Chapter 8

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Which of the following statements describes implicit memory?

The unconscious recollection of how to do something

____ memories occur when people remember something that never actually occurred.


True or false: The hippocampus is active during the processing of explicit memories.

False - The hippocampus, the temporal lobes, and other areas of the limbic system play an active role in explicit memories

True or false: Karl Lashley's work indicated that memories in the brain are stored in a specific location.

False - There is not one location where memories are stored. Memory is not like a file cabinet

____ interference occurs when material that was learned earlier disrupts the recall of material learned later.


In the Atkinson-Shiffrin model, stimuli from the environment are processed ______ in the sensory memory.


Not being able to remember where you left your car keys is an example of ____.


The ____ projects information to cortical regions that give memories meaning.


Which of the following statements are true regarding short-term memory? (Select all that apply.)

-It is a limited-capacity memory system. -It can store information longer than sensory memory.

Short-term memory is usually only retained for as long as ______ seconds.


Memories of highly emotional events are often very easily stored due to the role of the


____ amnesia occurs when you cannot remember what happened after you hit your head on the pavement.


H. M. could not remember things that happened after surgery to remove his hippocampus. This is an example of

Anterograde amnesia - refers to a memory disorder that affects the retention of new information and events after a trauma

______ works by "packaging" large amounts of information together so it can be remembered as single units, making it more manageable.


____ is the process of forming new memories.


At which of the following levels of processing are we most likely to recall information?

Deepest level - research has shown that memory improves when associations and meanings are attached to the items to be remembered

Which process allows us to get information from the environment into our brains?


Hazel vividly remembers her first week in college. This is an example of ______ memory.


____ memory is the retention of information about the where, when, and what of one's life's happenings.


Which is NOT a component in the definition of memory?

Experience - Experiences and information are what your memory retains through the process of encoding, storage, and retrieval.

According to Innocence Project, what is the leading cause of wrongful convictions?

Eyewitness misidentification

Which statement best describes the tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon?

Feeling confident about knowing something, yet not being able to get it out of memory

Which neurotransmitter is secreted more during stressful events, and is associated with improved memory?


What theorist was a pioneer in the research on forgetting during the late 1800s?

Hermann Ebbinghaus

______ concluded that most forgetting takes place soon after we learn something.

Hermann Ebbinghaus

Retroactive interference

Interference is the term used to describe when other information gets in the way. Retroactive interference occurs when material that is learned later interrupts retrieval of information learned earlier.

Which of the following statements regarding sensory memory are true?

It lasts for only 1 or two seconds

____ sensory information from our environment helps us connect it to prior experience during encoding


Retrograde amnesia

Refers to memory loss for a segment of the past but not for new events.

Which of the following is not a way the hippocampus is involved in memory processing and formation?

Regulating stress hormones

Which of the following is an example of chunking?

Sam has to remember a series of 12 numbers He decides to use the birth years of his three sisters (198819892001)

Which type of encoding organizes words by their meanings?


____ is the creation of a permanent record of information.


____ is the effect of misinformation that leads to the creation of false memories.


Which of the following statements describes explicit memory?

The conscious recollection of specific facts about an event or situation

True or false: By praising how well an eyewitness has done in identifying a suspect, a police officer can inadvertently reinforce a mistaken identity.

True - Experts claim that witnesses can be influenced by how the police question them

True or false: Proactive interference occurs when material that was learned earlier disrupts the recall of material learned later.

True - Proactive interference occurs when material that was learned earlier disrupts the recall of material learned later

Which of the following is an example of the misinformation effect?

You incorrectly recall your friend's telephone number after hearing a different phone number in a TV ad.

The loss of long-term memory caused by disease or trauma is ____ .


The ____ theory states that strong emotions trigger strong memories due to the release of neurotransmitters and hormones.


The tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon is also known as


Another word for explicit memory is ____ memory

declarative or declaratory

Bousfield showed that people tend to ____ words by meaning while using semantic encoding.


Karl Lashley failed to find engrams, or physical representations of memories, but he did formulate a hypothesis for how one part of the brain can take over for other ____ parts in the same area.


When information never enters into long-term memory it is called

encoding failure

The hippocampus, the amygdala, and the temporal lobes in the cerebral cortex play an important part in _____ memories.


_____ occur when people remember something that never actually occurred.

false memories

People sometimes forget something because other information gets in the way. This is explained by _____ theory.


When you were in grade school, your two best friends were twins named Mark and Matt. Ten years later, you are living next door to twins named Martin and Monty. Much to your embarrassment, you find yourself repeatedly referring to your new neighbors (Martin and Monty) as Mark and Matt. This can be explained by

interference theory

shallow level of processing

involves only noting sensory or physical features of something

intermediate level of processing

involves recognition or labeling of an object

According to Craik and Lockhart, the reason why elaborative rehearsal works is because the person

is thinking on a deep level

The continuous stage of memory that stores information for years is ____-term memory.


Which of the following is a relatively permanent type of memory that stores virtually limitless amounts of information?


In her research, Loftus found that exposure to ____ can lead a person to misremember the original event.


Moe and Curly both witnessed their friend Larry being assaulted by Shemp. Initially, both men remembered the event differently, but Curly became convinced that he saw what Moe claims he saw, even though he did not, due to the ____ effect.


According to the levels of processing theory, we are ____ likely to recall information that has been processed at the deepest level, compared to our recall for information that has been processed at the shallowest level.


Another term for implicit memory is ____ memory


New events can be added to memory when we recall it and cause distortions. This is called ____ .


If you can relate a bit of information to yourself and your own experiences, you will

remember it better

Storage encompasses how information is

retained over time

Before Jane went to bed, she saved her progress on a paper she is writing for a class. When she wakes up and opens the file again, what process allowed her to find the file?


When you remember the name of your first grade teacher, this is an example of


The ____ refers to the tendency for people to remember things best if they can relate that information to themselves somehow.

self-reference effect

Sandy has a lot of general knowledge, not tied to a particular time or place, about international affairs. This is an example of ____ memory.


____ memory is a type of explicit memory that includes your areas of expertise, general academic knowledge, and everyday knowledge about the meanings of words and common things.


The amygdala plays a role in memory because storage is influenced by ____ hormones.


The leader uses frequent press conferences to misinform people about his response to a crisis in their country.The leader is counting on the ____ of the audience to allow him to create false memories in them.


Amnesia is

the loss of long-term memory due to disease or trauma.

Psychologists describe memory as

the set of processes used to encode, store, and retrieve information over time.

Encoding failure occurs when the information

was never entered into memory.

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