Chapter 5 test the ancient Greeks- Questions - Wed. Jan. 6 2021

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What contributions did ancient Greece make that influence the world we live in today? Think of philosophy

Contributions that ancient Greece made that influence the world we live in today we're democracy, Science, and mathematics.

How did Alexander's conquests lead to the creation of a new Hellenistic civilization? Describe the nature of that civilization and some of the contributions it left behind.

His conquest led to the creation of a new hellenistic civilization because he brought so many different people together when he conquered the lands. Since Greece was a larger power in the empire, more of Greek culture spread. But there were a lot of places where a lot of different cultures mix. And for example when some Greeks settled near the Indus Valley they had married people who were Buddhists. And Greeks were the ones who are actually made the statues of the Buddhism belief the statues of their belief system.

What was the extent of Alexander's vast empire? From where to where did it extend? What land, cultures and peoples did it bring together?

His empire stretched from Macedonia to Egypt, and from Greece to the Indus Valley. His empire brought together Greek culture, which blended with Egyptian, Persian and Indian influences. The blending became known as Hellenistic culture.

Would you agree that Alexander deserve the title "the great"? Why or why not? Consider not only his conquests but his legacy that those conquest left behind, long after his death.

I do think that Alexander deserve the title "the great ", because it only 13 years he was able to conquer so many places. And he was able to bring so many people together. And I do believe he had an amazing legacy because he influenced many military generals that came after. And he was also considered one of the greatest military generals of the time. However when he did conquer the land he conquered, he didn't really care about rebuilding them. All he cared about was conquering them.

Where was it better for an average person to live, Greece or Persia? Why?

I think Persia was better for an average person to live because there was freedom of religion. And a lot of more freedoms than there were in Greece. Also in the Zoroastrianism it forbid slavery, so there was almost no slavery in the Persian empire. Where there was a lot of slavery increase. They also governed with the light touch. So even though they conquered a lot of other nations they let those kingdoms keep their kings and elites they just had to follow the rules of the person empire. And the taxes weren't too high. They also cared about improving the infrastructure and to have better roads in Persia. So I think overall this is the better place to live because there are a lot more freedoms that a country would get to keep if they were conquered by Persia instead of Greece.

How did the government of Athens work? What was the government of Sparta like? Discuss the ways in which each city states selected its leaders, made Laws and forced them.

In Athens they had a direct democracy. Which meant that the citizens were able to vote on what they thought should happen. And the way leaders were selected Buy lottery. The citizens would volunteer to be one One of the candidates. Their democracy was about anyone who wished to be in power most likely could. However only three the thousand citizens were able to be in power. There was a 500 member council members and there would be more people in other groups. An oligarchy controlled the power in Sparta. The citizens had a little say in the decisions made by the government but, at the time, this was the structure that existed. The Spartans gave up an emphasis on comfort and culture for a more disciplined military approach.

How were Athens and Sparta different? What did they have in common? Discuss the differences in government, culture, family life and war-making in each place.

In Sparta they were more military and all about their country. So men were in training/army from about 7 until the age of 60, their daily life was centered on military training. A legend says that spartan women told husbands and sons going to war to "come back with shield or on it." This shows that women in Sparta were more free. Because they would run the family estates while their husbands were on active military duty. And women in Sparta would be go to school and be educated on how to dance how to sing how to cook art etc. In Athens women were expected to remain out of sight and quietly raise their children. They were not supposed to be seen. And male citizens in Athens were able to know what happens in the government. And the official male citizens were ones who had family who had been born there and they had been born there and they owned land. Only men would become educated, and there wasn't as much military push as in Sparta.

What was Plato's idea of the best form of government and how did he feel about democracy?

Plato did not like democracy because he did not like the fact that just any random uneducated educated person could make decisions about the government. He believes that philosophers should be in the role of power, because they have experience in what they are doing. Because philosophy is the study of knowledge, reality, and existence, and especially one considered as an academic discipline.

What were some of the important ideas of Plato, Aristotle, and Socrates?

Socrates also taught that a man is only capable of demonstrating wisdom when he admits that he does not know everything. Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle were all philosophers. Socrates taught Plato, and Plato taught Aristotle. Socrates and Plato did not like the concept of democracy. They did not like that just any random person could vote without any knowledge. They believed that the leaders should be a philosopher. Which Philosophy means the study of knowledge, reality, and existence, especially when considered as an an academic discipline. They believe that people in power should know what they're doing. Plato brought a very great idea to the table about if you were on the ship you would not want some random person directing where the ship goes, you would want a experienced ship captain to travel to where you need to go. So he thought that also should apply to government.

What were the two ways that geography influenced Greece?

The Greeks were seafaring people from a rugged, mountainous land. Much the same way river is shaped other civilizations, Greek civilization was shaped by the sea. Incense, the Greeks did not live "on the land, "as much as they lived "around the land." Creeks rarely had to travel more than 85 miles to reach the sea. See travel and trade we're also important to the Greeks because they lacked good, flat land for farming and needed to get food from other places.

What were the causes and consequences of the Persian war? Discuss the Ionian rebellion and how other Greek city states got involved, the formation and role of the Delian league.

The Persian war against Greece was caused by Darius the Persian king. He wanted to expand their empire. The worst took place in the early fifth century BC for the first attack was around 490 BC but the Persians lost. The Delian league was formed because this was a way where all the Greek city states put in money and contributed to Greek as a whole to protect their land. The wars also led to the unity between the Greeks, because they had to unite to fight against the Persians.

What circumstances lead the Athenian domination of The Greek world? How did the domination come to an end?

The basis of city wealth helped our sins use the wealth and subsequent events to shape all of the Greeks world. Athens was involved in the rebellion in Ionia. The domination came to an end when fill up the third defeated the Athenians in 338 BC.

What forms of government were used by the Greek city states?

The forms of government used in Greek city states for Pollis, monarchy, aristocracy , oligarchy, tyrants, and democracy. And these were governments that were put into place in Greek city states. Polis is a fundamental political unit in ancient Greece and 750 BC. This was made up of the city and its surrounding countryside which included numerous villages. A monarchy is when one person is in power as king. Other city states adopted ands aristocracy, which is a government ruled by small group of noble, land owning families. Very rich families often gain political power after serving in a kings military Calvary. Oligarchy was a government ruled by few powerful people. This came to be one trade expanded, new class of wealthy merchants and artisans emerged in some cities. Tyrants for rulers who are powerful individuals, usually nobles or other wealthy citizens. Sometimes seize control of the government by appealing the common people for support. And finally democracy is a government that the citizens participate directly in political decision making.

What were the causes and consequences of the Peloponnesian war? Discuss how Athens and Sparta differed on the use of Delian league funds, how long the war lasted, who was on his side, and what became of all grease in the end.

The primary causes where that spot is filled the growing power and influence of the Athenian empire. The company should war began after the Persian wars ended at 4:49 PC. The two power struggle to agree on their respective spheres of influence. Athenians were using the Delian league funds to make their city more beautiful and build more. Sparta did not like that Athens was using the money to beautify their city and not keep it and actually protect the Greek city states from Persia. The war lasted about From 431 BC until 404BC.

What was life like for women in ancient Greece? Were there any exceptions?

Women in the ancient Greek world had few rights in comparison to male citizens. Unable to vote, own land, or inherit, a woman's place was in the home and her purpose in life was the rearing of children. Some women married, some had demeaning jobs, and others were slaves. Their role in society was essential, however, no matter how poorly they were treated. an exception was Aspasia, she wasn't legally married to Pericles due to her lack of athenian citizenship, however they were basically husband and wife. she was well educated because she was from Persia and recieved a formal education. her intelligence made her apart of greece's "boys cub" she was one of the most famous, powerful, and well-respected women in ancient athens

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