Chapter 5- Lesson 3, Summarizing Information to Demonstrate Understanding

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Which type of summary records information through ranking that information using letters, numbers or symbols?

An outline uses numbering, letters, or symbols to show rank. Bigger picture pieces of information are ranked higher, and smaller details are ranked lower. Lower rankings are usually indented to show they fall under a larger concept.

Which is NOT a piece of good advice when giving an oral report?

Don't worry about speaking clearly, just get through it as fast as you can

Which type of summary consists of writing a paragraph for each main idea in the passage?

written summary

What does it mean to summarize a reading passage?

A summary consists of a recap of something. For reading, this means recapping the material you have read. Most summaries should be void of any personal opinions or judgments as this can undermine the factual information.

Which type of summary is the exception to the rule for avoiding personal opinions and judgments?

Report Reports can sometimes contain opinions. For instance, if you are writing a book report you need to include the factual information about the book, but also can discuss whether or not you enjoyed reading it and if you would recommend it to others.

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