Chapter 7 psychology

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Through direct experience with animals, we come to anticipate that dogs will bark and that birds will chirp. This best illustrates _____ learning.

Associative Learning

After John Watson lost his professorship at Johns Hopkins University which career did he enter?


All of the following were early theorists in associative learning except:

Sigmund Frued

Four-year-old Tommy developed a fear of going down steps after falling down the steps in his house several times. When he was at his grandmother's house he demonstrated no fear of climbing the steps to her front door. Unlike Little Albert's fear of white rats and other white items, Tommy was demonstrating _____.


People and animals learn the association between two stimuli through _____. People and animals learn the association between a behavior and a consequence through _____.

classical conditioning; operant conditioning

Classical and operant conditioning involves learning through _____, whereas observational learning involves learning through imitation.


Lightning is associated with thunder and regularly precedes it. Thus, when we see lightning, we often anticipate that we will hear thunder soon afterward. This is an example of _____ conditioning.

Classical Conditioning

Malia ate a hamburger she purchased from her favorite fast food restaurant. An hour later her stomach became very upset and she spent the rest of the evening vomiting. A week later she entered the restaurant and immediately became nauseous when she saw a hamburger. Malia's nausea when she saw the hamburger is an example of _____ conditioning.

Classical Conditioning

While 5-year-old Martha was looking at one of the balloons her mother set out for her birthday, Martha's brother Timmy took a pin and popped the balloon, causing Martha to flinch and blink quickly. Later during the party Martha's mother approached her with a balloon and she blinked and flinched. This is an example of _____ conditioning.

Classical Conditioning

In Watson and Rayner's experiment with Little Albert the fear of the white rat was the _____.

Conditioned Response

In classical conditioning, the learned response to a previously neutral stimulus is called the:

Conditioned Response (CR)

In classical conditioning, the _____ is an originally irrelevant stimulus that comes to trigger a conditioned response after its association with an unconditioned stimulus.

Conditioned stimulus

In psychology, _____ refers to learning associations between environmental events and behavioral responses.


Four-year-old Tommy developed a fear of going down steps after falling down the steps in his house several times. When he was at his grandmother's house he was fearful of climbing the steps to her front door. Much like Little Albert's fear of white rats and other white items, Tommy was demonstrating _____.


What happened after Watson classically conditioned "Little Albert" to fear a tame white rat?

Generalization occurred: Albert responded with fear to other furry animals and fuzzy objects.

Clive was mugged at gunpoint in a parking garage. His attacker was wearing strong cologne, and he now hates to go through the male fragrance department at the department store, will not be alone by himself with any man, and will not park in any garages. This reaction best illustrates _____.


John just started his vacation from work and scheduled a tee time with friends to play golf Monday morning. On Monday morning he started driving his car to work instead of the golf course. Driving his car to work instead of the golf course is an example of _____ behavior.


Professor Canine classically conditioned a dog to salivate to a light. Later, he sounded a bell then presented the light followed by food, soon the dog salivated to the bell as well as to the light. This type of conditioning is called _____ conditioning

Higher-Order Conditioning

"Give me a dozen healthy infants, well formed, and my own specified world to bring them up in and I'll guarantee to take any one at random and train him to become any type of specialist I might select—doctor, lawyer, artist, merchant-chief, and, yes, even beggar-man and thief, regardless of his talents, penchants, tendencies, abilities, vocations, and race of his ancestors." Which of the following psychologists made this statement?

John B. Watson

Watson and Pavlov agreed that:

Laws of learning are the same for all animals

Conditioning is the process of:

Learning Associations

Both Watson and Pavlov believed that psychology should study only _____ and observable psychological phenomena.


Pavlov's success suggested a scientific model for how the young discipline of psychology might proceed: by isolating the basic building blocks of complex behaviors and studying them with _____ laboratory procedures.


ohn B. Watson believed that psychology should be the science of:

Observable Behavior

Pauline is learning how to play tennis. For her first lesson, her instructor models serving and backhand returns while Pauline patiently watches. Pauline then tries to imitate the sequence of swings and motions made by her instructor. This is an example of _____ learning.

Observational Learning

Animals and humans learn about the consequences of behavior through _____ conditioning.

Operant Conditioning

If Jamal wanted to train his dog to sit and lay down when he commanded the behavior, which of the following types of conditioning should he utilize to train his dog?

Operant Conditioning

In his experiments, Pavlov found that _____ often occurred after a conditioned response was extinguished if, after a few hours without the CS or the US, the tone was presented again.

Spontaneous Recovery

This is the reappearance, after a pause, of an extinguished conditioned response.

Spontaneous Recovery

Jane had leukemia as a child and had to undergo numerous bouts of chemotherapy. The chemotherapy always made her nauseous. As she underwent a year of treatment, the waiting room started to make her nauseous. The _____ became the conditioned stimulus.

The room

Most learning involves the process of association. With classical conditioning, an organism comes to associate:

Two stimuli

Researchers conditioned a flatworm to contract when exposed to light by repeatedly pairing the light with an electric shock. The electric shock is a(n):

Unconditioned Stimulis (US)

Conditioning seldom occurs when a CS comes after a(n) _____.

Unconditioned Stimulus (US)

In his experiments, Pavlov found that spontaneous recovery often occurred after a conditioned response was extinguished if:

after a few hours without the CS or the US, the tone was presented again.

While 5-year-old Martha was looking at one of the balloons her mother set out for her birthday, Martha's brother Timmy took a pin and popped the balloon, causing Martha to flinch and blink quickly. Later during the party Martha's mother approached her with a balloon and she blinked and flinched. This is an example of

classical conditioning

In psychology, the term conditioning refers to:

learning associations between environmental events and behavioral responses.

_____ is the reappearance, after a pause, of an extinguished conditioned response.

spontaneous recovery

One of Pavlov's major contributions to the field of psychology was to show how:

the discipline of psychology could be based on objective laboratory methods.

In classical conditioning, a stimulus that unconditionally, naturally, and automatically triggers a response is called a(n):

unconditioned stimulus (US)

In classical conditioning _____, while in operant conditioning _____.

we learn to associate two stimuli and thus to anticipate events; we learn to associate a response (our behavior) and its consequence

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