Chapter 53 - Listening Guide Quiz 45: Stravinsky: The Rite of Spring, Part I, excerpts
Which of the following correctly describe the chords heard at the beginning of Dance of the Youths and Maidens from The Rite of Spring?
TRUE - Irregularly accented - Dissonant FALSE - consonant - regularly accented
Which correctly describe the first eighteen seconds of The Rite of Spring, heard in this excerpt?
TRUE - The bassoon plays at a slow pace. - The violins play a pizzicato rhythmic figure. FALSE - The meter is easy to identify. - The flutes play a lyrical melody.
Which instrument is featured in the opening ten seconds of the Introduction to Part I of The Rite of Spring?
Which best describes the pace of the music at the beginning of Dance of the Youths and Maidens, heard in this excerpt?
fast with consistent pulse
Which best describes the performing ensemble in Dance of the Youths and Maidens from Part I of Stravinsky's The Rite of Spring?
Which playing technique is featured by the strings in this short passage from the Introduction?
Which best describes the next passage of music in this section, from the middle of Dance of the Youths and Maidens?
tune played by bassoon and accompanied by dissonant chords
Which best describes the next passage of music, which occurs about two and a half minutes into the piece?
tune played by trumpets with parallel chords in other instruments
Which best describes the very beginning of this excerpt, which occurs about two minutes into the piece?
tune played first by French horns and then by flutes
Which best describes the texture of the music at the beginning of Dance of the Youth and Maidens?
two or more melodic ideas plated simultaneously (polyphony)