Chapter 7: Body Weight and Body Composition

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The size acceptance movement is also known as the ______ movement.

"fit and fat"

What are characteristics of a healthy body weight?

- absence of medical conditions - acceptable body mass index - fat distribution that is not a risk factor for illness - body composition with an acceptable amount of fat

In general, unhealthy foods

- are more readily available. - are less expensive.

For which of the following groups is Overeaters Anonymous generally best suited?

- binge eaters - persons with emotional issues related to weight

Which of the following behaviors are linked to establishing a healthier lifestyle?

- moderate-intensity physical exercise every week - eating a balanced diet

Compared with food served in fast-food outlets, foods that are prepared in the home are likely to contain

- more fiber - less fat

To gain weight, you should eat energy-dense foods, such as

- nuts. - fish.

Fad diets typically follow a pattern of altering the balance of which of the following components? (Select all that apply.)

- protein - fat - carbohydrates

Body fat levels in adolescent boys and girls are greatly influenced by

- puberty. - hormones.

Fad diets typically label products as "good" or "bad," and they often typically

- require the elimination of one of the basic food groups. - prescribe foods that allegedly burn fat.

Reducing the time spent in sedentary activities could mean less time

- riding in cars. - watching television.

Obesity affects lifespans by

- shortening them. - making them less healthy.

When people are considering familiar food choices, they are mostly influenced by factors such as taste, convenience, and

- watching television - using a computer - driving a car

Because a pound of body fat stores about this many calories, you will need to decrease your total calorie intake for the week by this same number of calories to lose one pound of weight.


Which of the following questions should consumers ask before using herbal and dietary supplements for weight loss?

Do the proven benefits (if any) outweigh the risk and side effects? Is there data to support the claims that this product works? What are the potential risks and side effects of the product?

Unlike medications and other edible items, weight loss aids are not regulated by this government agency.

Food and Drug Administration

How are non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT) and exercise activity thermogenesis (EAT) related in different people?

NEAT and EAT are both highly variable.

What happens to health when communities develop walking trails, green spaces, and bike lanes?

People exercise more and have less obesity.

Who of the following exemplifies sedentary behavior?

Rick lies on the couch and texts his friends.

What could happen if people have too little body fat?

They would not be able to produce hormones.

A fully grown adult with a body mass index that is 18.5 to 24.9 would probably be considered

a healthy weight.

Which of the following is not a factor associated with good health?

an extremely low body weight

Weight-loss aids are not regulated as highly as medications because weight-loss aids

are marketed as dietary supplements.

Obese women may find it difficult to

become pregnant.

Community planning involves such activities as

building parks and trails.

The amount of typical body fat in a normal, healthy person

can differ according to a person's gender.

Fat carried around the waist, or abdomen, is called ______ obesity.


To measure their abdominal fat, people can measure the

circumference of their waists.

What is an example of non-exercise activity thermogenesis?

climbing stairs to get to your classes

Mayor Stevenson has signed an agreement that creates a walking trail connecting major shopping areas in her town, This is an example of

community planning.

The relationship of the intake calories to the consumption of calories through metabolism and movement is called

energy balance.

If obese parents adopt children who become obese, this scenario demonstrates how obesity can be caused by

environmental factors.

If both of your parents are obese, you have a

greater likelihood of being obese.

Popular weight management organizations, such as Jenny Craig, Overeaters Anonymous, TOPS, and Weight Watchers all

include education and weekly support.

The size acceptance movement aims to change the focus of health from weight loss to weight


Diet drugs and surgical procedures are two types of ______ strategies to treating obesity. (Remember to type only one word in the blank.)


If your body takes in fewer calories than your body uses, this situation is known as

negative energy balance.

Body weight that greatly exceeds the recommended guidelines as indicated by a BMI of 30 is defined as


Healthy weight loss is considered the loss of how many pounds per week?

one to two

Body weight that exceeds, but does not greatly exceed, the recommended guidelines is referred to as


When buying supplements, consumers should look for research that is

peer-reviewed in mainstream publications.

The way most communities are designed in the United States means that

people drive more often than they walk, even on very short trips.

What is believed to be a major cause of the recent increase in overweight and obesity?

poor childhood eating habits

People who go through an entire day without engaging in any significant physical activity are said to have a(n) ______ lifestyle.


Time spent sitting or lying down while awake is known as

sedentary behavior.

The three medical strategies to treat obesity are diet drugs, very-low-calorie diets, and

surgical procedures.

A person's body mass index measures a person's ______ relative to his or her height.


Which of the following is associated with an increased reliance on fast foods for meals?

weight gain

To gain weight in a healthy manner, you should engage in physical activity that emphasizes

weight training.

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