Chapter 5 Quiz and SB
Hall and Donnell reported findings of five separate studies involving over 12,000 managers that explored the relationship between managerial achievement and attitudes toward subordinates. Overall, they found that managers who strongly subscribed to Theory X beliefs
were highly likely to be in their lower-achieving group.
Advantageous comparison refers to the process of using cosmetic words to defuse or disguise the offensiveness of otherwise morally repugnant or distasteful behavior.
Authentic leaders behave as they do to attain status, rewards, and other advantages rather than to achieve personal conviction.
Gen Xers tend to be more committed to a specific organization than to their vocation because they believe in job security.
Leaders ultimately must be judged on the basis of a framework of values, not just in terms of their effectiveness.
Millennials share an optimism born, perhaps, from having been raised by parents devoted to the task of bringing their generation to adulthood.
Terrorists may call themselves "freedom fighters," and firing someone may be referred to as "letting him or her go." These are both examples of
euphemistic labeling.
Which of the following best describes attribution of blame?
justifying immoral behavior by claiming it was caused by someone else's actions
Leadership behavior enacted by individuals who take action to maintain ethical standards in the face of questionable moral behaviors by higher-ups is referred to as
upward ethical leadership.
What are the four qualities of leadership that engender trust according to Bennis and Goldsmith?
vision, empathy, consistency, and integrity