Chapter 8 Key Issue 1

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What are the official names for Taiwan and China?

China-People's Rep. of China Taiwan-Rep. of China

What formed the basis for the development of modern US states?

the consolidation of neighboring estates under the unified control of a king

A state is a good example of a formal/uniform region becuase

the entire area is managed by its nation government, laws, army, and leaders

How is present day Germany different from the territory of German speaking people of the past

the state looks completely different

What are the views of the US, Russia, and several other states on the South Pole?

they don't recognize the claims by any country to Antarctica

Why do ethnicities seek to govern themselves without interference?

to preserve and enhance distinctive cultural characteristics

What can the UN do concerning conflicts between member states?

vote to establish a peacekeeping force and request states to contribute to military forces

A handful of the powerful kings emerged as rulers beginning around the year


What are the three occasions where the UN membership has increased rapidly?

1955:sixteen countries, mostly European countries that were freed from Nazi Germany during WWII 1960:seventeen new members, almost all former African colonies of Britain and France 1990-1993:twenty-six new countries, because of the breakup of the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia

In ____________, South and North Korea were admitted into the UN as different countries.


At its maximum extent, the Roman empire had _____ provinces with the same laws of Rome.


Korea was divided in half by the _______________________.

38 north latitude

When did the Roman Empire collapse?

5th century

The European portion of the Roman Empire was fragmented into

a large number of estates owned by competing kings, dukes, barons, and nobles

According to China's government, Taiwan is

a part of China

The Western Sahara is considered by most African countries as

a sovereign state


a sovereign state that comprises a walled town and the surrounding countryside, which feeds the town

During the 1930s, what did the Nazis claim?

all German-speaking parts of Europe were one nationality and should be unified into one state

What is a state?

an area organized into a political unit and ruled by an established government that has control over its internal and foreign affairs

After WWII, what happened to Germany?

it was divided into two countries from 1949-1990

What was the most important criterion that the Allied leaders looked at to redraw the boundaries?



one whose territory corresponds to a particular ethnicity

Several states claim the South Pole, and some claims are

overlapping and conflicting

What did the 1982 UN convention on the Law of the Sea do?

permitted countries to submit claims inside the Arctic Circle by 2009

The concept of dividing the world into a collection of independent states is


After WWI, leaders of the victorious countries met at the Versailles Peace Conference to

redraw the map of Europe

Most other countries consider China and Taiwan

separate and sovereign states

What is the Antarctic Treaty?

signed in 1959 by 47 states, saying that states may establish research stations there for scientific purposes, but no military acticities

The South Pole region contains the only large landmasses that are not part of a __________________.


country is aka


What are microstates?

states with very small land areas

The Western Sahara is also know as

the Sahrawi Arab Dem. Rep.

The development of states can be traced back to

the ancient Middle East, in the Fertile Crescent, an arc between the Persian Gulf and the Mediterranean Sea


the concept that ethnicities have the right to govern themselves

Name some European empires.

Austrian, French, Ottoman, Russian

What are the cons of the UN?

Because it must rely in individual countries to supply troops, the UN often lacks enough to keep peace effectively. It is also hard to maintain neutrality in some situations in which most of the world has one view.

What are the formal names for South and North Korea?

Dem. Rep. of Korea-North Korea Rep. of Korea-South Korea

What caused the confusion between China and Taiwan?

In 1940, there was a civil war between the Nationalists and Communists. When the Nationalists lost in 1949, they fled to Taiwan. They proclaimed that they were still the legitimate leaders of China. Until some future occasion when they could take China back, the Nationalists argued that they could at least govern Taiwan.

one of the chief advisors to President Woodrow Wilson was

Isaiah Bowman, a geographer

What was the attempt at international peacemaking before the UN, and why didn't it work?

League of Nations, but the US didn't join (even though Woodrow Wilson initiated the idea) because Senate didn't ratify it. By 1930s, most countries withdrew and the League of Nations could not stop conflicts.

What is the smallest microstate?


Ethnic groups have pushed to create nation states because

desire for self-rule is very important

However, process towards reconciliation in Korea was halted by

North Korea's decision to start a nuclear weapon program

Political unity in the ancient world reached its height with the establishment of the

Roman Empire

What is the largest state?


By the early 20th century, most of Western Europe was

divided into nation-states

Explain why there are disputes about who owns Western Sahara.

Spain controlled the territory between Morocco and Mauritania until withdrawing in 1976. The Sahrawi Rep. was declared independent by Polisario Front and most other African countries, except for Morocco and Mauritania, when they annexed the northern and southern portions, respectively. Three years later Mauritania withdrew, giving Morocco all of the territory. Morocco still controls most of it, except for the vast, sparsely inhabited desert and the 1/5 of the territory that lies east of Morocco's wall, which is controlled by Polosario Front. The UN has tried and failed to find a resolution.

When was the first time Korea was divided?

The US and the Soviet Union occupied it after they defeated Japan in WW II, US in the south, Soviet Union in the north

Explain why the question of who ruled china plagued US officials during the 1950s and 1960s.

The US had supported the Nationalists during the civil war, so many Americans opposed acknowledging that China was under the control of the Communists. Until 1971, the US continued to regard the Nationalists as the government of China. In 1971, the US policy finally changed and the UN transferred China's seat from Nationalists to Communists.

What is the United Nations, when was it created and by who?

The most important global organization; at the end of World War II; the victorious Allies

What does Morocco claim about Western Sahara?

They claim the territory and built a 2,700 km wall around the territory to keep out rebels.

Taiwan is the most populous state not in the _________.


The first states to evolve in Mesopotamia were


Both Korean governments are ____________.

committed to reuniting the country into one sovereign state

With the end of ___________, the German Democratic Republic ceased to exist, and its territory became part of

communism; German Fed. Rep.

A state occupies a ______________ territory on the Earth's surface and has a permanent __________________.


Leaders of the two countries agreed in 2000 to allow ___________________

exchange visits of families

Who can veto a peacekeeping operation by the UN?

five permanent members of the Security Council: China, France, UK, US, Russia

What is sovereignty?

independence from control of its internal affairs by other states

What has the UN done?

intervened in conflicts between or within member states, authorized military and peacekeeping actions, promotes internal cooperation to address global economic problems, promote humanitarian relief

Most microstates are _____________, which explains their small size and sovereignty.


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