Chapter 8 Review Questions
"Don't you think you should pay your rent before you take a vacation?" This is an example of a(n) __________ question that __________. a. sincere; makes a statement b. counterfeit; traps the speaker c. open; carries a hidden agenda d. divergent; seeks a positive judgment
"I think what's really bothering you is your fear of rejection" is an example of which type of listening response? a. Evaluating b. Analyzing c. Supporting d. Empathizing
A headache is an example of which barrier to listening? a. Information overload b. Personal concerns c. Rapid thought d. Noise
A listening response in which the receiver seeks additional information from the sender
According to research on call center managers, for a customer to feel the most satisfied, what kind of needs must be met?" a. Social and practical b. Social and functional c. Emotional and social d. Functional and emotional
After a long day on campus where you listened attentively to four long lectures on different subjects, you lose focus as your friend describes his plans for the weekend. This is due to which barrier to listening? a. Information overload b. Personal concerns c. Rapid thought d. Noise
After getting a promotion at work, you say that you'd like to eat out somewhere nice for a change. You feel like celebrating, but your partner thinks you are implying he is cheap. This scenario illustrates a low degree of __________. a. empathy b. reflective feedback c. attending d. listening fidelity
Although we're capable of understanding speech at rates up to __________ words per minute, the average person speaks much more slowly.
Early research on listening indicated that people remember how much of what they hear immediately after hearing it, even when they listen mindfully? a. a quarter b. a third c. half d. two-thirds
Effective paraphrasing involves __________ the speaker's words. a. repeating b. rephrasing c. evaluating d. questioning
In meetings, a coworker typically interrupts colleagues to interject her thoughts, not acknowledging or seeming to care about the contributions of others. Your coworker exhibits which poor listening habit? a. Insulated listening b. Defensive listening c. Stage hogging d. Pseudolistening
Interpersonal listening is defined as the process of receiving and __________ others' messages. a. understanding b. evaluating c. paraphrasing d. responding to
Listeners who present a distorted or incomplete version of what they heard are engaged in what kind of poor listening habit? a. Insulated listening b. Ambushing c. Filling in gaps d. Pseudolistening
Listening to your anthropology professor's lecture is difficult because you are thinking about why a friend didn't respond to your text. Which barrier to listening are you experiencing? a. Information overload b. Personal concerns c. Rapid thought d. Noise
Paraphrasing __________ information is more difficult than paraphrasing __________ information. a. behavioral; cognitive b. cognitive; behavioral c. personal; factual d. factual; personal
People have a lot of mental "spare time" while someone is talking due to which barrier to listening? a. Information overload b. Personal concerns c. Rapid thought d. Noise
Praise and offers to help are which type of listening response? a. Evaluating b. Analyzing c. Supporting d. Empathizing
mindless listening
Reacting to others' messages automatically and routinely, without much mental investment.
Studies show that media __________ has a negative effect on learning and remembering. a. provisionalism b. circumscribing c. intersectionality d. multitasking
Syntactic rules, jargon, and message source are all factors significantly featured in which stage of listening? a. Hearing b. Attending c. Understanding d. Remembering
What do researchers call temporary hearing loss caused by continuous exposure to the same tone or loudness? a. Mindless listening b. Auditory fatigue c. Listening fidelity d. De-escalatory spiral
What does the darkest side of multitasking involve? a. information overload b. Safety c. Inattentive listening d. Ineffective learning
What is the final stage of the listening process? a. Attending b. Understanding c. Remembering d. Responding
What is the physiological component of listening?
When coworkers digress, you remind them to get to the point and concisely explain how a problem will affect a project deadline. You are what kind of listener? a. Analytical b. Relational d. Task-oriented d. Critical
When instructors grade papers, they are typically providing which kind of response? a. Evaluating b. Silent listening c. Supporting d. Empathizing
When working adults were asked to name the most common communication behavior they observed in their place of business, what topped the list? a. Speaking b. Listening c. Collaborating d. Creating
When your friend describes her recent family vacation, you remark only on the part that involves her attractive brother. What kind of listening are you using? a. Insulated listening b. Filling in gaps c. Selective listening d. Pseudolistening
When your friend discusses a problem she is having at work, your response confirms what she said. You are understanding and supportive without judging her behavior or the situation. What type of feedback are you providing? a. Reflective b. Evaluative c. Analytical d. Advising
When your sister, a morning person, laughs at your funny story over breakfast but yawns at your amusing anecdote over dinner, which element of listening helps you understand these different responses? a. Context b. Semantics c. Proxemics d. Haptics
Whereas hearing is a physiological process, __________ is a psychological one that is part of the selection stage of perception. a. responding b. remembering c. attending d. understanding
Which adjective describes mindful listening? a. Automatic b. Careful c. Routine d. Distracted
Which feature should you look for in a company if you want to experience less stress and higher satisfaction not only in your job, but also your home life? a. Supervisors who are analytical, task-oriented listeners b. Coworkers who are analytical, task-oriented listeners c. Supervisors who are active, empathic listeners d. Coworkers who are active, empathic listeners
Which is the best example of an empathizing response? a. If I were you, I wouldn't speak to your brother after he didn't call on your birthday. b. Don't worry about your brother not calling on your birthday. He's always been a jerk. c. So your brother didn't call on your birthday, and now you don't want to talk to him. d. I know you felt really hurt when your brother didn't call on your birthday.
Which listening response should you typically employ first? a. Evaluating b. Silent listening c. Advising d. Analyzing
Which of the following is a closed question? a. Why do you want to see that movie? b. What do you think of the casting in this movie? c. How does the movie compare to others you've seen this year? d. Did you like the movie?
Which statement is TRUE about listening versus hearing? a. Listening occurs when the brain reconstructs electrochemical impulses into a representation of the original sound and then gives them meaning. b. Listening is automatic. c. Listening is the process in which sound waves strike the eardrum and cause vibrations that are transmitted to the brain d. Listening and hearing are identical.
Which style involves listening for inaccuracies and inconsistencies? a. Analytical b. Relational c. Task-oriented d. Critical
Which terms does Ellen Langer use to describe the ways we listen? a. mindful; mindless b. attentive; inattentive c. pragmatic; cognitive d. convergent; divergent
Which type of listener is more likely to draw out responses from the message-sender? a. Task-oriented b. Relational c. Critical d. Analytical
Which type of listening response allows others to avoid responsibility for their decisions? a. Evaluating b. Silent listening c. Advising d. Analyzing
While selective listening focuses only on topics of interest, __________ tunes out unpleasant topics. a. pseudolistening b. defensive listening c. ambushing d. insulated listening
While your friend complains about her boss, you maintain eye contact and nod with concern. However, your stomach is growling, and you're really thinking about what you want for lunch. You are engaged in what type of listening? a. Insulated listening b. Filling in gaps c. Selective listening d. Pseudolistening
Why is "close your mouths and open your ears" an insufficient guideline for listening? a.It's overly simplistic. b. t promotes silence. c. It emphasizes biological responses. d. It suggests that ears can be opened.
With the exception of responding, all of the steps in the listening process are __________. a. internal b. external c. psychological d. physiological
You are pitching a new sales campaign at work. What should you do to help your coworkers remember your presentation? a. Tell everyone there will be a quiz on your presentation. b. Provide handouts with bullet points and graphics of your presentation. c. Allow questions during the presentation. d. Make your presentation as comprehensive as possible.
You finished that report in record time!" you say to a coworker, who takes your praise as criticism. People who perceive innocent comments as personal attacks are engaged in what kind of listening? a. Insulated listening b. Defensive listening c. Selective listening d. Pseudolistening
You only discuss your flaws with a few people you know you can really trust for fear that others might have which style of particularly harmful listening? a. Insulated listening b. Ambushing c. Filling in gaps d. Pseudolistening
You remain attentive, smiling and nodding occasionally as your roommate describes her day. What kind of listening are you engaged in? a. Evaluating b. Analyzing c. Silent listening d. Advising
You tend to withhold judgment until you hear everything a person has said, and you consider all sides of an issue before responding. You are what kind of listener? a. Analytical b. Relational c. Task-oriented d. Critical
a listening response in which the listener offers an interpretation of a speaker's message
a listening response in which the receiver offers suggestions about how the speaker should deal with a problem
a listening response in which the receiver reveals her or his solidarity with the speaker's situation
a listening response that conveys identification with a speaker's perceptions and emotions
critical listening
a listening style that involves evaluating the content of a message
task oriented listening
a listening style that is primarily concerned with efficiency
relational listening
a listening style that is primarily concerned with emotionally connecting with others
a message in which a sender judges a receiver in some way, usually resulting in a defensive response
a phase of the listening process in which a message is recalled
a phase of the listening process in which feedback occurs, offering evidence that the message has been received
a phase of the listening process in which the communicator focuses on a message, excluding other messages
a stage in the listening process in which the receiver attaches meaning to a message
analytical listening
a style of listening that emphasizes hearing all details of a message and then assessing it from a variety of perspectives
mindful listening
careful and thoughtful attention and responses to others messages
sincere questions
genuine attempts to elicit information from others
open ended questions
questions that allow for a variety of extended responses
counterfeit questions
questions that are disguised attempts to send a message rather than elicit information
closed questions
questions that limit the range of possible responses, such as questions that seek a yes or no answer
restating a speaker's thoughts and feelings in the listener's own words
silent listening
staying attentive and nonverbally responsive without offering any verbal feedback
the first stage in the listening process in which sound waves are received by a communicator
the process of receiving and responding to others' messages