Chapter 8 - Marketing Ethics and Social Responsibility in Strategic Planning

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a) philanthropy

Which element of social responsibility do most firms try to align with marketing and brand image? a) philanthropy b) marketing ethics c) legal responsibilities d) economic responsibilities e) marketing behavior

e) a strong ethical climate

As discussed in the text, the White Dog Cafe in Philadelphia exemplifies an organization with ___ because the owner infuses social responsibility and ethics throughout the organization's culture. a) high cultural expectations b) a strong code of conduct c) strong strategic philanthropy d) exceptional integrity e) a strong ethical climate

b) shareholders.

Being economically responsible is the most basic social responsibility of any business. This responsibility has the most immediate effect on: a) customers. b) shareholders. c) the government. d) the media e) all of the above.

b) their standards of integrity.

Essentially, having a climate of ethics and social responsibility is all about creating trust among a firm's stakeholders. To gain trust, the firm and its employees must continuously uphold: a) the promises with respect to advertising and promotion. b) their standards of integrity. c) the firm's right and responsibility to be profitable. d) their standards of fair competition in the marketplace e) their legal responsibilities

e) customers'

Firms that are market oriented place ___ interests first, but do not exclude the interests of other stakeholders. a) society's b) organizational c) marketing d) employees' e) customers'

a) They behave ethically because it pays in terms of enhanced profits and performance.

In the context of marketing ethics, some businesspeople choose to behave ethically because of "enlightened self-interest". What does this mean? a) They behave ethically because it pays in terms of enhanced profits and performance. b) They behave ethically because they are forced to do so. c) They behave ethically because they look out for their own interests. d) They behave ethically because of deep-rooted religious beliefs. e) They behave ethically because they are afraid of being caught.

c) Their codes are typically not integrated into daily decision making.

Most firms that experience ethical or legal problems actually have a code of ethics or an ethical compliance program in place. Why is it that these firms can still have ethical problems despite having a code of ethics or compliance program? a) Their codes typically don't cover high risk issues. b) Their codes are typically written by consultants outside the firm. c) Their codes are typically not integrated into daily decision making. d) Their codes are written with no input from employees or customers. e) Their codes are mandated by regulation rather than originating from within the firm.

c) Legality

Research has found that corporate codes of ethics should contain six highly desirable core values or principles. Which of the following IS NOT one of these core values? a) Trustworthiness b) Respect c) Legality d) Fairness e) Citizenship

e) increased competitive orientation

Research indicates that being ethically and socially responsible has a number of benefits for the organization. Which of the following IS NOT one of these benefits? a) Increased customer goodwill b) Increased market orientation of the organization c) Increased employee commitment and satisfaction d) Increased marketing performance e) Increased competitive orientation

c) customer loyalty

Socially responsible firms tend to enjoy higher ___ because customers perceive that the firm is dedicated to doing the right thing and treating customers fairly. a) profit margins b) sales volume c) customer loyalty d) corporate integrity e) corporate reputations

d) ethical climate

The link between marketing ethics and firm performance has been documented repeatedly over time. This link is most evident in firms that have a strong ___. a) market orientation b) stakeholder orientation c) sense of customer loyalty d) ethical climate e) employee satisfaction program

d) marketing ethics

The principles and standards that define acceptable marketing conduct as determined by the public, government regulators, private-interest groups, competitors, and the firm itself are termed: a) marketing standards b) societal standards c) codes of conduct d) marketing ethics e) social responsibility

a) marketing plan

To ensure that ethics and social responsibility are thoroughly incorporated into the firm's strategic planning process, the firm's ___ should never be silent about ethical requirements and social responsibility. a) marketing plan b) code of conduct c) leadership team d) culture e) training materials

c) responds as a whole to this intelligence

When a firm adopts a stakeholder orientation, it generates data about stakeholder groups, distributes this information throughout the firm, and: a) continuously monitors stakeholder interests. b) trains employees on issues that are important to stakeholders c) responds as a whole to this intelligence. d) conducts research on emerging market trends that are important to stakeholders. e) ensures that customer interests are aligned with the interests of other stakeholders.

e) Most employees perceive that the values of honesty, respect, and trust are infrequently applied in the workplace.

Which of the following IS NOT a challenge associated with being ethically and socially responsible? a) Business decisions involve complex and detailed discussions in which correctness may not be so apparent. b) Individuals who have limited business experience often find themselves required to make sudden decisions concerning marketing's gray areas. c) A person's experiences and decisions at home, in school, and in the community may be quite different from the experiences and the decisions he or she has to make at work. d) When personal values are inconsistent with the configuration of values held by the work group, ethical conflict may ensue. e) Most employees perceive that the values of honesty, respect, and trust are infrequently applied in the workplace.

c) alteration of financial records

Which of the following best fits the description of fraud? a) accepting bribes or gifts b) abusive behavior towards others c) alteration of financial records d) putting own interests ahead of others e) stealing or theft

d) Employees look to the leader as a model of acceptable behavior.

Why is the connection between marketing ethics and leadership so important in nurturing a strong ethical culture? a) Employees look to the leader to enforce the ethical code of conduct. b) Employees expect the leader to punish unethical behaviors. c) Employees look to the leader to ensure that the firm is in legal compliance. d) Employees look to the leader as a model of acceptable behavior. e) Employees expect the leader to clearly specify in writing the high-risk activities in the firm's daily operations.

a) less costly and more practical to implement

With respect to regulating marketing deception, a key advantage of self-regulatory programs is the fact that they are: a) less costly and more practical to implement. b) typically stricter than government regulations. c) easier to enforce d) tied to state and local regulatory agencies. e) All of the above are advantages of self-regulation

c) Social responsibility

___ is a broad concept that relates to an organization's obligation to maximize its positive impact on society while minimizing its negative effect. a) Marketing ethics b) Corporate philanthropy c) Social responsibility d) Strategic philanthropy e) Social engineering

b) False and deceptive communication

___ is the most common and recurring issue with respect to marketing deception. a) Product tampering b) False and deceptive communication c) Misleading pricing d) Lying to employees e) Overstating sales and revenue

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