Chapter 6 and Chapter 4 Test (Psychology 101)

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What is Generalization?

(CR) occurs in response to stimuli that are SIMILAR to (CS)

What was Pavlov's study?

A) Food-->Salivate (natural occurrence/no learning necessary) B)Bell-->Food-->Salivate (Conditioning Process) C) Bell-->Salivate (Conditioned)

Label all stimuli in following example: A girl is walking back to her dorm late one night and is raped. This traumatic event causes her immense pain and constant fear. She is treated repeatedly by therapists and counselors and eventually comes to terms with the unfortunate event. Several weeks go by and she is at the mall with her friends. As the mall is closing, they walk through the perfume section of a department store. Suddenly, her heart rate escalates and an overwhelming sense of fear and panic takes hold and she runs out of the store in response. She can't explain why and eventually calms back down. A few more weeks go by and she is walking past the library at school. A fellow college student walks by and she smells the cologne he is wearing. Her heart rate escalates and she once again becomes fearful and an intense state of panic overwhelms her. It is then she realizes that the specific cologne she smells was the one her rapist wore.

A) Rape (UCS) --> Panic/ Fear (UCR) B)Cologne (NS)--> Rape (UCS)--> Panic/Fear (UCR) C) Cologne (CS) --> Panic/Fear (CR)

What is Spontaneous recovery?

After the CR has been extinguished, if the CS is put away for a period of time and then reintroduced, the CR reoccurs

Label all those in C: A) Food-->Salivate (natural occurrence/no learning necessary) B)Bell-->Food-->Salivate (Conditioning Process) C) Bell-->Salivate (Conditioned)

Bell (CS) --> Salivate (CR)

Label all those in B: A) Food-->Salivate (natural occurrence/no learning necessary) B)Bell-->Food-->Salivate (Conditioning Process) C) Bell-->Salivate (Conditioned)

Bell (NS)-->Food (UCS)-->Salivate (UCR)

What is Positive punishment?

DECREASES frequency of behavior by GIVING an averse stimulus (something they don't like)

What is Negative Punishment?

DECREASES frequency of behavior by TAKING AWAY a rewarding stimulus

What is this an example of? Pavlov curious to the response of the bell and salivation brings several items to the lab. A buzzer, a wind chime, a clicker, and a xylophone. He hits the buzzer, but the dogs don't respond. He rings the wind chimes, but the dogs don't respond. He rings the Bell and the dogs salivate. He presses the clicker and the dogs don't respond. He plays several keys of the xylophone and the dogs don't respond. He rings the bell and the dogs salivate.


What is this an example of? During one of her sessions, her therapist wants to try something new. She presents a series of opaque bottles that each are labeled either A, B, C or D. Her therapist sprays A and nothing happens. Her therapist sprays B and nothing happens. Her therapist sprays C and her heart rate escalates and panic and fear set in. Her therapist sprays D and nothing happens. Her therapist sprays A and D again and nothing happens. Her therapist sprays C and her heart rate escalates and panic and fear overwhelm her.


What is this an example of? The cologne that the rapist wore the night he attacked the girl has caused a conditioned response of panic and fear every time she smells it. Her therapist one day during their session sprays the cologne in a far corner of the room. This causes her to respond with intense panic and fear and causes her to leave the room. The therapist does this the following week and her response is the same of panic and fear but instead of running out of the room she runs to a window and eventually calms down. After several weeks of this, the girl is able to remain calm at the scent of the cologne.


What is this an example of? The dog's in Pavlov's experiment Salivate at the sight of the Bell due to the conditioning process. Pavlov then showed the bell and gave no food. The dog salivated. He did this again and again over several weeks. By the end of the trials, the bell was rung and the dog did not salivate.


True or False: The conditioning process always needs multiple trials?

False (a traumatic event's only need once)

Label all in A: A) Food-->Salivate (natural occurrence/no learning necessary) B)Bell-->Food-->Salivate (Conditioning Process) C) Bell-->Salivate (Conditioned)

Food (UCS) --> Salivate (UCR)

What is this an example of? One day in the lab, Pavlov receives a visitor. Pavlov had left a sign at the door that if no one was attending the front desk to hit the buzzer near the door to set off the door bell. The bell rings and causes a chime to go off. Before Pavlov leaves to answer the door he notices the dogs are salivating.


What is this an example of? The girl has been continuing to go to her treatments, but instead of getting better the fear and panic has grown to a new level. School has become a state of fear for her whenever any student walks by. The various smells of cologne and perfume causes her heart rate to escalate and to be paralyzed in a state of panic and fear. She has gone home and has thrown out all scented sprays, perfumes, colognes for fear of reliving that night.


What does the term "Positive" mean in regards to Punishment and Reinforcement?


What is Extinction?

Gradual Decrease in CR by presenting CS alone repeatedly

What is Positive Reinforcement?

INCREASES frequency of behavior by GIVING a rewarding stimulus (something good)

What is Negative reinforcement?

INCREASES frequency of behavior by TAKING AWAY an averse stimulus (something they don't like)

What will reinforcement do to behavior?

Increase behavior

Classical Conditioning

Learning association between 2 stimuli

What is Operant Conditioning?

Learning association between behavior and consequence

Why does spontaneous recovery occur?

Memory (because it causes you to recall the original association)

What is this an example of? Leah continues to ignore the task you have asked her to do. You have given her several reminders throughout the day and she has "forgotten" each time. Her coworker makes samples with whip cream (Leah's obsession and one of her favorite things to eat). She steps out of the department to eat it but you walk up to her and tell her to hand over the sample. She asks why. You tell her until she completes the task you have assigned her, she will not be allowed to eat any sample the rest of the day. She immediately does the task and promises she won't ignore her assignments again.

Negative Punishment

What is this an example of? Leah has been working with consistency and focus all day. You decided that you want her to finish her shift with the same diligence. You tell her that if she completes the pastry pull and dating before her lunch, you will take over the clean play. Leah is delighted and finishes in record time before clocking out for her lunch.

Negative Reinforcement

What is this an example of? Leah has repeatedly failed to clean the drains during her opening shift. One morning when you open you notice that the drains were not done the day before. Verbal warning have failed. Leah comes on shift several hours later and you point to the drain. She tells you once again she forgot. Knowing fully well that no one likes cleaning the drains you tell her, "You are in charge of cleaning both drains today since you did not do it yesterday". She begrudgingly cleans the drains and says it won't happen again.

Positive Punishment

What is this an example of? Leah has been working with consistency and focus all day. You decided that you want this action to continue the rest of the day so you buy her a Ruth Special. She is delighted and continues to work with the same consistency and focus the rest of her shift.

Positive Reinforcement

What type of consequence's are there

Reinforcements (positive or negative) and Punishments (positive or negative)

What is this an example of? The girl can now remain in a room with the scent of the cologne. Feeling better she reduces the treatments and begins to live on with her life. About 6 months go by from her last exposure to that specific cologne and one day when shes out to dinner with her family a waiter carrying a tray of food walks past heading towards another table. The scent lingers over to her. Her heart rate spikes and she begins to feel an overwhelming sensation of panic and fear.

Spontaneous recovery

What is this an example of? The dogs no longer salivate to the sound of the bell. Pavlov decides to put the bell away and for several months goes back to feeding the dogs as normal. One day he gets curious and decides to see how the dogs would respond to the sound of the bell. He rings it and immediately all the dogs begin to salivate.

Spontaneous recovery

What does the term "Negative" mean in regards to Punishment and Reinforcement?

Taking Away

What is Discrimination?

ability to perceive and respond to differences among stimuli

What will punishment do to behavior?

decrease behavior

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