Chapter 7: Foundations of Selection
Organization can eliminate applicants based on job description/job specification
1. Applicants lack experience/training/education 2. Gaps in job history 3. Numerous jobs held for short period of time
List the selection process (8)
1. Initial screening interview 2. Completion of the application 3. Pre-employment test 4. Comprehensive interview 5. Conditional job offer 6. Background investigation 7. Medical or physical examination 8. Job offer
3 types of validity
1. content 2. construct 3. criterion related
realistic job preview (RJP)
A selection device that allows job candidates to learn negative as well as positive information about the job and organization
Weighted application forms
A special type of application form that uses relevant application information to determine the like-hood of job success.
Explain the purpose of background investigation
Background investigations are valuable when they verify hard data from the application.
Discuss the problems associated with job interviews and means of correcting them.
Interviews consistently achieve low marks for reliability and validity. These, however, are more the result of interviewer problems than problems with the interview. Interviewing validity can be enhanced by using a structured process.
Explain the primary purposes of performance simulation tests
Performance simulation test require the applicant to engage in specific behaviors demonstrated to be job related. Work sampling and the assessment center, which are performance simulations, receive high marks for their predictive capability.
Specify the organizational benefits derived from realistic job previews.
Realistic job previews reduce turnover by giving the applicant both favorable and unfavorable information about the job.
Identify the primary purpose of selection activities
Selection devices provide managers with information that helps them predict whether an applicant will prove to be a successful job performer. Selection activities primarily predict which job applicant will be successful if hired. During the selection process, candidates also learn about the job and organization. Proper selection can minimize the costs of replacement and training, reduce legal challenges, and result in a more productive workforce.
Discuss why organizations use application forms
The application form is effective for acquiring hard biographical data that can ultimately be verified
Initial screening
The first step in the selection process whereby job inquiries are sorted
Describe the selection process
The selection process includes the following: initial screening interview, completion of the application form, employment test, comprehensive interview, background investigation, conditional job offer, physical and medical investigation, and the job offer. In the discrete selection process, each step acts as a stand alone predictor - failing to pass any of these discrete steps means disqualification from the job. In the comprehensive approach, candidates go through most of the steps before a final decision about them is rendered.
List three types of validity
The three validation strategies are content, construct, and criterion-related validity.
Explain how validity is determined.
Validity is determined either by discovering the extend to which a test represents actual job content, or through statistical analyses that relate the test used to an important job related trait or to performance on the job.
assessment centers
a facility where performance simulation test are administrated, these include a series of exercises used for selection, development, and performance appraisals.
Cut score
a scoring point below which applicants are rejected
work sampling
a selection device requiring the job applicant to perform a small sampling of actual job activities
comprehensive interview
a selection device used to obtain in-depth information about a candidate
conditional job offer
a tentative job offer that becomes permanent after certain conditions are met
medical/physical examination
an examination to determine an applicants physical fitness for essential job performance
comprehensive selection
applying all steps in the selection process before rendering decision about a job candidate
Application form
company specific employment form used to generate specific information the company wants.
Phone interviews..
efficient way to hold screening interviews. They need to be short by keeping relevance to experience as submitted in application. You need to listen for energy/enthusiasm in voice
During the job interview ..
good idea to share job description to know if applicant s a right fit
interviewer bias:
image created by reviewing materials such as the resume application, or test scores prior to the actual interview
impression management
influencing performance evaluations by portraying an image desired by the appraiser. it's directly related to the applicants actions- an applicants attempt to project an image that will result in a favorable outcome.
behavioral interview
observing job candidates not only for what they say but for how they behave
qualified privilege
the ability for organizations to speak candidly to one another about employees or potential hires.
criterion related validity
the degree to which a particular selection device accurately predicts the important elements of work behavior, as in relationship between a test score and job performance. 2 approaches can be used: 1. Predictive validity 2. Concurrent validity
construct validity
the degree to which a particular that relates to successful job performance as in IQ tests
Content validity
the degree to which test content as a sample, represents all situations that could have been included such as a typing test for a clerk typist.
background investigation
the process of verifying information job candidate provides
the proven relationship of a selection device to relevant criterion
Concurrent validity
validating test by using current employees as the study group.
Predictive validity
validating test by using prospective applicants as the study group.
Performance simulation test
work sampling and assessment centers evaluate abilities in actual job activities.