Chapter 5 Review

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John Winthrop

A lawyer, leader of the Puritans. He believed they should have a separate colony in New England.


A person whose views differ from those held by the majority. He was forced to leave Massachusetts for his believes. He later resettled in Providence (Rhode Island)


A religious group who wanted to purify the Church of England. They also journeyed to North America for religious freedom.

How did the Pilgrims end up at Plymouth?

A storm blew them off-course and sent them far north.

How did the Jamestown settlers avoid starvation?

Indians helped them and John Rolfe brought tobacco.


Leader of the Wampanoag people.


Most important crop exported from Jamestown to England.

New Netherlands

Name given to the Dutch colonies in North America.

New France

Name given to the group of new French colonies.


Name the pilgrims gave to their first settlement in New England in 1620.


Name the puritans gave to the peninsula where they built their settlement.


Native Wampanoag that approached the pilgrims and started friendly relations between pilgrims and the Wampanoag people.

Chief Powhatan

Native chief that traded corn and goods with the colonist of Jamestown.

Church of England

New church created by King Henry VIII

New York City

New name given to New Amsterdam.

New York

New name given to the New Netherland colonies by the English.

Thirteen Colonies

Number of English colonies in the eastern region of the United States.

William Penn

Quaker that as a payment the King Charles II granted him land in America. He wanted a colony under the Quaker's religious beliefs, the settlement was called Pennsylvania. he also founded the town of Philadelphia.

Which town was founded first, Quebec or New Amsterdam?


Hudson River

River named in honor of Henry Hudson.

The first English colony

Roanoke Island

The type of government established at Jamestown


New Amsterdam

Settlement started by the Dutch in the island of Manhattan. From here they controlled the trade in the Hudson River.

Sir Francis Drake

Also called the "Master Thief" he was a famous English captain that stole goods and gold from the Spanish ships on their way to Spain. He played a a major role in the defeat of the Spanish Armada.

Mayflower Compact

An agreement signed on the Mayflower by 41 men and used to govern the Plymouth colony. Similar to the House of Burgesses in Virginia.

Anne Hutchinson

Another dissenter, believed that your personal faith in God was most important than the church's rules and laws. She was also forced to leave and moved to Rhode Island.

What kind of benefit did France gain from its colonies in New France?

Beaver fur was widely available what facilitated trading for other European goods.

St. Lawrence River

Close to the location of the first French colony

cash crop

Crops grown for profit.


Daughter of Chief Powhatan that save the life of John Smith when she convinced her father to let him free.


Document that permitted colonists to settle in land claimed by their ruler.

Peter Stuyvesant

Dutch leader that surrendered the New Netherland colonies to the English.

Henry Hudson

English explorer sent by the Dutch to find the Northwest Passage. He ended up claiming the land he explored for the Dutch.

King James I

English king that allowed the Virginia Company of London to settle in what is today Virginia.


First French colony founded by Champlain by the St. Lawrence River. Quickly became a thriving trading point in North America.

Fall of 1621

First harvest of the pilgrims. They thanked God with a celebration and invited the Wampanoag people. This is known as the first Thanksgiving.


First successful English settlement in the Americas.

Which businesses helped Boston's economy to thrive?

Fishing, fur trading and shipbuilding.

Why did the Pilgrims choose to leave their homeland?

For religious freedom

George Carteret and John Berkeley

Founded the colony of New Jersey in the land given to them by their friend the Duke of York.

What event greatly angered the Spanish?

Francis Drake raided Spanish ships.

Samuel de Champlain

French explorer that explored the St. Lawrence River (present day Canada) seeking for the Northwest Passage.

The Mayflower

Small ship used by the pilgrims to journey to New England.

Which of the three regions had the coldest climate?

The New England colonies

Which of the three regions had the warmest climate?

The Southern colonies

Which Indian group helped the Pilgrims survive?

The Wampanoag

How the climate affected the way land was used in the regions?

The colonies adapted and used the land to grow crops accordingly to their climate. The colonies with a bigger disadvantage used the natural resources to create businesses and trade.

What happened to the colony established by John White?

The colony struggled and White went back to England for help. When he returned with help after a year all the colonist have disappeared. The only clue they found was the word "croatoan" carved on a tree.

Massachusetts Bay Colony

The name of the Puritan's colony


The owner of land.

North & South Carolina

These colonies were established when King Charles II gave a big portion of land to 8 proprietors. This land was latter divided in two (north and south)

Why did the English want colonies in North America?

They wanted to find gold and other resources

Why did the Puritans send a group of colonists ahead of the others?

To get a colony started for the others

Why did the Dutch encourage people from other countries to come to New Netherlands?

To help their colony grow.


Unjust treatment because of their beliefs.

Thomas Hooker

Was a puritan minister that left Massachusetts with 100 followers and found the settlement of Connecticut.

Lord Baltimore

Was given by King Charles II a big part of Massachusetts to establish a Catholic colony which was called Maryland.

Duke of York

Was ordered by his brother King Charles II to capture the New Netherland colonies to expand his colonies.

William Bradford

Was the leader of the English pilgrims.

Northwest Passage

Waterway connecting the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans by the north of Canada.

Roger Williams

"The dissenter" believed that the government should not punish people for their beliefs.

James Oglethorpe

He was given a charter south of the Carolinas to help debtors to start over and own new land. The new colony was called Georgia.


He was previously a slave and learned English. He served as a translator for the pilgrims. Taught the pilgrims where to fish and hunt and how to grow corn. Helped with the peace treaty between Massasoit and the pilgrims.

Middle Colonies

Had a fertile soil good for farming. They had a surplus of wheat and used the the wide rivers in the region to travel and transport goods.

Southern Colonies

Had a longer growing season due to the warm climate. They grew many crops including tobacco and rice. Many rivers connected inland farms.

New England Colonies

Had thin rocky soil, difficult for farming. They used resources like timber for houses and ships, the coastal water for fishing.


People that wanted to separate from the Church in England


People who owe money.


Person who journeys for religious reasons.

Problems did the Pilgrims face at Plymouth?

Winter, disease, and hunger.

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