Chapter 8

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o VO2 Reserve Method

A preferred method by the American College of Sports Medicine. Target VO2R = [(VO2max - VO2rest) X intensity desired] + VO2rest • For example: A 25 year old client with a desire training intensity between 70 to 85% and has a VO2max of 35mL O2 Kg min then the formula would be: • [(35 - 3.5)] X .70 +3.5 = 25.5mL 02 Kg min • and [(35 - 3.5) X .85 + 3.5] = 30.28 mL O2 Kg min

o HR Reserve (HRR) Method

AKA Karvonen method, is a method of establishing training intensity based on the difference between a client's predicted maximal heart rate and their resting heart rate. Because heart rate and oxygen uptake are linearly related during dynamic exercise, selecting a predetermined training or target heart rate (THR) is the most common and universally accepted method of establishing exercise training intensity. HRR method is define as: • THR = [(HRmax - HRrest) X desried intensity ] + HRrest • Example: a 25 year old client with desired training intensity of 85% of his heart rate maximum. His resting heart rate is 40 bpm. • 220 - 25 = 195 HRmax • 195 - 40 = 155 • 155 x 85% = 132 • 132 + 40 = 172 bpm. • 172 bpm is the client's target heart rate.

o Stage II

Desgined for clients with low-to-moderate cardiorespiratory fitness levels who are ready to begin training at higher intensity levels. Focus on increasing the workload (speed, incline, level) in a way that will help the client alter heart rate in and out of zone one and zone two. Introduction to interval training in which intensities are varied throughout the workout. Example: • Warm in zone one 5 to 10 mins • Move into a 1 minute interval in zone two. Gradually increase the workload to raise the heart rate up to zone two within that minute. Once the heart rate reaches zone two of maximal heart rate, maintain it for the rest of that minute. • After 1 minute, return to zone one for 3 minutes. • Repeat this if the client has time and can recover back into the zone one range. In stage II, it is important to alternate days of the week with stage I training.

o Stage 1

Designed to help improve cardiorespiratory fitness levels in apparently healthy sedentary clients using target heart rate of 65 to 75% of HRmax or approximately 12 to 13 on the rating of perceived exertion scale (zone one). Client should be able to hold a conversation. Clients should start slowly and gradually work up to 30 to 60 minutes of continuous exercise in zone one. Clients who have never exercised before, he or she might start in zone one for only 5 minutes to reduce the heart rate percentage to general health activity recommendations. Clients who can maintain zone one heart rate for at least 30 minutes two to three times per week will be ready for stage II.

o Stage III

For the advanced client who has a moderately high cardiorespiratory fitness level base and will use heart rate zones one, two, and three. Stage III increases the capacity of the energy systems needed at the power level of the OPT model. Example: • Warm up in zone one up to 10 minutes • Increase the workload every 60 seconds until reaching zone three. This will require a slow climb through zone two for at least two minutes. • After another minute in zone three, decrease the workload. This 1 minute break is important to gauge improvement. • Drop the client's workload down to the level he or she was just working in before zone three. • As improvements are made during several weeks of training, the heart rate will drop more quickly. The faster the heart rate drops, the stronger the heart is getting. • If the client cannot drop the heart rate during the 1 minute break, assume that the client is tired and about to overtrain. The solution is to stay in zone one and zone two for the rest of the workout. • If the heart rate does drop to a normal rate, then overload the body again and go to the next zone, zone three, for 1 minute. • After this minute, go back to zone one for 5-10 minutes and repeat if desired. Rotate all three stages to minimize risk of overtraining.

o Ratings of Perceived Exertion Method

Used to express or validate how hard a client feels he or she is working during exercise. (RPE) method person is subjectively rating perceived difficulty of exercise. 6 is no exertion at all, 20 is maximal exertion.


- Frequency, Intensity, Time, Type, Enjoyment

Zone one HR%/RatingofPerceivedExertion/Sample activity

65-75% 12-13 Walking or jogging

Zone two HR%/RatingofPerceivedExertion/Sample activity

76-85% 14-16 group exercise classes, spining

Zone three HR%/RatingofPerceivedExertion/Sample activity

86-95% 17-19 Sprinting

• Integrated cardiorespiratory training

Cardiorespiratory training programs that systemically progress clients through various stages to achieve optimal levels of physiologic, physical, and performance adaptations by placing stress on the cardiorespiratory systems.

• Integrated cardiorespiratory training

Cardiorespiratory training programs that systemically progress clients through various stages to achieve optimal levels of physiologic, physical, and performance adaptations by placing stress on the cardiorespiratory systems. o One of the most common errors made by personal trainers during the planning and implementation of cardiorespiratory exercise programs is the failure to consider rate of progression. Rate of progression is critical to helping clients achieve their personal health and fitness goals in the most efficient and effective use of time and energy.


Excessive frequency, volume, or intensity of training resulting in fatigue (which is also caused by a lack of proper rest and recovery).

• Maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max)

Highest rate of oxygen transport and utilization achieved at maximal physical exertion.

General warm-up

Low-intensity exercise consisting of movements that do not necessarily relate to the more intense exercise that is to follow.

Specific warm-up

Low-intensity exercise consisting of movements that mimic those that will be included in the more intense exercise that is to follow.

• Cardiorespiratory Fitness Training

The ability of the circulatory and respiratory systems to supply oxygen-rich blood to skeletal muscles during sustained physical activity.

o Enjoyment

The amount of please derived from performing a physical activity.

• Oxygen Uptake Reserve (VO2R)

The difference between resting and maximal or peak oxygen consumption.

o Time

The length of time an individual is engaged in a given activity. o Adults should accumulate 2 hrs and 30 mins of moderate intensity aerobic activity or 1 hr 15 mins of intense aerobic activity every week.

• Intensity

The level of demand that a given activity places on the body. o Monitored in different ways including heart rate, power output (watts), or calculating VO2max or oxygen uptake VO2R.

• Frequency

The number of training sessions in a given timeframe

Ventilatory Threshold (Tvent)

The point during graded exercise in which ventilation increases disproportionately to oxygen uptake, signifying a switch from predominately aerobic energy production to anaerobic energy production.

o Type

The type or mode of physical activity that an individual is engaged in. o For an activity or exercise to be considered "aerobic" exercise, it should be a) be rhythmic in nature, b) use large muscle groups, and c) be continuous in nature. o For example: Running, walking, cardio equipment, swimming, cycling

• Circuit Training

o Allows for comparable fitness results without spending extended periods of time to achieve them. Very time-efficient manner in which to train a client and will be thoroughly described as it pertains to cardiorespiratory training. o ___________consists of series of strength-training exercises that an individual performs, one after another, with minimal rest. o ____________ was just as beneficial as traditional forms of cardiorespiratory exercise for improving or contributing to improved fitness levels. o ____________ resulted in higher postexercise metabolic rates as well as strength levels.

• Peak Metabolic Equivalent (MET) Method

o One MET is 3.5mL O2 kg min or the equivalent of the average resting metabolic rate (RMR) for adults. METs are used to describe the energy cost of physical activity as multiples of resting metabolic rate. For example: A physical activity with MET value of 4, such as jogging at a slow pace, would require 4 times the energy that that person consumes at rest.

• Stage Training

o The purpose of _________ is to ensure that cardiorespiratory trainning programs press in an organized fashion to ensure continual adaptation and to minimize the risk of overtraining and injury.

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