Chapter 8-15 Bontrager Self Tests

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more obliquity for smaller patients

Does an asthenic patient require a little more or a little less obliquity than a hypersthenic patient in the RAO position of the sternum?

pancreatic duct

Duct of Wirsung

Situation: a patient who was involved in a motor vehicle accident 3 days ago is experiencing severe neck pain and comes into the radiology department for cervical spine series. The patient is not wearing a cervical collar. Should the tech take a horizontal beam lateral projection and have it cleared before proceeding with the study?

yes in case of fracture?

up to 74 kV or 5 mAs

following a postreduction of a fx tib-fib a postreduction study is ordered. a fiberglass cast was placed on the fx leg. the original technique was 70 kV at 4 mAs. how much should the tech increase their factors from the original technique


for successful surgical radiographic exposures, clear communication must be established among the surgeon, technologist, and:


which of the following conditions may prevent the use of water soluble contrast agents for a geriatric patient

rhythmic segmentation

which of the following digestive movements occur in the small intestine

prolapse of the rectum

which of the following disorders is best diagnosed an evacuative proctogram

barium enema

which of the following imaging modalities/procedures is often performed to diagnose and treat an intussusception


which of the following is not a recognized lobe of the liver

transverse colon

which of the following structure is intraperitoneal


which of the following structures does not pass through the diaphragm


which process leads to a concentration of bile within the gallbladder


which quadrant is the liver located in a sthenic patient

SC joints equidistance

which radiographic sign can be evaluated whether rotation is present in a PA SC joint

anorectal angle

which region of the large intestine must be visualized during an evacuative proctogram study


which structure in the pharynx prevents aspiration of food and fluid into the larynx


which term describes food after it enters the stomach and is mixed with gastric secretions

head of pancreas and the C-loop of the duodenum

which two structures create the romance of the abdomen


which type of health condition may be restrict the use of glucagon during a BE

batter operated, battery driven source

which type of mobile radiography xray unit is self-propelled?

rectal retention enema tip

which type of rectal enema tip is ideal for the pt with a relaxed anal sphincter


which type of the following commercial contrast media would be used during an evaluative proctogram

produces compression of the abdomen and separation of the small intestine loops

why is PA rather than AP recumbent position recommended for a small bowel series

a majority of the esophagus is superimposed by the spine

why is the AP projection of the esophagus not a prefered projection for the esophagus series

where is the central ray centered for a AP projection of the sacrum?

2" superior to pubis symphysis, MSP, with 15 degree cephalic angle

Match: 1. Vertebra prominens 2. jugular notch 3. 3-4" below jugular notch 4. gonion 5. sternal angle 6. thyroid cartilage

1. B. C7-T1 2. A. T2-T3 3. C. T7 4. D. C3 5. F. T4-T5 6. E. C4-C6

where is the CR for an AP projection of the lumbar spine with a 30x35 cm/11x14" IR?

1.5" above iliac crest and MSP

manubrium, body, xiphoid process

3 parts of the sternum

pneumothorax, hemothorax, and pulmonary contusion

3 pathologies to consider when rib injury is present that may require a PA and lateral chest x-ray

each sacroiliac joint opens obliquely ______________ degrees posteriorly


the angle of the mid-lumbar spine zygapophyseal joints in relation to the midsagittal plane is

30-50 degrees; upper=50, lower = 30

The intervertebral foramina for the cervical spine lie at a _______________ angle to the midsagittal plane.

45 degree angle to MSP

how many segments make up the sacrum in the neonate?


what type of CR angulation should be used for the lateral L5-S1 projection if the waist is not supported?

5-8 degree caudal angulation

how much rotation of the spine is required to demonstrate the zygapophyseal joint space between L1-L2?

50 degrees

rhythmic segmentation

A churning or mixing activity present in the small intestine

PA and LAO erect

A patient comes into the ER with a R upper anterior rib injury. a unilateral rib study is ordered. what are the basic projections for the patient.

duodenal papilla

A protrusion into the duodenum

How much and in which direction (caudad or cephalad) should the central ray be angled for each of the following projections? A. An AP axial projection of the cervical spine: ________________ B. An anterior oblique projection of the cervical spine:________________________ C. A posterior oblique projection of the cervical spine_________________

A. 15-20 degrees cephalad B. 15 degrees caudal C. 15 degrees cephalad

List 2 positions or protections that will project the dens in the center of the foramen magnum?

A. Fuch's B. Judd's

what are two distinctive features of all cervical vertebrae that make them different from any other vertebrae?

A. bifid tip B. transverse foramina

In addition to using a long SID, list the two positioning techniques you can use to lower the shoulder to visualize C7-T1 for lateral projection of C-Spines?

A. use 5-10 lb weights B. suspend respiration on full expiration

Which 2 things can be done to minimize the effects of scatter radiation on lateral projections of the thoracic and lumbar spine?

A: close collimation B: lead mat placed posteriorly


jagged or sawtooth appearance of the intestinal wall

70-80 kv

kV range for analog imaging for ribs below diaphragm

Situation: a patient with a possible Jefferson fracture enters the ER. Which specific radiographic position best demonstrates this type of fracture?

AP "Open Mouth"

Which positions or projection best demonstrates the zygapophyseal joints between C1-C2?

AP "Open Mouth"

Situation: a patient with a clinical history of spondylolisthesis of the L5-S1 region comes to the radiology department. What basic and special projections should be included in this study?

AP, Lateral Lumbar, Lateral spot (L5-S1), Ap Axial Spot (L5-S1)

fourth portion of duodenum

Ascending portion of duodenum

which of the following thoracic vertebrae do not possess a facet for the costotransverse joint?

C. T11 D. T12

midway between xiphoid and lower rib margin

CR for an AP bilateral projection of the posterior ribs below diaphragm

certified surgical technologist

CST is an acronym for

which modalities is recommended for a teardrop burst fracture?


an avulsion fracture of the spinous process of c6-T1 is called a?

Clay shoveler's fracture

dynamic hip screw

DHS is abbreviation for

T/F: a lead blocker mat for lateral positions of the lumbar spine should not be used with digital imaging.


T/F: HNP frequently develops at the L2-L3 level?


which projection or method is designed to demonstrate the degree of scoliosis deformity between the primary and compensatory curves as apart of a scoliosis study?

Ferguson method

cardiac notch

Found along superior aspect of fundus

third portion of duodenum

Horizontal portion of duodenum

angular notch

Indentation found along lesser curvature

which one of the following projections of the cervical spine demonstrates the left intervertebral foramen?


Situation: a patient comes into the radiology department for a follow-up study 6 months after having a spinal fusion surgery of the lower cervical spine projections, what additional projections can e taken t assess mobility of the spine?

Lateral Flexion/Extension C-Spine

Situation: a patient comes into the radiology department for a follow-up study for a Clay Shoveler's fracture. Which spine projections will best demonstrate this type of fracture?

Lateral and AP Cervical Spine

Which position or projection of the cervical spine best shows the zygapophyseal joints between C3-C7?

Lateral cervical positioning/projection

production of hormones

NOT a function of the GI system


NOT a salivary gland

open reduction with interal fixation

ORIF is abbreviation for

pyloric orifice

Opening leaving the stomach

Which position or projection best demonstrates lower cervical and upper thoracic spine (c4-T3) in a lateral perspective?

Swimmer's Cervicolateral View

False, PA is recommended to decreases exposure to operator and decreased OID

T/F AP with the xray tube placed directly above the anatomy during a c-arm procedure is recommended to minimize OID

False, mobile fluoro

T/F C-arms are most generally stationary fluoro units used in surgery

False, by a factor of 4

T/F a 30 degree tilt of the C-arm from the vertical perspective increases the dose by a factor of 3 to the head and neck region


T/F a PA axial oblique (RAO) BE projection is an optional projection to demonstrate the right colic flexure


T/F a small balloon retention catheter may be placed within the stoma of the colostomy to deliver contrast media during a BE

False, suspend resp on exp

T/F an orthostatic breathing technique is recommended for studies of the SC joints


T/F any trauma study requires at least two projections as close as possible to 90 degrees opposite from each other


T/F collimation on trauma cases can lead to cutoff of key anatomy and pathology, therefore it should be limited to the size of the IR


T/F digital C-arm units can store images on videotape or computer hard disk memory


T/F digital fluoroscopy does not require the use of IR cassettes

Flase, landscape

T/F for hypersthenic type of pt a 14x17 IR placed in portrait orientation and centered correctly generally includes the entire barium filled large intestine on one IR


T/F laprascopic cholecystectomy is not suited for every pt and condition


T/F natural latex-based gloves are safe to be worn by all technologists


T/F on an initial study of a long bone, both joints should be included for each projection


T/F scrub covers must be removed before entering the surgical suite


T/F scrubs worn in radiology may also be worn in surgery


T/F the C-arm fluoro unit can be rotated a min. of 180 degrees

False, sonography

T/F the barium enema is recommended to diagnose acute appendicitis

False, greater on tube side

T/F the exposure dose is greater on the ii side than on the xray tube side with the C-arm in the horizontal configuration

False, greater curvature

T/F the lateral margin of the stomach is called the lesser curvature


T/F the number of angioraphies of the aortic arch fro the trauma pt has decline because of the increase use of CT angiograpy

False, in the stomach

T/F the numerous mucosal folds found in the small bowel are called rugae


T/F the rectum possesses two anteroposterior curves that have a direct impact on the rectal enema tip insertions

False, in large intestine

T/F the small sacculations found within the jejunum are called haustra


T/F the tech can wear nonsterile gloves when handling the IR surgical cover following a procedure


T/F the transit time of barium through the small intestine of the pediatric patient is usually less than that required for an adult


T/F water soluble contrast agents pass through the Gi tracts faster than barium sulfate

T/F: kV range of 90-100 can be used for a lateral L5-S1 projection when using DR.


T/F: the efficiency of CT/MRI of the spine is reducing the number of myelograms being performed


T/F: the pelvis must remain as stationary as possible when position for the hyper-extension and hyper-flexion projections.


sternal angle

Which part of the sternum do the second ribs articulate?


____ is a group of intestinal malabsorption diseases involving the inability of absorbing certain proteins and dietary fat

7 degrees

a battery powered, battery operated mobile xray unit can climb a max incline of:

Hypersthenic patient

a high and transverse stomach, duodenal bulb at the vertebral level of T11-T12

Zenker's diverticulum

a large outpouching of the mid-to-upper esophagus


a new growth extending from the mucosal wall

RAO and Lateral sternum

a patient comes into the radiology department with a clinical history of pectus excavatum. what positioning routine would best demonstrate this condition

recumbent AP and LPO

a patient comes to the ER with a L lower posterior rib injury. the patient is unable to stand. what projections must be taken for this patient

PA and Lateral chest

a patient comes to the ER with multiple rib fractures. the ER physician suspects a flail chest. the patient is unable to stand an move. beyond a rib series what other projections should be taken?

Nuc Med Bone Scan

a patient comes to the radiology department with widespread metastases involving the bony thorax. what other imaging modality demonstrate the extent of this condition

mass of hair in the stomach, UGI study

a patient comes to the radiology dept with a clinical history of a possible trichobezoar. what is a trichobezoar and which procedure will best diagnose is

LPO and horizontal beam lateral

a patient is brought to the ER with multiple injuries because of an MVA. the patient can move but cannot stand or lie prone because of his injuries. a sternum study is ordered what positions should be performed

PA and RAO recumbent expose on insp

a patient with an injury to the L upper anterior ribs comes into the ER. he is unable to stand but can lie on his abdomen. list routine that would be performed and breathing instructions

AP and RPO recumbent suspend resp upon exp

a patient with an injury to the R lower posterior ribs comes into the ER. she is unable to stand. list routine that would be performed and breathing instructions

rule out esophageal varices

a patient with clinical history of cirrhosis of the liver with acute GI bleeding comes to the radiology department. what may be the most likely reason that and esophagogram was ordered for this pt

nuclear medicine

a pt comes to the radiology department with a clinical history of Meckels diverticulum. which imaging modality is most often performed for this condition

wear gloves

a pt comes to the radiology department with a clinical history of giardiasis. she is scheduled for a BE. which of the following precautions must be followed during the procedure

trauma axiolateral projection

a pt enters the ER with a possible radial head dislocation. the arm is immobilized with the elbow flexed at 90 degrees. which of the following projections best demonstrates the radial head free of the superimposition of the ulna without having to extend the elbow


a pt has a clinical history of regional enteritis. which of the following procedures is most often performed for this condition

R lateral decub will drain excess barium from the descending colon allowing for detection of polyps

a pt is scheduled for a double contrast BE. during the fluoroscopy phase of the study, the radiologist detects possible polyp in the lower descending colon. which specific projection best demonstrates this region of the colon

LPO position

a pt is unable to lie prone on the radiographic table during a BE. which specific projection best demonstrates the right colic flexure


a pt w a possible compression fx of the lumbar spine enters the ER. which specific projection of the L-spine series would best demonstrate this fx.

L lateral decub

a pt w possible ascites enters the ER. the pt is unable to stand or sit erect. which of the following positions would best demonstrate this condition

AP or PA and lateral wrist

a pt w possible barton fx comes to the radiology dept. which routine would best demonstrate this

15-20 degree mediolateral angle and horizontal beam lateral projection

a pt with a crushing injury to the thorax enters the ER. the pt is on a backboard and cannot be moved. which projections can be performed to determine whether the sternum is fx.

perform an AP axial trauma oblique projection

a pt with a possible fx of the c-spine pedicles enters the ER. which projection will best demonstrate this region of the spine without moving the pt

evacuative proctography

a pt with clinical history of a rectocele comes to the radiology department. which radioraphic procedure will best diagnose this condition?

x-table CR projection of the ankle with the CR 15-20 degrees lateromedial from the long axis of the foot

a pt with possible fx of the ankle enters the ER. the pt cannot rotate the lower limb. what can be done to provide the orthopedic surgeon with a mortise projection of the ankle

R lateral decub

a pt with possible pleural effusion in the R lung enters the ER. the pt is unable to stand or sit erect. what position would best demonstrate this condition

rotation of upper body from true lateral

a radiograph of a lateral sternum shows the anterior ribs are superimposed over the sternum. which error led to this outcome

over rotation, larger chest patients 15 degrees. over rotation causes foreshortening

a radiograph of an RAO sternum shows foreshortening and the sternum is shifted away from the spine and heart shadow. patient has a large barrel chest. the technologist performed the RAO with 20-25 degrees of rotation. which positioning error led to this outcome

LPO recumbent

a radiograph of an UGI is no labeled correctly, the technologist is unsure of what position was performed. a double contrast GI study was completed with all position recumbent. barium in the fundus and air in the body and pylorus and the duodenal bulb in profile

AP performed recumbent

a radiograph taken during a double contrast UGI demonstrates that the fundus is barium filled and the body is air filled. What position does this radiograph represent


a retrograde pyelogram is a specific radiographic exam of the ___ system

15-20 degree RAO will project the SC

a routine chest shows a possible lesion near the R SC joint. A PA projection of the SC joints is taken but the area of interest is superimposed over the spine. what position can be used to better demonstrate this region


a tapered or corkscrew appearance seen during a barium enema

4 mR (30/60 x 8= 4)

a tech receives 30 mR/hour during a c-arm fluoro procedure. what is the total exposure dose if the procedure takes 8 min of fluoro time.

< 10 mR/hour

a tech using a C-arm fluoroscope receives 125 mR/hour exposure standing 2 feet from the pt. what is the exposure rate if the tech moves to a distance of 6 feet


a twisting of the intestine on its own mesentery


act of chewing


also called a chauffeurs fx

stress or fatigue

also called a march fx

decrease patient rotation to 40 degrees for an astenic patient

an UGI series is performed on an asthenic patient. a radiograph of the RAO shows that the duodenal bulb and C-loop are not in profile. The tech rotated the patient 70 degrees. What modification can be made on the repeat exposure

shallow RPO

an image taken during an operative cholangiogram shows the that biliary ducts are superimposed over the spine. the surgeon wants the ducts projected away from the spine. which position may eliminate this problem

kirschner wires

an unthreaded (smooth) or threaded metal wire used to reduce fractures of the wrist


another name for a laxative

Barium swallow

another term for esophagogram


apple core lesion

drawn back

arms for lateral sternum


aspect of sternum possesses the jugular notch

where is the CR centered for an AP axial projection for L5-S1?

at the ASIS, MSP angle is 30-35 degrees

The large joint spaces between C1-C2 is called the?

atlantoaxial joint (right and left)

30-40 ml

average capacity of the adult gallbladder

hip pinning, open reduction of tibia, intramedullary rod insertion

procedures that require the use of mobile fluoro

decrease pt dose

benefit of the "pulse mode" on digital C-arm

where is the pars interarticularis found?

between superior and inferior articular processes

orthostatic breathing technique

breathing instruction of RAO of the sternum to maximize visability?


broadest portion of gallbladder

2 inches superior to the EAM

where should the CR enter for a lateral skull projection


cardinal principle most effective in reducing exposure to the technologist


caused by a flagellate protozoan

Crohn's disease

chronic inflammatory condition of small intestine

ulcerative colitis

chronic inflammatory condition of the large intestine

hepatopancreatic sphincter

circular muscle fibers adjacent to duodenal papilla

which of the following technical factors is most important in producing a high quality CR image?

collimate as close as possible

anterior wedging and loss of vertebral body height are characteristics of

compression fracture


condition of gallstones


condition of small herniations present along the intestinal wall


correct term for a partial displacement

vermiform appendix

correct term for appendix

dislocation or luxation

correct term for the displacement of a bone from a joint

Right lateral

which UGI position best demonstrates a possible gastric diverticulum in the posterior wall of the fundus of the stomach

two partial facets found on the thoracic vertebrae are called?



dilation of the intestine with thickening of the circular folds

whipples disease

disorder of proximal small intestine

cystic duct

duct connected directly to gallbladder


during an UGI the radiologist reports that she see a "lucent-halo" sign in the duodenum. What form of pathology did the radiologist see

Valsalva maneuver, and for esophageal reflux

during an esophagogram the radiologist asks the pt to try to bear down as is having a bowel movement. What is the maneuver called and why did the radiologist make the request

Sliding hiatal hernia

during an esophagogram, the radiologist remarks that Schatzki's ring is present. Which condition or disease process is indicated by the presence of this radiographic sign?


during the BE a possible polyp is seen in the left colic flexure. which of the following projections will best demonstrate it

hepatopancreatic ampulla

enlarged chamber in distal aspect of common bile duct

ilizarov device

example of an external fixator

what is the one feature of all thoracic vertebrae that makes them different from all other vertebrae?

facets for articulations with ribs

trauma, horizontal beam lateral

facial bone projection that will best demonstrate air-fluid levels in the maxillary sinuses for a pt unable to stand or sit erect

T/F: The lumbar possesses a concave posterior spinal curvature.


T/F: it is possible to shield females for an AP projection of the sacrum or coccyx if the gonadal shields are correctly placed.


T/F: Ankylosing spondylitis usually requires an increase in manual exposure factors?

false - none

T/F: the thoracic spine possesses facets for rib articulations and bifid spinous processes.

false: **cervical

T/F: the female gonadal dose is approximately equal for either AP or PA projections of the lumbar spine

false: 20-30% less dose

Nerve, vein, artery

found in the costal groove of each rib


fx along base of 1st metacarpal


fx of distal phalanx with finger extended


fx of the proximal half of ulna with dislocation of radial head


fx resulting from a disease process


fx resulting in an isolated bone fragment

lack of apposition

fx term that describes a situation in which the ends of the fragments are aligned but are pulled apart and not making contact with each other

valgus deformity

fx term that describes an angulation of a distal fx end away from the midline


fx through the pedicles of C2

Situation: a radiograph of an AP open mouth projection of the cervical spine demonstrates the upper incisors superimposed over the top of the dens. What is the positioning error?

head is not extended enough and in superimposing the dens

shower curtain

helps maintain the sterile environment in surgery during a C-arm guided hip pinning

what is the correct term for the condition involving a "slipped disk"?

herniated nucleus pulposus

parallel to the interepicondylar plane

how is the CR aligned for a trauma lateral projection of the elbow


how long is the entire small intestine in the adult

15-20 degrees

how much body rotation for an RAO sternum

25-30 degees or until the CR is parallel to the scapular blade

how much rotation of the body from a supine position, is generally required for a lateromedial scapula projection with a trauma pt who can be turned on her side

35-45 degrees

how much rotation of the body is required for the LAO position during a BE

10-15 degrees

how much rotation of the thorax is required for the anterior oblique of the SC joints

35-40 degrees

how much rotation should be used for an RAO esophagogram projection


imaging equipment permanently stored in surgery must be cleaned at least


includes the low and vertical stomach with the duodenal bulb at the level of L3-L4

which one of the topographic landmarks corresponds to the L2-L3 level?

inferior costal margin


inflammation of small herniations in the intestinal wall


inflammation of the small intestine

for the lateral L5-S1 projection, the CR is parallel to the _______________ plane.

interiliac plane

which foramina are created by the superior and inferior vertebral notches?

intervertebral foramina


inward growth from intestinal wall

am abnormal or exaggerated lateral spinal curvature is called?


Compared with the spinous processes of the cervical and thoracic spine, the lumbar process are

larger and more blunt

what are the characteristics of the vertebra in fig. 9-9 that identify it as a lumbar vertebra rather than a thoracic?

larger vertebral bodies, smaller transverse process, bulky spinous process, no facets for ribs

which projections are designed to measure mobility of the vertebral column at the site of spinal fusion?

lateral Hyerflexion/Extension

Situation: a patient with a possible compression fracture of L3 enters the emergency room. Which projections of the lumbar spine best demonstrates the extent pf this injury?

lateral L-Spine

which position of the thoracic spine best demonstrates the intervertebral foramina?

lateral thoracic spine positioning

what 2 things can be done to reduce high amounts of scatter reaching the IR during the lateral projection of the sacrum and coccyx?

lead mat behind patient, close collimation

Which specific joint spaces are visualized with a left anterior oblique projection of the thoracic spine?

left zyapophyseal joints - downside

At which vertebral level does the solid spinal cord terminate?

lower level of L1


may be caused by the cutting off blood supply to it or by infection


middle aspect of gallbladder

body of stomach

middle aspect of the stomach

bacterial infection

most common causes of osteomyelitis

barium sulfate

most common radiopaque contrast medium used in the GI system

xiphoid process

most distal aspect of sternum

Fundus of stomach

most posterior portion of stomach


mushroom shaped dilation with a small amount of barium extending beyond it

sternal angle

name of palpable junction between the upper and midportion of sternum?


name of the device on the xray tube mount that permits compound angles of the xray tube

falciform ligament

name of the soft tissue structure that divides the liver into left and right lobes


narrowest portion of gallbladder

An AP projection of the sacrum reveals that the sacrum is foreshortened and the foramina are not open. What position error led to this?

no angulation on the tube

hx of multiple myeloma

nuc med bone scan are NOT normally performed for what condition of the bony thorax?

which of the following imaging modalities is not normally performed to rule out a herniated nucleus populous?

nuclear medicine

which one of the following structures makes up the inner aspect of the intervertebral disk?

nucleus pulposus


nutrient not digested

esophageal reflux

older term for GERD


on horizontal beam lateral skull projection, should the IR be portrait or landscape to the pt.


which aspect of the small intestine is the longest?


which aspect of the small intestine is the smallest in diameter?

esophagogastric junction

opening between esophagus and stomach

intramedullary rod

orthopedic devices is used to stabilize a midfemoral shaft fx


other position used if pt cannot assume the recumbent RAO position?

nuclear medicine

other than an esopagogram what other imaging modality is performed to diagnose Barretts esophagus

Meckel's diverticulum

outpouching of distal ileum

blunt trauma

pathology of the sternum is most commonly caused by

trapped vegetable fiber in the stomach



position that will best demonstrate the R axillary ribs

suspend resp., 65-70 kv, and performed erect

positioning consideration for study of the ribs above the diaphragm

emulsification of fats

primary function of bile

35-40 degrees cehpalic, AP axial projection

projection that best demonstrates C1-C2 vertebra if the pt cannot open his mouth

the anterior/superior ridge of the upper sacrum is called the



radiologists often use the Salter-Harris system to classify ___ fx


reason a pt may be asked to swallow a mouthful of water drawn through straw during an esophagogram

a radiograph of an AP projection of the lumbar spine reveals that the SI joints are not equidistant from the spine. The right ala of the sacrum appears wider, and the left SI joint is more open than the left. Which specific position error is evident on this graph?

reduce RPO rotation, rotate a bit back to the left

Situation: a study of the SI joints reveals that the joints are not open and the upper iliac wings are nearly superimposing with the joints. The technologist performed 35 degree RPO and LPO positions with a perpendicular CR. What can be done during the repeat to open the joints?

reduce obliquity to 25-30 degrees

why should the knees and hips need to be flexed for an AP projection of the lumbar spine?

reduces lumbar curvature and brings back closer to IR


which aspect of the stomach fills with air when the patient is prone during a double contrast UGI


retrograde urography is a _____ exam of the urinary system

Situation: a radiograph of a lateral thoracic spine projection reveals that the intervertebral foramina and the intervertebral joint spaces are not clearly demonstrated? Which type of problems can lead to this radiographic outcome?

rotation error with lateral

mucousal folds


which of the following divisions of the spine is described as possessing a primary curve? (there may be more than one correct answer).

sacral and thoracic

an abnormal or exaggerated lateral spinal curvature is called?


Scheuerman disease is a form of?


spiral valve

series of mucosal folds in cystic duct

Bucky slot shield

shielding device best reduces exposure to the lower torso of fluoroscopist

which set of zygapophyseal joints of the lumbar spine is best demonstrated with an LAO position?

side farthest from IR, upside

fx or orthopedic table

special OR table used for hip pinnings and other orthopedic procedures to provide traction to the involved limb is termed

which one of the following conditions is often diagnosed by prenatal ultrasound?

spina bifida

scoliosis corrective surgery

spinal procedure may require the use of harrington or luque rod

ulcerative colitis

stovepipe appearance of colon

regional enteritis

string sign

nursemaids elbow

subluxation of the radial head on a child

surgical assistant

suctioning, typing, and clamping blood vessels, as well as assisting in cutting and suturing tissues are the general duties of the:

left colic (splenic) flexure

which colic flexure is located 1-2 inches higher or more superior in the abdomen

common bile duct (CBD)

which duct carries bile form the cystic duct to the duodenum

the zygapophyseal joints of the lumbar spine are classified as _______________ joints with _________________ type of movement.

synovial, plane/gliding

use intermittent fluoro

technique reduces the dose to the surgical team during a c-arm procedure


telescoping of the bowel into another aspect of it

road mapping

term for the process of holding one image on the C-arm monitor whole also providing continuous fluoro

2 inches

the CR and IR should be centered approximately _____ higher for the 15 or 30 minute small bowel image than for later images

left, 1-2 inches above iliac crest

the LAO projection best demonstrates the _____ colic flexure with the CR centered to_____

right, iliac crest

the RAO projection best demonstrates the ______ colic flexure with the CR and IR centered to the level of _____


the absence of infectious organisms

Cholecystokinin (CCK)

which hormone leads to the contraction of the gallbladder to release bile


the esophagus extends from C5-C6 to:

true rib

the fifth rib is an example of a ______ rib

posterior inferior

the gallbladder is located in the ____________ margin of the liver


the greek term gaster or gastro means


the part of the intestine with a "feathery" and "coiled spring" appearance when filled with braium

6 feet (1.8 m)

the tech must be at least ____ from the xray tube during a mobile radiographic procedure


the term evacuative proctography is sometimes used for a lower GI tract procedure. this procedure is also commonly called

cecum and rectum

the two aspects of the large intestine not considered part of the colon

describe the body build that may require the CR angulation to open the intervertebral joint spaces with a lateral projection of the lumbar spine, even if the patient has waist support?

thicc, wide hips, and thin thorax need 5-8 caudal angle

why should a single lateral projection of the sacrum and coccyx be performed rather than separate laterals of the sacrum and coccyx?

to decrease gonadal dose

10 degrees posteriorly from perpendicular to plantar surface of the foot

to ensure the CR is aligned properly for an AP trauma projection of the foot, the CR is angled


to which aspect of the stomach does barium gravitate to when the pt is in a supine position

Situation: a lateral cervical spine radiograph demonstrates that the zygapophyseal joint spaces are not superimposed. Which type of positioning error may lead to this radiographic outcome?

too much rotation or not enough rotation, not lateral truly

a radiograph of an LPO projection of the lumbar spine reveals that the downside of the pedicles are projected toward the posterior aspect of the vertebral bodies. What must be done to correct this?

too obliqued, move patient to 45 degree oblique position

which ligament holds the dens against the anterior arch of C1?

transverse atlantal ligament

T/F: the carotid artery and certain nerves pass through the cervical transverse foramina.


a horizontal beam lateromedial projection

which lateral projection would best demonstrate the mid-to-distal humerus without rotating the limb


which oblique position, LAO or RAO, best demonstrates the ascending colon and right colic flexure

angular notch (incisura angularis)

which of the following aspects of the stomach is defined as an indentation between the body and pylorus

area of interest closest to IR and rotate spine away from area of interest

two factors to consider when determining which specific projections to include for rib routine

malabsoprtion syndrome

unable to process certain nutrients

common hepatic duct

union of the left and right hepatic ducts form which duct

interbody fusion cage

used for spinal fusion surgery rather than the use of a pedicle screw


wavelike involuntary contractions that help propel food down the esophagus

hold breath on expiration

what breathing instructions should be given to the patient during insertion of the enema tip

antral muscle thickness exceeding 4 mm

what criterion is used with ultrasound in determining whether the pt has HPS

a floating rib does not possess costocartilage

what distinguishes a floating rib from a false rib

a true rib attaches directly to the sternum with its own costocartilage

what distinguishes a true rib from a false


what drug can be added to the barium sulfate mix to minimize intestinal spasm during a BE

ensure side rails are up on the pt cart

what final step should the tech take before returning a trauma pt to the ER following a radiographic procedure

2 Hrs

what is the average length of time in a small bowel series for the barium to pass through the ileocecal sphincter?

40", minimum of 15" between patient and tube for radiation safety

what is the min SID for sternum?

8 hours

what is the min amount of time a pt needs to be NPO before a small bowel?


what is the min number of projections for a postreduction study of the wrist.

suspensory ligament of the duodenum

what is the name for the band of muscle tissue found at the junction of the duodenum and jejunum


what is the name of the condition that results from the viral infection of the parotid

only the level of the table top

what portion of the OR table is considered sterile

large intestine

where does the reabsorption of inorganic salt occur in the GI tract

the ear and front leg of the "Scottie dog" make up the ___________ joint, best seen in oblique position.


which joints are found between the superior and inferior articular processes?

zygapophyseal joints

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