chapter 8 performance Management and appraisal

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avoid biases

against minorities women etc.

behaviorally anchored rating scales

an appraisal method that combines the benefits of critical incidents and quantitative ratings by anchoring a quantified scale with specific narrative examples of good and poor performance expressed as a specific behavior.

effective goals should be smart.

specific and clearly State the desired results. they are measurable and answer the question how much. they are attainable. they are relevant and clearly derived from what the manager and company want to achieve. timely with deadlines and milestones.

make sure the appraisal is fair

first make sure the appraisal is a fair one there is no doubt that some managers ignore accuracy and instead use the process for political purposes.

management by objectives method

refers to a multi-step, company-wide, goal setting and appraisal program it requires the manager to spend specific measurable organizationally relevant goals with each employee and then periodically discuss the ladders progress towards these goals.

don't be lenient or strict

some supervisors write all their subordinates consistently high or low a problem referred to as the strictness / leniency problem.

reasons to appraise subordinates performance

1. most employers still base paid promotion and retention decisions on the employees appraisal. 2. appraisals play a central role in the employer's performance Management process. 3. The appraisal let you know in the subordinate develop a plan for correcting any deficiencies, and to reinforce the things the subordinate does right. 4. appraisal should provide an opportunity to review and recalibrate the employee's career plans in light of his or her exhibited strengths and weaknesses. 5. supervisors use appraisals to identify employees training and development needs they let employees know about an important performance gaps between current and expected performance and to formulate the necessary remedial steps.

using information technology to support performance Management

first, assign financial and non-financial goals to each team's activities so that these goals are supportive of the company's overall strategic goals inform all teams and employees of their goals use it supported tools like online performance management software and digital dashboards to continuously display, monitor, and assess each team's an employee's performance. finally, if exceptions are noted take corrective action before things swing out of control

supervisor appraisals

he or she must be familiar with basic appraisal techniques, understand and avoid problems that can cripple an appraisal, and conduct the appraisal fairly.

setting performance standards

managers use one or more of three bases - goals, job dimensions, and competencies - to establish ahead of time what these performance standards will be.

Total quality Management programs

organization-wide programs that integrate all functions and processes of the business such that all aspects of the business including design, planning, production, distribution, and field service are aimed at maximizing customer satisfaction through continuous improvements. they are built on a philosophy encapsulated by several principles such as cease dependence on inspection to achieve quality, aim for continuous improvement, institute extensive training, drive out fear so that everyone may work effectively, remove barriers that robbed employees of their pride or workmanship, and institute a vigorous program of self-improvement.

performance appraisal cycle

to recognize that the feedback should in turn lead to setting new goals.

how to criticize a subordinate

when criticism is required do it in a manner that lets the person maintain his or her dignity and sense of worth. criticize in private and do it constructively.

appraisal forms in practice

appraisal forms often blend several approaches.

critical incident method

entails keeping an anecdotal record of good or under Cyril examples of an employee's work related behaviour and reviewing it with the employee at predetermined times. keeping a running list of critical incidents provides concrete examples of what specifically the subordinates can do to eliminate any performance deficiencies. it also provides opportunities for mid-year corrections if required.

paired comparison method

every subordinate to be rated is paired with and compared to every other subordinate on each trait. with this method a charge such as that shows all possible pairs of employees for each trait.

basic job dimensions. a second basis upon which to appraise someone

quality and quantity.

alternation ranking method

ranking employees from best to worst on a trait or traits is another popular appraisal method. because it is usually easier to distinguish between the worst and best employees then to rank them, and alternation ranking method is useful.

effective performance appraisal

requires that the supervisor set performance standards it requires the employee receives the training, feedback, and incentives required to eliminate a performance deficiencies.

performance Management

the continuous process of identifying measuring and developing the performance of individuals and teams and aligning their performance with the organization's goals.

competency or skill-based graphic rating forms are another option.

this graphic rating form assesses the person's competencies and skills.

Skills matrix

this matrix shows the basic skills to be assessed such as technical expertise and the minimum level of each skill the job requires what the minimum skill level should be.

electronic performance monitoring

use computer technology to allow managers to monitor their employees rate, accuracy, and time spent working online or just on their computers. CPM can improve productivity. for example for repetitive tasks highly-skilled and monitored subjects Keaton more data entries than did highly-skilled unmonitored participants. EPM can also backfire.

drawbacks of the force distribution appraisals

damages morale and it creates interdepartmental inequities.

how to handle a defensive subordinate.

1. recognize that defensive behavior is normal. to. never attack a person's defenses do not try to explain someone to themselves. 3. postpone action sometimes it is best to do nothing at all. 4. recognize your own limitations do not expect to solve every problem that comes up especially the human ones.

advantages of force distribution method

1. prevents supervisors from rating most employee satisfactory or high. 2. make stop and bottom performers stand out.

performance appraisal

any procedure that involves setting work standards, assessing the employees actual performance relative to the standards, and providing feedback to the employee with the aim of motivating that person to eliminate performance deficiencies or to continue the performance above par.

know your employment law - appraising performance

appraisals effect raises, promotions, training opportunities, and the other personnel actions. if the manager is in that or biased and making the appraisal how can one defend the promotion decisions that stem from the appraisal?

how to set effective goals

assign specific goals employees who receive specific goals usually perform better than those who do not. assign measurable goals put goals and quantitative terms and include Target dates are deadlines. if measurable results will not be available than satisfactory completion - such as satisfactorily attended workshop is the next best thing. I signed challenging but doable goals goals should be challenging but not so difficult that they appear unrealistic. encourage participation managers often faced this question should I tell my employees what their goals are or let them participate with me and setting their goals?

the steps for the NBO method are

1. set the organization's goals and establish a company-wide plan for next year and set goals. to set department goals department heads and their superiors jointly set goals for their departments. three discussed departmental goals department heads discuss the department schools with their subordinates and ask them to develop their own individual goals. 4. define expected results / set individual goals department heads and their subordinates set short-term performance targets for each employee. five. conduct performance reviews. 6 provide feedback department head holds periodic performance meetings with subordinates where they discuss the subordinates performance and make any plans for rectifying or continuing the person's performance.

virtual appraisal games

create a virtual game which enables persistent systems employees to evaluate and reward each other. every employee has a virtual Avatar. employees use them to give real-time feedback to each other, including virtual gifts and points but only immediate supervisors can give reprimands. this system has reduced turnover and improved performance.

how to conduct the appraisal interview.

first, prepare for the interview study the person's job description compare performance to the standards and review the employees previous appraisals. next, give the employee at least a week's notice to review his or her work, read over the job description, analyze problems, and gather questions and comments. finally find a mutually agreeable time for the interview and allow enough time for the entire interview. interviews with lower-level personnel should take more no more than an hour.

conversation days

instead of a once a year performance review, there are now semiannual conversation days. The emphasis in these manager employee conversations is on areas for improvement and growth and on setting stretch goals that align with the employees career interest there are no explicit performance ratings.

crowd appraisals

more employers are using social media based appraisals to let everyone in the company appraised each other. basically, it's supplement traditional appraisals. employees and managers use it to set goals, and to provide feedback and recognition.

performance Management has six basic elements

one. direction sharing means communicating the company's goals throughout the company and then translating these into doable departmental team and individual goal. two goal alignment means having a method that enables managers and employees to see the link between the employees goals and those of their department and company three. ongoing performance monitoring usually includes using computerized systems that measure and then email progress and exception reports based on the person's progress toward meeting his or her goals. four. ongoing feedback includes both face-to-face and computerized feedback regarding progress towards goals. v. coaching and developmental support should be an integral part of the feedback process. 6. recognition and rewards provide the consequences needed to keep the employees goal-directed performance on track.

things to keep in mind when conducting the interview

one. talk in terms of objective work data use examples such as absences, tardiness, quality records, inspection reports, scrap or waste, orders process. too. Don't get personal do not say you're too slow and producing these reports. 3. encourage the person to talk stop and listen to what the person is saying ask open-ended questions. for. and with an action plan don't get personal, but do you make sure the person leaves knowing specifically what he or she is doing right and wrong.

peer appraisals

research indicates that peer praises can be effective. peer appraisals have an immediate positive impact on improving perception of open communication, task motivation, social loafing, group viability, cohesion, and satisfaction. employees, in other words, seem to be motivated to meet their colleagues expectations.

how to handle a formal written

such warnings serve two purposes one. they may serve to shake your employee out of his or her bad habits. or two. they can help you defend your rating, both to your own boss and to the courts if needed. written warning should identify the standard by which the employee is judged, make it clear that the employee was aware of the standard, specify any deficiencies relay relative to the standard, and show the employee had an opportunity to correct his or her performance.

how to use the appraisal interview to build engagement

take the opportunity to show the employee how his or her efforts contribute to the big picture to his or her team's and the company's success. use the interview to emphasize the meaningfulness to the company of what the employee is doing. be candid an objective but do so supportively and without unnecessarily undermining the employees self-image. use the interview to make sure your employee has what he or she needs to do a good job. do not overly emphasized the negatives doing so undermines employee engagement. Managers focus on strengths were engaged compared with those whose managers focus on weaknesses. show your employees that you listen to their ideas and value their contributions. take an opportunity during the interview to discuss the person's evaluation in the context which he or she AC himself or herself heading career-wise. also make sure that the interview reviews the appraisal and the rewards are remedial actions that are just and fair.

the manager's role in performance Management

technology is it mandatory for managers who want to take a performance Management approach to appraisal. what is mandatory is having the right philosophy and on-the-job behaviors. as a philosophy performance Management reflects non-threatening tqm principles such as cease dependence on inspection to achieve quality, aim for continuous improvement, institute extensive training, drive out fear so that everyone may work effectively, and remove barriers that Rob employees of their pride of workmanship.

self ratings

the basic problem is that employees usually rate themselves higher than do their supervisors or peers. in another study subject self ratings actually correlated negatively with their subsequent performance in an assessment center - the higher they appraised themselves, they worse they did in the center. in contrast, an average of the person supervisor Pierre and subordinate ratings predicted the subjects assessment center performance.

avoid the middle

the central tendency problem refers to a tendency to rate all employees as being about average or in the middle. supervisors who do this restrict the range of their appraisals and therefore bestow appraisals that don't validly validly describe their subordinates actual performance. makes the evaluation less useful for promotion, salary, and counseling purposes.

360 degree feedback

the employer collects performance information all around an employee - from his or her supervisors, subordinates, peers, and internal or external customers. the results are mixed. participant seem to prefer this approach but one study concluded that multi-source feedback led to generally small improvements in subsequent rating by supervisors, peers, and subordinates. improvement was most likely when the recipients believe that change was necessary. also, such a praises are more candid when rewards or promotions are not involved.

graphic rating scale method

the graphic rating scale is a performance appraisal tool that lists several job dimensions and a ranger performance values for each the supervisor rates each subordinate by circling or checking the score that best describes the subordinates performance for each trait or dimension. most familiar and most popular method for appraising performance.

avoid halo effect ratings

the halo effect means that the rating you give a subordinate on one trait influences the way you rate the person on other traits. for example you may write an unfriendly employee unsatisfactory for all trades rather than just for the trait gets along with others.

forced distribution method

the manager places predetermined percentages of subordinates in performance categories, as when a professor grades on a curve. an estimated 60% of Fortune 500 firms use some form of ranking.

clarify standards

there are several other potential sources of rating errors but because the traits in degrees of merit are unclear and open to interpretation different supervisors would probably defined good performance differently

rating committees

usually composed of the employee's immediate supervisor and three or four other supervisors. using multiple raiders is advantageous it can help cancel out problems such as bias on the part of individual raiders. it can also provide a way to include in the appraisal the different facets of an employee's performance observed by different appraisers.

appraisal by subordinates

usually for developmental rather than for pay purposes. anonymity effects such upward feedback. Managers who get feedback from subordinates who identify themselves view the upward feedback process more positively then do managers who get anonymous feedback.

computerized and web-based performance appraisals

web or PC supported appraisal tools.

how to ensure the interview leads to improve performance

your main aim is to get them to improve their performance. here, clearing up job related problems with the employee and setting measurable performance targets and a schedule for achieving them which is an action plan are essential.

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