Chapter 8

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Not counting sesamoid bones, what is the total number of tarsals, metatarsals, and phalanges in a single ankle and foot?


Which bone count is not correct for a normal adult human?

7 lumbar vertebrae

Which is not a carpal bone?


What is location of the auditory ossicles?

Petrous part of temporal bone

A pollex has ______ phalanges.


How many pairs of ribs are "floating ribs" that do not articulate with the sternum?


The vertebral column includes ____ cervical, ____ thoracic, and ____ lumbar vertebrae.

7, 12, 5

The skull consists of ____ cranial bones and ___ facial bones.

8, 14

Which bone bears the mandibular fossa?


Which is not correct regarding the femur?

The intercondylar fossa is located on the anterior surface of the bone.

The occipital condyles articulate with the


A perpendicular plate is a feature of the ___ and ___ bones.

palatine; ethmoid

How many pairs of ribs articulate (directly or indirectly) with the sternum?


Which feature is unique to the axis?


Which is not a site for muscle attachment on the femur?

Lateral condyle

Which of the following choices accurately describes the crural bones?

Only the tibia is weight -bearing

Which bones articulate with the femur?

Os coxae, tibia, patella

Rib 1 articulates with vertebra ____ and the ____.

T1; manubrium of the sternum

Which statement accurately compares the hand and the foot?

The hand and the foot each have 14 phalanges

on the os coxae, the ischial ramus is fused to the

inferior pubic ramus

Which of these is not a paranasal sinus?

mastoid sinus

Which of the bone bears the superior and inferior temporal lines


Which bone is not part of the nasal complex?


The vertebral column protects

the spinal cord

Which curves of the vertebral column are present at birth?

thoracic and sacral

The ossicles are

three small bones within each ear

Which is not a feature of the ulna?

ulnar notch

Which of these skulls bones cannot be easily palpated?


Each of the depressions on the maxillae and mandible that holds a tooth is called a(n)


The ___ process of the mandible articulates with the temporal bone.


The membranous sheets that connect developing cranial bones are called


The portion of the sphenoid bone that houses the pituitary glans is the

sella turcica

The basin in the floor of the cranium that accommodates the temporal lobe of the brain is the

middle cranial fossa

The pterygoid spines and optic canals are feature of the ___ bone.


Of the following list, which describe the functions of the paranasal sinuses? a. Warm and moisten inhaled air b. Strengthen the bone c. Provide resonance to the voice

E) a and c

Which is the highest of the three arches of the foot?

The medial longitudinal arch

Each auricular surface of the sacrum is located on a (n)


Which of the these features is found in a lumbar vertebra? A) Pedicles B) Vertebral foramen C) Spinous process D) Vertebral arch E) All of the choices are correct

all of the choices are correct

The clavicles articulate with the sternum at the ___ notches


Which features are found only on thoracic vertebrae?

costal facets and demifacets

Which tarsal bone articulates with the metatarsal IV and V


The ____ of the scapula is the point where the medial and lateral borders meet

inferior angle

Which is not a feature of the ethmoid bone?

inferior nasal concha

The ____ suture is the articulation between the occipital bone and both parietal bones.


In anatomic position, the radius lies ___ to the ulna


The head of the fibula articulates with the fibular articular facet on the

lateral condyle of the tibia

The expanded distal end of the fibula is called the

lateral malleolus

The sagittal suture joins the

left and right parietal bones

Which of the spinal curves forms when a child is about 12 months of age?


The hyoid bone is located between the

mandible and the larynx

What is the superior portion of the sternum called?


Which bones form the inferior margin of the orbit?

maxilla and zygomatic

The medial and lateral condyles of the tibia articulate with the

medial and lateral condyles of the femur

Which bone articulates with all three cuneiform bones?


Which of these bones does not contribute to the region known as the pterion?


Which bones for the calvaria?

occipital, parietals, and frontal

The jugular foramen is located between the ___ and ____ bones.

occipital; temporal

Which bone is not part of the axial skeleton?


Which is not characteristic of a male pelvis

Coccyx tilted posteriorly

Which is not a function of the vertebral column?

passageway for cranial nerves

Which is a sesamoid bone?


The tibial tuberosity is the attachment site for the

patellar ligament

Which bone does not belong to the appendicular skeleton?


The __ subdivides the pelvis into the " true pelvis"

pelvic brim

The apical ectodermal ridge

plays a role in differentiation and elongation of the limb.

Which cranial fossa supports the cerebellum?


When dribbling a basketball, the radius is crossed over the ulna in the forearm. In other words, the forearm


The biceps brachii muscle attaches to the ___ of the radius.

radial tuberosity

The bones of the antebrachium are the

radius and ulna

The inferior termination of the sacral canal is an opening called the

sacral hiatus

Which bones comprise each pectoral girdle?

scapula and clavicle

What bone(s) does the clavicle articulate with?

scapula and sternum

The sternal angle can be used as an anatomical landmark to identify the position of the

second rib

The lumbar curve that forms as a result of a child beginning to walk is considered a ____ curve.


The cervical and lumbar curvatures are _____ curves, and they arch _____ .

secondary; anteriorly

The vertebral processes that are most easily palpated along the midline of the back are the ____ processes.


The bony projections that can be palpated medially and laterally at the wrist are the

styloid process

Which bone does not contribute to the medial longitudinal arch of the foot?


Which bone is unpaired?


Which is not paired?


In the hand, how many phalanges does each digit have (not including the thumb)?


Which of the following is a leg bone that bears the most weight?


Which is not among the bones of the proximal row of carpals


Which statement accurately describes the articulations between ribs and vertebrae?

twelve thoracic vertebrare articulate with the ribs

During the embryonic development of the limbs, which limb buds appear first?

upper limb buds

At what location do the three bones of the os coxae fuse?


Which fontanel is the last to close?


Protection of vital organs and hematopoiesis are two functions commonly named for the ____ skeleton.


Which cervical vertebrae is also known as the vertebra prominens?


Which of the following is a sexually dimorphic characteristic of the skull? A) Chin pointed and triangular B) Mandibular angle greater than 125 degrees C) Little or no prominence to superciliary arches D) External surface of occipital bone relatively smooth E) All of the choices are characteristics of a female skull

E) all of the choices are characteristic of a female skull

Which bone marking does not serve as an articulating surface?


Which bones articulate with the zygomatic bone?

Frontal, temporal, and maxilla

Which does not contribute to the pelvic brim ?

Gluteal line

Which bone bears the greater and lesser cornua?


Which is not correct regarding the pelvis

In anatomic position, the pubis is posterior and inferior to the ischium.

The _________ provide passageways for spinal nerves to exit the vertebral column and travel to other parts of the body.

Intervertebral foramina

The incisive foramen and palatine process are feature of which bone?


Which bone bears the infraorbital foramen?


What is the name of the prominence on the medical surface of the ankle?

Medial malleolus

What is the inner, gelatinous region of each intervertebral disc called?

Nucleus pulposus

Which is not a correct pairing of bone and feature?

Parietal bone-mental foramen

What is the function of the cribriform plate?

Permits passage of the olfactory nerves

Which bones articulate with the humerus?

Scapula, radius, and ulna

Which is not a correct pairing of a bone and its common name


The zygomatic process of the temporal bone and the ___ process of the zygomatic bone form the zygomatic arch.


which bone is not a facial bone?


Which is not correct regarding the patella?

The broad superior portion of the patella is called the apex.

Which is not a cranial bone?


Rami, trochanters, tubercles, and tuberosities are bone markings that serve as

attachment for ligaments or tendons

What is the function of the nuchal lines?

attachment for muscles and ligaments

As an adult ages, the symphysial surface of the pubis:

becomes more flattened, and a bony rim forms at its circumference

Developmentally, the most significant growth in the skull occurs.

before age 5

Transverse foramina are found in ___- vertebrae.


What is the correct order for the vertebral regions, from superior to inferior

cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral , coccygeal

The costal tuberosity is a feature of the


The only direct connection between the pectoral girdle and the axial skeleton is where the ___ articulates with the ___.

clavicle; sternum

A skull with fire gracile features and one robust feature is most likely a ____skull.


An archaeologist finds a pelvis during a dig. She notices the pelvis is wide and shallow, with a small, triangular obturator foramen and ischial spines that do not project into the pelvic outlet. Is this pelvis from a male or femal?


The head of the humerus articulates with the

glenoid cavity

The part of a rib that articulates with the demifacets on the bodies of vertebrae is the


What are you resting your hands on when you rest them on your hips, just below the waist?

iliac crests

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