Chapter 7: Political Parties

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Political Machine

A _____ is a party organization that once maintained power and control over goernment offices using nominations, patronage, bribery, and vote-buying.

Party Vote

A _____ is commonly defined as a situation in which a majority of Democratic members of Congress vote on one side of an issue and a majority of Republican memebers vote on the other side.

role theory

A behavioral model of politics based on the assumption that human beings have a psychological need for predictability in their relations with each other is called

responsible party model

A concept that describes democracies with competitive parties in which one party wins control of the government based on its policy proposals, enacts those proposals once it is in control, and stands or falls in the next election based on its performance in delivering on its promises.

patronage, merit

A key reform designed to curb the power of party bosses was to replace_____ with _____ as the basis for getting a government job

Proportional Representation

A method of selecting representatives in which representation is given to political parties based on the proportion of the vote obtained. This method has the effect of encouraging multiple parties.

Political Macheine

A political organization characterized by a reciprocal relationship between voters and officeholders. Political support is given in exchange for government jobs and services. Headed by a "party boss," political machines and party bosses maintain their power and control over government offices with techniques such as control over nominations, patronage, graft and bribery, vote buying, and election-rigging.


A transition from one stable pattern of party support to another.

Divided Government

American electoral system frequently results in _________ which is when one party wins the presidency and another party wins a majority in the seats in one or both houses of congress;

1965 Voting Rights Act

As a result of the _____, large numbers of African Americans were brought into the electorate


As defined by Madison, parties are indistinguishable from "factions" and "interests." T or F

suspicion, distrust

Historically, political parties have been viewed with _____ and _____in the United States

a two-party system

Historically, the United States has tended to have the characteristics of


If the two major parties represented very different programs to Americans and the winning party carries out these programs, political conflict would____

the Republican Party

In 1994, _____________won control of both Houses of Congress for the first time in forty years


In the 1980s and the 1990s, about _____ percent of the electorate identified themselves as strong partisans.


In the ____ system the party that controls the majority of legislative seats chooses the chief executive, generally called a prime minister.


In the _______ factions were groups of people that joined together on an ad hoc basis to win some political advantage

Third Party

Minor political parties that periodically appear but have little success in winning office.

Multiparty System

Most contemporary democracies are _________ in which 3 or more parties effectively compete for political offices, an no single party can win sole control of the government.

Proportional Representation

Most liberal democracies use a system of multimember constiuencies and _______

mulitparty systems

Most modern democracies have

Two party system

Only two political parties have a realistic chance of winning control over a significant number of major political offices.


Party _________ is made up of party professionals who hold official positions within the party and other people active in running an maintaing the partys organizational apparatus.

Political parties consist of all of the following, EXCEPT:

Party in the regions (Party in the Gov, Party in the Elec, and Party Organization are all political parties)

in government

Party_______ Consists of elected and appointed officials who are considered representatives of the party.

policy motivated activists

People who believe in certain principles and are dedicated to implementing those principles are

party professionals

People whose incentives for participating are purely material and social are called_________


Political _______is government jobs and contracts that elected officeholders handed out to those who supported the party.

Campagn Funds Message

Political candidates in the new political environment still need ______ and a clear________

it marked the peaceful transfer of political power form one party to another.

The Federalist loss to the Democratic-Republicans in 1800s was notable because


The United States uses the single member districy __________ system, a winner take all system that makes it hard for minor parties to win office.

Whiskey Rebellion

The _____ of 1794 was created because farmers in western Pennsylvania werre outraged by the excise tax on liquor

Presidential System

The chief executive and legislature is elected independtly

elevated partisanship

The election of Ronald Reagan and the Republican takeover of the Senate in the 1980 elections was a factor that

presidential system

The legislature and the executive are separated under a_______system

elected to office

The main job of the Republican National Committee and the Democratic National Committee is helping people within the party get

parties nominate and run candidates for office and interest groups do not.

The most important feature that distinguishes political parties from interest groups is

been increasing

The number of party votes in recent years has


The number of voters who refer to themselves as independent is

politically active

The party in the electorate is _________ at election time

Party in Electorate

consists of ordinary citezins who identify with the party and who usually support the party's candidates with votes and campagin contributions.

In Smith v. Allwright the Supreme Court ruled that a political party

could not consider itself a private club.

According to V.O. Key, political parties perform all of the following roles, EXCEPT:

create election laws (mobilize voters, coordinate the action of those elected, and recruit candidates are roles political parties perform)

The U.S. party system

falls far short of the party discipline required for the responsible party model.

According to researchers, political parties make the following contributions in democratic governments, EXCEPT?

file amicus briefs to the courts (facilitate participation of large numbers of people, promote government responsiveness, and promote stability and the peaceful resolution of conflict are all contributions made by political parties)


groups of people that joined together on an ad hoc basis to win some political advantage.

Political Parties

help maintain the stability of the political system

One-Party System

in______ represenatives of a single political party hold all or almost all of the major offices in government

Policy motivated activists

incentives are primarily puposive and social.

Party Professionals

incentives for participating are primarily materail and social in nature.

Political Machine

is a party organization headed by a "party boss"; they maintain power and control over goverment offices with techniques like nominations, partronage, graft and bribery.

Party in Government

is the elected and appointed office holders at the national, state, and local levels who are considered represenatives of the party

Divided government occurs when

one party controls one or both houses and another party controls the presidency.


opposed the creation of a national bank because he considered it a dangerous monopoly.


refers to a group that is part of a larger political entity. It commonly identifies a segment within a political party based on a personality, philosophy or geographical region.

Political Party

running candidates for office under a party label is the most important difference between a _______ and an interest group

The Reform Party

seems to have collapsed due to infighting among party factions.

An important role played by the party in the minority is that they

serve as a watchdog over the party in power.

The first two political parties

the Federalists and the Democratic-Republicans.

rank-and-file voters

Under a direct primary system, who has the power to decide which candidate runs as the party's nominee in the general election?


Voters who identify themselves as independents who lean toward the Democratic or the Republican party tend to show highly _______ voting patterns

Straight-Ticket Voters

Voting for the same partys canidate for president and congress.

single-member district plurality (SMDP) system

...A method of selecting representatives in which a nation or state is divided into separate election districts and voters in each district choose one representative. The candidate in each district with a plurality of the vote wins the seat.

All States

Direct primaries are used by

Values and norms

Expectations associated with particular roles are based on the _____ of the society.

True or False: The United States two-party system is mandated by the Constitution.


8 out of 10

From 1982 to 2000, _____ elections resulted in divided party control of the presidency and Congress.

Merit System

Jobs are given based on relevant technical expertise and the ability to perform.

ambitious politicians created political parties

John Aldrich explained that _____ to overcome collective action problems in order to achieve the goals of election and policy making

political parties

John Aldrich explained that ambitous politicains created _____ to overcome collective action problems in order to achieve the goals of election and policy making.

Two Party competition

Long term rivalry between the democrats and the republicans clearly meets the requirements of a _______________

interest, faction, and parties

Madison used three different terms, _____, to describe the divisions in society

responsible party model.

Political parties in the U.S. are not as strong and disciplined as in parliamentary democracies, and they fall short of the

party professionals policy-motivated

Political scientists classify people who participate in party activities as ______ and _____ Activists

Duverger's Law

The tendency for the single-member district plurality system to favor a two-party system, as documented by French sociologist Maurice Duverger. Duverger's law explains the connection between the electoral system and the number of parties explains why the singel member district plurality system tends to favor the two party system.

party in the electorate, party in government, and party organization

There are three major divisions of political parties associated with different activities and different people. They are

the States Righte Democratic (Dixiecrat) party

Which of the following third parties has received electoral votes in presidential elections?

Political Parties, Policy Agenda, Policy Agenda, Congress, Congress

___ ____ organize government and seek to pass a ____ ____. Success in enacting this ___ ____ depends on whether the president's party controls _____ and whether the leadership of the majority party in _____ is effective in persuading its colleagues to support its agenda.


_____ Benefits , including patronage jobs and government contracts, motivate party professionals to participate in politics.

Great Brittain

_____ is a good example of the responsible party model of government.

Partisan identification

_____ remain(s) a significant predictor of vote choice and shape(s) how voters perceive candidates and issues

Party Discipline

______ is the means to require party members in public office to promote or carry through the partisan agenda and punish those who do not to the party line.

Third Parties

______Have appeared often throughout our history. despite never capturing a significant number of national offices


_______ a faction is a group that is part of a larger political community.

Party organization

________ consists of professionals who hold the official positions in the party.

Prime Minister

__________forms a government by appointing individuals to run the various government departments or ministries

Party Vote

_________commonly defined as one onwhich a majority of Democrats vote on one side of an issue and a majority of republicans vote on the other.

Political Parties

________help manage societal conflict.

Direct Primary

_______an election in which rank and file voters choose the partys nominees for various offices.

Rank and File voters

______are less likely than party leaders to choose candidates on the basis of party loyalty

Political Party

an orginization that nominates and runs canidates for public office under its own label

Members of the electorate were able to select their own candidate to run in the general election through

direct primaries

Volunteers of winning candidates have sometimes been rewarded through

political patronage

Political Parties

were formed sometime between Washington's last term and Jefferson's first.

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