Chapter 7 Management

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Which of the following refers to a large-scale information system for integrating and synchronizing the many activities in the extended enterprise?

a.Enterprise resource planning (ERP)

Based on the forces for change, what is a primary reason for problems that organizations face?

a.Failure to anticipate or respond to change properly

The management at BigWell Industries understands the need to innovate in order to remain competitive. Unfortunately, BigWell does not have the creative personnel on staff to drive innovations, and it lacks the budget for any new hires this year. BigWell's failure to innovate can be blamed on what?

a.Lack of resources

According to Jinhoon's analysis, the market for products made in his plant should grow three to five percent over the next five years. To prepare for this, Jinhoon is making arrangements to expand his manufacturing facility and increase staff to meet the increased demand. Which type of change is Jinhoon implementing?


Which type of innovation includes new products and technologies that completely replace existing products and technologies in an industry?


There has been much discussion about requiring automotive manufacturers to increase the fuel efficiency of cars, as well as to increase the size of their electric vehicle fleet. Anke runs an oil drilling equipment firm, and she is following these guidelines with interest. How can Anke use this information when she is not in the automotive industry?

a.To anticipate external forces for change

Atmir wants to make changes to the health insurance plan his company offers. After researching plans and costs, he set up meetings to explain to leadership why these changes are necessary. Which stage of the Lewin model are they in?


Which unique skill does a product champion usually possess?

a.Where to secure resources for successful development

Companywide processes—such as materials management, production planning, order management, and financial reporting—can all be linked through _____.

a.enterprise resource planning (ERP)

After several employees complained about being underpaid, management was able to collect data from the industry to show that the firm pays a competitive wage and offers excellent benefits. In this scenario, management is trying to change _____.


For years, Rabeya's purchasing department has used a cycle counting system to monitor inventory levels. Upper management has decided to convert to an automated perpetual inventory system that will reduce costs and improve accuracy. This type of organization change is known as _____.


The Lewin model of organizational change process includes refreezing, which involves _____.

a.supporting the change

Chartab Industries recently adopted a new enterprise resource planning (ERP) system to help with financial reporting. The company's adoption of the new ERP system reflects a change in the area of _____. and operations

Helena has been particularly resistant to the new restructuring where she works. Her department is now slightly smaller than it was before, and she feels that this will give her less influence in the company. Helena's resistance is based on _____.

a.threatened self-interest

An example of an internal force that drives an organization toward change is_____.

a.workers' demand for a change in working hours

Which of the following is least likely to cause resistance to change?


Which of the following is typical behavior for an organization when it resists the need for business process change?

b.Consuming its own resources

Pallavi is worried about how the new procedures for quality control will affect her job. Because she does not understand these new procedures, she has become very resistant to using them. What might have prevented Pallavi's reaction to this change?

b.Education and communication

Hassam manages a bakery, and most of the bakery's business is foot traffic. When another bakery opened its doors around the corner, Hassam saw his sales decline. He immediately began promoting daily specials to regain some of his clientele. Hassam's new marketing tactics were in response to which forces for change?


Martin's purchasing department is converting to an automated perpetual inventory system that will reduce costs and improve accuracy. Martin is aware of his employees' anxiety about the change. During the conversion, he made only the necessary changes, announced those changes well in advance, and allowed time for employees to adjust to new ways of doing things. Which technique did Martin use to overcome resistance to this change?


Because Jolanta believes that each item she produces should be custom fit for each customer, she does not allow the online purchasing of her specialty clothing line. However, she now finds her sales are declining, and once-steady customers who asked for online ordering are no longer shopping with her. Which of the following is affecting Jolanta's business?

b.Failure to recognize opportunities

Which of the following can be used to overcome resistance to organizational change so that employees can understand the facilitation of change will be less detrimental than the consequences of not changing?

b.Force-field analysis

Raul's division is moving to a new facility. Today, all employees were given supplies and told to start packing and labeling their files. Which stage of the Lewin model are they in?


What is the second step in the Lewin model of organizational change?


Dina Med Group has invented a portable device that will enable patients without access to medical facilities to monitor vital signs for multiple serious health conditions. Manufacturing of the device began last month, and Dina Med Group plans to begin product delivery within the next two weeks. Which stage of the innovation process is Dina Med in?

b.Innovation application

At which stage in the organizational innovation process does the organization no longer maintain a competitive advantage because of a decrease in demand?

b.Innovation decline

EvruTech developed an innovative new way to deliver products to its customers. At this point, most companies in the industry have access to this delivery method and are now using it. EvruTech's innovation has reached which stage?

b.Innovation maturity

Why is the Lewin model of change considered to be less preferred than a comprehensive approach to change?

b.It lacks operational specificity.

Which of the following is a critical assumption of organizational development?

b.It will influence individual and group behavior.

When creating organization change that has to do with people, what is a common focus?

b.Perceptions and expectations

Raphael's home building company wants to build houses on land that is currently zoned for commercial use. When he appealed to the zoning commission, they voted down the zoning change, and they requested plans and other specifications before they would make a decision. In this scenario, Raphael is responding to an external force for change in which dimension?


Which type of innovations are changes in the physical characteristics or performance of existing products or services or the creation of brand-new products or services?


According to the comprehensive approach to change, which of the following is the first step in the change process?

b.Recognition of the need for change

Which of the following is an external force that drives an organization toward change?

b.Technological innovations in the market

Why should organizations avoid reactive changes when possible?

b.There is an increased likelihood of poorly conceived and executed change.

Which of the following would be an organizational change that would fall into the category of technology and operations?

b.Work processes

Marah initiated a new quality assurance process. It will be faster than the old process with little impact on actual quality. Ozlem continues to argue against the change process because she feels that the new process will negatively impact product quality and will, ultimately, harm sales. Her resistance is based on _____.

b.different perceptions

The final step in the Lewin model of change is _____.


What is the second stage in the organizational innovation process, where the organization uses developed ideas in the design or manufacturing of new products, services, or processes?


During his performance review, Eli's manager helped him understand ways to perform better in the future and achieve some of his work-related goals. Which type of OD technique was Eli's manager using?


Ramon wants to establish a culture that rewards innovative ideas. What can he do to encourage innovation in his firm?

c.Communicate the feeling that failure is acceptable and expected.

During which stage of the product and process innovation process do physical attributes and capability most affect organizational performance?


Ugar manages a bakery and has seen his sales decline. He has many customers come in who are looking for gluten-free products, which he does not have. He would like to find a way to capture this market. Many also come in and want to enjoy their purchase at the store with coffee, which he does not sell. Those customers leave without making any purchases. Which of the following steps in the comprehensive change model would improve Ugar's approach and his likelihood for success?

c.Diagnosis of relevant variables

The Federal Reserve lowered adjusted interest rates, making it difficult for Chartab to get the loans needed to expand certain operations. Chartab had to adjust its production and sales forecasts accordingly. In this scenario, Chartab is responding to an external force for change in which dimension?


Which part of the organization is least likely to be affected by change within the organization?


Which type of innovation refers to a new product, service, or technology that modifies an existing one?


Apoorva believes in a functional organization structure and has begun implementing changes in the organization to match this structure. Which type of change is Apoorva creating?


Which of the following is true of an incremental innovation?

c.It modifies existing products and processes.

_____ change refers to any substantive modification to some part of the organization.


Which type of change is associated with lower risk?


Which types of innovations are changes in the way products or services are manufactured, created, or distributed?


What are considered to be the two most important types of technical innovations?

c.Product and process

Which of the following represents a managerial innovation?


Petra is a senior manager, and she is highly supportive of a new product being developed in the organization. Petra has provided a budget for this project, and she uses organizational politics to ensure this project is completed. Petra is playing which intrapreneurial role?


Which type of OD technique is intended to promote overall group effectiveness?

c.Team building

Why would managers want to implement organizational development practices within their organization?

c.To eliminate the need for diagnostic activities in problem solving a.To take advantage of the skills and abilities of employees

Using the comprehensive model for change, what should managers consider after they have set goals for change?

c.Understanding what brought on the need for change

Raul and Raj have worked together on a project since the project began, and they have formed a close working relationship. Since the project was so well done, regular project meetings are no longer necessary, and monitoring the project will be given to a junior member of the team. Raul and Raj are resistant to the restructuring. Their resistance is based on _____.

c.feelings of loss

Reactive change _____. a piecemeal response to circumstances

An organization is behaving most typically when it does not change in sync with its environment, and it _____.

c.maintains the status quo

Amina's department has been having problems with its order fulfillment system. Orders went through three different people on the path from receipt to fulfillment. They found that if one person handled the first two steps, the process had fewer errors. When Amina made this change, she was changing the _____. sequence

One area of organization change involves human resources. Which of the following is an example of a change in this area?

d.A change in the skill level of a firm's workforce

Which can be a period of high economic performance for an organization?

d.Application growth

At which point in the product innovation process does a firm try to determine if customers will want to buy the innovative product or service?

d.Application launch

L'Meese is in the process of switching all customer orders and billing systems online. This will reduce the time needed to bill, as well as to collect payments from customers. Which type of change program is L'Meese utilizing?

d.Business processes

Changes in car emissions standards forced automakers to design and build more fuel-efficient vehicles. In this situation, the automakers are responding to which force for change?


Blain's Medical Services has had a 20 percent attrition rate in its sales department. Exit interviews reveal that many of the employees are leaving the firm due to a lack of personal and professional growth.Which of the following organization development techniques is the best approach for Blain's Medical Services to address this problem area?

d.Life and career planning

What can an organization use to plan change and intervention in the organization's process, and manage it from the top, using behavioral science knowledge?

d.Organization development

Management at Azim's company has rolled out a new quality assurance process. It will be faster than the old process with little impact on actual quality. Azim feels that the new process will negatively impact product quality and will, ultimately, harm sales. Management might have been able to prevent Azim's resistance if Azim had been involved in planning and implementing the changes, rather than just notified of them. Which method of overcoming resistance would that have entailed?


As the head of IT, Teresita is implementing one new hardware or software change each year. It is her goal to create change that is timely and orderly and that allows her to respond to future events. Which type of change is Teresita working on?


Sabine has developed an improved system for delivering parts to production employees when and where they need them. Which type of innovation did Sabine make?


One of Bhavik's key suppliers had to close temporarily due to a fire at the plant. Because of this, Bhavik is likely to miss his production schedules, so he immediately looked for other suppliers who could supply the same parts. Which response to change did Bhavik make?


Which type of change has a greater potential to be poorly conceived and executed?


Which type of change is based on developing circumstances?


As a manager, Kaia is working closely with employees to help them become accustomed to the new equipment they are using. She wants them to make these new processes part of the system. Which part of the Lewin model is Kaia using?


Zereth buys leather goods to sell in her shop from a supplier overseas. Recently it was found that this supplier underpays its workers and has hazardous working conditions. As a result, many customers are refusing to buy this brand. In response, Zereth discontinued that line and replaced it with a local line. Zereth responded to external forces for change in which environment?


In order for change to have a realistic opportunity to succeed, what must that change be?

d.Systematic and logical

A competitor of Avec's company just lowered its prices, and this is causing some of her long-time customers to reconsider their work relationship with her company. Which external force for change in the environment will Avec have to respond to?


Education and communication is a particularly useful method for overcoming which source of resistance to change?


Diagnostic activities, third-party peacemaking, and process consultation are activities associated with _____.

d.organization development

In response to the Affordable Care Act, Mikel's firm had to make significant changes to the health insurance segment of its employee benefits package. This is an example of a change in the area of _____.

d.organization structure and design

Tariq has combined several departments and has made changes to the key leadership reporting relationships at his firm. This is an example of a change in the area of _____.

d.organization structure and design

Sushil has purchased and installed new equipment for two of the production lines in her department. This is an example of a change in the area of _____. and operations

Employees who think they may not be able to fully understand or follow new procedures may resist change because of _____.


A person who develops new businesses within the context of a large organization is a(n) _____.


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