Chapter 6

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National Response Plan

Assists in preventing terrorist attacks within the US; reducing all-hazards vulnerability; and minimizing damage and assisting in the incident recovery

-Public Information Officer -Safety Officer -Liaison Officer

Command Staff positions:

-must determine severity, magnitude, impact -factors: *amount / type of damage *impact on infrastructure *imminent threat to public health / safety *impact to essential government services *need for unique Federal capabilities *dispersion / concentration of damages *insurance coverage

Declaration Criteria:

Felixibility, coordination, and communication

Effective disaster response emphasizes ___________________________________________________.

National Response Framework

FEMA initiates response and activities are guided by the ___________________.

does not always

Federal assistance _______________ require coordination by DHS.

local police, fire, and Emergency Medical

First Responders

-Operations Section -Planning Section -Logistics Section -Finance / Admin Section

General Staff positions:

authorized the design and development the National Response Plan


-single incident command -unified command -area command

ICS Command Structure:

Response-Induced Demands

Include the need to coordinate the activities of the multitude of individuals and organizations involved in the response

Agent-Induced Demands

Involve the need to care for victims and deal with physical damage and social disruption caused by the event -Life Safety -Incident Stabilization -Property Conservation

Local Response

Minor disasters handled daily by local fire, police, and emergency medical personnel

Disaster Response Activities

"...actions taken at the time a disaster strikes that are intended to reduce threats to life safety, to care for victims, and to contain secondary hazards and community losses."

National-Level Incident Management System

Allowed for increased inter-organizational coordination

reviews types of damage or emergency costs incurred, impact to critical facilities, and the effect of individuals and businesses

Preliminary Damage Assessment

-governor makes a formal request for assistance and specifies specific disaster area needs -HS Office of Operations Coordination and Planning receives/processes incident info -President accepts/declines

Presidential Disaster Declaration Process

-mayor or county executive will turn to the governor if local responders are overwhelmed -governor will request for a presidential major disaster declaration if they decide the disaster exceeds state response capacity -President can accept or reject -If accepted: NRF guides the multi-agency response

Presidentially-Declared Disaster

National Guard

Principal response resource available to governors is the _____________________________.

Specific assignments and plans

Tactical objectives are developed into ___________.

Management by Objectives

an approach to define actions related to managing an incident or project

Modular Organization

based on the size and complexity of the incident and the specifics of the hazard environment


coordinating structures are incident management templates that provide a common language and organization for agencies and disciplines to integrate effectively

Local Emergency Managers

Typically responsible for developing and maintaining community emergency response plans

Response Phase

defined as activities "...designed to provide emergency assistance for casualties... seek to reduce the probability of secondary damage... and to speed recover operations"

-Agent Induced Demands -Response Induced Demands

What are the two sets of demands that emergency managers must address during the Response Phase?


establishes a responsive strategic framework to support response requirements to any type of hazard or attack


helps member groups at a disaster location to coordinate and communicate in order to provide the most efficient and effective response


immediate actions to save lives, isolate the incident, protect property and environment, and meet basic human needs

Comprehensive Emergency Management

recognizes commonalities among different types of disasters and emphasizes all four phases of disaster management

Integrated Emergency Management

recognizes that all kinds of organizations are involved in responding to disasters

National Response Framework

serves as the guide for response to major disaster events in the United States

Emergency Management Assistance Compact

strength and quality lie in its governance structure; relationship with stakeholders; and the ability to move resources from state to state -no declaration needed


the framework is contracted or expanded according to the scope of the incident


the task of translating strategic objectives into specific, measurable tactical objectives

Volunteer Group Response

these organizations work with local, state, and federal authorities to address immediate needs

the president is given the authority to commandeer total control of the National Guard

Section 1076

-command -operations -planning -logistics -finance

5 Major ICS Management Functions:

weakened the role of the governor

John Warner National Defense Reauthorization Act

procedures and protocols developed by the responding agency

Local first response actions are driven by:

first responders; community leaders; state government; and the federal government

Local officials are also ___________________ to major disaster events, but they may be supported by ___________________, ______________________, and ___________________.

a Presidential declaration

MAs may be given in anticipation of, or in response to, _______________________ of an emergency or major disaster.

-rescue and attend to the injured -suppress fires -secure and police the disaster area -begin the process of restoring order -supported by local emergency management

Responsibilities of First Responders:

a forward federal presence to facilitate the management of the national response to catastrophic incidents

The Incident Management Assistance Teams provide:

-engaged partnerships -tiered response -scalable, flexible, and adaptable operational capabilities -unity of effort through unified command -readiness to act

The National Response Doctrine includes five key principles:

-save lives and reduce casualties -stabilize the incident to prevent further disruption -protect property and the environment

The Priorities of Emergency Response

Presidential Disaster Declaration

The first step towards involving federal officials, agencies, departments, and resources in a disaster event:

Secure the scene, maintain order, rescue / treat the injured, contain / suppress fire or hazardous conditions, and retrieve the dead

The job of local response is to __________________________________________________________.

Documenting Results

The last component of the MOB approach is ______________________________ to measure performance and making indicated corrective actions.

to establish a set of planning and management systems to help agencies responding to a disaster work together

The main function of the Incident Command System is:

Operations -> Tactical Objectives -> Documenting results

The process of management by objectives:

3; 13

There are ____ National IMATs and ___ Regional IMATs

-Trainee -Qualified

There are two rating levels of the FEMA Qualification System:

Department of Homeland Security (DHS)

______________ is responsible for coordinating all federal activities in support of state and local response and recovery.


_________________ is the execution of "Preparedness Plans."

Incident Command

______________________ deploys specific structures based on the nature of the incident

Capabilities and capacities

___________________________________ are strongest in states that experience high levels of annual disaster activity.

Mission Assignment(s)

a work order to a Federal agency directing the completion of a specific task, and citing funding, other managerial controls, and guidance

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