Chapter 8

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18. The first nomination process for two opposing candidates for the presidency was conducted in 1800 by a. a nationwide primary. b. statewide conventions. c. congressional caucuses. d. a vote of the nation's governors. e. a national referendum.


27. The term Solid South refers to the a. strength of the old Confederacy. b. South's habit of consistently voting for the eventual winner in presidential elections. c. South's consistent Democratic voting record for much of the twentieth century. d. South's consistent Republican voting record for much of the twentieth century. e. dominance of the agricultural issue in the South.


21. What was the purpose of the Twelfth Amendment? a. It established the electoral college. b. It required the president to choose his (or her) own vice president. c. It required the electoral college to vote separately for president and vice president. d. It established the principle that the president and vice president would run together on a single ticket. e. It was required to finally certify the winner of the election of 1800.


51. People who have lower incomes and less education are more likely to consider themselves a. Democrats. b. Republicans. c. Libertarians. d. Liberals. e. Socialists.


19. The election of 1800 marked the beginning of the end for the Federalists. By __________, the Federalists were gone for good. a. 1808 b. 1820 c. 1836 d. 1840 e. 1880


25. The Republican Party was established in response to the issue of a. taxes. b. slavery. c. school prayer. d. free trade. e. silver.


38. The best the Socialist Party has ever done in America was to capture 6 percent of the vote in the election of a. 1896. b. 1912. c. 1932. d. 1968. e. 2016.


42. In the 2000 election, the candidacy of Ralph Nader a. had no significant impact. b. resulted in a loss of support for the Democratic candidate, Al Gore. c. resulted in a loss of support for the Republican candidate, George W. Bush. d. garnered nearly 50% of the popular vote. e. proved to be the first time an independent was elected to the office of president.


59. In 2009, how many of the House Democrats voted against reforming health care, President Obama's most important policy initiative? a. 0 b. 39 c. 83 d. 258 e. 7


34. __________ captured the presidency in 1968 and won five of the eleven southern states in the old Confederacy, signaling an electoral realignment that has seen Republican candidates for president do very well in the south. a. Hubert Humphrey b. George Wallace c. Richard Nixon d. Ronald Reagan e. Eugene McCarthy


43. Research indicates that one important reason for the decline of third-party voting starting in the 1930s may be a. disenchantment with rules promulgated by the Federal Election Commission restricting who can vote for third parties. b. realization that issues raised by third parties are always insignificant. c. leftward drift of the Democratic Party to adopt issues otherwise raised by third parties. d. voter fraud sabotaging the actual results earned by third-party candidates. e. belief that the Republican Party was going to have a platform that would accomplish anything a third party would otherwise work toward


44. Surveys show today that approximately __________ of the American population today think that the United States needs a third party. a. one-fourth b. one-third c. one-half d. two-thirds e. three-fourths


50. Which statement about American political parties is false? a. A person's party identification, once developed, tends to endure. b. The number of Democrats in the electorate consistently exceeded the number of Republicans until the mid-1990s. c. Independents outnumber Democratic Party and Republican Party identifiers, combined, in the U.S. electorate. d. The proportion of Democrats in the electorate has shrunk over time, to the benefit of both Republicans and Independents. e. Fifty percent of children adopt the same party affiliation as their parents.


56. A centralized organization that dominated local politics by controlling elections, sometimes by illegal means, is known as a a. party ideology. b. campaign committee. c. party machine. d. party conference. e. party government.


62. According to the __________ model of democracy, political parties are essential in making government responsive to public opinion. a. procedural b. substantive c. majoritarian d. pluralist e. responsible


63. Voters favor one-party control of the presidency and Congress when a. there is general agreement on national priorities between the parties. b. it is wartime. c. their party is in control. d. unemployment is low. e. it is not an election year.


9. Party organizations help coordinate the actions of public officials because ________ a. party unity is expected. b. they limit the number of choices that public officials have. c. they are the major means for bridging institutional differences. d. they are the major means for overcoming ideological differences. e. they instill a sense of patriotism in public officials.


10. Two-party systems tend to _________ a. be the only guarantee of a truly stable democratic system. b. characterize most modern democratic political systems. c. be authoritarian. d. promote citizens' ability to replace government leaders. e. provide political stability.


23. The __________ was the first "third" party in American history to challenge the two major parties for the presidency and called the first national party convention. a. Free Soil Party b. Bull Moose Party c. Reform Party d. Anti-Masonic Party e. Whig Party


24. During the Jacksonian Era, parties had to appeal to much larger numbers of voters, and one response was a shift from selecting candidates in a closed caucus of party representatives in Congress to using _________ to select presidential candidates. a. open party caucuses b. national primaries c. state-by-state primaries d. national conventions e. open congressional caucuses


3. Which of the following statements best describes the attitude of the American people toward political parties? a. Americans feel strong personal loyalties to their parties. b. Americans see parties as inherently undemocratic. c. Americans would like to see many more than two parties. d. Americans recognize the value of parties but distrust the existing ones. e. Americans are ideologically divided, as are parties.


39. The Socialist Party advocated for a. splitting off from the Republican party. b. farm-labor issues. c. splitting off from the Democratic party. d. ideological protest. e. religious issues.


40. While third parties typically do not receive a large percentage of the vote, __________, candidate for president under the Reform Party in 1992, won 19 percent of the popular vote. a. Ron Paul b. Ralph Nader c. Frank Baum d. Ross Perot e. John Edwards


32. All of the following were considered part of the "Roosevelt coalition" except a. middle-class liberals. b. new European ethnic voters. c. Catholics. d. Jews. e. African Americans


61. The role of the national committee is to a. select party leaders. b. raise funds to support Congressional candidates. c. elect members of Congress. d. control the presidential campaign. e. govern each party between conventions.


8. Which of the following is NOT one of the political party functions discussed in the chapter? a. nominating candidates b. structuring the voting choice c. coordinating the actions of government officials d. proposing alternative government programs e. increasing the stability of election outcomes


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