Chapter 8: Questions

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25. Win Goods Inc. is a large multinational conglomerate. As a single business unit, the company's stock price is estimated to be $200. However, by adding the actual market stock prices of each of its individual business units, the stock price of the company as one unit would be $300. What is Win Goods experiencing in this scenario? A. diversification discount B. learning-curve effects C. experience-curve effects D. economies of scale


33. BestDrive Inc. is a large automobile company. The company's petrol cars strategic business unit (SBU) has been recognized as a cash cow, and its hybrid electric cars SBU has been categorized under stars. Which of the following can be inferred from this scenario? A. The petrol cars SBU operates in a low-growth market, whereas the hybrid electric cars SBU operates in a high-growth market. B. The petrol cars SBU will have a relatively low market share in its industry, whereas the hybrid electric cars SBU will have the least market share in its industry. C. The strategic recommendation for the hybrid electric cars SBU will be to harvest it, whereas for the petrol cars SBU, the company should just maintain it. D. The petrol cars SBU is more important than the hybrid electric cars SBU in terms of future growth for the company.


35. How can a firm pursuing a diversification strategy enhance its overall corporate performance by leveraging financial economies? A. by using internal capital markets as a source of value creation B. by adding more unrelated businesses into its corporate portfolio C. by increasing its coordination and influence costs D. by investing in businesses under the question mark quadrant of the BCG matrix


38. RoboToys, Inc. is involved in the production of robotic toys. This firm produces the raw materials, including metals and oils for plastic; creates the integrated circuits, displays, and batteries; and assembles the toys. Which of the following stages of the industry value chain is RoboToys involved in? A. stages 1, 2, and 3 B. stages 1, 2, and 4 C. stages 2, 3, and 4 D. stages 2, 3, and 5


39. About 20 years ago, Sturdy Light, Inc., produced a sturdy, lightweight backpack in a market that was rapidly growing. Sturdy Light became a leader in this market. Eventually, the backpack market reached the maturity stage and slowed down. However, by this time, Sturdy Light had developed a strong brand name and continued to steadily lead the market. Which of the following describes this scenario? A. Sturdy Light was a star that developed into a cash cow. B. Sturdy Light was a question mark that developed into a star. C. Sturdy Light was a dog that developed into a question mark. D. Sturdy Light was a cash cow that developed into a star.


37. How is an equity alliance different from a joint venture? A. An equity alliance involves ownership that facilitates transaction-specific ventures; a joint venture involves taking ownership by buying stock. B. An equity alliance involves taking ownership in a partner; a joint venture involves two or more people owning a firm. C. An equity alliance involves taking ownership in a partner; a joint venture involves taking ownership by buying stock. D. An equity alliance involves partners contributing equity to a joint venture; a joint venture involves two or more people owning a firm.


6. The most efficient way to overcome the principal-agent problem in a firm is to A. increase the level of vertical integration within the firm. B. provide stock options to managers. C. downsize the existing workforce. D. organize economic activities within the firm


27. Companies that pursue related diversification are able to create a diversification premium because they A. are able to leverage time compression economies. B. can operate beyond the minimum efficient scale. C. are able to increase value due to economies of scope. D. can reduce the value gap created by its products.


28. WJ Group Inc., a large multinational conglomerate, had begun to experience declining revenues over the years. The top management at the headquarters of the company decided that it was important for the company to avoid deviating from its core competencies. Thus, a few of the company's key businesses like energy, telecommunications, and automobiles were centralized, giving the top management more control over them. Also, relatively newer businesses like beverages and food processing were divested. In this scenario, WJ Group is involved in A. reverse engineering. B. benchmarking. C. restructuring. D. crowdsourcing.


32. Real Goods Inc. is a large conglomerate. The company's beverages strategic business unit (SBU) has been recognized as a cash cow, and its tobacco SBU has been categorized as a dog. Which of the following can be inferred from this scenario? A. While the tobacco SBU operates in a low-growth market, the beverages SBU operates in a high-growth market. B. The management of the company should use the cash inflow from the beverages SBU and invest it in the tobacco SBU. C. While the market share of the company in the beverages industry will be high, the market share in the tobacco industry will be low. D. The tobacco SBU should follow a backward integration strategy, and the beverages SBU should pursue a forward integration strategy.


4. Which of the following statements is true of internal transaction costs? A. Internal transaction costs arise when companies transact in the open market. B. When the internal costs involved in pursuing an activity in-house are more than the costs of transacting, then the concerned firm should vertically integrate. C. Internal transaction costs tend to increase with organizational size and complexity. D. It is beneficial to "buy" goods or services rather than "make" when internal transaction costs are low


40. Symphon Times Inc., a Swiss-based premium watch brand, has recently started selling its watches through company- owned retail outlets in major cities of the emerging nations. Which of the following types of diversification strategies is the firm pursuing? A. product diversification strategy B. process diversification strategy C. geographic diversification strategy D. product-market diversification strategy


30. In the context of the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) growth-share matrix, if one of the strategic business units of a conglomerate is categorized under dogs, the management should A. infuse more capital into the strategic business unit. B. provide more human resources to the business. C. hold the business till it turns into a star. D. divest the strategic business unit.


36. A strategy of ____ will be most beneficial for a firm to enhance its overall corporate performance. A. unrelated level of diversification B. single-business level of diversification C. dominant-business level of diversification D. related-linked diversification


7. In the market for used cars, which of the following is a reason behind the crowding out of desirable cars by lemons or inferior ones? A. experience-curve effects B. time compression diseconomies C. principal-agent problem D. information asymmetry


8. Which of the following firms is least integrated? A. a firm that enters a joint venture with another company to develop a new technology B. a firm that owns production subsidiaries across the globe C. a firm that makes equity investments in its supplier's company D. a firm that buys all the required raw materials from multiple external vendors In the make-or-buy-continuum, the "make" and "buy" choices anchor each end of a continuum from markets to firms.


12. Divina Pharma Inc. and MF Electronics Inc. have together invested and created a new organization, FirstHealth Inc., to focus on developing diagnostic devices. Through this new firm, both companies are attempting to combine their core competencies to innovate and reduce their risks associated with transaction-specific investments. However, the new organization operates independent of Divina Pharma and MF Electronics. Which of the following alternatives to integration does this scenario best illustrate? A. a joint venture B. a franchisee C. a licensing contract D. a corporate acquisition


14. Which of the following best illustrates forward vertical integration? A. A firm that manufactures and sells car engines to major automobile companies launches its own line of cars. B. A chain of ice cream parlors launches a brand of toys and accessories for children. C. A multinational coffee chain sources its coffee beans from plantations in Brazil and Vietnam. D. A designer shoe company that previously purchased leather from external suppliers establishes its own leather tannery.


1. has decided to enter the college bookstore market. The goal of "Amazon Campus" is to offer co-branded university-specific web sites that offer textbooks and paraphernalia, such as logo sweaters and baseball hats. This development shows Amazon's relentless pursuit of A. geographic diversification. B. product diversification. C. vertical integration. D. horizontal integration.


11. When Toyota wanted to secure a long-term supply of lithium, it had to create a bond of trust with an Australian company, Orocobre Ltd. Orocobre wanted to establish the bond of trust before making huge investments in specialized equipment required to extract the high-quality lithium. What did Toyota do to instill this trust? A. It offered Orocobre exposure to Toyota's proprietary information. B. It made a credible commitment by taking an equity stake in Orocobre. C. It acquired Orocobre as part of its backward vertical integration plans. D. It offered Orocobre franchising opportunities to sell hybrid vehicles.


10. Silver Weave Inc., an apparel company, operates through a business model in which individuals can buy the rights to set up Silver Weave stores and sell the company's merchandise in return for a lump sum fee at the beginning of the contract and a percentage of revenues every month. The owners of the stores have to stock the collection approved from the company's headquarters and also maintain consistent customer service as expected in its flagship store. Which of the following alternatives to integration does this best illustrate? A. crowdsourcing B. credit rationing C. franchising D. bootstrapping


13. Stellar Products Inc. is a U.S.-based consumer electronics company. It owns smaller firms in Japan and Taiwan where most of its cell phone technology is developed and manufactured before being released worldwide. Which of the following alternatives to integration does this best illustrate? A. venture capitalism B. franchising C. joint venture D. parent-subsidiary relationship


15. How do firms benefit from vertical integration? A. Vertical integration allows firms to reduce organizational complexity and administrative costs. B. Firms that vertically integrate will have increased strategic flexibility when faced with technological changes. C. Firms that vertically integrate do not have to make transaction-specific investments. D. Vertical integration allows firms to increase operational efficiencies through improved coordination of adjacent value chain activities.


41. This is Amazon's ___ ____? (regarding the chapter): - integrates different types of technologies (hardware, software, microprocessors, the Internet, logistics, and so on) to provide not only the largest selection of retail goods online, but also an array of services and mobile devices Rothaermel, Frank. Strategic Management: Concepts (Page 231). McGraw-Hill Higher Education. Kindle Edition.

core business

42. What happens to your company's net income and EPS if you purchase back your stock, other things equal?


22. While KFC focuses on international markets, its competitor, Chick-fil-A, focuses on the domestic U.S. market. What is the reason behind this strategic difference? A. KFC has more financial resources than Chick-fil-A since it is a publicly traded stock company. B. Chick-fil-A has a larger customer base and number of outlets in the U.S. market than its competitor KFC. C. KFC wants to follow a differentiation strategy, and Chick-fil-A wants to pursue a cost-leadership strategy. D. Chick-fil-A is part of a large conglomerate, whereas KFC has more flexibility to pursue a geographic diversification strategy.


5. A primary advantage of organizing economic activity within firms is the A. ability to coordinate highly complex tasks to allow for specialized division of labor. B. low administrative costs because of reduced bureaucracy. C. eradication of the principal-agent problem. D. high-powered incentive to work as salaried employees for an existing firm.


9. Hitoro Inc. developed a superior touch screen technology for tablet computers that enabled multiple users to operate the screen at the same time. The technology was leased to Revox Inc., a consumer electronics company, for five years. Which of the following alternatives to integration does this best illustrate? A. licensing B. franchising C. crowdsourcing D. bootlegging


17. Investments in specialized assets tend to incur high opportunity costs because the A. assets can be profitably used for multiple purposes. B. threat of one of the partners pursuing his or her self-interest is high. C. social costs associated with these assets are high. D. firms can avoid backward integration by investing in these assets.


18. Virtue Products Inc., a large conglomerate, procures a few component parts from external suppliers and also manufactures some of the key raw materials in its own subsidiaries. This apart, the company does not solely depend on outside distributors to reach its customers. In fact, it has its own retail stores to distribute its products. In this scenario, which of the following alternatives to vertical integration is Virtue Products applying? A. concentric integration B. taper integration C. horizontal integration D. conglomerate integration


20. A firm that engages in strategic outsourcing typically A. increases its internal transaction costs. B. reduces its level of vertical integration. C. reduces its level of external transaction costs. D. increases its level of horizontal integration.


26. ESB Group is the parent company of many related businesses under its banner. Each share of the parent company is quoted at $220. However, if this had to be assessed by adding the stock prices of each of its strategic business units, the value would only be $200 per share. In this scenario, what has ESB Group created? A. capital liquidity B. diversification premium C. diversification discount D. demand-pull inflation


31. PrimoDisk Inc. holds the highest market share in the low-growth compact disk industry. With the introduction of flash drives, the market for compact disks has reduced. However, PrimoDisk has been able to generate sufficient revenues for the parent company by selling its products in less developed countries. In the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) growth- share matrix, PrimoDisk will be categorized under A. dogs. B. cash cows. C. stars. D. question marks.


34. The solar-powered car division of a large automobile company has been experiencing negative cash flows though the market growth for such cars is predicted to be high. If the company invests further resources into this division, it can increase its relative market share in the future. However, if due to technological changes the car cannot create sufficient consumer demand, then the division can prove to be unprofitable. In the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) growth-share matrix, the solar-powered car division will be categorized under A. dogs. B. question marks. C. stars. D. underdogs.


16. Neon Electronics Inc. sourced touch screens required for its tablet computers, cell phones, and televisions from a manufacturer in China. But the demand for such components was high globally, and the supplier could not meet the quality standards of Neon Electronics. Thus, Neon Electronics decided to set up its own unit to develop and manufacture the required touch screens. What does this scenario best illustrate? A. crowdsourcing B. new product development C. backward vertical integration D. conglomerate diversification


19. Which of the following statements is true of taper integration? A. It is the most integrated alternative to performing an activity within one's own corporate family. B. It refers to a situation in which firms narrow their focus on downstream value chain activities and ignore the upstream value chain activities. C. It exposes in-house suppliers and distributors to market competition to make performance comparisons possible. D. It does not rely on outside-market firms for its supplies.


2. Decisions relating to "what stages of the industry value chain to participate in" determine a firm's A. level of diversification. B. geographic scope. C. vertical integration. D. absorptive capacity.


21. PepsiCo operates in many countries and sells a wide variety of aerated drinks, other beverages, different types of chips, and Quaker Oats goods to achieve continuous growth. From this data, we can conclude that PepsiCo has been involved in A. strategic outsourcing. B. lean manufacturing. C. product-market diversification. D. process diversification.


23. Which of the following corporate strategies did ExxonMobil pursue by acquiring XTO Energy, a natural gas company? A. taper integration strategy B. differentiation strategy C. related diversification strategy D. cost-leadership strategy


24. Red Empire Inc., a large multinational company owned by two partners, is active in the petroleum, capital market, chemicals, steel, beverages, hospitality, airlines, education, automobiles, and consumer electronics industries. The company has multiple brands and a large product portfolio under its banner. Which of the following terms would best describe this company? A. a flagship brand B. a single-business firm C. a dominant-business firm D. a conglomerate


29. In the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) growth-share matrix, strategic business units categorized under dogs A. compete in a low-growth market but hold considerable market share. B. hold a high market share in a fast-growing market. C. compete in a high-growth market but have low and unstable earnings. D. hold a small market share in a low-growth market.


3. Which of the following statements is true of transaction costs? A. When the costs of pursuing an activity in-house are more than the costs of transacting for that activity in the market, then the concerned firm should vertically integrate. B. When companies transact in the open market, they incur internal transaction costs. C. Transaction costs exclusively consist of external costs associated with economic exchanges. D. Transaction costs are necessary to explain and predict the boundaries of a firm.


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