Chapter 6 Counterproductive work behavior

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1. What are some possible strategies for improving an organization's ability to monitor counterproductivity among employees?

Counterproductive work behavior (CWB) is when an employee's behavior goes against the organizations interests/policies. These kinds of behaviors can harm not only organizations, but also the people in the organizations. Some counterproductive work behaviors include: Absenteeism, Abuse against others, Sexual Harassment, Cyber-loafing, Lateness, etc. There a few ways in which organizations can monitor counterproductivity among employees. Cyber-loafing is when an employee is surfing the web for non-job-related tasks and is increasing as more people are using computers at work. For example, when it comes to cyber-loafing, organizations can monitor internet use, as well as block websites that are inappropriate to view at work. Recently when I was at a restaurant in Orlando, after having my order taken (unpleasantly and hurriedly), the waitress began viewing a Netflix show as she waited for the next customer. In my opinion, this is something that should be viewed as unacceptable and should be monitored better by the organization.

3. Considering the multiple predictors of absenteeism, what are some possible organizational strategies for reducing employee absences?

First and foremost, employers must always remember that there are laws (federal & local) that affect how certain types of employee absences. These include: FMLA The Family and Medical Leave Act, ADA, Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act, Worker's Compensation, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, & Jury Duty. Some tips and strategies to reduce employee absenteeism include: i. Setting attendance expectations early and clearly ii. Enforce the attendance policy consistently iii. Make sure all employees know what to do when they need to be late or miss a day iv. Assess the amount of paid time off that is allowed v. Consider implementing programs that improve employee wellness vi. Keep employees engaged and motivated vii. Consider rewarding good attendance Some ideas from the chapter include: Absence control policies: record employee absences, strict disciplinary action, be fair yet discourage employees from unnecessary absences. Absence culture: organizations can create/promote a culture within the workplace in which absenteeism is unacceptable

6. How might leadership be important in the frequency and type of CWB committed by employees? What other workplace factors influence CWB? Discuss those mentioned in the chapter and speculate on additional reasons.

Leadership is very important when it comes to the frequency and TYPE of CWB because the leaders of an organization set the tone for the company and help create and promote the culture of the organization. For example at my job, the CEO and the VP of another department are constantly setting the tone and culture for how they want us to feel and behave constantly. We are constantly awarded (when deserved) and every Monday are sent emails with positive affirmations. This sets a positive tone and creates a more cohesive group culture. And in my opinion, I haven't noticed very much if at all, any counterproductive work behaviors. IN addition, every week he does a "caught in the act" email where he praises one or two employees who maybe saved a life that week, or went above and beyond at work that week, which is really nice. People have printed out the emails and placed them on their cubicle's to be reminded of that praise, etc.

2. What are some possible common organizational constraints and how could they lead to counterproductive behaviors?

Organizational constraints are major sources of stress at work. Possible organizational constraints (resulting from lack of resources, policies & procedures) that may lead to counterproductive behaviors may include issues with leaders/leadership struggles. Another issue may include environmental issues. Environmental Constraints: Having issues within the environment, such as having poor equipment in the work place can surely lead to counterproductive work behaviors. For example, my step dad works for a sanitation company, and his trucks are constantly setting themselves on fire while he is out on the job. This is incredible unsafe and causes him to lash out in anger at the leaders of the organization. Leadership: The quality of leadership across all the different levels of an organization can strongly impact the organization and it's employees. Many times employees make the decision to leave an organization due to dissatisfaction with their leaders.

5. What strategies can employers use to hire employees who will be less likely to engage in counterproductive work behavior?

a. Organizations can use pre-employment assessments to determine employee integrity, for example when it comes to "employee theft" which is a type of counterproductive work behavior. Researchers have found relationships between integrity and personality factors such as conscientiousness, agreeableness and emotional stability. -- integrity tests, locus of control

4. Give an example of both quid pro quo and hostile environment forms of sexual harassment to show you know the distinction between these two legal definitions.

a. Quid Pro Quo stands for "something for something," or "this for that." When it comes to sexual harassment, this is the kind in which it requires someone in a position of power to offer you something in return for a sexual favor of their choosing. An example of this would be in Legally Blonde when Elle Woods is given an internship when she impresses her professor with the knowledge of a case, he then promises major career opportunities and gains as he puts his hand on her leg. She quickly calls him out on it immediately. b. A hostile work environment is "characterized by severe or pervasive, distracting behavior that is frequent and UNWANTED, which affects employment and performance." An example of this would be when a male co-worker continuously asks a female coworker out, and she has denied him once already.

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