Chapter 7-Genetic Mutations and Biotechnology

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The number of chromosomes can be studied by looking at a _____.


The genetic disorder that causes a male to be born with two X chromosomes in addition to a Y chromosome so they have XXY instead of XY is called _____.

Klinefelter syndrome

Making changes in an organism's DNA is called _____.

Genetic engineering

All of an organisms hereditary information is called a _____.


Sickle cell disease is a genetic disorder that affects hemoglobin. In the gene that coded for hemoglobin, the normal condon sequence GAG becomes GUG, and as a result, the amino acid glutamine is replaced with valine. What type of mutation causes sickle cell disease?


A frame shift mutation is usually more serious than a substitution mutation because it changes every _____ after the mutation.


Insertion and deletion mutations are usually more serious than substitution because they change every _____ after the mutation.


A danger of creating transgenic organisms is that they may _____ the gene pool of organisms that are not transgenic.


The genetic disorder caused when a child is born with three copies of chromosome 21 instead of two is called _____.

Down syndrome

Two ethical concerns raised by the Human Genome Project are the potential for _____ and an individuals right to _____ regarding their health.

Discrimination, privacy

A doctor suspects a person may have Klinefelter's syndrome (XXY) caused by having an extra X chromosome. Which of the following would be best to confirm the diagnosis?


Turner syndrome is a chromosomal mutation resulting from nondisjunction during meiosis in forming either sperm or egg cells. Which genetic technology would be best to determine the presence of this chromosomal mutation?


A mutation can be passed to offspring only when the mutation is present or occurs during _____.


An agent that can cause a change in DNA is called a _____.


The failure of paired chromosomes to separate properly during meiosis is called _____.


_____ during meiosis is responsible for down syndrome


Using electrophoresis to analyze DNA allows researchers to find differences and similarities in different kinds of _____.


Organisms that contain genes from a different organism are called _____.


To make potatoes more tolerant of cold storage, genetic engineers inserted codfish genes into a potato plant. Since these potato plants contain DNA from another organism, how are they classified?


A _____ is an organism that contains genes from a different species.

Transgenic organism

_____ is a mutation where part of a chromosome breaks off and attaches to a non-homologous pair.


Having three of a particular chromosome instead of two is called _____.


_____ is where a person has a missing enzyme needed to destroy a certain type of fat on the brain. Babies usually appear normal around 3 months old.

Tay-Sachs disease

_____ has been used to produce insulin for diabetes treatment.

Bacterial transformation

The process of producing genetically identical copies of genes, tissues, or an entire organism is called _____.


A point mutation that occurs in a blood cell would most likely result in incorrect _____ for a protein.


_____ is caused by a defective transport protein that carries salt and water into and out of the cells in the lungs.

Cystic fibrosis

A mutation is any mistake or change in the _____.


DNA fingerprint helps to identify a person because not two people, except identical twins, have exactly the same _____.


Transformation is the process of placing _____ from one organism into another organism.


_____ is a unique pattern created from DNA segments that can be used to identify family relationships.

DNA fingerprint

A piece of a chromosome breaks off describes _____.


The main ethical concern behind stem cell research is that some research uses embryos that are _____ when harvesting the cells.


Transgenic organisms are produced when the genes from one species are inserted into the genome of another species. For example, bt corn contains genes from the bacteria Bacillus Thuringiensis that makes the corn plant toxic to corn-borer caterpillars. The primary ethical concern of growing transgenic plants such as bt-corn are the unforeseen consequences on the _____ and _____.

Environment, human health

A substitution mutation results in the formation of a stop condon in the middle of a gene sequence. This mutation will affect the protein being formed by making the protein contain _____ amino acids than it should.


Gel electrophoresis can be used to separate DNA fragments by charge and length to create a DNA _____.


_____ is an error in a DNA sequence that adds or deleted a single base.


It would be best to use _____ to compare the banding patterns when trying to determine any taxonomic relationship between two organisms that have similar appearance and are found within a similar environment.

Gel electrophoresis

Several new organisms were recently discovered in the same environment. You could best determine if he organisms are related by comparing the DNA or organisms through _____.

Gel electrophoresis

Small pieces of DNA are separated into segments of different length during the process of _____.

Gel electrophoresis

Using _____ to create DNA fingerprints would be the best technology to determine if two people are related.

Gel electrophoresis

_____ is a laboratory technique that runs an electrical current through a gel to separate DNA fragments by their size.

Gel electrophoresis

_____ is a sex linked trait where the person's blood does not clot normally so the person bleeds more and longer from an injury.


The _____ is an international effort that successfully sequenced human DNA.

Human genome project

_____ is one of the only disorders caused by a dominant gene. It affects the brain, causing mental illness and death.

Huntington's disease

Cloning produces organisms that are genetically _____ to the original organism.


The nucleotide sequence on a strand of DNA changes as shown: ATA CGA TCG to ATA CGA TCC G. What type of mutation has occurred?


_____ is a mutation where part of a chromosome breaks off and is inserted backwards.


_____ is where too much phenylalanine builds up on the brain and it can be controlled with a special diet.


A circular piece of DNA found in bacterial cells is called _____.


In sickle cell disease, the gene responsible for forming hemoglobin inserts the amino acid valine instead of glutamic acid. Only this one amino acid is affected, but the resulting protein is shaped incorrectly. A _____ mutation causes sickle cell anemia.


Tay-Sachs disease is caused by a frameshift mutation on chromosome 15. A person with this disease lacks the enzyme hexosaminidase A. This enzyme is needed to break down gangliosides, a fatty substance that is formed in nerve cells and in the brain. The frameshift mutation results in this disease because it causes a defect in the gene needed to create a _____.


_____ is DNA that is formed by joining a short piece of DNA from one organism to the DNA of another organism.

Recombinant DNA

A sex linked trait found more often in males where the person has trouble distinguishing certain colors describes _____.

Red-green color blindness

Cystic fibrosis is most commonly caused when a gene on chromosome 7 is missing three base pairs that code for one amino acid in a protein. You could expect this missing amino acid to affect the protein by making it abnormally _____.


A point mutation that causes red blood cells to be a different shape and less functional and makes them sticky is called _____.

Sickle cell anemia

_____ are undifferentiated cells that have the ability to become different types of specialized cells.

Stem cells

An error in the DNA sequence in which one base is misread and changed to a different base is _____.


If a doctor suspects down syndrome in a developing fetus, he should observe _____ copies of a certain chromosome with a karyotype.


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