Chapter 8 Consumer Behavior

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Which of the following is considered a stimulus factor affecting attention? A) clutter B) position C) motivation D) ability E) all of the above


_____ meaning is the conventional meaning assigned to a word such as found in the dictionary. A) Semantic B) Psychological C) Cognitive D) Affective E) Seminal


_____ refers to the capacity of individuals to attend to and process information. A) Intelligence B) IQ C) Ability D) Aptitude E) Motivation

perceptual defenses

The fact that all aspects of the perception process are extremely selective is referred to as _____. A) perceptual selectivity B) sensory screening C) ego defenses D) perceptual defenses E) none of the above

motivation and ability

What are the major individual factors affecting attention? A) needs and wants B) hemispheric lateralization and interpretation C) motivation and needs D) exposure and interpretation E) motivation and ability


Which of the following characteristics influencing interpretation represents factors beyond the stimulus itself? A) individual B) personal C) situational D) stimulus E) inferential

Females are more likely to avoid ads than males

Which of the following is FALSE regarding ad avoidance? A) Females are more likely to avoid ads than males. B) High levels of advertising clutter increase ad avoidance. C) Higher social classes avoid ads more than lower social classes. D) Hectic lifestyles increase ad avoidance. E) Younger consumers avoid ads more than older consumers.


A message presented so fast or so softly or so masked by other messages that one is not aware of seeing or hearing it is called a(n) _____ stimulus. A) subversive B) sublingual C) lateralized D) subliminal E) unfocused


Carl is doing his homework and has the television on in the background. While it is on, several commercials aired. What stage of the information-processing model does this represent? A) exposure B) attention C) interpretation D) memory E) action

direct false claim

If it is literally false that Gardenburger's competitor is not "mushroom in origin" then what category of misleading advertising does this fall into? A) direct false claim B) claim-belief discrepancy C) inferential discrepancy D) interpretation discrepancy E) none of the above

expectation bias

Individuals' interpretation of stimuli tend to be consistent with their expectations, an effect referred to as the _____. A) expectation response B) affect intensity C) individual bias D) expectation trait E) expectation bias


Perception is a process that begins with consumer exposure and attention to marketing stimuli and ends with consumer _____. A) interpretation B) attitudes C) action D) acceptance E) behavior


Program-length commercials with an 800 number and/or Web address through which to order or request additional information are known as _____. A) infomercials B) direct-to-consumer advertisements C) advertorials D) infotorials E) product placement

affect intensity

Some people experience emotions more strongly than do others, which is a trait known as _____. A) physiological differentiation B) psychological differentiation C) affect intensity D) cognitive intensity E) psychological intensity

situational factors

Which factor affecting attention includes stimuli in the environment other than the focal stimulus (i.e., the ad or package) and temporary characteristics of the individual that are induced by the environment, such as time pressures or a crowded store? A) individual factors B) external factors C) transient factors D) situational factors E) nonprogrammatic factors

all of the above

Which of the following is NOT a situational characteristic influencing interpretation? A) time pressure B) mood C) number of other individuals present D) nature of the material surrounding the message in question E) all of the above are situational characteristics influencing interpretation

program involvement

Which of the following is a situational factor affecting attention? A) program involvement B) ability C) motivation D) repetition E) isolation

brand familiarity

Which of the following is an ability factor related to attention that may require less attention to the brand's ads by an individual due to their high existing knowledge? A) involvement B) brand familiarity C) brand equity D) contrast E) interestingness


Which of the following is an individual characteristic that influences interpretation? A) expectations B) organization C) changes D) proximity E) clutter


Which of the following is considered an individual factor affecting attention? A) motivation B) intensity C) clutter D) attractiveness E) isolation


Which side of the brain deals with pictorial, geometric, timeless, and nonverbal information without the individual being able to verbally report it? A) right B) left C) front D) back E) top


Which side of the brain is primarily responsible for verbal information, symbolic representation, sequential analysis, and the ability to be conscious and report what is happening? A) right B) left C) front D) back E) top

information processing

_____ is a series of activities by which stimuli are perceived, transformed into information, and stored. A) Perception B) Interpretation C) Information processing D) Perceptual exposure E) Selective exposure


_____ is separating a stimulus object from other objects. A) Positioning B) Isolation C) Formatting D) Contrasting E) Lateralization


_____ is the assignment of meaning to sensations. A) Attention B) Perception C) Interpretation D) Hemispheric lateralization E) Information processing

affective interpretation

_____ is the emotional or feeling response triggered by a stimulus such as an ad. A) Affective interpretation B) Consumer inference C) Cognitive interpretation D) Perceptual interpretation E) Perceptual relativity


_____ is turning the sound off during commercial breaks. A) Zipping B) Zapping C) Muting D) Silencing E) Voluntary exposure


_____ refers to the fact that stimuli positioned close together are perceived as belonging to the same category. A) Organization B) Proximity C) Closeness D) Closure E) Affect

hemispheric lateralization

The idea behind _____ is that different parts of our brain are better suited for focused versus nonfocused attention. A) right brain/left brain lateralization B) subliminal lateralization C) hemispheric lateralization D) interpretation E) affective interpretation

will increase the chances that their information is perceived to be true

An advertiser who formats its factual information so that it is easier to process _____. A) is tapping into the isolation effect B) is basing their strategy on figure-ground theory C) is utilizing adaptation level theory D) will increase the chances that their information is perceived to be true E) none of the above

decreases, increases

Attention generally _____ across repeated exposures, and repetition often _____ recall. A) increases; decreases B) decreases; increases C) remains constant; decreases D) remains constant; increases E) increases; increases

a, b, and c

Attention is determined by which factor? A) the stimulus B) the individual C) the situation D) a and b E) a, b, and c


The size, shape, and color are specific _____ of the stimulus that can affect interpretation. A) cues B) traits C) elements D) contextual cues E) signals

permission-based marketing

The voluntary and self-selected nature of online offerings where consumers "opt in" to receive email-based promotions is often referred to as _____ . A) voluntary marketing B) optional marketing C) allowable marketing D) acceptable marketing E) permission-based marketing


Which of the following is NOT a step in the information-processing model? A) exposure B) comparison C) attention D) interpretation E) memory


Which of the following is NOT an individual characteristic that influences interpretation? A) traits B) learning and knowledge C) expectations D) organization E) all of the above are individual characteristics that influence interpretation


Which of the following is NOT considered a stimulus factor affecting attention? A) size B) intensity C) clutter D) position E) isolation

exposure, attention, and interpretation

Which of the following stages of the information-processing model constitute perception? A) exposure B) exposure and attention C) exposure, attention, and interpretation D) exposure, attention, interpretation, and memory E) exposure, attention, interpretation, memory, and action

ad avoidance

Zipping, zapping, and muting are simply mechanical ways for consumers to selectively avoid exposure to advertising messages, often referred to as _____. A) exposure avoidance B) selective perception C) selective interpretation D) exposure avoidance E) ad avoidance

product placement

____ involves incorporating brands into movies, television programs, and other entertainment venues in exchange for payment or promotional or other consideration, with the goal being to add realism to the scene, give subtle exposure to the brand, and influence consumers in an unobtrusive manner. A) Ad integration B) Product integration C) Brand integration D) Product placement E) Product synergy


____ occurs when a stimulus is placed within a person's relevant environment and comes within range of their sensory receptor nerves. A) Perception B) Attention C) Interpretation D) Perceptual offense E) Exposure

product involvement

_____ indicates motivation or interest in a specific product category, and it can be temporary or enduring. A) Ability B) Product involvement C) Cognition D) Focused attention E) Interest

rhetorical figures

_____ involve(s) the use of an unexpected twist or artful deviation in how a message is communicated either visually in the ad's picture or verbally in the ad's text or headline. A) Rhetorical figures B) Proximity C) Ambush marketing D) Contextual figures E) Affective interpretation


_____ is a drive state created by consumer interests and needs. A) Ability B) Emotion C) Cognition D) Motivation E) Focused attention

cognitive interpretation

_____ is a process whereby stimuli are placed into existing categories of meaning. A) Affective interpretation B) Consumer inference C) Cognitive interpretation D) Perceptual interpretation E) Perceptual relativity


_____ is(are) a stimulus characteristic that refers to the physical arrangement of the stimulus objects and can affect consumer interpretation and categorization. A) Proximity B) Rhetorical figures C) Contextual cues D) Organization E) Closure


_____ meaning is the specific meaning assigned a word by a given individual or group of individuals based on their experiences, expectations, and the context in which the term is used. A) Semantic B) Psychological C) Cognitive D) Affective E) Seminal

zipping, zapping

_____ occurs when one fast-forwards through a commercial on a prerecorded program, and _____ involves switching channels when a commercial appears. A) Zapping; muting B) Zapping; zipping C) Zipping; muting D) Zipping; zapping E) Muting; avoiding


_____ occurs when the stimulus activates one or more sensory receptor nerves, and the resulting sensations go to the brain for processing. A) Attention B) Perception C) Exposure D) Interpretation E) Selection


_____ refers to the manner in which the message is presented. A) Position B) Isolation C) Format D) Contrast E) Lateralization


_____ represents the density of stimuli in the environment. A) Program involvement B) Clutter C) Repetition D) Intensity E) Isolation

information quantity

_____ represents the number of cues in the stimulus field. A) Interestingness B) Contrast C) Expectations D) Information Quantity E) Size/Intensity

contextual cues

Color and the nature of the programming surrounding the brand's advertisement are examples of _____ present in the situation that can play a role in consumer interpretation independent of the actual stimulus. A) stimulus characteristics B) contextual cues C) situational organization D) stimulus cues E) stimulus traits

perceptual relativity

Interpretation is generally a relative process rather than absolute, often referred to as _____. A) perceptual lateralization B) adaptation C) perceptual defenses D) selective perception E) perceptual relativity

younger consumers

A study by WPP Group suggests which group of consumers are the most likely to consider buying products they see in movies? A) males B) females C) younger consumers D) older consumers E) gay consumers

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