Chapter 6

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The first antislavery tract in America was

The Selling of Joseph

Which of the following was not an effect of the struggle for independence on economic thought and policy in America?

The estates of wealthy landowners were appropriated by Congress and redistributed among the rural poor.

Who wrote that he hoped to erect a "wall of separation" between church and state?

Thomas Jefferson

At the end of war, as many as 100,000 Loyalists were banished from the United States or emigrated voluntarily.


The years following independence saw the emergence of free black communities, especially in the northern states.


Though it was not granted to many Americans, by 1776, most Americans considered suffrage to be synonymous with freedom.


Which of the following was not an effect of the struggle for independence on religion in America?

a marked decline in the influence of religion in American society

Phillis Wheatley, a slave during the revolutionary era, is celebrated in American history for being

a published poet and slave.

For most free Americans in the new republic, equality meant

equal opportunity rather than equality of condition.

How many slaves fled to British lines during the American Revolution?

almost 100,000

Which of the following was not a course adopted by African-Americans to advance the cause of emancipation during the revolutionary era?

assassination of proslavery public figures

The first time in recorded human history that slavery was eradicated by legislative power of government was

in the United States when, between 1777 and 1804, every state north of Maryland took steps toward emancipation.

What was the slave population of the United States in 1776?

20 percent

What percentage of non-slave Americans remained loyal to the British during the American Revolution?

20-25 percent

The estimated percentage of free Americans who remained loyal to the British during the Revolution was

20-25 percent.

What famous American woman wrote to her husband that the Second Continental Congress should "remember the ladies" when they drew up a "Code of Laws"?

Abigail Adams

Who was the daughter of a Massachusetts farmer who disguised herself as a man to fight in the Continental Army during the American Revolution?

Deborah Sampson

Who, out of the following, dressed in men's clothes to fight in the American Revolution?

Deborah Sampson

Advertisements for runaway slaves were rare in the early republic.


By 1810, there were fewer free blacks than there had been in 1776.


Committed to freedom of conscience and thought, most patriots adopted a live-and-let-live attitude toward the Loyalists during the Revolutionary War.


Confiscated property of Loyalists was returned to them following the Treaty of Paris.


Except in Vermont, property ownership was not a requirement for voting in the early Republic.


The authority of church leaders went remarkably unchallenged during the revolutionary era


Which was not the case for Indians following the War for Independence?

Indians were incorporated as citizens within the new republic.

Which of the following was not an effect of the struggle for independence on the issue of slavery in America?

Ironically, the arrival of independence was accompanied by an expansion of slavery throughout the United States.

Who developed the state constitution that gave the governor an effective veto over laws passed by the legislature, included a two-chamber legislature and powerful judiciary, and was subsequently an important model for the U.S. Constitution?

John Adams

Members of which of the following groups were not subject to arrest by the Pennsylvania government because of refusal to participate in the American Revolution?


Which Indian tribe sided with the Americans against the British in the War for Independence?


Which of the following was not an effect of the struggle for independence on political life in America?

Patriots of all stripes united around the principle of universal suffrage, regardless of economic status.

Three months after independence was declared in 1776, which state adopted a new state constitution with only a one-house legislature?


The foremost center of political radicalism during the revolutionary era was


Because of religious freedom, an astonishing number of new religious denominations proliferated in the early republic; today more than 1,300 religions are practiced in the United States.


By 1776, the year in which he wrote The Declaration of Independence with its famous phrase "all men are created equal, " Thomas Jefferson owned more than 100 slaves.


Deists and members of evangelical sects worked together to separate church and state.


During the Revolution, Indians were divided in allegiance.


Evangelical Christians supported the separation of church and state following the American Revolution because they wanted to protect religion from the corrupting embrace of government.


Except for New York, all new states barred Jews from voting.


From 1776 to 1807, some women were legally allowed to vote in New Jersey.


Indentured servitude went into rapid decline following national independence.


Initially, African-Americans saw the ideals of the Revolution as an opportunity to claim their freedom.


Loyalists who did not leave the country were quickly reintegrated into American society.


Militias did much to promote the expansion of political democracy in revolutionary America.


Some Americans employed the revolutionary language of equality on behalf of women's rights.


The Declaration of Independence elevated the principle of equality to a central place in the American conception of freedom.


In the early 1770s, "freedom petitions" were

slave petitions urging slavery's end, presented to New England courts and legislatures

Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations (1776) argued that

the "invisible hand" of the free market was more effective and fair than government intervention in the economy.

Which of the following was not an effect of the struggle for independence on the relative status of men and women in America?

the elimination of legal inequality between husband and wife

Thomas Jefferson helped pass laws in the state of Virginia that abolished primogeniture. Define "primogeniture."

the passing of all of a family's land to the oldest son

"Throughout the new nation, states disestablished their established churches." Define "disestablished."

to remove public funding for

Which of the following defines republican motherhood?

training sons to be future citizens

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