Chapter 5 - State of Consciousness

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circadian rhythms: people's mood also follow regular patterns

--people tend to be happier in the morning, less so during day, and rebound in the evening -moods are also happier on certain days of week: we're happier on weekends and holidays.

signs that indicate when drug or alchoal use becomes abuse

-always getting high to have a good time -being high more often than not -getting high to get oneself going -missing or being unprepared for class or work because you were high -feeling bad later about something you said or did while high -driving a car while high -coming in conflict with the law because of drugs -doing soething while high that you wouldnt do otherwise -being high in nonscoial, solitary situations -being unstable to stop getting high -feeling a need for a drink or a drug to get thorugh the day -becoming pysically unhealthy -falling at school or on the job -thinking about liquor or drugs all the time -avoiding family or freinds while using liquor or drugs -

psychologists working in many different areas have found hypnosis to be a reliable effective tool. -including

-controlling pain -reducing smoking -treating psychological disorders -assisting in law enforcement -improving athletic performance

ideas for overcoming insomnia

-exercise during the day ( at least 6 hours before bedtime) -avoid long naps-but consider short ones ( 10-20mins) -choose a regular bedtime and stick to it -avoid drinks with caffeine after lunch -drink a glass of warm milk at bedtime -avoid sleeping pills -try not to sleep ( if don't feel tried don't go to sleep)

after mediation, people report

-feeling relaxed -gained new insights into themselves and the problems they are facing -long term practice of mediation may even improve health because of biological changes it produces. Oxygen usage decrease, heart rate and blood pressure decline, and brain wave patterns change ( decreases chance of heart disease)

The most common depressant is alcohol ( statistics )

-for men binge drinking is defined as having 5 or more drinks in one siting. -for women, who generally weight less than men and whose bodies absorb alcohol less efficiently, binge drinking is having 4 o4 more drinks at one sitting -teenagers in Europe drink more than teenagers in the United States -people of east-Asian backgrounds who live in the United States tend to drink significantly less than Caucasians and African Americans, and their incidence/occurrence of alcohol-related problems is lower.

circadian rhythms: health issues are more apt to appear at certain times of the day

-heart attack and strokes occur most frequently and are most severe between 6:00 Am- noon -asthma attacks and heartburn are more common during the evening hours

Methamphetamine ( meth) is a white crystalline drug that US police now says is the most dangerous street drug.

-highly addictive and cheap and it produces a strong, lingering high. -after becoming addictive, users take it more and more frequently and in increasing doses. -long term use of drug can lead to brain damage.

Amphetamines such as Dexedrine and Benzedrine ( speed) are strong stimulants

-in small quantities amphetamines the central nervous system bring about a sense of energy an alertness, talkativeness, heightened confidence, and a mood "high". They increase concentration and reduce fatigue -also cause a loss of appetite, increased anxiety, and irritability. W -when taken over long periods of time, amphetamines can cause feelings of being persecuted by others, as well as a Bernal sense of suspiciousness. -people taking amphetamines may also lose interest in sex -if taken in large quantity, it can overstimulate the central nervous system to such an extent that convulsions and death can occur

Caffeine is one a number of stimulants -caffeine is present in tea, soft drinks, and chocolate, as well as coffee -caffeine can produce several reactions

-increase in attentiveness and a decrease in reaction time -also Improve mood Too much caffeine: can result in nervousness and insomnia. -people can build a biological dependence on the drug. Regular users who suddenly stop drinking coffee may experience headaches or depression -many people who drink large amounts of coffee on weekdays have headaches on weekends because of the sudden drop in the amount of caffeine they are consuming

despite the possible dangers of marijuana, its use is increasingly accepted. it clearly has several medical uses:

-it can prevent nausa form chemotherpay, treat some AIDS symptoms, and relieive muscle spasms for people with spinal cord injuries. Futhermore, it may be helpful in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease. -many states have made the ise of the drug legal if it is presrcibed by a health care provider- although it remains illegal under US federal law

Adderall is an amphetamine college students often abuse

-it was developed to help those who suffer from ADHD, or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. -many college students use the drug illegally, believing that it increases their focus and the ability to study for long hours. -Adderall is addictive, and users need higher and higher doses to achieve the drug's supposed benefits

more bad effects of smoking marijuana

-marijuana smoked during pregrancy may have lasting effects on children who are exposed pretnally, although the reserarch results are inconsistent -heavy use also affects the ability of the immune system to ifhgt off germs and increases stress on the heart, altohugh it is unclear how strong these effects are. -thee is unquestionably negative consequnece of smoking marijuana: the msoke damages the lungs much the way ciagrette smoke does, producinh an increased likelihood of developing cancer and other lung diseases.

marijuna ( Bad effects)

-most research suggests its use is less harmful than the use of tobacco and alchool. -some research suggests that there are simialrities in the way marijuna and drugs such as cocaine and heroin affect the brain, as well as evidence that heavy use may impact negatively on congnitvie ability in the long run -futhermore, heavy use may at least temporaily decrease the produtino of the male sex hormone restosterone, potentially affecting sexual acitivty and sperm count -

LSD ( lysergic acid diethylamide or acid) is structurally similar to serotonin, produces vivid halllunicinations

-perceptins of colors, sounds, and shapes are altered so much that even the msot mundane experience- such as lokking at the knots in a wooden tabe-can seem moving and exiciting -time perception is disorted, and objects and people may be viewed in a new way, with some users reporting that LSD increses their understadning of the world. -for others, the experience brought on by LSD can be terrifying, particuarly if users have had emotional difficulties in the past -people occasionally experience flashbacks, in which they hallunicate long after they initally used the drug.

Alcohol effects

-reduction in tension and stress, feelings of happiness, and loss of inhibitions. -as dose increases, the depressive effects become more pronounced. People may feel emotionally and physically unstable. Show poor judgement and may act aggressively. Memory is impaired, brain processing of spatial information is diminished, and speech becomes slurred and incoherent. -eventually , may fall into a stupor / state of unconsciousness or may pass out. -if they drunk enough all Hal in short time, they may die from alcohol poisoning

procedures of mediating

-sitting in a quiet room with the eyes closed -breathing deeply and rhythmically, and repeating a word or sound

Nicotine, found in cigarettes, is a common stimulant

-smokers develop a dependence on nicotine, and those who suddenly stop smoking develop a strong craving for the drug -nicotine activates neural mechanisms similar to those in cocaine

drugs vary widely in the effects they have on users, in part because they affect the nervous system in very different ways

-some drugs alter the limbic system, and other affect the operation of specific neurotransmitters across the synapses of neurons -some drugs block or enhance the release of neurotransmitters, others block the receipt or the removal of a neurotransmitter, and still others mimic the effects of a particular neurotransmitter

despite their compliance when hypnotized, people do not lose all will of their own

-they will not perform antisocial behaviors, and they will not carry out self-destructive acts. -people will not perform antisocial behaviors, and they will not carry out self-destructive acts -people will not reveal hidden truths about themselves, and they are capable of lying -people cannot be hypnotized against their will

sleep talking and sleepwalking

-two sleep disturbances that are harmless -both occour in stage 3 sleep and are more common in children than adults -sleepwalkers and sleepwalkers usually have a vague consciousness of the world around them, and a sleepwalker may be able to walk with agility around obstructions in a crowded room

Men and women sleep differently

-women typically fall asleep more quickly, they sleep for longer periods and more deeply than men do, and they get up fewer times in the night -men have fewer concerns about the amount of sleep they get than women do, even though they get less sleep.

The second part of the night is characterized by stages

1 and 2, as well as fourth stage, REM sleep, where dreams occur

how is someone hypnotized?

1- a person is made comfortable in a quiet environment 2-the hypnotist explains what is going to happen 3-hypnotist tells the person to concentrate on a specific object or image 4-once the subject is in a highly relaxed state, the hypnotist may make suggestions that the person interprets as being produced by hypnosis. Because the person begins to experience these sensations, he or she believes they are caused by the hypnotist and becomes susceptible to the suggestions of the hypnotist.


A drug that increases the action of the central nervous system, the heart, ,and other organs and muscular tension

Stage 2 sleep

A sleep deeper than that of stage 1, characterized by a slower, more regular wave pattern, along with momentary interruptions of "sleep spindles."

People deprived of REM sleep -by being awakened every time they begin to display the physiological signs of that stage show a rebound effect when

Allowed to rest undisturbed. -with this rebound effect, REM deprived sleepers spend significantly more time in REM sleep than they normally would

REM sleep is usually accompanied by dreams, which - whether or not people remember them- are experienced by everyone during some part of their night's sleep.

Although some dreaming occurs in the non-REM stages of sleep, dreams are most likely to occur in the REM period, where they are the most vivid and easily remembered

Bath salts are an amphetamine like stimulant containing chemicals related to cathinone

Can produce euphoria and a rise in sociability and sex drive -side effects can be severe, including paranoia and agitation.

Cocaine produces this high through the neurotransmitter dopamine.

Dopamine is one of the chemicals that transmit between neurons messages that are related to ordinary feelings of pleasure -normally when dopamine is released, excess amounts of the neurotransmitter are reabsorbed by the releasing neuron. But when cocaine enters the brain, it blocks reabsorption of leftover dopamine. As a result, the brain is flooded with dopamine-produced pleasurable sensations -the brain may become permanently required, triggering a psychological and physical addiction in which users grow obsessed with obtaining the drug -over time, users deteriorate mentally and physically. Can even in extreme cases cause hallucinations.

Sigmund Freud viewed dreams as a guide to the unconscious -unconscious wish fulfillment theory, he proposed that

Dreams represent unconscious wishes that dreamers desire to see fulfilled

Because of the difficulty in treating drug problems, most experts believe that the best hope for dealing with the overall societal problem of substance abuse is to prevent people from becoming involved with addictive drugs in the first place -DARE

Drug Abuse Resistance Education -Consists of a 10 week series of lessons on the dangers of drugs, alcohol, and gangs taught to 5th-6th graders by a police officer -highly popular with school officials, parents, and politions . -problems: repeated careful evaluations have been unable to demonstrate that the DARE program is effective in ruling drug use over the long term. Has shown more likely to use marijuana actually. -DARE has updated curriculum and some preliminary evidence suggests it may be more successful than the previous version but still questions its effectiveness

Narcotics are

Drugs that increase relaxation and relieve pain and anxiety. -two of the most powerful narcotics , morphine and heroin.

Why are we emotional when we don't get enough sleep?

Had less connectivity between the amygdala ( a region of brain that processes emotion) and the anterior cingulate cortex ( a region of frontal cortex important for emotional regulation) -sleep loss increases emotional reactivity by interfering with our ability to control our emotions

Sigmund Freud tried to get people to discuss their dreams, associating symbols in the dreams with events in the past

He also suggested that certain common symbols with universal meanings appear in dreams Ex/ dreams in which a person is flying symbolize a wish for sexual inercourse

During REM sleep,

Heart rate, blood pressure, and breathing increase during REM sleep, the major muscles of the body appear to be paralyzed.

During stage 1 of sleep,

Images sometimes appear, as if we were viewing still photos, although this is not true dreaming, which occurs later in the night


Impede the nervous system by causing neurons to fire more slowly. -drugs that slow down the nervous system

psychoactive drugs

Influence a person's emotions, perceptions, and behavior ( coffee or beer )

Stimulant cocaine ( crack) -cocaine is

Inhaled or snorted through the nose, smoked, or injected directly into the bloodstream. -it is rapidly absorbed into the body and takes effect almost immediately -when used in relatively small quantities, cocaine produces feelings of profound psychological well being, increased confidence, and alertness.

Heroin users usually

Inject the drug directly into their veins with a hypodermic needle -the immediate effect has been described as a "rush" of positive feeling, similar in some respects to a sexual orgasm. -after the rush, a heroin user experiences a sense of well-being and peacefulness that lasts 3-5 hours. -but when the effects of heroin wear off, users feel extreme anxiety and a desperate desire to repeat the experience. -larger amounts of heroin are needed each time to produce. The same pleasurable effect.

Measures of electrical activity in the brain show that the brain is quite during sleep.

It produces electrical discharges with systematic wavelike patterns that change in height ( or amplitude) and speed ( or frequency) in regular sequences. -there is also sighting at physical activity in muscle and eye movements

As people age, people generally need ______ sleep


Most people suffer no permanent consequences of such temporary sleep deprivation. -but lack of sleep can

Make us feel edgy, slow our reaction time, lower performance on academic and physical tasks, weary and irritable, loss of creativity, can't concentrate, and decline in logical reasoning

Heroin is part of a class of drugs called opiates. -opiates are

Narcotics that are derived from natural substances, and they include such drugs as morphine and codeine in addition to heroin.

Nightmares are associated with

Negative experiences during the day, including worry and anxiety

Barbiturates are a form of depressant, they include the drugs

New but also, Seconal, and phenobarbital

Sleep is a requirement for

Normal human functioning

In psychological drug dependence ( mind)

People believe that they need the drug to respond to the stresses of daily living

Rapid eye movement or REM sleep contrasts with stages 1-3, which are nonREM or NREM sleep is

REM sleep occupies a little more than 20% of adults' total sleeping time.

Barbiturates produce a sense of

Relaxation and are frequently prescribed by physicians to induce sleep or reduce stress. -at larger doses they produce altered thinking, faulty judgement, and sluggishness. -barbiturates are psychologically and physically addictive. -when combined with alcohol, they can be deadly because such a combination relaxes the muscles of the diaphragm to such an extent that the user stops breathing

To Sigmund Freud, the manifest content of the dream is what we

Remember and report about the dream-its story line -however, it disguises the latent content, which includes the actual, underlying wishes that the dream represents -because the underlying wishes ( the latent content) are threatening to the dreamer, they are hidden in the dream's story line ( the manifest content)

Unconscious wish fulfillment theory

Sigmund Freud's theory that dreams represent unconscious wishes that dreamers desire to see fulfilled

As people drift into stage 3 step, the deepest stage, the brain waves become

Slower with higher peaks and lower valleys in the wave pattern. -during stage 3, people are least responsible to outside stimulation

As sleep becomes deeper, people enter stage 2 sleep, which makes up about Half of the total sleep of those in the early 20s and is characterized by a

Slower, more regular wave pattern. -but there is momentary interruptions of sharply pointed, spiky waves that are called because of their configuration, sleep spindles. -it becomes increasingly difficult to awaken a person from sleep as stage 2 progresses

Rohynol,a depressant

Sometimes called the "date rape drug" because when it is mixed with alcohol, it can prevent victims from revisiting sexual assault. -sometimes people who are unknowingly given the drug are so incapacitated that they have no memory of the assault

Large doses of depressants

Speech becomes slurred and muscle control becomes disjointed, making motion difficult. -ultimately, heavy users may lose consciousness entirely

People progress through a series of distinct series of distinct stages of sleep during a night's rest known as

Stage 1 through stage 3 and REM sleep, moving through the stages in cycles lasting about 90 minutes. -each of these sleep stages is associated with a unique pattern of brain waves.

Stage 3 sleep is most likely to occur during the early part of the night. In the first half of the night , sleep is dominated by

Stage 3

Why does sleep deprivation result in death? -explanation based on evolutionary perspective

Suggests that sleep permitted our ancestors to conserve energy at night, a time when food was relatively hard to come by, Thereore, they are better able to forage for food when the sun was up

Opioids are

Synthetic narotics such as Vicodin, Percocet, fentanyl, and OxyCntin, all of which are created in laboratories and are often prescribed to alleviate pain

Small doses of depressants

Temporary feelings of intoxication=drunkenness along with a sense of euphoria and joy

Many psychologists reject Freud's view that dreams typically represent unconscious wishes and that particular objects and events in a dream are symbolic -rather , they believe

That the direct, overt action of a dream is the focal point of its meaning. -even more complex dreams can often be interpreted in terms of everyday concerns and stress -some dreams reflect events occurring in the dreamer's environment as he or she is sleeping

In physiological drug dependence,

The body becomes so accustomed to functioning in the presence of a drug that it cannot function without it ( body)

Stage 3 sleep

The deepest stage of sleep, during which we are least responsible to outside stimulation

PET brain scan research does lend a degree of support for the wish fulfillment view

The limbic and Paralympic regions of the Brian, which are associated with mention and motivation, are particularly active during REM sleep. -at the same time, the association areas of the prefrontal cortex, which control logical analysis and attention, are inactive during REM sleep -the high activation of emotional and motivational centers of the brain during dreaming makes it more plausible that dreams may reflect unconscious wishes and instinctual needs, as Freud suggested.

Why does sleep deprivation result in death? -sleep restores and replenishes our brains and bodies

The reduced activity of the brain during non-REM sleep may give neurons in the brain a chance to repair themselves -that reduced activity may also weaken connections among particular nerve cells to conserve energy, which has the effect of aiding memory. -the onset of REM sleep stops the release of neurotransmitters called monamines and so permits receptor cells to get some necessary rest and to increase their sensitivity during periods of wakefulness

Why does sleep deprivation result in death? Sleep may be essential because it assists physical growth and brain development in children

The release of growth hormones is associated with deep sleep

Stage 1 sleep

The state of transition between wakefulness and sleep, characterized by relatively rapid, low-amplitude brain waves.

REM sleep may play a role in learning and memory, allowing us

To rethink and restore information and emotional experiences that we've had during the day

When people first go to sleep, they move from a walking state in which they are relaxed with their eyes closed into stage 1 sleep,

Which is characterized by relatively rapid, low -amplitude brain waves. -this is actually a stage of transition between wakefulness and sleep and only lasts a few minutes.

the relative amount of light and darkness, which varies with the seasons of the year, also plays a role in regulating circadian rhythms -some people experience seasonal affective disorder,

a form of severe depression in which feelings of despair and hopelessness increase during the winter and lift doing the rest of the year -the disorder appears to be a result of the brevity and gloom of winter days. -daily exposure to bright lights is sometimes sufficient to improve the mood of those within this disorder

sleep apnea also may play a role in sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)

a mysterious killer of seemingly normal infants who die while sleeping

meditation typically consists of the repetition of a mantra

a sound, word, or syllable- over and over. -in some forms of mediation, the focus is on a picture, flame, or specific part of the body. Regardless of the nature of the particular initial stimulus ( focus), the key to the procedure is concentrating on it so thoroughly that the meditator become unaware of nay outside stimulation and reaches a different state of consciousness

the most common hallucinogen in widespread use today is marijuna

active ingredient is tetrahydrocannbionol (THC) is ofund in a common weed, cannabis.

psychoactive drugs lead to an

altered state of consciousness

circadian rhythms

biological processes that occur regularly on approximately a 24-hour cycle

the brain's suprachiasmatic nucleus ( SCN) controls our

circadian rhythms, but there are a number of circadian clocks associated with specific parts of the body -circadian rhythms speed up the heart before dawn to prepare us for the day's challenges -release and retention of various substances in the kidneys are affected by circadian rhythms.

in the dreams-for survival theory, dreams represent

concerns about our daily lives, illustrating our uncertainties, indecisions, ideas, and desires. -dreams are seen, then, as consistent with everyday living. Rather than being disguised wishes, as Freud suggested, they represent key concerns growing out of our daily experiences.

sleep apnea

condition in which a person has difficulty breathing while sleeping

result of sleep apnea

disturbed, fitful sleep and a significant loss of REM sleep, as the person is constantly reawakened when the lack of oxygen becomes great enough to trigger a waking reponse -some people with apnea wake as many as 500 times during the course of a night, although they may not even be awake that they have wakened. -disturbed sleep results in extreme fatigue next day.

divided consciousness, according to Ernest hilgard, hypnosis brings about a dissociation, or

division o consciousness into 2 simultaneous components. -in one stream of consciousness, hypnotized people are following the commands if the hypnotist. -on another level of consciousness, they are acting as "hidden observers", aware of what is happening to them

activation synthesis theory has been refined by the activation information modulation ( ATIM) thiery

dreams are initiated in the brain's pons, which sends random signals to the cortex. -areas of the cortex that are involved in particular waking behaviors are related to the content of the dreams

according to the dreams for survival theory ( evolutionary perspective)

dreams permit us to reconsider and reprocess during sleep information that is critical for our daily survival.

hallucinogens are

drugs that alter perceptions, tohughts, and feelings -they can produce halunications, the experience of sensing things such as sights, sounds, or smells that seem real but are not

daydreams are

fantasies people construct while awake.

MDMA producess

feelings of increased energy and euphoira, and users report feeling increased empathy and connection with others

using the neuroscience perspective, J.Allan hobson, activation synthesis theory

focuses on the random electrical energy that the brain produces during REM sleep, possibly as a result of changes in the production of particular neurotransmitters. -this electrical energy randomly stimulates memories stored in the brain.

MDMA ( esctasy or molly) and lyseric acid diethylamide ( LSD or acid) fall into the cateogry of

hallucinogens -both drugs affect the operationof the neurotrasnmitter serotonin in the brain, causing an alternation in brain-cell acitivty and perception

daydreaming may contain elements of inner speech

in which people talk to themselves in their heads. -inner speech may help us plan, be creative, and regulate our emotions


inability to sleep

beucase of the ppowerful positive feelings opoids produce, addiction to them is particaraly difficult to cure. Users are given alernative drugs that reduce dependence on heroin and other addictive opiates ( same effeccts without the addiction -vivitrol

injection that lasts abotu a month. -it prevents withdrawl symptoms, and it also prevents heroin from porducinig the postive effectts that users crave if heroin is used

beucase of the ppowerful positive feelings opoids produce, addiction to them is particaraly difficult to cure. Users are given alernative drugs that reduce dependence on heroin and other addictive opiates ( same effeccts without the addiction) -Methadone

is a syntheic chemical that satfies a heroin user's phsyciological cravings for the drug without providing the "high" that accompanies heroin

meditation is a

learned technique for refocusing attention that brings about an altered state of consciousness.

psychologists who reject the notion that hypothesis is a state significantly different from normal waking consciousness. -they argue that alerted bran wave patterns are not sufficient to demonstrate a qualitative difference because no other specific physiological changes occur when people are in trances

little support exists for the contention that adults can recall memories of childhood events accurately while hypnotized . -that lack of evidence suggests that there is nothing qualitatively special about the hypnotic trance

circadian cycles are complex, and they involve a variety of behaviors. -for example, sleepiness occurs

not just in the evening but throughout the day in regular patterns, with most of us getting drowsy in mid-afternoon regardless if whether or not we have a eaten a heavy lunch

sleeping and waking is an example of circadian rhythms

occour naturally to the beat of an internal pacemaker that works on a cycle of about 24 hours --several other bodily functions such as body temperature, hormone production, and blood pressure.

while we are daydreaming, we are still experiencing waking consciousness, however

our awareness of the environment around us declines

beucase of the ppowerful positive feelings opoids produce, addiction to them is particaraly difficult to cure. Users are given alernative drugs that reduce dependence on heroin and other addictive opiates ( same effeccts without the addiction -suboxone

painkiller that reduces the withdrawl sympotoms from heroin -comes in tbalet from as well as small film strips, both of which are put under the otongue to dissolve quickly

the ease which a person is hypnotized is related to a number of other characteristics.

people who are readily hypnotized are also easily absorbed while reading books or listening to music, becoming aware of what is happening around them, and they often spend an unusual amount of time daydreaming -they show a high ability to concentrate and to become completely absorbed in what they are doing


people with alcohol abuse problems come to rely on alcohol and continue to drink even though it causes serious difficulties -become increasingly immune to the effects of alcohol. -therefore, alcoholics must drink progressively more to experience the initial positive feelings that alcohol produces -some cases, people must drink constantly in order to feel well enough to function in their daily lives. Other times, people drink inconsistently but occasionally go on binges in which they consume large quantities of alcohol.

Addictive drugs

produce a physiological or psychological dependence (or both) on a drug in the user. -when a drug is addictive, withdrawal from the drug leads to a craving for it that may be overpowering and nearly irrestiible.

the brain is surprisingly active during daydreaming

several areas of the brain that are associated with complex problem solving become activated during daydreaming -daydreaming may be the only time these areas are activated simultaneously, suggesting that daydreaming may lead to insights about problems that we are grappling with.

Sleep spindles

short bursts of brain waves detected in stage 2 sleep

Rapid eye movement ( REM) sleep

sleep occupying 20% of an adult's sleeping time, characterized by increased heart rate, blood pressure, and breathing rate; erections; eye movements; and the experience of dreaming

usually occurring in stage 3 sleep, night terrors may be

so frightening that a sleeper awakens with a shriek. -although night terrors initially produce great agitation, victims can get back to sleep fairly quickly. -they are less frequent than nightmares, and unlike nightmares, they typically occour during slow wave, non-REM sleep. -occour most frequently in children between ages of 3-8.

increased ability to recall and construct images, and acceptance of suggestions that cealry contradict reality characterize it as a different state -people who are hypnotized show certain kinds of changes in electrical actvity in the brain

such electrical changes support the position that hypnosis is a state of consciousness different from normal waking

Night terrors are

sudden awakenings from non-REM sleep ( not dreaming) that are accompanied by extreme fear, panic, and strong physiological arousal

research supports the dreams-or survival theory,

suggesting that certain dreams permit people to focus on and to consolidate memories, particularly dreams that pertain to "how to do it" memories related to motor skills -the implication is that dreaming, at least when it is interrupted can play a role in helping us remember material to which we have been previously exposed

activation synthesis theory -because we have a need to make sense of our world even while asleep, the brain

takes these chaotic memories and weaves them into a logical story line, filling in the gaps to produce a rational scenario


the awareness of the sensations, thoughts, and feelings being experienced at a given moment

link between daydreaming and dreams dueing sleep

the content of daydreams and dreams show many parallels, and the brain areas and processes involved in daydreaming and dreams during sleep are related

daydreams are more under people's contolr

therefore, their content is often related to immediate events in the environment than is the content of the dreams that occur during sleep -although they may include sexual content, daydreams also pertain to the full gamut of activities that are relevant to a person's life

activation synthesis and activation information modulation theories do not entirely reject the view that dreams reflect unconscious wishes

they suggest that the particular scenario a dramer produces is not random but instead is a clue to the dreamer's fears, emotions, and concerns. -what starts out as a random process culminates in something meaginuful

hypnosis is neither a

totally different state of consciousness nor totally similar to normal waking consciousness

people under hypnosis are in a

trancelike state of heightened susceptibility to the suggestions of others.

effects of marijuna ( why do people want?)

typcially consist of feelings of euphira and geernal welll-being -senosry experiences seem more vividd and intense, andaa peerson's sense of self-importance seems to grow. -memeory may be iimpaired, causing userss to feel plesantly "spaced out"

narcolepsy is

uncontrollable sleeping that occurs for short periods while a person is awake -no matter what the activity a narcoleptic will suddenly fall asleep -people with narcolepsy go directly from wakefulness to REM sleep, skipping all the other stages.

A form of MDMA known as Molly is often

used at raves and music festivals, and it has led to a rising number of overdoes and even deaths -those who use MDMA may expeerience declinesi n meemory and perfoamnce on intellecutal tasks. SUch findings suggest that MDMA use may lead to long-term changes in serotonin receptors in the brain

insomnia is a problem that affects to as many as 1/3 of all people

women and older adults are more likely to suffer from insomnia, as well as people who are unusually thin or are depressed

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