Chapter 6 T.B.

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The basic building blocks of proteins are -glucose molecules -amino acids -sterols -ketone bodies

amino acids

An amino acid pool refers to -excess amino acids that are excreted in the urine -amino acids in body tissues and fluids that are available for protein synthesis -amino acids that are able to cross the blood-brain barrier and are used to nourish neurons -Amino acids that can be converted into glucose

amino acids in body tissues and fluids that are available for protein synthesis

A diet which provides foods of low protein quality will cause -weight gain -an increase in nitrogen loss in the urine -nitrogen retention in the body -muscle atrophy (increase growth of muscle mass)

an increase in nitrogen loss in the urine

Excessive intake of animal protein foods could cause -excessive bone mineralization, causing brittleness -a diet to be too low in energy -increased waste production overworking the liver -an increased risk of heart disease

an increased risk of heart disease

In the US, most of the dietary protein comes from -animal sources -beans -nuts -vegetables

animal sources

Studies have provided considerable evidence that soy consumption can help -increase fertility -lower blood levels of LDL cholesterol -improve athletic performance -reduce muscle fatigue

lower blood levels of LDL cholesterol

Adverse reactions including flushing, headache, rapid heartbeat, chest pain and weakness have been reported after the consumption of ______. -phenylalanine -isoflavones -monosodium glutamate -peanuts

monosodium glutamate

A(n) ________ bond links one amino acid to the next. -disulfide -ionic -glycosidic -peptide


Which of the following terms can be used to describe a protein? -polypeptide -monopeptide -polysaccharide -glycogen


Protein complementation is most important for people who are -vegan vegetarians -recovering from surgery -lacto-ovo vegetarians -meat eaters

vegan vegetarians

____________ are at increased risk of not getting an adequate amount of vitamin B 12 in their diet. -lacto-ovo vegetarians -athletes -vegan vegetarians -pregnant women

vegan vegetarians

Protein-energy malnutrition is characterized by -increased susceptibility to food allergies -wasting and increased susceptibility to infection -excessive urinary output -hyperglycemia

wasting and increased susceptibility to infection

If the shape of a protein is altered, the ___________ of the protein is altered. -nutritional value -functionality -taste -smell


The primary source of protein for most of the world's population is _____ -meat -dairy -grains and vegetables -fruits

grains and vegetables

One reason to get more of your protein from plants would be? -to get more fiber -to get more poly and mono unsaturated fats -to lower blood cholesterol -All answer choices are correct

All answer choices are correct

Protein requirements are in part based on a person's -body weight -age -health status -All answer choices are correct

All answer choices are correct

Regulatory proteins -help maintain the distribution of fluid inside and outside of cells and tissues -help to maintain a specific level of acidity (pH) in the body -prevent ketoacidosis -All answer choices are correct

All answer choices are correct

Vegetarians have a lower risk of -diabetes -cardiovascular disease -high blood pressure -All answer choices are correct

All answer choices are correct

Which of the following functions is performed by proteins in the body? -acid base balance (pH) -fluid balance -chemical catalysts (enzymes) -All answer choices are correct

All answer choices are correct

Individuals with the genetic disorder phenylketonuria (PKU) should limit their intake of foods containing -carbohydrate -iron -monosodium glutamate -Aspartame


Which statement about amino acid absorption is false? -Each amino acid has its own specific transport system -Groups of similar amino acids share the same transport system -If one amino acid is supplemented, it can slow the absorption of other amino acids -Dipeptides and tripeptides are broken down to amino acids before leaving the mucosal cells of the small intestine

Each amino acid has its own specific transport system

Which statement about sources of protein is false? -Animal sources of protein are used more efficiently by the human body than plant sources -It is difficult to meet most people's protein requirements without consuming animal proteins -Legumes provide about as much protein per 1⁄2 cup serving as a cup of milk -Plant sources of protein can easily meet most people's protein requirements

It is difficult to meet most people's protein requirements without consuming animal proteins

Which of the following can result from a deficiency of protein and energy? -PKU -Marasmus -kidney stones -All answer choices are correct


Which of the following is a TRUE statement? -Most Americans do not have enough protein in their diet -Most Americans are in negative nitrogen balance. -The amount of protein used by the body is estimated by calculating nitrogen loss from the body -All answer choices are correct.

The amount of protein used by the body is estimated by calculating nitrogen loss from the body

Complete protein sources can be found in which group in the MyPyramid Guide? -the fats and oils -fruits and vegetables -dairy -grains


All of the following components are associated with an amino acid except: -an amino group -an acid group -a phosphate group -a side chain (functional group)

a phosphate group

Hemoglobin is an example of -a defense protein -a transport protein -an enzyme -an immune protein (antibody)

a transport protein

Gene expression and protein synthesis involves -messenger RNA -transcription -translation -all answer choices are correct

all answer choices are correct

Vegan vegetarians may not get enough of which nutrient? -iron -vitamin B12 -calcium and vitamin D -all these nutrients could be low

all these nutrients could be low

Protein denaturation can -alter the three-dimensional shape of a protein -decrease the nutritional value of a protein -alter the sequence of amino acids in a protein -break the peptide bonds holding a protein together

alter the three-dimensional shape of a protein

The synthesis of glucose from certain amino acids involves -deamination -transcription -translation -transamination


A measure of protein quality determined by comparing the amount of nitrogen retained in the body with the amount absorbed from the diet is called the -chemical score -biological value -protein efficiency ratio -net protein utilization

biological value

Which of the following is a physical characteristic associated with Kwashiorkor disease? -bloated abdomen -excess sweating -ringing in ears -sinus infection

bloated abdomen

To estimate protein requirements, you must know a person's -body weight -urinary output -height -All answer choices are correct

body weight

The enzymes trypsin and chymotrypsin -break large polypeptides into smaller peptides -are needed to denature proteins -rearrange the sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide -are needed to make nonessential amino acids

break large peptides into smaller peptides

Protein complementation is a technique which -increases the biological value of a protein -increases the nitrogen value of a protein -minimizes nitrogen loss in the urine -combines proteins from different sources so that amino acids requirements are satisfied

combines proteins from different sources so that amino acids requirements are satisfied

Protein differs from carbohydrate and lipid in that protein -does not provide the body with a source of energy -is classified as an inorganic molecule -contains the element nitrogen -is not considered to be an essential nutrient

contains the element nitrogen

Kwashiorkor is best characterized by -delayed growth patterns in young children -increased susceptibility to food allergies in adults -misshapen (sickle-shaped) red blood cells -the inability to digest proteins from soy and other plant proteins

delayed growth patterns in young children

Heating a protein causes -transamination -deamination -denaturation -All answer choices are correct


A chemical score is calculated by comparing the amount of the limiting amino acid in the test protein with the amount of that amino acid in a reference protein such as -egg protein -soy protein -human muscle protein -human hair protein

egg protein

Amino acids that cannot be made by the adult human body are called -essential amino acids -complete proteins -incomplete amino acids -hydrolyzed proteins

essential amino acids

Isoflavones are chemically similar to the hormone -testosterone -cortisol -estrogen -insulin


Which nutrient is found in plant protein foods and not in animal protein foods? -iron -zinc -calcium -fiber


Protein quality is defined as -a measure of protein quality determined by comparing the amount of the limiting amino acid in a food with that in a reference protein -the freshness of meat determined by the biological activity of the actin and myosin filaments -how efficiently a protein in the diet can be used to make body proteins -the ratio of nonessential to essential amino acids present in a food

how efficiently a protein in the diet can be used to make body proteins

Which of the following groups has the highest protein requirements (amount of protein required per unit of bodyweight)? -infants -adults who exercise -adult women -adult men


An antibody -is a type of protein that helps protect the body from pathogens -catalyzes chemical reactions in the body -helps circulate lipids in the blood -regulates the acid base balance (pH) in the body

is a type of protein that helps protect the body from pathogens

Food allergies can result when a protein in the diet -is not absorbed and is eliminated in the feces -is filtered out of the blood and into the urine -is absorbed without being completely digested -provides amino acids that are not found in the human body

is absorbed without being completely digested

A limiting amino acid -does not supply the element nitrogen -is present in short supply relative to the body's need -cannot be used by the body during protein synthesis -is used to synthesize nonprotein molecules that contain nitrogen

is present in short supply relative to the body's need

The amino acid pool refers to amino acids -which are soluble in bodily fluids -present in body tissues and fluids that are available for protein synthesis -amino acids which are used by the body for energy -which the body is not able to make and must be supplied by the diet

present in body tissues and fluids that are available for protein synthesis

A complete dietary protein -contains the element sulfur -has been hydrolyzed so that digestion is not necessary -provides essential amino acids in the proportion need to support protein synthesis -has a low biological value

provides essential amino acids in the proportion need to support protein synthesis

Which nutrient(s) found in animal protein foods is not found in plant protein foods? -saturated fat -vitamins -phytochemicals -none of the above are correct

saturated fat

The three-dimensional shape of a protein is determined by the -ratio of nonessential to essential amino acids present in the polypeptide chain -sequence of amino acids in the polypeptide chain -carbon to nitrogen ratio in the polypeptide chain -the number of peptide bonds present in the polypeptide chain

sequence of amino acids in the polypeptide chain

Isoflavones are found in -whole cow's milk -soy products -citrus fruits -beef

soy products

The process of protein synthesis is directed by -the DNA in the nucleus of the cell -digestive enzymes called proteases -the availability of amino acids in the amino acid pool -all answer choices are correct

the DNA in the nucleus of the cell

The sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide chain is determined by -the types of food a person eats -the genetic material DNA -digestive enzymes called proteases -the hormone insulin

the genetic material DNA

Food allergies involve an interaction between a protein from the diet and -the immune system -the excretory system -the genetic material DNA -the genetic material RNA

the immune system

Positive nitrogen balance can occur when -an individual is wasting as a result of protein-energy malnutrition -protein intake does not meet the body's protein requirements -the individual is growing -total body nitrogen balance does not change for 30 days

the individual is growing

Transamination refers to -the transfer of an amino group from one amino acid to a carbon-containing molecule to form a nonessential amino acid -the removal of the amine group from an amino acid -the removal of the acid group from an amino acid -the formation of a peptide bond by the removal of water

the transfer of an amino group from one amino acid to a carbon-containing molecule to form a nonessential amino acid

A tripeptide contains _______ amino acids. -one -two -three -ten or more


The process of copying the information in DNA to a molecule of mRNA is called -translation -denaturation -transamination -transcription


The waste product resulting from the conversion of an amino acid into glucose is -ketone bodies -urea -triglycerides -ATP


Which of the following metabolic waste products is likely to increase in response to the process of deamination? -urea -pyruvate -glycogen -bile


A pattern of food intake that eliminates all animal products is called -a lacto-ovo vegetarian -vegan vegetarian -phyto vegetarian -pollo-vegetarian

vegan vegetarian

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