Chapter 8: Arrays

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One-dimension array

Components are arranged in a list form

Statement : int list [10] = {0};

Declares an array of 10 components and initializes all of them to zero

Statements: in list [10] = {0};

Declares an array of 10 components and initializes all of them to zero

Arrays that are created using pointers during program execution are called________ arrays


Values are placed between curly braces

Example 1: double sales [5] = { 12.25, 32.50, 16.90, 23, 45.68}

A function can return a value of type array. (6)


Arrays can be passed as parameters to a function either by value or by reference. (6)


As parameters, two-dimensional arrays are passed either by value or by reference. (15, 16)


C++ does not allow functions to return a value of type array

Refer to Example 8-6 in the text function sumArray and indexLargestElement

Ex. int myList [5] = {0, 4, 8, 12, 16}; //Line 1 int yourList [5] ; //Line 2 yourList = myList; //illegal

Solution for (int index = 0; index < 5; index++ ) yourList [index] = myList [index];

list [5] = 34;

Stores 34 in list [5], sixth component of the array list

int list [10]

The statement (an example of partial initialization of an array during declaration):

int list [10];

This Statement declares an array of 10 components

In C++, there is no guard against indices that are out of bounds

This check is solely the programmers responsibility

A one-dimensional array is an example of a structured data type. (1)


Arrays can be initialized during declaration


In C++, some aggregate operations are allowed for strings. (11, 12, 13)


The number in parentheses at the end of an exercise refers to the learning objective listed at the beginning of the chapter.


The size of an array is determined at compile time. (1, 6)


Given the declaration int list [100] ; // array size of 100 int i;

Use a for loop to access array elements: for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) //Line 1 cin >> list [ i ]; //Line 2

Which of the following statements is FALSE?

When declaring a two-dimensional array as a formal parameter, you can omit the size of the first dimension or the second.

n dimensi

a collection of a fixed number of elements attanges in n dimensions (n>1=)

Structured data type

a data type in which each data item is a collection of other data items

Functions for C-string manipulation are found in the ____ header file.


Two dimensional array syntax

dataType arrayName [inExp1] [intExp2];

Syntax for declaring a one dimensional array

dataType arrayName[intExp]; example: int numbers[5];

Which of the following date types cannot be used as an array index


Example 2: the array is determined by the number of initial values in the braces of the array is declared without size specified

double sales [ ] = { 12.25, 32.50, 16.90, 23, 45.68}

C-strings are ____.

enclosed in double quotation marks

char name [16];

example of a c-string declaration; largest string it can store has 15 characters

Assuming arrayName is the name of an array and identifier is a name of a variable that has the same data type as the array elements, which of the follow is the correct syntax for the range-based for loop?

for (dataType identifier : arrayName) statements

Arrays are passed by ________________

reference only

When storing a two-dimensional array in computer memory, C++ uses the ____.

relative address format

A ____ sort sorts the list by finding the smallest (or equivalently largest) element in the list and moving it to the beginning (or end) of the list.


The _____ search algorithm searches a list for a given item, starting with the first element and continues to compare the item with the other elements in the list until either the item is found or the list has no more elements.


The size of array can be omitted if__________.

the array is initialized during declaration. ex: char name [ ] = "John"; declares an array of length 5 and stores the C-String "John" in the array

when an array is passed as a parameter, ______________________

the base address of the actual array is passed to the formal parameter

If you store a string whose length is less than the array size,__________.

the last components are unused

When you initialize arrays during declaration, ____.

the size is determined by the number of initial values in the braces

Ex: int arr[3][3] = {{1,2,3,}, {4,5,6} };

this examples creates a 2-dimensional array with each index having three elements. represents a table of two rows and three columns the first row or index contains number 1-3 and the second row, or index, contains numbers 4-6 *notice the arrangement of the braces to assign initial value to each element of the indices in the array declaration

Arrays are not limited

to the the int data type only, but can be created for any C++ data type, E.g.: int, float, double, bool, char.

Parallel Arrays

two or omore arrays are called parallel if their corresponding components hold related information

A ____ array is a collection of a fixed number of components arranged in rows and columns, wherein all components are of the same data type.


C-strings are compared character by character___________

using the collating sequence of the system using the function strcmp

Simple data Types

variables of these types can store only one value at a time

Simple data type

variables of these types can store only one value at a time

If using the ASCII character set:

"Air" < "Boat" "Air" < "An" "Bill" < "Billy" "Hello" < "hello"

useful string manipulation function include:

-strcpy -strncpy -strcmp -strlen

The function strcmp (s1, s2) returns ____ if s1 and s2 are the same.



A collection of fixed number of components, all of the same data type

Structured data type:

A data type in which each data item is a collection of other data items

The index of an array is in bounds if the index is between 0 and

ARRAY_Size - 1 Otherwise, the index is out of bounds

Multidimensional Arrays

An array can have more than one index to represent multiple dimensions rather than the single dimension of a regular array

indexExp called the index

An expression with a nonnegative integer value


Are null-terminated ('\0')

[ ]: array subscripting operator

Array index always starts 0

Which of the following statements is TRUE?

C++ functions cannot return a value of type array.

If an array index goes out of bounds, the program always terminates in an error. (3)


The only aggregate operations allowable on int arrays are the increment and decrement operations. (5)


he declaration:char name[16] = "John K. Miller";declares name to be an array of 15 characters because the string "John K. Miller" has only 14 characters. (11)


he declaration:char str = "Sunny Day";declares str to be a string of an unspecified length. (11)


iven the declaration:int list[10];the statement:list[5] = list[3] + list[2];updates the content of the fifth component of the array list. (2)


Value of the index

Is the position of the item in the array

A(n) ______ operation is any operation that manipulates the entire array as a single unit


Special Null Character

allows the entire string to be referenced from just the array name

Most rules for arrays _____

also apply to C-Strings


any constant expression that evaluates to a positive integer

Aggregate operation

any operation that manipulates the entire array as a single unit **not allowed on arrays in C++

Aggregate operations, such as assignment and comparison,

are not allowed on arrays

In C++, arrays ____.

are passed by reference only

Multidimensional array of three indices or more:

are uncommon

General Syntax for Array

arrayName [indexExp]

When you pass an array as a parameter, the ____ of the actual array is passed to the formal parameter.

base address

the ___________ of an array is the address (memory location) of the the first array

base address

two dimensional arrays

can be initialized when they are declared

Exanple of string input

cin >> name; store the next input C-string name

TO read strings with blanks, use the function get:

cin.get(str, m+1); when executed, the statement stores the next n characters into str, but the newline character is not stored in str **If input string has fewer than m characters, reading stops at the newline character

2 dimensional arrays are ______

common and they are useful to store grid-based information such as table or coordinates

User can specify the name of an input and/or output file at execution time

cout << "Enter the input file name: "; cin >> fileName;; //open the input file * * * cout << "Enter the output file name: "; cin >> fileName;; //open the outputfile

The index of an array is _______

in bounds if the index is between ) and ARRAY_SIZE - 1 **otherwise, the index is out of bounds***

Example of two-dimensional array initialiation

int board [4][43]

The statement (an example of partial initialization of an array during declaration):

int list [10] = {8, 5, 12}; Declares an array of 10 components and liabilities list [0] to 8, list [1] to 5, list[2] to 12 All other components are initialization to 0

If list is one-dimensional array.......

its base address is the address of list [0]

All the elements (components)of an array________

must be of the same type.

The last character in a C-string is always the ____.

null character


null character: it can be used to store a string of text if the array's final element Ex: char fnames[5] = { 'm', 'i', 'k', 'e', '\0' };

Two (or more) arrays are called _____ if their corresponding components hold related information.


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