taxes void in federal elections

Define 13th amendment

The constitutional amendment ratified after the Civil War that forbade slavery and involuntary servitude

What is the second standard

The court has also wrote that racial and ethnic classifications are inherently suspects. Courts presume these classifications to be invalid and uphold them only if they serve a compelling public interest and there was no other way to accomplish the purpose of the law. In this case the burden of proof is on the government to prove that they will serve a compelling public interest

What is this first standard

The court has ruled that most classifications that are reasonable-that very rational relationship to sandwich you to make governmental purpose-or constitutional. The person who challenges these classifications has the burden of proving that they are arbitrary

What is the goal of affirmative action

The goal is to move beyond equal opportunity towards equal results. The school might be accomplished through special Ross in the public and private sectors that recruit or otherwise give preferential treatment to previously disadvantaged groups

Define comparable worth

The issue raise when women who are traditionally female jobs are paid less than men for working at jobs requiring comparable skill

Define read versus read

The landmark case in 1971 in which the Supreme Court for the first time Upheld a claim of gender discrimination

Define civil rights act of 1964

The law that made racial discrimination against any group in hotels, motels, and restaurants illegal and forbade many forms of job discrimination

Define suffrage

The legal right to vote, extend to African-Americans by the 15th amendment, to women by the 19th amendment, and two people over the age of 18 by the 26th amendments

Some examples of women's prominence in the workplace

The pregnancy discrimination act of 1978 made it illegal for employers to exclude pregnancy and childbirth from their sickleave and health benefits plans

Describe the immigration problem

The rights of illegal immigrants have been a matter of controversy for decades. My major concern of Latinos has been discrimination in employment hiring and promotion. However Hispanic Americans benefit from the nondiscrimination policy is originally passed to protect African Americans

What is the strict scrutiny standard

Used for a valuating racial classifications, the court found that the school district lacked the compelling interest of remedying the effects of past intentional discrimination and concluded that racial bouncing by itself is not a compelling state interest

Defined the Plessy versus Ferguson

VE 1896 Supreme Court decision that provided a constitutional justification for segregation by rolling they Louisiana law requiring equal but separate accommodations for the white in color races was constitutional

In the 1950s and 1960s what public policy innovations focused on civil rights

Voting rights, access to public accommodations, open housing, and not discrimination in many of the areas of social and economic life

What are three of the most controversial issues that legislatures will continue to face

Wage discrimination, the role of women in the military, and sexual harassment

Is it hard to prove age discrimination


What does de hire mean and what does de facto mean

de jure means by law and de facto means in reality

The history for hispanics

Throughout much of the Southwest to the United States in the first half of the 20th century discriminate against people of Mexican origin. They were forced to use segregated public restrooms and attend segregated schools.

Wage discrimination

Traditional women's jobs often pay much less than men's jobs that demand comparable scale. In 1983 the Washington state Supreme Court ruled that it's state government has discriminated against women for years by denying them equal pay for jobs of comparable worth

Define equal rights amendment

A constitutional amendment originally introduced in Congress in 1923 and passed by Congress in 1972, stating that equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by The United States or by any State on account of sex. Despite public support the amendment failed to acquire the necessary support from three fourths of the state legislatures

Define Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990

A law passed in 1990 that requires employers and public facilities to make reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities and prohibits discrimination against these individuals in employment

Define affirmative-action

A policy designed to give special attention to or compensatory treatment for members of some previously disadvantaged

Define coverture

A regal doctrine that deprived married women of any identity separate from that of their husbands

What are three recent entrance into the civil rights arena

Aging Americans, people with disabilities, and homosexuals

What is the age discrimination in employment act of 1978

Banza some kinds of age discrimination and raises the general compulsory retirement age to 70

In order to make sure that African-Americans could vote what did the federal government do

Basin election registrars to areas with long history of discrimination, and the same areas had to submit our proposed changes in their building loss or practices to a federal official for approval. As a result hundreds of thousands of African-Americans registered to vote in southern states

The rallying cry of constitutional questions about slavery segregation equal pay and a host of other issues has been what's

Civil rights

Philosophically the struggle for equality involves doing what's

Defining the term equality. Constitutionally it involves interpreting laws and politically it often involves power

What is difficult with disabilities

Determining who is disabled has generated controversy for example people with AIDS are considered disabled. The source of this resistance is cost

What is racial gerrymandering

Drawing district boundaries to advantage a specific group

Title nine

Education is closely related to employment. Title nine of the education act of 1972 for bids gender discrimination in federally subsidized education programs including athletics

What is MALDEF

Established in the 1970s, it it created the Chicana rights project to challenge sex discrimination against Mexican American women. In addition Hispanic groups begin mobilizing to protect their interests

Equality and democracy

Every citizen has one vote because democratic government presumes that each person needs interests and preferences are neither anymore nor or any less important than his interests and preferences of every other person. Individual liberty is an equally important democratic principle one that could conflict with equality

People with disabilities

Governments and employers have often denied them rehabilitation services education and jobs. Many people with disabilities have been excluded from the workforce and isolated without overt discrimination. The rehabilitation act of 1973 out of people with disabilities to the list of Americans protected from discrimination

What did Rutherford B Hayes do in 1876

He promised to pool the troops out of the south and let the old slave states resume business as usual. This darn Southerners lost a little time reclaiming power and imposing a code of Jim Crow laws on African-Americans

Define Korematsu versus United States

In 1944 Supreme Court decision that upheld the constitutionality internment of more than 100,000 Americans of Japanese dissent in encampments during World War II

Define Hernandez versus Texas

In 1954 Supreme Court decision that extended protection against discrimination to hispanics

Define regions of the University of California versus Bakke

In 1978 Supreme Court decision holding that a state university could not admit less qualified individuals Soley because of their race

Define Adarand constructors versus Pena

In 1995 Supreme Court decision holding that federal programs that classify people by race, even for an ostensibly benign purpose such as expanding opportunities for minorities, should be presumed to be unconstitutional

What was proposition 209

In 1996 California voters pasta this which band state affirmative action programs based on race or gender in public hiring contracting and educational admissions. Immediately file a lawsuit in federal court to block enforcement of the law claiming that it Violet of the 14th amendment but courts upheld the law

What is the defense of marriage act

In 1996 Congress passed this which permits states to disregard same gender marriages even if they are illegal elsewhere in the United States

Sexual-harassment in school

In 1999 the court held that school districts can be held liable for sexual-harassment in cases of student on student harassment for the school district has knowledge of the harassment or is deliberately indifferent to it. The harassment must be so severe pervasive and objectively offensive that it can be said to deprive the victims of access to the educational opportunities or benefits provided by the school

Define parents involved in community schools versus Seattle school district number one

In 2007 the Supreme Court held that the school districts use of race in there voluntary integration plans either for the purpose of preventing resegregation violated the 14th amendment guarantee of equal protection and therefore was unconstitutional

What did Congress amend the voting rights act with in 1982

It further insisted that minorities be able to elect representatives of their choice when their numbers and configuration permitted. Fast reader on district boundaries was to avoid discriminatory results and not just discriminatory intent

What is one reason why feminist activism persists

It has nothing to do with ideology or other social movements. The family pattern that traditionalist sought to preserve is becoming a thing of the past. As conditions have changed the public opinion and public policy demands have changed to

Describe how America is heading towards a minority majority

It is a situation in which my Nordie groups will soon out number Caucasians of European dissent. African-Americans are not The only racial group that has suffered legally imposed a discrimination. And Hispanic Americans are now the largest minority group in the United States

What happened to the feminist movement after winning the boat in 1920

It lost momentum. Many suffragettes excepted the traditional model of the family. Many suffragists had offended the boat as basically an extension of the maternal roll into public life arguing that there would be more morality in politics they were called social feminists

The problem with affirmative-action

It was addressed in regions of the University of California versus faculty. There is little support from the general public for programs such as those that set aside jobs or imply Quotest for minority groups. Opposition is especially strong when people view affirmative action as reverse discrimination

What is the voting rights act of 1965

It was the most extensive special effort to crack century old barriers to African-American voting in the south.

What was the Dawes act of 1887

It's which the federal government strategy and focused on assimilating need of Americans into mainstream American life

Women in the military

Now women are part of the regular service they make up 14% of the Armed Forces and compete directly with men for promotions. Two important differences between the treatment of men and the women to persist in military service. First only man must register for the draft second statutes and regulations also per Hibbett women serving and combat

Define white primary

One of the means used to discourage African-American voting that permitted political parties in the heavily Democratic south to exclude African-Americans from primary elections, that's depriving them of a voice in the real contests. The Supreme Court declared white primaries unconstitutional in 1944

What happened after the Brown versus the Board of Education decision

Our year after the court ordered lower courts to proceed with all deliberate speed to desegregate public schools. In 1957 Eisenhower had to send troops to desegregate Central high school in Little Rock Arkansas. In 1964 the civil rights act came about. Bussing was prominent

By the 1970s what was integration like

Overwhelming majority of white Americans supported racial integration

Define equal protection of the laws

Part of the 14th amendment emphasizing that the laws must provide equivalent protection to all people

What was executive order 11246

Passed by Lyndon Johnson in 1965 it prohibited federal contractors and Beverly assistant construction contractors and subcontractors from discriminating and employment decisions on the basis of race color religion sex or national origin

The Supreme Court provided a constitutional justification for segregation in what case

Plessy versus Ferguson

Define civil rights

Policies designed to protect people against arbitrary or discriminatory treatment by government officials or individuals

What does equal protection of the laws mean

Presumably, it means, as one member of Congress said during the debate on the amendment, equal protection of life liberty and property for all

Today's equality debates center on what three key types of inequality in America

Racial discrimination gender discrimination and discrimination based on age, disability, sexual orientation, and other factors

Women civil rights in the 1950s and 1960s

Ready for dance book the feminine mystique published in 1963 encourage the women to question traditional assumptions and to assert their own rights. Groups such as the national organization for women were organized.

Mobilizations of his Bannick's

Sitins, boycotts, etc. during the time of civil rights, the United farmworkers led by Cesar Chavez in the 1960s publicize the plight of migrant workers

HomoSexuality today

Several states including California and more than 100 communities have passed laws protecting homosexuals I guess some form of discrimination. The newest issue concerning gay rights of same-sex marriage

Arab Americans

Since 911 Arab Americans have been victims of increased numbers of bias related to solve threats vandalism and arson. After 911 many Arabs were held by the FBI in violation of the sixth amendment simply because they could be terrorists

Define poll taxes

Small taxes levied on the right to vote that often fell due any time of year when poor African-American sharecroppers had the least cash on hand. This method was used by most southern states to exclude African-Americans from voting. Paul taxes were declared void by the 24th amendment in 1964

What was the major case that upheld bossing

Swan versus Charlotte Mecklenburg County schools

What did Congress established in 1946

The Indians claims act to settle financial disputes arising from Lance taken from the American Indians. Today most Native Americans still live in poverty and ill health, almost half on or near a reservation

What was the big event for homosexuals

The Stonewall bar in New York City in 1969 stimulated the growth of the gay rights movement. When police raided the bar with unwarranted violence arrest an injury to persons and property.

Asian Americans

They are the fastest growing minority group. They suffered discrimination in education, jobs, and housing as well as restrictions on immigration and naturalization for more than 100 years prior to the civil rights act of 1960s. There was the issue of Korematsu versus United States

What's your critics of reverse discrimination say

They argue that any race or gender discrimination is wrong, even when it's purpose is to rectify past injustices rather than to reinforce them. Opponents of affirmative action believe that mayor is the only pair basis for distributing benefits

In order to determine whether a particular form of discrimination is permissible what did the Supreme Court to

They develop three levels of scrutiny, or analysis, called standards of review

Describe the conditions for Native Americans

They have a history of poverty, discrimination, and exploitation experience by American Indians

In order to test segregation what did the NAACP choose in the 1950s

They selected the case of Linda Brown. The NAACP chose this case in order to test the Plessy versus Ferguson doctrine. It wanted to force the court to rule directly on whether school segregation was inherently unequal and thereby violated the 14th amendment


Women for years have voiced concern about sexual harassment. In 1986 the court articulated this broad principle: sexual harassment that is so pervasive asked to create a hostile or abusive work environment is a form of gender discrimination which is forbidden by the 1964 civil rights act

Does the meaning of a quality remain as elusive as it is divisive


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