Chapter 7 - Muscles of the forearm and hand

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Adductor Pollicis - Action

Adducts thumb

Flexor Carpi Ulnaris - Action

Flexes and adducts wrists

Flexor Pollicis Longus - Action

Flexes interphalangeal joint of thumb.

Flexor Digiti Minimi Brevis - Action

Flexes little finger at metacarpophalangeal joint

Flexor Digitorum Superficialis - Action

Flexes middle phalanges of each finger. Flex wrist

Lumbricales - Origin, Insertion, Nerve

Origin: Tendons of flexor digitorum profundus Insertion: Lateral side of corresponding tendon of extensor digitorum Nerve: Lateral lumbricales median nerve C6, 7, 8, T1

Flexor Digitorum Profundus - Origin, Insertion, Nerve

Origin: Upper 2/3 of medial and anterior surfaces of ulna Insertion: Anterior surface of base of distal phalanges Nerve: Medial half of muscle C, 8 T1. Lateral half of muscle C7, C8, T1

Opponens Digiti Minimi - Action

Pulls metacarpal of little finger forward and rotates it laterally

Supinator - Action

Supinates forearm

Palmaris Brevis - Action

Wrinkles skin on ulnar border of hand

Muscles of the Hand

1. Abductor pollicis brevis 2. Flexor pollicis brevis 3. Adductor pollicis 4. LUmbricales 5. Opponens digiti minimi 6. Abductor digiti minimi

Muscles of the posterior forearm

1. Brachioradialis 2. Supinator 3. Abductor pollicis longus 4. Extensor pollicis brevis 5. Extensor pollicis longus 6. Extensor indicis 7. Extensor carpi ulnaris 8. Entensor digiti minimi 9. Extensor Carpi radialis longus 10. Extensor digitorum 11. Extensor carpi radialis brevis

Muscles of the anterior forearm

1. Pronator teres 2. Pronator quadratus 3. Palmaris longus 4. Flexor carpi ulnaris 5. Flexor digitorum profundus 6. Flexor digitorum superficialis 7. Flexor pollicis longus 8. Flexor carpi radialis

Dorsal Interossei - Action

Abducts fingers away from middle finger

Abductor Digiti Minimi - Action

Abducts little finger

Abductor Pollicis Brevis - action

Abducts thumb and moves it anteriorly

Palmar Interossei - Action

Adducts fingers and thumb toward middle finger

Extensor Carpi Ulnaris - Action

Extends and adducts wrist

Extensor Digitorum - Action

Extends fingers

Extensor Indicis - Action

Extends index finger

Extensor Pollicis Brevis - Action

Extends thumb, abducts wrist

Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis - Action

Extends wrist

Flexor Carpi Radialis - Action

Flexes and abducts carpus, wrist joint. Helps to flex elbow and pronate forearm

Palmaris Longus - Action

Flexes wrist, tenses palmar fascia

Lumbricales - picture

No picture available, Muscle in between metacarpals, connecting to metacarpals on each side of muscle. Page 206

Opponens Pollicis - Action

Opposes thumb so the pad can be drawn into contact with pads of fingers

Abductor pollicis longus - Origin, Insertion, Nerve

Origin: Posterior surface of shaft of ulna, distal to origin of supinator. Insertion: Radial side of base of first metacarpal Nerve: Deep radial nerve C6, 7, 8

Dorsal interossei - Origin, Insertion, Nerve

Origin: Adjacent sides of metacarpals Insertion: Lateral and medial side of phalanges Nerve: Ulnar nerve C8, T1

Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis - Origin, Insertion, Nerve

Origin: Common extensor tendon from lateral epicondyle of humerus Insertion: Dorsal surface of third metacarpal Nerve: Radial nerve C5, 6, 7, 8

Extensor Digitorum - Origin, Insertion, Nerve

Origin: Common extensor tendon from lateral epicondyle of humerus Insertion: Dorsal surfaces of all the phalanges of the four fingers Insertion: Deep radial nerve C6, 7, 8

Flexor Carpi Radialis - Origin, Insertion, Nerve

Origin: Common flexor origin on anterior aspect of medial epicondyle of humerus Insertion: Front of bases of second and third metacarpal bones Nerve: Median nerve C6, 7, 8

Palmaris Longus - Origin, Insertion, Nerve

Origin: Common flexor origin on anterior aspect of medial epicondyle of humerus Insertion: Superficial surface of flexor retinaculum and apex of palmar aponeurosis Nerve: Median nerve C6, 7, 8, T1

Pronator Quadratus - Origin, Insertion, Nerve

Origin: Distal quarter of anterior surface of shaft of ulna Insertion: Lateral side of distal quarter of anterior surface of shaft of radius Nerve: Anterior interosseous branch of median nerve C7, 8, T1

Extensor Digiti Minimi - Origin, Insertion, Nerve

Origin: Extensor tendon from lateral epicondyle of humerus Insertion: Extensor expansion of little finger with extensor digitorum tendon Nerve: Deep radial nerve C6, 7, 8

Extensor Carpi Ulnaris - Origin, Insertion, Never

Origin: Extensor tendon from lateral epicondyle of humerus Insertion: Medial side of base of fifth metacarpal Nerve: Deep radial nerve C6, 7, 8

Abductor Pollicis Brevis - Origin, Insertion, Nerve

Origin: Flexor retinaculum Insertion: Radial side of base of proximal phalanx of thumb Nerve: Median nerve C7, 8, 9 T1

Opponens Pollicis - Origin, Insertion, Nerve

Origin: Flexor retinaculum Insertion: Entire length of radial border of thumb Nerve: Median nerve C6, 7, 8, T1

Flexor Pollicis Brevis - Origin, Insertion, Nerve

Origin: Flexor retinuculum Insertion: Radial side of proximal thumb Nerve C6, 7, 8, T1

Opponens Digit Minimi - Origin, Insertion, Nerve

Origin: Hook of hamate Insertion: Entire length of little finger Nerve Ulnar nerve C7, 8 T1

Flexor Digiti Minimi Brevis - Origin, Insertion, Nerve

Origin: Hook of hamate Insertion: Ulna side of little finger Nerve: Ulnar nerve C7, 8, T1

Flexor carpi ulnaris - Origin, Insertion, Nerve

Origin: Humeral Head: Common flexor origin on medial epicondyle of humerus Ulnar head: medial border of olecranon. Posterior border of upper two-thirds of ulna Insertion: Pisiform bone, hook of hamate, base of fifth metacarpal

Pronator Teres - Origin, Insertion, Nerve

Origin: Humeral head: lower third of medial supracondylar ridge Ulnar Head: Medial border of coronoid process of ulna Insertion: Mid-lateral surface of radius Never: Median nerve C6, 7

Flexor Digitorum Superficialis - Origin, Insertion, Nerve

Origin: Humeroulnar head, Radial Head Insertion: Four tendons each divide into two slips into phalanges Nerve: Median Nerve: C7, C8, T1

Palmar Interossei - Origin, Insertion, Nerve

Origin: Medial side of metacarpal Insertion: Medial side of phalanges or lateral side Nerve: Ulnar nerve C8, T1

Flexor Pollicis Longus - Origin, Insertion, Nerve

Origin: Middle part of anterior surface of radius, Medial border of coronoid process of ulna Insertion: Palmar surface of base of distal phalanx of thumb Nerve: Anterior interosseous branch of median nerve C6, C7, C8, T1

Extensor Pollicis Longus - Origin, Insertion, Nerve

Origin: Middle third of posterior surface of ulna Insertion: Dorsal surface of base of distal phalanx of thumb Nerve: Deep radial nerve C6, 7, 8

Palmaris Brevis - Origin, Insertion, Nerve

Origin: Palmar aponeurosis Insertion: Skin on ulnar border of hand Nerve: Ulnar C7, 8 T1

Adductor Pollicis - Origin, Insertion, Nerve

Origin: Palmar surface of third metacarpal bone Insertion: Ulna side of base of proximal thumb Nerve Deep ulnar nerve C8, T1

Abductor Digiti Minimi - Origin, Insertion, Nerve

Origin: Pisiform bone Insertion: Ulna side of base of little finger Nerve: Ulnar nerve C7, 8 T1

Extensor Pollicis Brevis - Origin, Insertion, Nerve

Origin: Posterior surface of radius Insertion: base of dorsal surface of proximal phalanx of thumb Nerve: Deep radial nerve C6, 7, 8

Extensor Indicis - Origin, Insertion, Nerve

Origin: Posterior surface of ulna Insertion: Extensor expansion on dorsum of proximal phalanx or index finger Nerve: Deep radial nerve C6, 7, 8

Supinator - Origin, Insertion, Nerve

Origin: lateral epicondyle of humerus and radial collateral ligament of elbow joint Insertion: Dorsal and lateral surfaces of upper third of posterior interosseous nerve Nerve: Posterior interosseous nerve

Pronator Teres - Action

Pronates forearm and assists in flexion of elbow joint

Pronator Quadratus - Action

Pronates forearm and hand.

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