Chapter 8: Cognition and Perception
What are holistic thinkers more likely to pay attention to?
An entire scene.
Holistic thinking involves...?
An orientation to the entire scene. Attending to the relations among objects. thematic categorization- stimuli are grouped together on the basis of relationship among them.
Who does well on this test? (Rod and Frame test)
Analytic thinkers should do well on this task because they have higher levels of field independence and are able to separate object from their backgrounds.
What kind of cultures will practice holistic thinking?
Collectivistic cultures. people are socialized to learn to attend to relations among people.
Field Dependence
Difficulty in separating objects from each other. Holistic thinkers practice this.
Which type of attribution do most westerners have?
Where is holistic thinking most common?
East Asian cultures
What societies will be more apt to practice analytic thinking?
Individualistic societies because they are socialized to be independent and to have their attention focused on objects.
What is the fundamental attribution error?
It is the tendency for observers to overestimate the casual influence of internal factors (personal characteristics) on behaviors and the underestimation of the causal roles of external factors (situational influences) on behavior.
Low context cultures
Less shared information more explicit information is necessary for communication
What do western painters focus on?
On a particular object
What are analytic thinkers more likely to pay attention to?
Separate parts of a scene.
What does analytic thinking involve?
Separating objects from each other. Break down objects into component parts. Taxonomic categorization- stimuli are grouped according to the perceived similarity of their attributes.
Where is analytic thinking most common?
Western Cultures
Do cultural differences in perception affect the art people produce today?
Yes. East Asians focus on the whole picture and have great detail where as Westerners tend to have less detail and are much more simplistic.
Situational Attribution
explaining peoples behaviors by attending to contextual variable
Dispositional attribution
explaining peoples behaviors by attending to their personal characteristics.
What are east asian cultures an example of
high context cultures
What are north american and english speaking cultures a good example of?
low context cultures
High context cultures vs. Low context cultures
people in high context cultures have a harder time ignoring implicit information than people in low context cultures
High context cultures
people who are highly connected with each other, much shared information guides behavior less explicit information is needed for communication
Field independence
separate objects from their background fields. Analytic thinkers practice this
Which type of attribution do most east Asians have?
Rod and Frame test
the challenge of this task is that the frame around the rod is rotated independently and thus provides misleading information.
What do east Asian paintings focus their attention on?
the relations amongst objects and places within the scene.