Chapter 9: Biotechnology and DNA Technology

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site-directed mutagenesis

a targeted and specific change in a gene

a culture of identical cells, each derived from a single "parental cell," is referred to as a(n)


E. coli may pick up a recombinant plasmid from a neighboring E. coli cell by


real-time PCR differs from traditional PCR in that real-time PCR amplification is monitored by gel electrophoresis


yeasts CANNOT express foreign, eukaryotic genes.


the following sequential steps are used to make a recombinant cell. Which of these steps occurs LAST?

grow cells containing vector with the gene of interest

Vaccines using recombinant gene technology

hep B virus, herpes virus, malaria

southern blotting is used to

identify particular sequences of DNA

safety issues for using DNA technology

need to avoid accidental release into the environment; genetically modified crops must be safe for consumption and for the environment

An ampicillin-sensitive culture of E. coli is transformed with a plasmid that contains the gene of interest plus an ampicillin-resistant gene. If it is then plated on an ampicillin-containing growth medium, __________.

only the bacteria with the plasmid will grow

which of the following is an example of a cloning vector


_________ ________ __________ is a technique used to quickly amplify specific sequences of DNA.

polymerase chain reaction

recombinant DNA can be introduced into a host cell by any of the following methods EXCEPT

polymerase chain reaction

a good cloning vector

should have a gene or genes that allows for selection of transformed host cells

which of the following statements correctly differentiates biotechnology from rDNA technology?

Biotechnology involves any use of microorganisms or cells to make products, regardless of the means used. Recombinant DNA technology involves methods for handling and modifying DNA and inserting it into different types of cells.

DNA fingerprints are actually

DNA fragments

which of the following might specifically be used as part of a reverse-genetics approach to studying a gene?

RNA interference

gene silencing

Small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) bind to mRNA, which is then destroyed by RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC)

which of the following statements correctly differentiates a genomic library from a cDNA library?

a genomic library contains fragments of the entire DNA in an organism's genome. A cDNA library contains the coding sequences of eukaryotic genes (minus the introns).

genome projects

a large-scale, often multilaboratory effort required to sequence a complex genome

which of the following is NOT a step in southern blotting?

addition of heat-stable DNA polymerase

which of the following is a safety issue related to the use of recombinant DNA?

allergic reactions to components in genetically modified foods; reduction in populations of "desirable" insects due to the use of Bt insecticide; spread of bioengineered traits, such as herbicide resistance, into related weed species

in genetic engineering, antibiotic-resistance genes are usually cloned into vectors to

allow selection for bacteria containing the vector

assume you insert a specific gene into a plasmid and use blue-white screening. you plate the transformed E. coli cells on an ampicillin X-gal medium. Cells that produce blue colonies are

ampicillin resistant but do not contain the new gene

the process of making multiple copies of a DNA molecule is referred to as


Complementary DNA (cDNA) is made from

an mRNA template

When two DNA pieces cut with the same restriction enzyme are combined, sticky ends will __________.

associate by complementary base pairing and hydrogen bonds

shotgun sequencing

sequences small pieces of genomes which are assembled by a computer

if DNA ligase were NOT used in the creation of a recombinant plasmid,

base-pairing would occur but the sugar phosphate backbone would not be connected

If you insert the gene for Bt toxin from Bacillus thuringiensis into a tomato plant, the resulting plants will __________.

be toxic to insects that eat them

If you put the gene for Bt-toxin from Bacillus thuringiensis into a tomato plant, the resulting plants will __________.

be toxic to insects that eat them

the use of microorganisms, cells, or cell components to make products such as hormones, antibiotics, food, or vaccines is known as


which of the following statements correctly differentiates biotechnology and rDNA technology?

biotechnology involves any use of microorganisms or cells to make products, regardless of the means used. rDNA technology involves the specific use of molecular modifications in microorganisms or cells, in which a gene from one cell is inserted into another cell, altering the recipient cell to make some desired product.

for the introduction of a genetically modified plasmid into E. coli,

calcium chloride and heat shock can be used

to express a human gene in a bacterium, cDNA must be made because bacteria

cannot remove introns


carry new DNA to desired cell; must be able to self-replicate; plasmids and viruses can be used as vectors; shuttle vectors exist in several different species and can move cloned sequences among various organisms


cells take up DNA from the surrounding environment

recombinant DNA technology is used for all of the following EXCEPT

culturing unknown organisms

restriction enzymes

cut specific sequences of DNA; destroy bacteriophage DNA in bacterial cells; methylated cytosines in bacteria protect their own DNA from digestion; create blunt ends or staggered cuts known as sticky ends

in nature, the function of restriction enzymes is to

destroy bacteriophage DNA

a plasmid that has been cleaved with EcoRI (one) can recombine with another plasmid that has been

digested with EcoRI

disadvantages when making a gene product

e.coli - produces endotoxins and does not secrete its protein products mammalian cells - harder to grow

pros for using E.coli to make a gene product

easily grown and its genomics are known, divides about every 20 mins


electrical current forms pores in cell membranes

special considerations must be taken when using bacteria to produce a eukaryotic protein. What is the cause for this additional difficulty?

eukaryotic genes contain introns, which prokaryotic cells cannot remove

for Agrobacterium tumefaciens to be used to introduce foreign DNA into a plant cell, that DNA must first be

inserted into the T-DNA region of the Ti plasmid of A. tumefaciens

RNA interference

inserts DNA encoding siRNA into a plasmid and transferred into a cell

medical uses for dna technology

insulin, human growth hormone, vaccines

which of the following is NOT true of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR)?

large amounts of DNA must be isolated from the source organism


like a tiny shot, in vitro fertilization (ivf) occurs like this

subunit vaccines

made from pathogen proteins in genetically modified yeasts

in genetic engineering, antibiotic resistance genes are often cloned into a vector to

make direct selection of a clone possible


mutagens cause mutations that might result in a microbe with a desirable trait

polymerase chain reaction (PCR)

process of increasing small quantities (amplifying) of DNA for analysis; used for diagnostic tests for genetic diseases and detecting pathogens; reverse-transcription PCR uses mRNA as a template

in the blue-white screening procedure, bacteria that are transformed with recombinant plasmid and cultured in media containing ampicillin and X-gal will

produce white colonies

which of the following is NOT an advantage of obtaining the protein produce called human growth hormone by recombinant DNA technology rather than extraction from cadavers?

production of endotoxins

which of the following is NOT an advantage of obtaining the protein product human growth hormone by recombinant DNA technology rather than extraction from cadavers?

production of endotoxins

protoplast fusion

removing cell walls from two bacteria allows them to fuse

___________, useful in recombination DNA technology, are bacterial enzymes that recognize and cut specific sequences of DNA

restriction enzymes

which of these statements is true for restriction enzymes?

restriction enzymes are useful in genetic engineering when they make staggered cuts in DNA


selecting for a naturally occurring microbe that produces a desired product

tools of biotechnology

selection, mutation, site-directed mutagenesis

the shotgun sequencing technique is used to

sequence entire genomes

the human genome project

sequenced the entire human genome

plamids that can exist in disparate species such as a bacterium and a plant cell are called ________ vectors, and they can be used to transfer cloned DNA from one type of organism to another


which of the following can be used as vectors to genetically modify cells?

shuttle vectors, plasmids, and viruses

the following steps are necessary to clone eukaryotic genes in bacteria. what is the third step?

splice exons together

therapeutic applications of DNA technology

subunit vaccines, gene therapy, gene editing, gene silencing, RNA interference

Genetic technology has enabled screening for a variety of genetic conditions, and use of this technology is becoming more widely available. Which of the following is likely to become an important issue that will need to be addressed?

the need for legislation to protect the privacy of individuals' genetic information

sequencing a genome directly provides

the order of nucleotides in a genome

metagenomics is

the study of genetic material directly from environmental samples


the use of microorganisms, cells, or cell components to make a product; food, antibiotics, vitamins, or enzymes - utilisation of the following for the benefit of mankind - organisms, part of organisms, biological processes

during the southern blotting technique, what is the purpose of transferring the DNA fragments from the gel to a nitrocellulose filter?

this step attaches the DNA fragments to a permanent substrate, which then can be probed

which of the following is NOT a purpose of genetic modification?

to remove antibiotic resistant plasmids from bacteria

gene therapy

to replace defective or missing genes

if a recombinant plasmid is put in solution with E. coli, the bacteria may pick up the plasmid by


the basic steps to genetically modify a cell are listed below. which step would come LAST?


the introduction of external pieces of "naked" DNA from solution into a cell is referred to as


ways to insert foreign DNA into cells

transformation, electroporation, protoplast fusion, gene gun, and microinjection

RNA interference (RNAi) can be used to silence a gene, and it holds promise for treating certain genetic disorders and viral infections


if a foreign gene inserted into a plasmid inactivates the b-galactosidase gene, a bacterium containing that plasmid would form blue colonies on X-gal medium


when bacteria are genetically modified to produce a protein product, technical difficulties arise because that product is NOT always secreted from the cell.


all of the following are benefits and improvements made possible by recombinant DNA technology EXCEPT

use of baker's yeast to produce bread

gene editing

using CRISPR to correct genetic mutations at specific locations

the human protozone project

will map proteins expressed in human cells

pros for making a gene product

yeast cell - easily grown and has a larger genome than bacteria, expresses eukaryotic genes easily e.coli - easily grown and its genomics are known, divides about every 20 mins plant cells and whole plants - expresses eukaryotic genes easily, easily grown, large-scale, and low-cost mammalian cells - expresses eukaryotic genes easily, can make products ofr medical use

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