Chapter 5 Public Opinion and Political Socialization

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Historians estimate that _____ percent of Americans supported the Revolution in July 1776.

prolonged exposure to and good communication with the agent, as well as being receptive.

The extent to which any socializing agent is influential depends on

backfire effect

The fact that ideological conservatives believed even more strongly that Iraq ​had weapons of mass destruction before the 2003 war after they were informed that subsequent investigations concluded that this was not true is an example of the

to reflect the views of the population with some predictable degree of accuracy.

The goal of the statistical theory of sampling is

normal distribution.

When Americans are asked to identify themselves on left-right ideological scales ("liberal," "moderate," or "conservative"), the data plotted on a graph is a(n)

order, equality

When elementary schools introduce students to authority figures outside the family, like the teacher, they prepare students for the value of __________; when they stress norms of democratic decision making and respecting the opinions of others, they teach ___________.


A January 2014 poll showed that ____________ percent of Americans knew that the Affordable Care Act prohibits companies from denying health insurance to people because of any illnesses they may have.​


A polling company surveying public opinion on Obama's health-care plan finds public opinion to be almost evenly divided, for and against. The graph of such a distribution would be characterized as


According to the 2012 American National Election Study (ANES), about ___________ percent of Americans believe the government should permit abortions in many, if not all, instances.

choose what benefits them personally.

According to the self-interest principle, people, tend to

The government sometimes does not do what people want.

According to the text, which of the following is not a characteristic of public opinion?

adult peer groups and the mass media

As parental and school influences wane in adulthood, _____________ emerge as more important socialization agents.


Generally, the first agent of political socialization that people are exposed to is

demonstrated that these value choices cannot be explained by a one-dimensional liberal-conservative continuum.

In a 2012 election survey, respondents were asked whether abortion should be outlawed by government or a matter of personal choice, and whether government should guarantee people a job and a good standard of living or people should get ahead on their own. People's responses to the two questions

Gallup poll

One of the nation's oldest polls, the ___________was started in the 1930s, and was most notably wrong in 1948 when it predicted that Thomas Dewey, the Republican candidate, would defeat the Democratic incumbent, Harry Truman in the presidential election.

Skewed toward conservatism.

Since surveying the American public about ideology began, the ideological distribution of the public has become


Survey methodology did not become a powerful research tool until the

family, school, community, and peers.

The major agents of early socialization in the United States are

women are more likely to favor going to war.

Which of the following statements concerning gender and political beliefs is incorrect?


about a ______________ of immigrants in America are undocumented.

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