Chapter 6 History
BLANK gained control of the western part of the empire in A.D. 312 and eventually secured control of the East as well.
Most of the information about Jesus' life comes from the first four books of the New Testament called the BLANK.
This person led a force of more than 50,000 soldiers and 60 elephants across the Alps to invade Italy.
BLANK, a drastic drop in the value of money coupled with a rise weaken the Roman Empire.
The period of peace and prosperity in the Roman Empire is known as the
Pax Romana
The bishop of BLANK was considered the pope, leader of the entire Christian Church
an early writer and scholar who was called one of the Fathers of the Church; he became bishop of the city of Hippo; he taught that people needed to belong to the Church and receive the sacraments to receive God's grace to be saved; he emphasized that it did not matter what happened to Rome because the city of God could never be destroyed
All of the following factors contributed to the collapse of the Roman republic except
outside invasion.
government in which citizens have the right to vote
Octavian eventually came to be called "exalted one," or
Under the rule of BLANK as emperor, Rome entered a 200-year period of peace and great prosperity known as the BLANK.
Augustus, Pax Romana
What is bas-relief?
Bas-relief, or low-relief, is a kind of sculpture in which images project from a flat background. Roman sculptors used this to tell stories.
declaration that made Christianity an approved religion in the Roman Empire
Edict of Milan
These people gave the Romans their alphabet and their knowledge of architecture, including the arch.
Why did the Roman army need to use mercenaries?
The Roman army needed to use mercenaries because Roman soldiers became less loyal to Rome and more loyal to their commanders who fought among each other for power. The Romans needed soldiers to defend against barbarians and lost confidence in their troops.
Pontius Pilate
a Roman governor who accused Jesus of treason and who ordered that Jesus be killed by being crucified; this strengthened the religion when people saw that Jesus had risen from the dead and later ascended into heaven
he was a Jew who was against Christianity and was converted when he had a vision of Christ; after this he began preaching Jesus' teachings; he wrote letters called Epistles to groups of believers; he taught about how Jesus was God and died for people's sins; he enabled more people to become Christians by declaring that converts did not have to follow Jewish law
he was converted to Christianity when he thought the Christian God helped him win in battle and then ended the persecution of Christians; he declared Christianity one of the religions approved by the emperor
The chieftain of the Mongol group, who now became a direct threat to Rome, was BLANK.
Who was Attila?
Attila was a powerful chieftain who united the Huns and led them to invade the Eastern and Western Roman Empire.
emphasized a personal relationship between God and people
This new capital city eventually became known as BLANK.
The second group of three rulers of Rome was
Octavian, Mark Antony, and Lepidus
What was the name of the new capital?
The capital city of Byzantium eventually came to be known as Constantinople.
This is one of two officials who shared the powers of ruling the republic and whose time in office was limited to one year.
commanded the army and directed the government of the Roman republic
Slaves had few of the benefits of this prosperity. All were victims of their owners' whims. Some, called BLANK, were forced to battle to the death before an arena full of eager spectators.
This was a military division of the Roman army.
These were the wealthy, aristocratic landowners who held most of the power in the early republic.
These people were the common farmers, merchants, workers, and artisans that made up the majority of Roman citizens.
Gladiators, or professional fighters who often fought to the death in public contests, were often drawn from
Eventually, BLANK accepted the title of BLANK, which means "exalted one."
Octavian, Augustus
The last Roman emperor was BLANK.
Romulus Augustulus
priest who supervised several local churches
father or head of the Christian Church
aristocratic branch of Rome's government
This was someone chosen to represent the upper class of Roman citizens.
A later convert to Christianity, BLANK, wrote letters to the faithful, which became part of the New Testament.
The end of the reign of Marcus Aurelius marked the end of two centuries of known as the BLANK.
Pax Romana
One of Jesus' disciples was a man named BLANK, whom Jesus referred to as the "rock" on which the Christian Church would be built.
What impact did the Latin language have?
The Latin language was the language of learning in the West and was the language of the Roman Catholic Church for a long time. It led to the creation of the Romance languages and influenced the development of English.
Name two Roman poets and an example of their works.
The Roman poet Virgil wrote the Aeneid, a serious poem. The poet Ovid wrote poems for enjoyment and wrote Amores.
What fate did the Roman town of Pompeii suffer? How did that event help to preserve many buildings and works of art there?
The Roman town of Pompeii was covered in ash and had many of its residents killed because a nearby volcano erupted. The ashes helped to preserve many building and works of art there.
Why were the Romans so often unable to peacefully transfer power from one emperor to the next, and what kinds of problems did this cause?
The Romans were so often unable to peacefully transfer power from one emperor to another because the people who wanted power wanted it so badly that they thought they had to kill and fight for it. This made it so that there was anarchy and civil war in between times of having emperors. This was not good for the common people who probably did not want war. Power was not transferred peacefully because of corruption and because there were no laws about who would become powerful. Leaders would not give up their power. The generals lead their soldiers, and the soldiers had to listen to their generals and not to the government. The government didn't ever have true control of the military. There was civil war.
In the early Roman republic, this was someone whose power was absolute but whose time in office was limited to a six-month period.
in the Roman republic, a leader in times of crisis who had absolute power to make laws and command the army
The Roman values of discipline, strength, and loyalty characterized a person with the virtue of
traveled to Rome from Jerusalem and became the first bishop there; later bishops of Rome claimed that Peter was the first pope and claimed that, as his heirs, they were the popes; whoever was the bishop of Rome became the pope
This was someone elected to represent the lower class of Roman citizens.
elected representatives of plebeians
The three men who ruled Rome for ten years beginning in 59 B.C. were referred to as a
Jesus of Nazareth
A Jew who began his public ministry at the age of 30; he preached, taught, performed good works, and performed miracles; he kept many of the beliefs of the Jews but emphasized the relationship between God and the individual and the necessity for love; he was the founder of Christianity
The eastern half of the Roman Empire came to be called the BLANK empire.
Under Constantine, the capital of the empire was moved from Rome to BLANK, in what is now BLANK.
Byzantium, Turkey
The first Roman emperor to accept Christianity was BLANK.
the dispersal of Jews when driven by the Romans from their homeland into exile
A reform-minded emperor who divided the empire into two sections was BLANK.
When the empire was again divided, the portion that survived was the BLANK.
What do you think was the most important factor in the decline of the Empire? Explain.
Factors in the decline of the Empire included inflation, food shortages, disease, the loss of patriotism among soldiers and common people, Germanic invasions, and invasions from the Huns. I think the most important factor in the decline of the Empire was the lack of patriotism. Once people don't care about what happens to their empire, they won't do much to try to save it. As a result, not enough people worked together to try to save the empire (including government leaders, the military, and common people who might have ideas about what to do), and the empire fell. There was poor leadership and an internal divide. The Empire had expanded too much and had too much territory. There were rebellions and economic problems such as inflation. Soldiers and people became less patriotic. Mercenaries were barbarians who were paid money when the economy was already bad. They gained power and kept on taking more and more until they took over completely.
What do historians mean when they refer to Greco-Roman culture?
Greco-Roman culture is the culture produced when Greek, Hellenistic, and Roman culture mixed. This is also called classical civilization.
This group established colonies in southern Italy and Sicily and interacted with the early Romans.
What actions showed that Hannibal was a brilliant military strategist?
Hannibal was a brilliant military strategist who tried to surprise the Romans using daring and risky moves. This move worked very well but not well enough so as to allow the Carthaginians to capture Rome. Hannibal was bold in his strategies.
Mongol nomads, the BLANK, attacked the Germanic peoples on the northern borders of the empire, who in turn pushed into Roman lands and Rome itself.
What characterizes a republic as a form of government?
In a republic, the power lies in the hands of citizens who vote for their leaders. In the Roman republic, only free-born male citizens were allowed to vote. In the Roman republic, the rich people, or the patricians, had more power than the common people, or the plebeians.
What do you think is the most significant difference between the Roman republic and that of the United States today? Explain why this is an important difference.
In the Roman republic, you had different representatives based on your social status whereas everyone has the same representatives in the United States. This is an important difference because, although in both societies this meant that everyone had someone to represent them, in Roman society people still cared about class. This shows that the Roman republic was not so much a republic as the United States is, where representation is not based on class or other defining factors. There is never a dictator in the US, there are no two main people (one main person in US), there are three branches of government in both, you have to be an adult man to be a citizen and to vote in Rome (more people can vote in US), more people can run for president in US than leaders in Rome, it was hard to ascend the Roman ladder
In the third century, the Roman Empire suffered from inflation. What is inflation?
Inflation is a drastic drop in the value of money coupled with a rise in prices.
Why did issues involving what was or was not heresy become a problem for the Christian Church in the first centuries A.D.?
Issues involving heresies became a problem for the Christian Church in the first centuries AD because the dispute over beliefs became intense. Individual followers of the religion had different beliefs. Church leaders claimed that many things that appeared to contradict basic teachings a heresy. To solve this problem, the Church set a single, official standard of belief in the New Testament of the Bible. Constantine called Church leaders to Nicaea in Anatolia, where they wrote the Nicene Creed, which stated the basic beliefs of the Church, in AD 325. The Church had to make solid rules for people to believe so that they could come together as one and run things smoothly. They needed to unite around the same concept instead of arguing. They needed to be clear about who was in charge of what so that there would not be turmoil. They had to make written documents people would believe in.
called the Messiah, or king, whom the Bible had said would come to save the Jews
Jesus based many of his teachings on monotheism, the Ten Commandments, and other ideas from the BLANK religion.
The Roman Empire forced BLANK into exile in a dispersal called the Diaspora.
For the next several years, the armies of these two generals fought in various parts of the world. BLANK was victorious in these conflicts and had himself appointed dictator.
Julius Caesar
On the Ides of March, March 15, 44 B.C., BLANK was assassinated in the Senate by a group of conspirators.
Julius Caesar
The military leader who joined forces with Crassus and Pompey to dominate Rome
Julius Caesar
After serving as consul for a year, BLANK led his troops in conquering Gaul. His great popularity was a source of concern to BLANK, who managed to have him ordered back to Rome.
Julius Caesar, Pompey
These are the people who first settled the land on the bend of the Tiber River that was to become Rome.
Name two Roman historians and explain how they differed.
Livy composed a history of Rome using legends. Tacitus presented accurate facts in what he wrote about history. He was concerned that the Romans did not have morality.
What are mosaics?
Mosaics are pictures or designs made by setting small pieces of glass, tile, or stone onto a surface. Most rich people had a mosaic in their house.
What was the effect of moving the capital of the Empire to Byzantium?
Moving the capital of the Empire to Byzantium shifted the power of the empire to the east. This caused the eastern empire to survive after the empire was split again and the western empire fell. The capital was safer because it was surrounded by walls. The capital was a great spot for trade and connected the east and west.
Later, BLANK forced Lepidus to retire. Then he defeated the combined armies of BLANK and BLANK.
Octavian, Mark Antony, Cleopatra
How did Roman architecture affect western civilization:
Roman architecture affected western civilization because it was so practical that it remained popular. Thomas Jefferson began a Roman revival in the United States, so many large public buildings include Roman features.
How did Roman sculpture differ from Greek sculpture?
Roman sculptures were realistic and practical to be used for public education whereas Greek sculptures were beautiful and idealized.
Who fought in the Punic Wars, what was the end result, and why was that end result significant?
Rome and Carthage fought in the Punic Wars. In the end, the Romans' leader, Scipio, defeated the Carthaginians' leader, Hannibal. This was significant because this gave Rome power over the western Mediterranean. The Romans then conquered the eastern half.
What was Rome's most lasting and widespread legacy, and why?
Rome's most lasting and widespread legacy was its laws that gave rights to citizens and that came to be fair and applied equally to all people. This legacy formed the basis of legal systems in many European countries and places influenced by Europe such as the United States.
This person was a daring Roman general during the Second Punic War.
Why did the Germanic peoples begin invading Roman lands?
The Germanic peoples began invading Roman lands because the Huns took their lands and forced them to push into Rome. They wanted to escape the Huns and other barbarians. They chose, then, to invade Rome because they wanted Rome's land and wealth.
What were the differences between the patricians and the plebians in the Roman republic?
The patricians were rich and made laws when they were in government positions. The plebeians, who were the common people, were barred from most government positions but were eventually allowed to make their own assembly and elect representatives called tribunes who would protect them from unfair laws of the patricians.
What are two things Diocletian did to try to slow the decline of the Empire?
To try to slow the decline of the Empire, Diocletian doubled the size of the Roman army, set fixed prices for goods to control inflation, and divided the Empire into the East and West.
The First BLANK was a group of three rulers. Along with Crassus, the other two leaders were BLANK and BLANK.
Triumvirate, Julius Caesar, Pompey
The Second BLANK was made up of three of Caesars's supporters: Lepidus, BLANK, and BLANK. They would rule for ten years.
Triumvirate, Octavian, Mark Antony
large military unit of armed foot soldiers
may have written the Gospels, which told about Jesus' life; these people were Jesus' pupils and spread Jesus' ideas after his death
Roman soldiers had become less loyal, so the government was forced to hire BLANK to defend the empire.