Chapter 7 ITC 429

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Open Graph

-Mark Zuckerberg announced Facebook's new initiative -goal was to connect all the different relationships that exist on the Internet by linking websites to facebook

APIs and SDKs

-Two programming. tools that make data sharing between companies possible

Social Monitoring: tools

1. subscription-based services 2. free monitoring services

7.4.3 What is an RSS reader?

Really simple syndication; extends control of Web content beyond the creator -allows users to subscribe to multiple sources (blogs, news headlines, social media feeds, videos, podcast) and have the content displayed in a single application called an RSS reader or RSS aggregator book answer: RSS technology allows users to subscribe to multiple sources (e.g., blogs, news headlines, video) and have the content displayed in a single application, called an RSS reader or RSS aggregator. Depending on the features of the aggregator, users can personalize how they want information from their news sources organized and displayed.

7.1. questions: Which of the following is not one of the internet infrastructures factors that led to the evolution of Web 1.0 to Web 2.0?

The emergence of artificial intelligence technologies

Really Simple Syndication (RSS)

extends control of Web content beyond the creator -allows users to subscribe to multiple sources (blogs, news headlines, social media feeds, videos, podcast) and have the content displayed in a single application called an RSS reader or RSS aggregator -users can create a customized news and info site by personalizing how they want info from their news sources organized and displayed EX. Feedly, Digg Reader, The Old Reader

7.2 questions: The amount of time that people spend each week on social media has increased over the years. Which of the following social media platforms do people tend to spend the most time on?


network effect

from the field of economics, the network effects explains how the perceived value or a product or service is affected by the number of people using the product or service -more users mean more value

social graph

global social network reflecting how we are all connected to one another through relationships -Berners-Lee 2007 extended this concept further when he coined the term "giant global graph"


has enhanced our ability to converse and conduct meetings with people in distant locations

7.3 questions: People frequently attach descriptive keywords or _______, designated by # to their tweets to make them easier for others to find


Blogs and public relations

if a blogger reviews your product positively, it can improve business. If they review it negatively, it can hurt your business

dial-up access

long waits as content from web pages "downloaded" onto the screen (world wide wait)

Dropbox: cloud storage service

makes it easy to access your documents from any of the. devices you work on. -shared hard-drive for your computer, phone, and tablet computer -allows you to share files and folders

5 groundswell strategies: embracing

many companies are utilizing social media to solicit new product ideas and suggestions for improving customer satisfaction from current customers, Managers are often surprised to learn that customers have great ideas for how the company can do better

social search

many social networking sites have developed powerful search engines capable of finding information and multimedia content on their networks -for some topics, these may provide more timely and relevant info than internet search engines

social network analysis (SNA)

mapping and measuring of relationships and flows between people, groups, organizations, computers, or other information or knowledge processing entities -nodes: network are the people and groups -links: show relationships or flows between the nodes

7.4 question: A(n) _______ is a web application that combines information from two or more sources and presents this info in a way that creates some new benefit or service


powerful and visually compelling

mashups allow for the combining of information that lets users enjoy a _________ and ________ _____ service

social bookmarking services provide

a better means of curating lists of websites we may want to return to someday and these services leberage the power of the crowd to index websites on the basis of human categorization, which can sometimes yield more useful results than the index systems of Web crawler search engines


a blog that consists of frequent, but very brief posts containing text, pictures, or videos. Twitter perhaps the most well-known example


a brief 140-character message or post broadcast on twitter, a microblogging service -people frequently attach descriptive keywords or hashtags to make them easier for others to find


a collaborative application that allows multiple people to create and edit online content

social media

a collection of Web applications based on Web 2.0 technology and culture that allows people to connect and collaborate with others by creating and sharing digital content -new technologies increase the ability of people to interact with businesses and each other, sharing and finding information, and forming relationships


a set of commands and programming standards used by developers to write applications that can communicate with other applications. (aids developers in determining how their applications can pass data back and forth with some other application)

Extensible markup language (XML)

a set of rules and guidelines for describing data that can. be used by other programming languages, It makes it possible for data to be shared across the Web

blogging platform

a software application used to create, edit, and add features to a blog. WordPress and Blogger are two of the most popular blogging platforms -choose based on your needs for the blog


a spontaneouos movement of people using online tools to connect, take charge of their own experience and get what they need-- information, support, ideas, products, and bargaining power-- from eachother


a system of classifying and organizing online content into categories by the use of user-generated meta data such as keywords -humans tag websites differently than the computer algorithms used by Google or Bing, and that's why the search will generate a different and potentially more useful list of websites EX. Delicious Media, Diigo, Clipix, Teamgum

7.1. questions: Which of the following terms best describes an online platform or website that allows subscribers to interact and form communities or networks based on real-life relationships, shared interests, and activities

social networking service

Web 2.0 applications

social networking service blogs mashups/widgets/RSS social bookmarking/tags wikis sharing sites

Facebook and LinkedIN

social networking sites

F+B: constant updating (real time, dynamic)

social technologies reflect our constantly evolving relationships, opinions, political views, religious beliefs, values


advanced split-screen app that allows users to view messages streaming from followers, people being followed, and people the user might wish to follow -easier to participate in forums like in a chatroom

7.1. questions: Which of the following best describes the purpose of an application programming interface (API)

aids developers in programming applications that can pass data back and forth with some other applicatioon

F+B: real people (profiles, usernames, and the human voice vs. corporate "we")

allows people too express their individuality through the creation of online identities, Web 2.0 gives people tools to create personal brands that characterize their personal, professional, or creative identity


allows teams to collaborate on the creation of web pages, allows people to add or update info found on the site

F+B: categorization by users (tagging)

allows users to decide for themselves how to categorize and label information they find online

Send button

allows users to send content from a website to their Facebook friends

feature convergence

an app was created for one reason and expanded to offer customers many features instead of the original one it was created for

social bookmarking/tags

an application for tagging or labeling online content for later retrieval

semantic web

an extension of the World Wide Web that utilizes a variety of conventions and technologies that allow machines to understand the meaning of Web content -connecting all points on the giant global graph


an icon, figure or visual representation of a person in computer games, simulations, virtual worlds or online discussion forms


an object-oriented language used to create apps and functionality on websites EX. pop-up windows, validation of webform inputs, images that chnage when a cursor passes over them

social networking services (SNS)

an online platform or website that allows subscribers to interact and form communities or networks based on real-life relationships, shared interests, activities and so on.

Different sectors of SNS sites

target age group geographic location of users language area of interest, EX. music/photography social vs. professional networking interface EX. profile page, microblog, virtual world

Tim-Berners-Lee and 1991

the WWW was invented by. ______ and. launched in ______

mindsets and develop strategies

the challenge for businesses today is to change the _________ and _______________ that take advantage of social media


can be created by social media and the reality that anyone can post at any time

social bookmarking

tools allow users to tag Web content with keywords of their choosing, users can later retrieve those links by searching on one or more of these keywords -can also be used as an alternative search engine, helping users search for and discover web content by others users (making it social)

F+B: content separated from form

with a simple syndication (RSS) aggregator, users pull content from a number of sources into a single location, making it easier to follow news stories and blog posts from multiple sites (data from one source can be exported to other platforms)

Social Monitoring tools-Free Monitoring Services:

-(Twitter Search)designed to monitor conversations on a single social media platform, while others (Social Mention) are designed to provide feedback on activity across a number of social media platforms

Free Monitoring tool: Social Mention

-aggregates content from over 80 different social media sites including Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter -users can generate statistics daily for a particular topic -metrics: strength, passion, sentiment, reach

synchronous communication (dialogue)

-dialogue or conversation that takes place in real time, without the long delays between exchanges that occur, for instance, in email or discussion board conversations -this is an important part of the collaborative process -Skype, GoToMeeting, Fuze, GoogleHangout, Zoom are good for teams who cannot mean face to face

Social tools for Information Retrival and knowledge sharing

-discussion groups -Q&A websites -Social Search

social monitoring services

-fast growing sector in the social technology field -allows users to track conversations taking place on social media sites -helps businesses understand what people were saying about their brands, products, executives -can identify industry experts, commentators, and opinion leaders

Free Monitoring Services: Twitter Search

-generates lists of recent tweets containing a specific word or phrase -use search engine to generate a list of tweets containing keywords related to an issue, a brand name, a company name, elected official, and so on. -formal analysis: randomly sample 100 tweets, and manually categorize them into positive, neg, neutral

mashups are social because

-info in them is user-generated social information -they represent the power to separate content from form-- allowing web developers and sometimes users greater control over how info is displayed and used on the web

Select Cluetrain Theses

-markets are conversations -these conversations enable powerful forms of social organization and knowledge exchange -people have figured out they can obtain better info and support from one another than from vendors. So much for corporate rhetoric about adding value to commoditized products -companies should realize their markets are often laughing. At them


-more complex than API -collection of software tools used by developers to write applications that run on a specific device or platform EX. A Facebook SDK helps third-party developers write programs that will run on Facebook

4. Application programming interfaces (API) and software development kits (SDK)(sent the stage for Web 2.0)

-one of the biggest differences between Web 1.0 and Web 2.0 is the extent to which business organizations are willing to share information (data) with other organizations and developers who are creating new programs or services. Businesses have learned that when done right, sharing info often creates synergies that benefit all involved

Blog: how marketers use blogs or microblogs

-provide individuals and organizations with a means to accomplish a variety of communication objectives -develop relationships w independent bloggers, encouraging them to write positive stories about the brand, product, and company -engage members of the community -tell the company's "story" -drive traffic to company website -inform current or prospective customers -encourage repeat visits to company site -have celebrity or influential expert send a tweet

Social Monitoring tools -high-end monitoring tools:

-report info using a dashboard interface, graphically representing the data it collects -Salesforce's Social Studio (formerly Radian 6) -Sysomos -Sprout Social -Oracle Social Cloud

subscription monitoring services

-require the user to pay a subscription or licensing fee -monitor the social media environment for mentions of your brand or company name but also provide analytics and tools for measuring trends in the amount of conversation occurring, the tone or sentiment of the convo, and other important aspects of the social interactions occurring online

online communities can be used as a platform for .....

-selling goods -promoting products to prospective customers, advertising -prospecting for customers -building relationships with customers and prospective customers -identifying customer perceptions by "listening" to conversations -soliciting ideas for new products and services from customers -providing support services to customers by answering questions, providing info -encouraging customers to share their positive perceptions with others, via word of mouth -gathering information about competitors and marketplace perceptions of competitors -identifying and interacting with prospective suppliers, partners, and collaborators

How people and businesses use twitter

-status updates -social media experts share links -companies promote new products -promoted tweets -new services give headline updates -coupon and shopping links -communicate politically -communicate with friends -people can reply or retweet or like tweets

five key strategic priorities that companies should focus on to leverage the groundswell

1. listening 2. talking 3. energizing 4. supporting 5. embracing

Businesses monitor social activity

-to identify brand advocates, to find experts talking about technical or business topics, to assess reputation or sentiment in the online community about a brand, person, or issue, to understand customers by listening --identifying topics of interest to the online community, to track trends in the volume or nature of online convos, assess the relationship between marketing actions and online convos, to identify potential problems with your brand's reputation before things get out of control

features and benefits made possible by XML, Java Script, APIs, and related technologies

-user-generated content (UGC) -content control -conversation -community (common values, culture) -categorization by users (tagging) -real people (profiles, usernames, and the human voice vs. the corporate "we" -connections (followers, friends, members) -constant updating (real time, dynamic) -content separated from form -equipment independence

1. Developments in tech and business that set the stage for Web 2.0

1. Broad bandwidth (broadband) 2. Sustainable business models 3. New Web programming technologies 4. Application programming interfaces (API) and software development kits (SDK)

How to Create a Blog

1. Create a plan (organize and have discipline) 2. Self-host or buy a hosting plan with domain or free blogging service 3. select blog platform 4. Set up your blog 5. Get started

Plug-in examples

1. Like button 2. Send Button 3. Comments 4. Embedded 5. Facepile 6. Login button

virtual reality

A computer-simulated environment that can be a simulation of the real world or an imaginary world

same social channels

A company's social media strategy cannot be effective if they aren't using the __________ as their customers

7.4 question: The programming tool that makes it possible for developers to combine information from two or more sources to create a new application is called __________


Crowdsourcing HR & freelance work

Amazon Mechanical Turk Clickworker Topcoder

Crowdfunding websites

ArtistShare Kickstarter GoFundMe Crowdrise

Crowdsourcing for marketing, design, and ideas

Brand Tags Guerra Creativa LeadVine

companies, write, APIs and SDKs

Businesses that share data with other ______ usually write the ______ that define the rules and restrictions for info sharing -they hold control over who uses their data and how it is used -API: use to share data with a wbsite -SDK: use to create an app that runs on another site

Types of CF: Credit

Contributors essentially make microloans to fund projects and expect to be repaid with interest

Types of CF: Royalties

Contributors receive a percentage of the sales revenue generated by a project. For instance, people who contribute to a musician's recording project might receive royalties from the sale of the artist's music

Types of CF: Rewards

Contributors receive some kind of "perk" or thank-you gift. Often, it is something related to the project. For instance, people who contribute to a filmmaker's project may receive a copy of the finished work on DVD

7.5 question: The adoption of Web. 2.0 technologies by companies for the purpose of improving employee collaboration and productivity is referred to as:

Enterprise 2.0

7.4 question: _________ is a tool for setting up regular automated searches so that you can be notified if any new. web content is published on a particular topic of interest

Google Alerts

7.4.2 Describe a typical consumer mashup?

Google maps: uses info from yelp and company websites to show people places to go and what. they will have once there book answer:One of the most common examples of a consumer mashup that you are likely to encounter involves the integration of map data (from companies such as Google or Mapquest) with information like store names, locations, phone numbers, and consumer reviews from other websites.

R&D crowdsourcing websites

InnoCentive Yet2 NineSigma Hypios

7.5 question: An online communciation tool that comes closest to the experience of face to face conversations is:

Internet-based video conferencing

AJAX technologies include

JavaScript, extendable markup language (XML), document object model (DOM), hypertext markup language (HTML), XMLHttpRequest, and cascading style sheets (CSS)

discussion groups

LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter host these platforms for massive group discussion that proves to be a helpful resource for information

Social Mention Metric: Reach

Measures the range. of influence. It is. number. of unique authors divided by. the number. of. mentions

7.4 question: Social _______ tools allow users to track the conversations and activities taking place on social media sites for the purpose of measuring the volume of conversations on a topic as well as the sentiment being expressed by people


7.1.1 How has Web 2.0 changed the behavior of Internet users?

My answer: It has made users active participants in what is being created and interacted with online. Everything is more two-way instead of one way. book answer: The new technologies dramatically increase the ability of people to interact with businesses and each other, sharing and finding information, and forming relationships.


Now business professionals are starting to experience the _________ of e-mail as a distribution and document storage system

Types of CF: Donations

Often used by charities and political campaigns. Contributors do not receive anything tangible in exchange for their donation, just the knowledge that they are supporting a cause they like or believe in

Crowdsourced product ideas

Proctor& Gamble Quirky CafePress

7.4 question: ____________ technology allows users to subscribe to multiple content sources (blogs, news, videos) and have the content displayed in a single aggregator or reader for more convenient access.

RSS (really simple syndication)

insight into conversations

Social monitoring tools play an essential role in helping social media marketers gain insight into the conversations taking place on the web

7.5 question: Tagging the URLs of websites with descriptive keywords or phrases and saving this info in a public or private repository for later retrieval is called:

Social Bookmarking

7.5 question: using a search engine on a social media site to find. content or information about activity that occurred on that site is called:

Social Search

7.4.5 Explain the difference between the Strength metric and the Sentiment metric reported by

Strengh: how likely it is that people are talking about a specific topic/product Sentiment: if the talk that people are doing is psoitive, neg, neutral (the tone) book answer:Strength - The likelihood that a particular topic is being discussed on social media platforms. Sentiment - The tone of the conversation; this metric helps you understand if people are feeling positive, negative, or neutral about the topic.

7.5 question: Synchronous communication is dialogue or conversation that __________.

Takes place in real time, without long delays

social media

The relatively low cost and ease of use makes ____________ a powerful force for democratization, the network structure enables communication and collaboration on a massive scale

Social Mention Metric: Sentiment

The tone of the conversation; this metric helps you understand if people. are feeling positive., negative or neutral about the topic

7.5.4 What advantages do sites like Dropbox and Box have over email as a way of sharing and collaborating on creating documents?

They are less overwhelming, things can be changed without having to send another email book answer: The e-mail approach has several drawbacks, perhaps the most obvious being the challenge of keeping different versions of the work organized. There are two features of Dropbox that make it a great tool. First, saving files to Dropbox is just as easy as saving a file to your hard drive. Other services require you to manually upload and download files. Dropbox also maintains a version history for documents, making it easy to see changes made to a document and undo them if necessary. This is a great feature for teams working on collaborative writing projects. Like Dropbox, is a cloud storage service but places greater emphasis on social tools and features, which make it a great choice for collaborating teams. Users can edit files stored on without downloading to their hard drives. Like many other social companies, has created an open source API, allowing third-party developers to write applications for users that offer additional sharing and collaboration features. Over 60 such apps have been developed so far.

7.4.4. Describe the ways in which businesses can benefit from using social media monitoring tools

They can help a company stay afloat of what competitors are doing, keep their info consistent, see what their consumers are saying about the brand and overall be more proactive book answer:Monitoring applications allow users to track conversations taking place on social media sites. The initial impetus for the growth of monitoring tools was the need for business organizations to better understand what people were saying about their brands, products, and executives (the "listening" part of the groundswell strategy model). Monitoring services can be used to identify industry experts, commentators, and opinion leaders who post regularly to social media sites. Once identified, public relations professionals can build relationships with these individuals and encourage them to become brand advocates who regularly portray the brand or company positively in their online writing and social media posts.

7.3 questions: Which of the following social media platforms is the most popular microblogging service?


Oculus Rift

Virtual reality headset that creates an immersive experience for users

7.1. questions: Which of the following is NOT one of the technologies responsible for many of the changes between Web 1.0 and Web 2.0?

Web browsers

Peer-2-Peer websites

Wikipedia Quora Yahoo Answers Diigo


With _____________, website programmers can import data from other sources to create new functions and features that we have come to associate with social media applications

7.3 questions: The two most popular blogging platforms are Google's Blogger platform and ______


social media

________ has changed the way we interact with others, how we communicate with companies and brands, how we learn about local and international events, and how we define relationships, reputation, privacy, group affiliations, and status

no one

________ has complete control over the message or the medium that a company releases

social media

____________ is a term describing a range of technologies that are used across the Internet and are part of most websites you use today

video blogs

a form of blogging for which the medium is video, and is a form of Internet television.

terms of service agreement (TOS)

a formal listing of the policies, liability limits, fees, user rights and responsibilities associated with using a particular service. Users are typically required to acknowledge they have read, understand, and agree to the TOS before they are allowed the service to use

AJAX technologies (asynchronous JavaScript and XML)

a group of technologies and programming languages that make it possible for Web pages to respond to users' actions without requiring the entire page to reload -makes everything so much quicker and go rid of a huge annoyance to early web users


a javascript object that serves as an API used by programs to retrieve data or resources from a URL without requiring a page load. It plays an important role in providing programmers with the ability to create dynamic and interactive web pages and applications

Cascading style sheets (CSS)

a language used to enhance the appearance of Web pages written in a markup language

World Wide Web (WWW)

a network of documents on the Internet, called Web pages, constructed with HTML markup language that supports links to other documents and media (graphics, video, audio, etc) -only used for scientific and academic circles until mid 1990s


a password-protected network that used the same Web-based technologies (browers, web pages, hyperlinked text) found on the World Wide Web -private/internal web

Web 2.0

a phase of World Wide. Web evolution characterized by dynamic Web pages, social media, mashup applications, broadband connectivity, and user-generated content (often called Social Web)

Document object model (DOM)

a programming API for documents, Programmers use it to manipulate (build, add, modify, delete, etc. ) HTML documents

Enterprise 2.0

as organizations update their intranets, employees take advantage of many social features they have become accustom to using the WWW, this is called _____-

automates posts to twitter and other social platforms published on a blog using RSS technology

7.5.2 Why. are social bookmarking services superior to the traditional method of saving "favorites" or "bookmarks" in a browser?

because they can be better organized and shared with friends book answer: Most Web browsers allow users to store links to online content by saving them to a list of favorites or bookmarks. This approach becomes cumbersome as more information is saved because lists grow long and difficult to use. Organizing bookmarks into folders helps a bit, but the folders tend to hide information and users can forget what folder they have stored information in. Social bookmarking services provide tools which allow users to tag Web content with keywords of their choosing. Users can retrieve links by searching on these keywords. In addition to retrieving links tagged with keywords, users can search for Web content tagged by others. This is what makes the bookmarking system "social."

7.3 questions: Which type of social media application is analogous to public online journal?



buttons or features on non-Facebook sites that interact with Facebook in some way (sharing feature on CCN makes a Facebook sharable post for the article)


cloud storage service but places greater emphasis on social tools and features, which make it a great choice for collaborating teams

businesses use social techniques for a wide variety of other benefits

collaboration communication and engagement with customers (marketing) image and reputation management (public relations) communication and engagement with employees and partners (management) talent acquisition and recruiting (human resources) research and knowledge management productivity and information utilities fund raising

enterprise data mashups

combination of data from various business systems and external sources without relying on the middle step of ETL (extract, transform, and load) into a data warehouse or help from IT -combine data from internal business sources (sales records, customer info) and/or info from external sources for enhanced usefulness and productivity EX. bank may use this to display a mortgage application from its own records, the property location on a google map, and info from county government property tax records


community of people who create, edit, and maintain an online knowledge base


community of people who post, view, and comment on videos


community of people who share their experiences and opinions about products and companies


community, perhaps several communities, of people who frequently exchange short messages about variety of topics

high fidelity

creating virtual world applications that make use of VR technology

7.2 questions: Which of the following terms best describes a Web 2.0 strategy for problem solving and production that marshals the collective talents of very large groups of people?


Types of crowdfunding

donations rewards credit equity royalties

Problems with traditional media

editors and publishers decide what you read their decisions are based on what masses will buy space is limited and barriers to get published are high -social media combats these problems


in 1990s, email was the primary mechanism for communicating on internet

Twitter's importance politically

in placed with media that is governed and controlled, it has allowed activists to gather protests and get news out quickly -it provides a direct link to the public for individuals, groups and organizations because it bypasses traditional media which can be a gatekeeper -also works for company customer service


initial platform for online communities by making it possible for users to exchange messages on various topics in public newsgroups -technically not part of the internet, its content can be accessed from internet sites like google groups or subscription-based news services like Giganews and Astraweb

1. Broad bandwidth (sent the stage for Web 2.0)

internet became faster and more widely available, load times became instant, these increased the appeal of internet


is a service that ranks users by the number of followers, friends, and updates


microblogging service posting multimedia content easy for users and allows them to update their blogs frequently but these can include just as much text as a blog


model of problem solving, production and idea generation that marshals the collective talents of a large group of people -using Web. 2.0 tools, companies solicit, refine, and evaluate ideas for new products and services based on input from their customers

5 groundswell strategies: listening

monitoring what your customers say on social media. By listening to what customers say to your company and what they say to each other, organizations can gain valuable insights

open source

most popular APIs are _______ which means that anyone can use them for free -use programmable for a list of popular APIs

businesses and business professionals

must devote time and resources to consistently monitor technological innovation and related changes in consumer behavior in. order to remain relevant, taking advantage of potential opportunities to create competitive advantages when they arise

7.4.1 Why are mashups considered part of social technology?

my answer: -info in them is user-generated social information -they represent the power to separate content from form-- allowing web developers and sometimes users greater control over how info is displayed and used on the web book answer: To begin with, many of the most popular APIs used in mashup apps are from social media sites. That means the data involved in the mashup are likely to be user-generated social information. The other reason mashups are considered social media is that they represent the power to separate content from form—allowing Web developers (and sometimes users) greater control over how information is displayed and used on the Web.

7.2.4 What are some potential ways that business organizations can take advantage of Second Life's unique virtual world interface?

my answer: Businesses could become a part of the virtual world by being a part of the avatar's life, which can inevitably encourage real-life brand interaction from the participants. book answer: IBM used it as a location for meetings, training, and recruitment. American Apparel was the first major retailer to set up shop in Second Life. Starwood Hotels used Second Life as a relatively low-cost market research experiment in which avatars visit Starwood's virtual Aloft hotel. Fashion and clothing manufacturers like Reebok, American Apparel, Adidas, and others used Second Life as a place to feature new clothing designs, setting up virtual stores where Second Life citizens could purchase digital clothing for their avatars. The hope was that awareness of fashion products on Second Life would spur interest and eventual purchase of real-world products.

7.2.3 Explain Facebook's Open Graph Initiative and how it plans to expand its influence across the World Wide Web

my answer: Open Graph initiative is bringing company websites into the Facebook connection by encouraging companies to put "like" buttons on their sites so that on that person's FB it promotes said company book answer: In April 2010 Zuckerberg announced Facebook's new initiative called Open Graph. The goal was to connect all the different relationships that exist on the Internet by linking websites to Facebook. Programmers at external websites were encouraged to include a Facebook "Like" button on their websites. That way, when a Facebook member visits the website, they can click "Like" and their relationship with that website will be reflected back on their Facebook page for friends to see. Facebook also encourages other websites to allow people to use their Facebook username and password to sign in or create accounts. For instance, if you are a Facebook member and you visit (a music service) or (a local directory service), you can sign into the sites using your Facebook username and password. Facebook will then share your profile information with those sites.

7.2.1.What are the major differences between SNSs and older online communities

my answer: Originally some social sites were not a part of the Internet. They mainly consisted of communicating or messaging people in different locations geographically. Now SNSs participate not only in connecting others but in e-commerce, advertising advancements, company platform growth book answer: Older online communities were often like public bulletin boards where all members of the community could read the messages that others posted. Websites were static, essentially online billboards for the businesses that created them. E-mail was the primary mechanism for social interaction. A Social Networking Service (SNS) is an online platform or website that allows subscribers to interact and form communities or networks based on real-life relationships, shared interests, activities and so on. We use a variety of tools and services for sharing interests with others. In addition to consuming content, we add comments or reviews and signal our appreciation for the content by clicking a "Like" or "11" button.

7.2.5 Why would a business want to create a private SNS? What are some of the challenges associated with doing this?

my answer: They would want to create a private SNS so that they can have greater control over who joins and what is discussed. Except, creating a private SNS is a lot of work and a lot of energy needs to be put towards an effort like this book answer: Private SNSs allow a greater degree of control over the network. Companies can easily monitor activity on their own SNS platforms and track conversations taking place about their brands and products. Managing a private SNS requires considerably more time, attention, and resources than maintaining a presence on a general SNS. Organizations need to understand up-front that they are making a substantial commitment with this strategy.

7.3.3 Why do marketers use blogs or microblogs?

my answer: This can be good content marketing, ways to get your audience engaged in content, promote, create discussion around product book answer: Corporate bloggers use the medium to tell stories about their brands and connect with customers. Blogs can also be an effective tool for interactive dialogue. Many blogs utilize comment features, allowing readers to respond to blog posts, interacting with the blogger and other readers.

7.3.5 How is Tumblr different from other types of blogging platforms?

my answer: Tumblr kind of allows it all, writing and following people but the posts can be short and long and include all kinds of media book answer: . Most microblog content consists of text-based messages, although there appears to be an increase in people who are microblogging photos and video on Twitter and Tumblr. Tumblr has increased in popularity recently among younger Internet users because of its multimedia capabilities and ease of use. Tumblr is often described as a microblogging service because it makes the posting of multimedia content easy for users, and allows them to update their blogs frequently. However, Tumblr blogs can include just as much text as a regular blog, although most who use the service emphasize photographs and video as the primary content. This emphasis on multimedia makes the Tumblr blogs more visually compelling. Tumblr is particularly popular among those who are blogging about things like fashion, entertainment, and the arts.

7.1.3 Why is Web. 2.0 referred to as the social Web

my answer: Web 2.0 made it possible for people to make and interact with each other through social media and company communities, this occurred through advancements and creating solutions to make it faster and more user-friendly book answer: The new technologies dramatically increase the ability of people to interact with businesses and each other, sharing and finding information, and forming relationships. This perspective explains why Web 2.0 is often called the social Web.

7.3.1 What is the difference between a blog and a microblog?

my answer: blog is written stories, updates, whatever, and microblogs are very short sentence updates or links to bigger blogs book answer: . In their simplest form, blogs are websites where people regularly post content. Some personal blogs are simply online diaries or journals where people share their thoughts, reflections, or an account of their life. Other blogs are more sophisticated and professional in format, resembling online newspapers or magazines. Because blogging technology has become so common place, you may not always realize you are reading a blog when accessing online content. A microblog is a blog that consists of frequent, but very brief posts containing text, pictures, or videos. Twitter is perhaps the most well-known example of a microblog.

7.1.2 What are the basic tools or applications that characterize Web 2.0?

my answer: dynamic Web pages, social media, mashup applications, broadband connectivity, and user-generated content applications: social networking service blogs mashups/widgets/RSS social bookmarking/tags wikis sharing sites book answer: Web 2.0 is a term used to describe a phase of World Wide Web evolution characterized by dynamic webpages; use of XML and Java; social media; data from multiple sources, as in mashup applications; broadband connectivity; user communities; and user-generated and user-controlled content.

7.1.6 What is feature convergence? Some examples of this trend with regard to social media apps?

my answer: feature convergence is when an app is made to solve a certain problem but over the years, because of adaption to customer demands, the app has added features that make it hard for people to tell what the app was originally designed for EX. instagram: sharing photos, but now it has videos, shops, etc. book answer: Feature convergence is the trend for applications to take on additional features of other applications, such that few applications fit neatly into categories anymore. For instance, Facebook started as a social networking service, but now has features that span almost all of the categories of Web 2.0 applications. YouTube started as a sharing site, making it easy for people to share video clips with others. However, YouTube now contains many features that make it difficult to distinguish from a social networking service. The same is true of Flickr, a photo-sharing site that has really become a community platform for people interested in photography.

7.1.5 What are some of the most important messages for business organizations in the Cluetrain Manifesto?

my answer: marketing is a conversation book answer: "Markets are conversations." These conversations enable powerful forms of social organization and knowledge exchange. People have figured out they obtain better information and support from one another than from vendors. So much for corporate rhetoric about adding value to commoditized products. Companies should realize their markets are often laughing. At them.

7.1.4 What are some of the benefits or advantages that web developers gain from using AJAX technologies?

my answer: programmers can import data from other sources to create new functions and features that we have come to associate with social media applications; makes the coding quicker and customized to the company book answer: AJAX technologies, or asynchronous JavaScript and XML, is a term referring to a group of technologies and programming languages that make it possible for webpages to respond to users' actions without requiring the entire page to reload. AJAX makes it possible for Web developers to create small apps that run on a page instead of a server. This capability makes programs run much faster, eliminating a key source of frustration with the early Web. With AJAX and APIs, website programmers can import data from other sources to create new functions and features that we have come to associate with social media applications.

7.3.2 What is a blogging platform?

my answer: software app used to post your blog book answer: A blogging Platform is a software application used to create, edit, and add features to a blog. WordPress and Blogger are two of the most popular blogging platforms.

7.2.2 What is the basic difference between the social graph and Berners-Lee's concept of the Giant Global Graph?

my answer: the social graph is just the creation and analysis of a web of many connections, and Berns-Lee's concept is just taking that a step farther into global territory book answer: Facebook has begun using the term social graph to refer to the global social network reflecting how we are all connected to one another through relationships. Facebook users can access a social graph application that visually represents the connections among all the people in their network. Berners-Lee (2007) extends this concept even further when he coined the term giant global graph. This concept is intended to illustrate the connections between people and/or documents and pages online.

7.3.4 What makes Twitter a more attractive communication channel than traditional media for many individuals and organizations?

my answer: twitter puts people directly in-front of their target audience without the gatekeeping that happens when info first goes through traditional media book answer: With traditional media, content is tightly controlled and brand messages are "pushed" out to users, often in the form of an ad interruption. With social media, users are frequently attracted or "pulled" to content that is interesting to them and they have greater freedom to decide if, when, and how they want to interact with such content.


network of blogs

Google Alerts

not as much metrics but more of a monitoring tools that conducts automated goole searches for new web content -users receive regular email updates with search results -useful for managers who need to be aware of any news stories, blog posts, and discussion forums -good for monitoring competitive organizations

F+B: community (common values, culture)

social media technologies ultimately result in creation of communities; usually made up by people who share a common bond (interested, values, norms, sanctions) -companies can try to form communities made up of customers who have an interest in a particular brand

social networking services

online communities


online journals


online journals where people and companies post their thoughts and other content, usually related to narrowly defined topics

7.1. questions: Most popular APIs are _____, which means that anyone can use them for free, although other conditions may be placed on their use

open source

promoted tweets

paid ads sent out over the network


paradigm shift occurred in marketing communications from a one-way model to a conversation or two-way model

Online/Virtual communities

parallel physical communities, such as neighborhoods, clubs, and associations, except they are not bound by political or geographic boundaries

F+B: equipment independence

people can access the Web and social media from a variety of computers and mobile devices

Flickr and Photobucket

photo-sharing communities


places content from any public Facebook post on to a website post or blog

7.3 questions: Advertisements or paid messages on Twitter are called:

promoted tweets

Programmable Web

provides a directory of mashups


raising funds for a project from the public, crowd, via the Web


refers to wide bandwidth technologies that create fast, high-volume connections to the Internet and World Wide Web

brand advocates

regularly portray the brand or company positively in their online writing and social media posts

Second Life

social network service unlike most others. 3D virtual world interface in which users, residents, are represented by avatars, or cyber bodies

Like button

shares pages from a website back to a user's Facebook profile with a single click

login button

shows profile pictures of the user's friends who have already signed up for a website in addition to a login button

Q&A websites

similar to discussion groups in that they provide a forum for people to ask questions and get answers from experts or knowledgable professionals -Quora, Reddit, StackExchange

newsgroups (public)

similar to online bulletin board systems

7.2 questions: A visual representation of a social network depicting how we are all related to one another is called?

social graph

7.2 questions: Which of the following terms best describes when one website allows its registered members to use their login credentials (username and password) to login to other websites?

social logins

F+B: user-generated content

social media makes it possible for users to create and share their own content


social media management platform with tools for engagement, publishing, analytics, monitoring, and advertising across multiple social media channels -when premium, hootsuite is similar to an enterprise-level system

Social Mention Metric: Passion

the degree to which people who are talking about your brand. will do so repeatedly

social networking services represents ...

the dominant form of online community

Social Mention Metric: Strength

the likelihood that a particular topic is being discussed on social media platforms

Hypertext markup language (HTML)

the predominant language for web pages, it is used, along with CSS, to describe how things will appear on a web page

7.2 questions: Which of the following terms best describes an extension of the World Wide Web that utilizes a variety of technologies that allow machines to understand the meaning of web content?

the semantic web

from institutional control to consumer control

the shift from traditional media only to social media and traditional has lead for the market to move _____


the universe of people who use Twitter, a microblogging service -uses third-party apps that have been developed to enhance the site's functionality and user experience EX. TweetDeck,, Twitterholic

by giving up some control..

these content creators enjoy wider distribution and market penetration by

private SNS

these use social technology to create a community restricted to members selected by the SNSs' owner -these are very time consuming for a company to impose and run but they do allow for a greater degree of control over the network

7.5.5 Why are search results generated on a social bookmarking site likely to be. different from search results from Google or Bing?

they are saved by people which is different from automated saves on the search engines book answer: Many social networking sites like Facebook, YouTube and Twitter have developed powerful search engines capable of finding information and multi-media content on their networks. These search tools have been largely over-looked by business professionals in favor of search engines like Google and Bing. However, for some topics, social media search engines may provide more timely and relevant information than Internet search engines.


this feature displays the profile photos of the people who have connected with a facebook page or app

Cluetrain Manifesto

this is a list of 95 statements that explains the new way of thinking because of Web 2.0 -fundamental principle: markets are conversations -when these principles are turned into actions, the manifesto becomes revolutionary to utilizing Web 2.0 in reference to business

3. New Web programming technologies (sent the stage for Web 2.0)

this made it possible for programmers to create dynamic and feature-rich websites; created new business opportunities and increased demand for web. access


this plug-in allows users to comment on a web. page's content using their facebook profile and shows the activity to the user's friends in a newsfeed

2. Sustainable Business Models. (sent the stage for Web 2.0)

this was created, including companies such as Amazon, Ebay, Google, that were actually successful contrarily to the bust in the 1990s with many failed companies

traditional media makes content

tightly controlled and brand messages are "pushed" out to users, such as an ad interruption

7.5.3 What are some ways you can use social media to solicit knowledge, info, and advice from experts on the web?

use forums or question and answer pages, like Quora and Reddit book answer: Social media monitoring tools can be used to search the Web for blog posts, tweets and other social activity by industry experts and commentators that might prove to be sources of valuable information. It is often possible to engage these experts on social media by commenting on blog posts, interacting on social networks or services like Twitter.

F+B: content control

users decide for themselves what they want to create and share, control of online content has shifted to a broad base of users

5 groundswell strategies: energizing

using a variety of tactics, companies can create and maintain relationships with brand advocates who will support and promote the brand to their friends and followers on the web. Energizing brand advocates is analogous to generating word-of-mouth communications in traditional marketing

5 groundswell strategies: supporting

using social media to deliver effective and convenient customer service is one way to support your customers. Some businesses create communities where customers can help each other with product-related issues and questions

hashtag activism

using the service to maintain awareness levels about their cause as well as influence people's beliefs and attitudes on key issues

social media makes content

very available to users that are frequently attracted or "pulled" to the content that is interesting to them. They also have more freedom to decide if, when, and how they want to interact with such content

7.5.1 How can working teams use social media as an alternative to fave-to-face meetings

video conferences, teams book answer: Services like Skype and ooVoo now make it possible to conduct video calls among small groups, making it easier to hold meetings.

F+B: connections (followers, friends, members)

ways to establish additional levels of connection on social media like following and liking


web application that combines information from two or more sources and presents this information in a way that creates some new benefit or service -integration of two or more technologies EX. Google maps


web applications that pull data from various sources and display on another page to create new functionality

sharing sites

websites that make it easier for users to upload and share digital content like photos, videos, musics


websites where people regularly post content -some are simple online diaries/journals -some are more sophisticated/professional -purpose: to establish reputation and promote business interests

5 groundswell strategies: talking

while listening is perhaps the most important priority, businesses still need to develop their message and communicate to their target audience (s)

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