Chapter 55 Nutrition and Health

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What are natural,inorganic substances the body needs to help build and maintain body tissues and carry on life functions?


Lisa has just found out that she is pregnant. This is her first pregnancy, and she wants to be sure to do everything right. She tells you, "I know I should not have any alcohol, and iI have never been a smoker, but what about food? Is there anything I should do differently, or avoid? What would you include when teaching Lisa about nutrition during pregnancy?

"Eat an additional 10 to 15 g of protein a day."

What is the term for the amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of 1 kg of water by 1 degree celcius?


What can be converted to glucose and be used for immediate fuel?


What is either stored in the liver and muscle cells as glycogen or converted and stored as fat?


What provides two-thirds of a person's daily energy needs?


What is a sign or symptom of anorexia nervosa?

Cessation of menstruation

What are saturated fats?

Coconut and palm oils

What contains unsaturated fats?

Corn oil and olive oil

In which type of special diet is food intake increased to provide 3000 to 5000 calories per day?

high-calorie, high protein diet

What behaviors might a patient with an eating disorder exhibit or mention in conversation?

Uses laxatives, excessive exercise, vomiting, or diuretics for weight control

Which vitamin aids in night vision, cell growth and maintenance, and normal reproductive function?

Vitamin A

A deficiency in which vitamin causes beriberi, digestive problems, muscle weakness, nervous disorders, and heart failure?

Vitamin B1

Which vitamin builds bones and teeth and is found in egg yolks, butter, and fortified milk?

Vitamin D

Which vitamin is an intracellular antioxidant, maintains cell structures, and aids in the formation of red blood cells?

Vitamin E

Which vitamin aids in blood clotting and bone growth?

Vitamin K

What are organic substances that are essential for normal body growth and maintenance and resistance to infection?


Your sister has just returned from her doctor's appointment. She says the physician diagnoses a pepticulcer and told her to follow a bland diet for the next 7 to 10 days. She adds, "This shouldn't be too hard. I love snacking on raw carrots, and I will get some orange juice for breakfast!" What should you tell her about following a bland diet?

"Raw fruits and vegetables are among the foods you should avoid on a bland diet."

It is recommended that what percentage of an individuals total daily caloric intake be made up of protein?

10% to 35%

The optimal percentage of body fat for a 55-year-old male is _______.

12% to 19%

What is the daily recommendation of fiber for adults?

14 grams per 1000 calories

The optimal percentage of body fat for females younger than age 50 is ______.

14% to 23%

It is recommended that what percentage of an individuals total caloric intake be made up of carbohydrates?

45% to 65%

How many amino acids are considered "essential" because they cannot be made by the body and must be supplied by food?


What mineral is found in dairy products, green leafy vegetables, broccoli, legumes, and the soft bones of sardines and salmon?


Major minerals the body needs in fairly large quantities include ___.

Calcium and phosphorus

Another name for Vitamin C is ______.

Absorbic acid

What is essential for fiber to work properly in the body?

Adequate water intake

Jessica is 24 years old, weighs 234 pounds, and has just ben diagnosed with hypertension. The physician prescribed a mild antihypertensive medication and asked you to help educate Jessica about lifestyle changes and behavior modification for weight loss. What would you include in you discussion?

Advise her to eat slowly and have five or six meals daily

What is a recommendation from the American Cancer Society's nutritional and physical activity guidelines?

Be as lean as possible throughout life without being underweight

To prepare a patient on how to treat a mild allergic reaction to food, what over-the-counter medication should be recommended?


What builds healthy bones and teeth, aids in blood clotting, and helps nerves and muscles function?


A patient who is lactose sensitive should be instructed to avoid ______ in their diet.


What is included in the 2015 USDA Dietary Guidelines for Americans?

Eat a balanced diet and increase physical activity

What instruction would be included when educating patients about daily water requirements?

Encourage patients to drink 6 to 8 glasses of water

What is a sign or symptom of bulimia?

Excessive use of laxatives or diuretics

After the body's carbohydrate reserves are depleted, what does the body burn?


What contains 9 calories per gram?


What helps treat and prevent constipation, hemorrhoids, diverticular disease, and irritable bowel syndrome?


What nutrients, if low in a patients diet can result in an increased risk of colon cancer, hypercholesterolemia, and increased blood glucose levels?


What is supplied mainly by salt, maintains fluid and acid-base balance?


A deficiency in what mineral causes a goiter?


What plays a vital role in the activities of the thyroid hormones?


A deficiency in _____ can cause anemia.


What nutrient is essential for the production of red blood cells?


What is the function of fiber?

It absorbs organic wastes and toxins in the body so they can be expelled

What is the function of water?

It helps maintain fluid balance in the body and regulates body temperature

An excess of _______ can lead to increased levels of triglycerides and cholesterolin the blood and an increased risk of heart and artery disease.


What are good dietary sources of iron?

Liver, egg yolks, fortified breads and cereals, and dark green vegetables

What would you include in patient education about changes in national recommendations?

Nutritional recommendations change when new research is performed and verified

What is important in the maintenance of muscle contraction and is found in foods such as bananas, raisins, and oranges?


What contains four calories per gram?


What is the most essential nutrient for building and repairing cells and tissue?


What is specifically important to increase in the diet of patients with cancer to help replace cells destroyed by treatments?


David has been having increasingly frequent migraine headaches. The practitioner will do further tests to determine if there is an underlying physical cause. While the tests are being done, what might the practitioner suggest to try to reduce the frequency or severity of the migraines?

Restrict consumption of aged cheeses, red wine, and beer

What instruction would be beneficial to include in nutritional therapy for patients with hypertension?

Restrict sodium intake to 2 to 3 g per day

Which mineral works with vitamin E to aid metabolism, growth, and fertility?


What is the function of proteins?

They assist in maintaining the body's water balance

What is a criterion to identify fad diets?

They promise ease and comfort in weight loss

What are the functions of lipids?

They provide a concentrated source of heat and energy

The body makes protein out of _____?

amino acids

A measure of body fat based on height and weight that is often used in asessing nutritional level is the ______.

body mass index

A diet that consists of tea, broth, non-citrus juices, carbonated beverages, popsicles and gelatin is a _________.

clear-liquid diet

A dificiency in Vitamin B12 causes ______.

pernicious anemia and irreversible liver damage

An increased intake of soluble fiber, a decrease in the dietary intake of saturated fats, and exercise result in ___?

reduced cholesterol levels

Another name for vitamin B1 is ____.


The most common food allergens include ___________.

wheat, milk, eggs, and chocolate

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