Chapter 7 Primary Producers
Giant kelp can grow to be _____ meters.
Seaweeds cover about__% of the seafloor.
Two phycocolloids from red algae are_______, which is used to make laboratory culture media, and_____________ which is used as a thickening agent in ice cream, pudding, and salad dressings as well as in the cosmetic industry.
Agar, Carrageenan
Define epiphyte.
An epiphyte is any organism that grows on a multicellular primary producer
Seaweeds are distinguished by their____________.
What are bladders in a seaweed?
Bladders of seaweeds are gas-filled floats in the thallus.
Chlorophylls absorb _________ and _______ wavelengths of light and reflect ________ light.
Blue, red, green
What gives brown algae their olive-brown color?
Carotenoids pigment fucoxanthin
What makes up the cell walls of seaweeds?
Green algae are in the Phylum ______________.
What is chromatic adaptation and do seaweeds follow this type of distribution?
Chromatic adaptation is the alteration of kinds and quantities of photosynthetic pigments in response to changes in quantity and quality of light. Yes they do.
The depth where seaweeds can survive, but there will be no growth is called the ________.
Compensation depth
What are coralline algae and why are they important?
Coralline algae are a group of red algae that deposit calcium carbonate in their cell walls. This process, called consolidation, is necessary to hold the many parts of areef together and eventually forms large areas of nearly solid reef. Coralline algae are a group of red algae that deposit calcium carbonate in their cell walls. This process, called consolidation, is necessary to hold the many parts of areef together and eventually forms large areas of nearly solid reef.
Sargassum seaweed is a type of ________ that reproduces by fragmentation and forms floating mats that drift with the currents.
Drift aglae
Red algae are always red. True or False?
Some red algae is used as a food source for humans and animal feed. True or False?
The color of the thallus is due to the wavelengths of light that are absorbed by the combination of pigments in the seaweed. True or False?
In sexual reproduction, ______________ are produced by the __________ within structures called_____________.
Gametes, mitosis and Gametangia
Why is mucilage important?
It holds a lot of water and It protects the exposed algae from the tide
Seaweeds are also called ___________
List four ways seaweeds are important.
Medicinal and Dietary Provide habits for other organisms Provide food for other organism primarily throgh
___________ live longer than two years.
Brown algae are in the Phylum ______________.
Red algae are in the Phylum__________.
A food from red algae used in Asian cuisine is called__________.
What are the three groups of algae (common name and phylum)?
Red( phylum Phodphyta) brown(phylum Phaeophyta) green(phylum Chlorophyta)
Define rhizoids.
Rhizoids are root-like anchoring structures of a seaweed
Three marine habitats are defined by the dominant flowering plants: ______________,_____________, ad ____________
Seagrass beds, Salt marshes, and mangrove forests.
In another type of asexual reproduction, the thallus called the____________ produces_________ during a stage called the _________.
Sporangium, haploid spores, meiosis
Excess sugars in seaweeds may be stored as ________.
List a few uses of brown algae.
The alginates (phycocolloids) of some brown algae are harvested for commercial use as thickening agents in the textile, dental, cosmetics, and food industries.
What is the cuticle for?
The cuticle is a protective layer and may be so thick that it gives the alga an iridescent sheen
What is unique about sargassum seaweeds
They are benthic
Where is the greatest diversity of algal species?
Tropical Waters
Green algae demonstrate alternation of generations in their life cycle. True or False?
Most red algae are freshwater. True or False?
The phycocolloids of brown algae are called _________.
Define coenocytic.
body has one giant cell or a few large cells containing more than one nucleus.
Define Alternation of Generations.
describes the life cycle of seaweeds and plants that includes more than one multicellular stage, usually one sexual and one asexual
What are some ways humans have used green algae?
food, fodder for livestock, fertilizer or mulch in agriculture, wastewater treatment, and a source of chemicals.
The asexual production of new organisms from pieces of a parent organism is called _________.
Brown algae are more diverse and abundant along the coasts of_________ latitudes (temperate waters).
What is a fouling community?
is an assemblage of organisms that grow on an intertidal or a submerged artificial structure.
Define epizoic.
is any organism that grows on an animal.
The red color comes from the __________________________pigments.
large amount of phycoerythrins
Scientists who study seaweeds are called ___________ or ___________.
phycologist, algologist
Familiar brown algae include__________,___________ , and ___________
rockweeds, kelps and Sargassum weed.
What are a few ways red algae avoid predation?
thalli less edible, changing their growth patterns, and evolving complex life cycles. some red algae deter herbivores by incorporating calcium carbonate into the cell wall, making the thallus difficult to eat and digest and reducing its nutritional value. others alter their growth patterns when subjected to predation, producing forms such as algal turfs that are more difficult for herbivores to graze.
How do green algae adapt to predation?
tolerance, avoidance, and deterrence are three ways that organisms adapt to predation