Chapter 7: Thinking, Intelligence, and Language (SB)

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Which of the following is the term for a language's rules for combining words to form acceptable phrases and sentences?


consists of a language's rules for combining words to form acceptable phrases and sentences.


What is infinite generativity?

The ability to produce an infinite number of sentences using a relatively limited set of rules

Which of the following are associated with bilingual adults and children? (Select all that apply.)

The capacity to shift frames of reference efficiently Higher performance on cognitive control tasks

What is validity?

The extent to which a test measures what it is intended to measure

What is reliability?

The extent to which a test yields a consistent, reproducible measure of performance

Problem solving is which of the following?

The mental process of finding an appropriate way to attain a goal

What is the primary purpose of algorithms and heuristics?

They provide a way for problems to be solved.

involves manipulating information mentally by forming concepts, solving problems, making decisions, and reflecting in a critical or creative manner.

Thinking or Cognition

By 18 to 24 months of age, children are generally capable of which of the following?

Uttering two-word phrases

Thinking may involve which of the following? (Select all that apply.)

Visual images Data in any sensory modality

What are some traits of those who are intellectually gifted? (Select all that apply.)

Well-adjusted Higher than normal IQ

What does the prototype model of concepts emphasize?

When people evaluate whether an item reflects a concept, they compare the item with the most typical item in that category.

Critics of the linguistic relativity hypothesis suggest which of the following?

Words reflect but do not cause the way we think.

Which of the following are a part of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (the WAIS)? (Select all that apply.)

Working memory capacity Jigsaw puzzle completion Vocabulary

What is bodily-kinesthetic intelligence?

ability to manipulate objects and be physically adept

What is practical intelligence?

ability to use, apply, implement, and put ideas into practice

The ability to judge, evaluate, compare, and contrast is known as _____ intelligence.


Sternberg's triarchic theory of intelligence consists of _____.

analytical intelligence, creative intelligence, and practical intelligence

A computer models how physicians diagnose illness. This is an example of _____.

artificial intelligence

A computer models how technicians examine equipment failures. This is an example of _____.

artificial intelligence

The heuristic is a shortcut in which the probability of something is judged based on how easily one can recall similar events.


When an infant utters sounds such as "ma," "pa," and "me" more or less randomly, he is _____


is the term for meaningless speechlike sounds uttered by infants.


When considering the influences on language, a number of experts believe that language is a very recent human ability.


Research on environmental factors in intelligence suggest that environmental factors _____,

can impact IQ scores considerably

Research on environmental factors in intelligence suggest that environmental factors _____.

can impact IQ scores considerably

Mathematical intelligence is the ability to _____.

carry out calculations

The field of study known as seeks to endow a robot with intelligent behavior so it can function in the world like humans do.

cognitive robotics

When cognitive psychologists compare the brain to a , they explain that the brain is like hardware and cognitive processes are like software.


Humans can outperform in processing tasks that involve visual information or spoken language.


A prototype is a typical, highly representative example of a(n) _____.


When it comes to categorizing new information, our brains use several techniques; for example, the mental category that is used to group objects and events is called a(n) .


When it comes to categorizing new information, our brains use several techniques; for example, the mental category that is used to group objects andA(n) is a typical, highly representative example of a concept. It is often described as an "average" or an "ideal member." events is called a(n) .


According to Sternberg, the ability to generate novel ideas is related to _____ intelligence.


Maggie is always coming up with different ideas and unique ways to solve problems. Because of her divergent type of thinking, many people call her


Maggie is always coming up with different ideas and unique ways to solve problems. Because of her divergent type of thinking, many people call her .


Someone who has divergent, flexible, and playful thinking is likely to be regarded as .


The ability to design, invent, originate, and imagine is known as _____ intelligence.


Unlike convergent thinking, divergent thinking typically involves which of the following?


is the ability to generate unique ideas and novel solutions.


thinking involves thinking reflectively and productively and being able to evaluate evidence or claims.


Some language experts propose that there is a for language development and that if a child doesn't get language exposure within this frame, the child is not likely to speak normally.

critical period

is thinking that involves grasping deeper meanings of ideas, questioning assumptions, and deciding, based on evidence, what to believe or do.

critical thinking

Individuals with intellectual disabilities who have no evidence of organic brain damage or genetic disorders are diagnosed with _____.

cultural-familial intellectual disability

Each different may have a different concept of intelligence.


Whereas most people think of intelligence in terms of genetics, researchers agree that modifications in a person's can change his or her IQ score considerably.


One type of - test would contain no verbal questions.

culture fair

Unlike algorithms, heuristics

do not guarantee a solution

The effect of _____ on intelligence is known as the Flynn effect.


Whereas most people think of intelligence in terms of genetics, researchers agree that modifications in a person's can change his or her IQ score considerably.


Alexis is moving furniture, and she can't get a big armchair outside. She keeps trying to put the chair through the doorway the same way that she moved a smaller chair, but this strategy isn't working. Alexis is experiencing _____.


You have just received a package from home but don't have a knife handy, so you don't know how to open it. Your roommate quickly offers you her house key to use to cut open the box. You have demonstrated fixedness, whereas your roommate has not.


Julio needs to mark a piece of wood for cutting but cannot find a pencil or pen. He does not realize that he could mark the wood with a screwdriver. This indicates that Julio is displaying _____.

functional fixedness

Millie wants to throw away an empty plastic milk jug because she insists that it is "useless" now that all of the milk is gone. Millie is exhibiting a specific kind of fixation known as .

functional fixedness

When cognitive psychologists compare the brain to a computer, they explain that the physical brain is like _____.

hardware and cognition is like software

The proportion of observable differences in a group that can be explained by differences in the genes of the group's members is called _____.


A child with a chronological age of 6 and a mental age of 12 would have an intelligence quotient (IQ) score _____.

higher than 100

When somebody says, "You're smart. I bet your parents are smart, too," they are implying that intelligence is .


Many people think of in terms of reasoning and thinking skills, but a broader definition is that it is an all-purpose ability to do well on cognitive tasks, to solve problems, and to learn from experience.


Alfred Binet created the first _____ test.


Problem-solving skills and the ability to adapt to and learn from life's everyday experiences is known as _____.


The acronym IQ stands for

intelligence quotient

According to Gardner's theory, intelligence is the ability to understand and relate well to others.


intelligence is the ability to understand oneself.


The ability to understand oneself is _____ intelligence.


Many experts believe that biological evolution that occurred long before emerged shaped humans into linguistic individuals.


Many important aspects of language processing, including speech and grammar, occur mainly in the hemisphere of the brain.


When colors are presented to the hemisphere of the brain, having names for those colors enhanced perception of and discrimination between these colors.


Many important aspects of language processing, including speech and grammar, occur mainly in the _____ of the brain.

left hemisphere

Scientists, engineers, and accountants are people who are likely to have a high level of _____ intelligence.


To have an IQ score greater than 100, a child's age must be above his or her age.

mental chronological

A farmer, botanist, ecologist, or landscaper is someone who is likely to have _____ intelligence.


Interpersonal intelligence is defined as the ability to _____.

nderstand and interact effectively with others

Administered to thousands of children and adults of different ages, the Binet intelligence test has revealed that intelligence approximates a , or a symmetrical, bell-shaped curve.

normal distribution

The scores for the many people who have taken the Stanford-Binet indicate that intelligence is _____.

normally distributed across the population

Cultural-familial intellectual disability is a mental deficit in which no evidence of brain damage can be found.


Down syndrome is an example of intellectual disability.


Down syndrome is an example of what kind of intellectual disability?


All of the following are aspects of thinking, EXCEPT _____.

physically manipulating objects

is the mental process of finding an appropriate way to attain a goal.

problem solving

A(n) is a typical, highly representative example of a concept. It is often described as an "average" or an "ideal member."


A(n) is a typical, highly representative example of a concept. It is often described as an "average" or an "ideal member.".


The model of concepts emphasizes that when people evaluate whether a given item reflects a certain concept, they compare the item with the most typical items in that category and look for a "family resemblance."


Algorithms and heuristics both _____.

provide solutions to problems

If an IQ test produces similar scores for people over repeated testing, it is considered .


On Monday when you asked your friend if you should dump the person you're dating, she said yes. Now on Wednesday, she says no. Since you asked her twice and got two different answers, in terms of validity and reliability, her advice is not .


is the extent to which a test yields a consistent, reproducible measure of performance.


Emily tells her friend that she knows a girl who is a plant expert. Emily's friend understands the meaning of girl, expert, and plants, so she understands what Emily is saying. This aspect of language is _____.


is defined as the meaning of words and sentences in a particular language.


The ability to think three-dimensionally is known as _____ intelligence.


A testing center administers tests for all students taking a specific math class. The testing center gives each student the same instructions and the same amount of time, and uses the same rubric for grading. The center is exhibiting in administering the tests.


Norman is administering tests for a group of students in different classes. In each class, he gives the students the same instructions and the same amount of time, and he uses the same rubric for grading. Norman is exhibiting _____ in administering the tests.


Gary has decided to relandscape his front yard. He's set some deadlines for himself: by Tuesday, he wants to have the weeds pulled, and by Friday, he wants to have the new plants in. Gary is using in reaching his goal of a new front yard.


Marie's dorm room is a total mess, and Marie is so overwhelmed, she doesn't know how to fix it. Marie's older sister tells her to start by putting dirty clothes in the hamper and folding the clean ones, and then to move on to putting away books and papers. Marie's sister is using _____ to help Marie solve her problem.


A normal distribution is a _____, bell-shaped curve, showing the majority of the scores falling in the middle of the possible range and a few scores appearing toward the extremes of the range.


The effect of environment on intelligence is known as _____.

the Flynn effect

Ian wants his sister to drive him to the movies. He is imagining various ways of achieving this. In other words, he is ______.


Sternberg's theory of intelligence states that intelligence comes in three forms: analytical, creative, and practical.


True or false: Bilingual individuals may show improved cognitive ability, particularly on measures of cognitive control, relative to those who speak only one language.


True or false: Cognitive robotics is a field that seeks to create robots with intelligent behavior that would allow them to function as humans do in the world.


A test (such as an IQ test) that accurately measures what it is intended to measure is highly


An IQ test is considered if it actually tests cognitive ability.


According to Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences, the ability to think in words and use language to express meaning is known as _____ intelligence.


According to Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences, intelligence is the ability to think in words and use language to express meaning.

verbal or linguistic

When children are around year(s) old, they utter their first words.


the average 8 year old gets 30 questions right on an intelligence test, whereas the average 12 year old gets 50 questions right. What is the mental age of an 8 year old who gets 50 questions right?


Children are generally capable of uttering two-word phrases by _____ months of age.

18 to 24

At what age does a child utter his or her first words?

18 to 24 months

Spearman proposed that intelligence captures which of the following?

A common general ability reflected in performance on a variety of tasks

What is intellectual disability?

A condition of limited mental ability in which the individual has an IQ of 70 or below

What is morphology?

A language's rules for word formation

What is musical intelligence?

A sensitivity to pitch, melody, rhythm, and tone

What is a normal distribution?

A symmetrical, bell-shaped curve; a majority of the scores fall in the middle of the range, and few scores appear toward the extremes

Which of the following are traits of intellectually gifted people? (Select all that apply.)

Academically advanced Superior talent in a particular area IQ of 130 or above Socially well-adjusted

Which of the following is an example of functional fixedness?

Alvin doesn't have a nutcracker to crack a walnut and doesn't consider using a stone paperweight

What is the primary difference between an algorithm and a heuristic?

An algorithm guarantees a solution; a heuristic does not.

intelligence is the ability to judge, evaluate, compare, and contrast.


Which of the following is NOT a step in problem solving?

Apply deductive and inductive reasoning.

Thinking that a plane crash is more likely than a car crash because you can easily remember dramatic images of plane crashes on TV is an example of what cognitive shortcut?

Availability heuristic

The French Ministry of Education asked (name) to develop the first intelligence tests.


intelligence reflects the ability to manipulate objects and be physically adept.

Bodily kinesthetic

area of the brain is involved in speech production, and area of the brain is involved in language comprehension.

Broca's Wernicke's

_____ refers to the way in which information is processed and manipulated in thinking, remembering, and knowing.


refers to the way in which information is processed and manipulated in thinking, remembering, and knowing.


_____ are mental categories that are used to group objects, events, and characteristics.


intelligence is the ability to design, invent, originate, and imagine.


If a test asks the question "What is the best way to grow soybeans for ethanol?", what type of bias is being exhibited?

Cultural bias

Which of the following are sources of bias in intelligence testing? (Select all that apply.)

Culture Socioeconomic status Ethnicity

What type of test purposefully uses only questions that are familiar to people from all socioeconomic and ethnic backgrounds or uses no verbal questions at all?

Culture-fair test

Which of the following have been identified by researchers as affecting childhood IQ? (Select all that apply.)

Dietary supplements Interactive reading Educational interventions

thinking involves creativity and the production of many solutions to the same problem, whereas thinking produces the single best solution to a problem.

Divergent Convergent

What are some common characteristics of creative people? (Select all that apply.)

Divergent thinking Flexibility Willingness to face risk

_____ is a learning disability characterized by difficulty with learning to read fluently and with accurate comprehension, despite normal intelligence.


is a learning disability characterized by difficulty with learning to read fluently and with accurate comprehension, despite normal intelligence.


Which of the following is NOT a part of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (the WAIS)?

English grammar

Which of the following of Gardner's multiple intelligences would be most evident in a philosopher?


intelligence reflects the ability to grapple with such questions as the meaning of life and death.


True or false: Critics of the linguistic relativity hypothesis believe that our language determines our thought.


True or false: The vast majority of cultures define intelligence in a very similar way.


Which of the following is the first step in problem solving?

Find and frame problems.

Which of the following are steps in problem solving? (Select all that apply.)

Find and frame problems. Rethink and redefine problems over time. Develop good problem-solving strategies. Evaluate solutions.

involves using a prior strategy and failing to look at a problem from a fresh, new perspective.


A child is given an intelligence test. What does his score on the test correspond to?

His mental age

Some language experts propose that there is a critical period for language development, which means which of the following?

If a child doesn't get language exposure within a specific window, the child is not likely to speak normally.

is the ability to produce an infinite number of sentences using a relatively limited set of rules.

Infinite generativity

disability is a condition of limited mental ability in which the individual has a low IQ, usually below 70, has difficulty adapting to everyday life, and has an onset of these characteristics in the so-called developmental period.


The acronym IQ stands for which of the following?

Intelligence quotient

is a communication system that follows rules of syntax and grammar.


_____ are the smallest units of language that have meaning.


is a language's rules for word formation.


intelligence is the ability to observe patterns in nature and understand human-made systems.


_____ are created so that tests are applicable to individuals from diverse groups.


intellectual disability is a type of intellectual disability caused by a genetic disorder or brain damage.


Which of the following have(has) NOT been identified by researchers as affecting childhood IQ?

Organic fruits and vegetables

A type of intellectual disability caused by a genetic disorder or by brain damage is known as which of the following?

Organic intellectual disability

The criticisms of multiple intelligences include which of the following?

Philosophers disagree about the separation of intelligence.

_____ are the smallest sounds of language.


Phonology is the study of which of the following? (Select all that apply.)

Phonemes The smallest units of speech

describes a language's sound system


describes a language's sound system.


is the ability to use, apply, implement, and put ideas into practice.

Practical intelligence

Kate is in a foreign country where she speaks very little of the language. She fell and hurt her ankle but can't read any of the posted signs. She walks up to a person and politely says "Doctor?" in the local language, while pointing to her bruised and swollen ankle. Kate is making use of which of the following?


May is only 2 years old and has a limited vocabulary. She is thirsty and conveys this message to her babysitter by holding up her empty cup and saying, "Want?" May is taking advantage of which of the following?


_____ refer(s) to the useful character of language and the ability of language to communicate more meaning than is actually verbalized.


refer(s) to the useful character of language and the ability of language to communicate more meaning than is actually verbalized.


In which of the following tasks can humans outperform computers?

Processing visual information Processing spoken language

A researcher creates a new intelligence test. She gives the same test to a subject on three separate occasions. The subject gets the same score every time he takes it, but the researcher realizes that the test isn't measuring intelligence, it is measuring personality. What is the researcher's new test?

Reliable but not valid

The evaluation of multiple intelligences is composed of which of the following components? (Select all that apply.)

Research does not exist to support multiple intelligences. Proponents have taken the concept of specific intelligence too far.

_____ refers to the meaning of words and sentences in a particular language.


refers to the meaning of words and sentences in a particular language.


hich of the following are traits of intellectually gifted people? (Select all that apply.)

Socially well-adjusted IQ of 130 or above Superior talent in a particular area Academically advanced

intelligence is the ability to think three-dimensionally.


Charles proposed that intelligence captures a common general ability that is reflected in performance on various cognitive tests.

Spearman or Charles Spearman

The Stanford-Binet and Wechsler scales provide measures of which of the following?

Spearman's g

What type of test is based exclusively on norms?

Standardized test

The _____ is an intelligence test given to individuals from the age of 2 through adulthood that includes a wide variety of items, some requiring verbal responses.


The ______ is an intelligence test that can be administered to children or adults because the questions vary depending on the test taker's age.


the _____ is an intelligence test given to individuals from the age of 2 through adulthood that includes a wide variety of items, some requiring verbal responses.


Which of the following tests measure Spearman's g? (Select all that apply.)

Stanford-Binet Wechsler scales

What aspect of grammar is responsible for the different meanings of these two sentences: "Sam loved the girl" and "Sam, the loved girl"?


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