Chapter 6_NEW! Mini Sim_B2B MARK3300

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The primary evaluative criteria for this purchase are price, installation time, and warranty period. Given the three suppliers, which supplier do you recommend that Caffè Gustoso choose? Select an option from the choices below and click Submit. - Tanks for the Memories - Exotic Fish Supplies (Best choice) - Tropical Tanks

- Exotic Fish Supplies


The co-owners of Caffe Gustoso review the proposals submitted by the tropical fish companies and choose a finalist.


With the winning proposal identified, Caffe Gustoso's purchasing agent completes the transaction by placing the order and negotiating delivery and installation.


Customers who come into Caffe Gustoso's Naperville location will benefit from the relaxing ambiance the fish tanks will create.

To settle the dispute, you need to ensure that both owners understand the primary differences between consumer transactions and business transactions. As you work on your explanation, you reflect on the characteristics that make business transactions different than consumer transactions. How would you describe the demand for business products? Select an option from the choices below and click Submit. - Inelastic: Demand for business goods tends to be me more inelastic than demand for consumer goods. - Elastic: Demand for business goods tends to be more elastic than demand for consumer goods.

- Inelastic: Demand for business goods tends to be me more inelastic than demand for consumer goods.

The owners are still not convinced. You decide to add to your argument by discussing the differences in supplier choice. Which of the following arguments would strengthen your case? Select an option from the choices below and click Submit. - Less supplier choice: Business buyers tend to have far fewer choices in suppliers than the ultimate consumers do. - More supplier choice: Business buyers tend to have more choice in suppliers than the ultimate consumers do. (INCORRECT choice)

- Less supplier choice: Business buyers tend to have far fewer choices in suppliers than the ultimate consumers do.

Given the change to the cup design, how would you recommend handling this purchase? Select an option from the choices below and click Submit. - Modified rebuy (Best choice) - New buy - Straight rebuy

- Modified rebuy

You decide to make one more argument to highlight the difference between consumer purchases and business purchases. How would you describe the business buying process as compared to the consumer buying process? Select two options from the choices below and click Submit. - More formalized (One of the best choices) - Less structured (INCORRECT) - More flexible - Longer and slower (One of the best choices)

- More formalized - Longer and slower

How would you recommend handling the purchase of the tropical fish tanks? Select an option from the choices below and click Submit. - Straight rebuy - Modified rebuy - New buy

- New buy

A few months after the grand opening of the Naperville store, Caffè Gustoso's owners want to determine whether the fish tanks were a good investment. In the final stage of the business buyer decision process, the owners review the supplier's performance, which includes the installation, maintenance, and warranty response of the fish tank vendor. Additionally, the owners want to determine the ROI for the fish tanks. What data do you recommend the owners collect for this analysis? Select an option from the choices below and click Submit. - Time: The owners should determine the amount of time customers spend in the Naperville location as compared to average time spent in a coffee shop. - Customer service: The owners should evaluate the performance of their wait staff. - Spending: The owners should determine the average transaction per customer in the Naperville location as compared to average coffee shop transactions. (Best choice)

- Spending: The owners should determine the average transaction per customer in the Naperville location as compared to average coffee shop transactions.

Given the fact that the same coffee beans will be purchased from an existing supplier, how do you recommend treating this purchase? Select an option from the choices below and click Submit. - Straight rebuy (Best choice) - Modified rebuy - New buy

- Straight rebuy


Before the fish tank specifications were fanlized, the owners talked to a tropical fish retailer to gain some information and inspiration about what fish to acquire for the tanks.


Caffe Gustoso's secretary collects, sorts, and organizes all of the fish tank catalogs and bids submitted in response to the request for fish tank proposals.


One of the owner's spouses recently visited an upscale coffee shop in San Francisco whose internal walls were created out of fish tanks. She wants to replicate the relaxing feeling in the Naperville location.

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