Chapter 8 and 9 labs
8.2.8 Manage User Accounts
Complete this lab as follows: Access Active Directory Users and Computers on the CorpDC server.From Hyper-V Manager, select CORPSERVER.From the Virtual Machines pane, right-click CorpDC and then select Connect.From Server Manager's menu bar, select Tools > Active Directory Users and Computers.Maximize the window for better viewing. Disable the Mark Woods user account.From the left pane, expand and select > AccountingRight-click Mark Woods and then select Disable Account.Select OK to acknowledge the change. Change Mary Barnes' password and unlock her account.Right-click Mary Barnes and then select Reset Password.Enter and confirm asdf1234$ as the new password.Verify that User must change password at next logon is selected.Verify that Unlock the user's account is selected.Select OK to make the change.Select OK to acknowledge the change. Enable the Pat Benton account.From the left pane, select the Research-Dev OU.Right-click Pat Benton and then select Enable Account.Select OK. Update the Andrea Simmons and Adam Pascal user accounts.In the Research-Dev OU, right-click the user account and select Rename.Enter the new name and press Enter. This opens the Rename User dialog.Change the following fields as is applicable:First nameLast nameDisplay nameUser logon nameUser logon name (pre-Windows 2000)Select OK.Repeat steps 5a - 5d for the remaining user account.Right-click Stella Hanson and select Disable Account, and then select OK. Configure user account restrictions.From the left pane, select the Support OU.Press Ctrl and then select both the Jacob Greenwood and Leslie Hunter users. This lets you edit multiple users at the same time. Right-click the user accounts and then select Properties. Select the Account tab. Select Computer restrictions. Select Log On To. Select The following computers. In the Computer name field, enter Support and then select Add. Select OK to return to the Properties dialog. Select OK to apply the changes and close the properties dialog.
8.2.7 Create a Group
Complete this lab as follows: Access Active Directory Users and Computers on the CorpDC server.From Hyper-V Manager, select CORPSERVER.From the Virtual Machines pane, right-click CorpDC and then select Connect.From Server Manager's menu bar, select Tools > Active Directory Users and Computers.Maximize the window for better viewing. Create a group named Managers in the Users container.From the left pane, expand and select > Users.Right-click the Users container and then select New > Group. In the Group name field, enter Managers.A pre-Windows 2000 group name will be created automatically, but can be changed. Under Group scope, make sure Global is selected. Under Group type, make sure Security is selected and then select OK. Add user accounts to the Managers group.From the left pane, ensure that the Users container is still selected.From the right pane, right-click Managers and then select Properties.Select the Members tab.Select Add.In the Enter the object names to select field, enter all of the usernames. Use a semicolon to separate each name.Example: Zoelle Hoffer; Peter Williams; Princess DianaSelect Check Names.Select OK to add the users and close the dialog.Select OK to close the Managers Properties dialog.
8.2.6 Create User Accounts
Complete this lab as follows: Access the CorpDC server.From the left pane of Hyper-V Manager, select CORPSERVER.From the Virtual Machines pane, right-click CorpDC and then select Connect. Create the domain user accounts on CorpDC.From Server Manager's menu bar, select Tools > Active Directory Users and Computers.Maximize the window for better viewing.From the left pane, expand and select > OU. This is the OU in which the user will be created.Right-click the OU and then select New > User. Enter the following values for the new user:First nameLast nameUser logon name (This name is required; the user will use it to log on to the domain.) Select Next. Enter the user account's initial password of 1234asdf$ and confirm it. Verify that User must change password at next logon is marked and then select Next. Review your information and then click Finish to create the user object. Repeat steps 2c - 2i to create the remaining users. Access the account properties for Borey Chan (the temporary sales employee).In Active Directory Users and Computers, browse to the Borey Chan user account ( > Sales > TempSales).Right-click Borey Chan and select Properties.Select the Account tab. Modify Borey Chan's logon hours.Select Logon Hours.Select Logon Denied to clear the allowed logon hours.By default, logon is always permitted (every hour box is blue).Drag the mouse to select 8 AM to 5 PM, Monday through Friday.Use the text added to the bottom of the dialog to verify your selected dates and times.Select Logon Permitted to toggle the selected time to the logon times permitted.Select OK . Configure an account expiration date for Borey Chan.Under Account expires, select End of.Use the End of drop-down to select 31 December in the current year.Select OK.
8.5.6 Create a New Online User Account
Complete this lab as follows: Access the Microsoft Create account wizard.Right-click Start and then select Settings.Select Accounts.From the left pane, select Family & other users.From the right pane, under Other users, select Add someone else to this PC.Select I don't have this person's sign-in information. From the Create account dialog, enter [email protected] and then select Next. From the Create a password dialog, enter p@ssw@rd and then select Next. From the What's your name dialog, enter the following and then select Next:First name: ZoelleLast name: Anderson From the What's your birth date dialog, configure the following and then select Next:Under Country/region, use the drop-down to select United Kingdom.Under Birthdate, use the the drop-downs to configure the following:Month: AprilDay: 6Year: 2002 From the Verify email dialog, enter the code 1805. Clear I would like information, tips, and offers about Microsoft products and services and then select Next.
8.9.5 Encrypt Files
Complete this lab as follows: Open the D: drive.From the Windows taskbar, select File Explorer.From the left pane, select This PC.From the right pane, double-click Local Disk (D:). Encrypt the Finances folder.Right-click Finances and then select Properties.Select Advanced.Select Encrypt contents to secure data and then select OK.Select OK to close the properties dialog.Select OK to confirm the attribute changes. Give Susan authorization to modify the 2019report.xls file.Double-click Finances.Right-click 2019report.xls and then select Properties.Select Advanced.Select Details.Select Add.Select Susan and then select OK.Select OK as many times as needed to close all remaining dialogs.
8.6.5 Configure NTFS Permissions
Complete this lab as follows: Open the Data (E:) drive.From the Windows taskbar, select File Explorer.From the left pane, expand This PC and then select Data (E:). Disable inheritance and convert inherited permissions to explicit permissions.Right-click the applicable folder and then select Properties.Select the Security tab.Select Advanced to modify inherited permissions.Select Disable inheritance to prevent inherited permissions.Select Convert inherited permissions into explicit permissions on this object. Remove the Users group from the access control list.In Permission entries, select Users.Select Remove to remove the group from the access control list.Select OK. Add a new group to the access control list and allow full control.Select Edit to add a group to the access control list.Select Add.Enter the name of the group you want to add and then select Check Names.Select OK.With the newly added group selected, under the Allow column, select Full control and then select OK.Select OK to close the properties dialog. Repeat steps 2 - 4 to modify the permissions for the additional folder.
8.2.5 Manage User Passwords
Complete this lab as follows: Right-click Start and select Settings. Select Accounts. From the left pane, select Sign-in options. From the right pane, select Password. Select Add. Create a new password as follows:New password: P@ssword2Reenter password: P@ssword2Password hint: Enter a password hint of your choice. Select Next. Select Finish.
8.2.4 Create a New User
Complete this lab as follows: Right-click Start and then select Settings. Select Accounts. From the left pane, select Other users. Select Add someone else to this PC. Under Who's going to use this PC, enter Zoey. Under Make it secure, enter the following password information:Password: eyeLoveS@ccerRe-enter password: eyeLoveS@ccer Under In case you forget your password, select and complete the following security information: 1. What was your first pet's name?Spot 2. What's the name of the city where you were born?Cambridge 3. What's the name of the city where your parents met?London Select Next.
8.3.2 Manage Account Policies
Complete this lab as follows: Set the password policies.Select Start and then select Windows Administrative Tools > Local Security Policy.From the left pane, expand and select Account Policies > Password Policy.Maximize the window and then expand the Policy column for better viewing.From the middle pane, double-click the applicable policy to be modified.Configure the appropriate value and then select OK.Repeat steps 1d - 1e for the remaining password polices to be configured. Set the account lockout policies.From the left pane, under Account Policies, select Account Lockout Policy.From the middle pane, double-click Account lockout threshold.Configure the lock out value to 5 and then select OK.Review the suggested changes and then select OK.Double-click Account lockout duration.Configure the value to 60 and then select OK.Double-click Reset account lockout counter after.Configure the value to 10 and then select OK.
9.1.8 Share and Secure Folders
Open the D: drive.From the Windows taskbar, select File Explorer.From the left pane, expand and select This PC > Data (D:). Configure share permissions for D:\Finances.Right-click Finances and then select Give access to > Specific people.Using the drop-down, select the group Everyone and then select Add.Select the group named Everyone and then select Read/Write.Using the drop-down, select Find People.In the Enter the object names to select field, type Accounting and then select OK.Select Accounting and then select Read/Write.Select Share.Select Done. Configure share permissions for D:\Graphics.Right-click Graphics and then select Give access to > Specific people.Using the drop-down, select the group Everyone and then select Add.Select Everyone and then select Read/Write.Select Share.Select Done. Configure NTFS permissions for the D:\Finances folder.Right-click the Finances and then select Properties.Select the Security tab.Select Advanced to modify inherited permissions.Select Disable inheritance.Select Convert inherited permissions into explicit permissions on this object.Select the group Everyone and then select Remove to remove the group from the access control list.Select Users and then select Remove.Select OK to close the Advanced Security Settings for Finances dialog.Select OK to close the Finances Properties dialog. Configure NTFS permissions for the D:\Graphics folder.Right-click Graphics and then select Properties.Select the Security tab.Select Edit to change permissions for a group.Select the Everyone group.Under Permissions for Everyone, clear Full control, Modify, and Write.Select Add to add a group.In the Enter the object names to select field, enter Marketing and then select OK.With Marketing selected, select Modify. (Leave all other existing permissions as-is.)Select OK to close the Permissions for Graphics dialog.Select OK to close the Graphics Properties dialog.