Chapter 9 - Doctor-Patient Interaction

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Taiwan study on the Internet vs face-to-face visits in a community hospital showing that the _______ users showed less confidence in doctors, less compliance with instructions, and a greater willingness to use alternative medicine than those who visited the doctor

surgery, internal medicine, psychiatry

fill in the blanks, separated by a comma - Susan Hinge found that the top specialties such as _______ and ________ _________ were characterized as masculine, with traits like "toughness," "macho," and "demanding," while those as the bottom like family practice, pediatrics, and _________ were considered "soft" and feminine

male, female

fill in the blanks, separated by a comma - when assessing their accomplishments: _______ doctors tend to speak only of their technical skills and choices of appropriate treatment, while _______ doctors stress their value to patients and did so using words like "help" and "care"


_________ may be most evident in the top posts in academic medicine where women physicians are rare due to the demanding career with motherhood


a ________ behavior is the most important factor endangering trust in the doctor-patient relationship

human genome project

the potential of gene therapy and genetically based drugs has yet to be realized, but the results of the _______ ________ _______ provides researchers with a map of the human genetic code


this requires comprehension by the patient and communication is the key for avoiding noncompliance


what state claims that genes are naturally occurring organic matter and not something invented by humans?


who normally practices the following? - primary care - pediatrics - geriatrics - OBGYN


who normally practices the following? - surgery - sports medicine - internal medicine

guidance-cooperation model

- physician-patient interaction model that applies when the patient has an acute, often infectious illness, such as the flu or measles - patient knows what is going on and can cooperate with the physician by following his or her guidance in the matter, but the physician makes the decisions

activity-passivity model

- physician-patient interaction model that applies when the patient is seriously ill or being treated on an emergency basis in a state of relative helplessness , due to a severe injury or lack of consciousness - physician has full decision making power in the relationship

structural explanation

Riska's explanation that holds that barriers, such as a lack of mentors, keeps women from advancing to top positions in medicine

voluntaristic view

Riska's explanation that holds that women are socialized to follow stereotypical gender expectations and consequently tend to make occupational choices that fit those expectations


Sue Fisher found that many _______ patients were not satisfied with the explanations given them by their doctors - also stated that male physicians have a tendency to misdiagnose heart attacks as stomach or anxiety problems

Irish, Italian

Zola found that ______ patients tended to underestate their symptoms, whereas ________ patients tended to overstate them

middle, upper

________ and _______ class persons tend to be more consumer-oriented and active participants in the physician-patient encounter


________-_____ persons tend to be more passive in dealing with doctors as authority figures and show a decreased sense of personal control over health matters


a phenomena common in modern American society where people make educated decisions about the purchasing of health care plans and coverages based off of the mini-max principle


besides ICU physicians, _________ are also known for trying to retain decision-making authority for themselves and to present information to their patients and their families that justifies action


effectiveness of the _______-______ interaction depends upon the ability of the participants to understand each other through effective communication from the physician to the patient, and vis-versa

upper, middle, lower, working

fill in the blanks, separated by a comma - doctors from ______ and _______ class backgrounds tend to communicate more information to their patients generally than doctors with ______ and ________ class origins

women, male

fill in the blanks, separated by a comma - some patients may perceive ________ physicians as less of an authority figure than ______ physicians

electronic support groups (ESGs)

groups that are forming among people with similar health needs who wish to share their experiences online and develop greater expertise

gene therapy

has a goal to treat or cure disease by giving patients healthy genes to replace defective ones, made possible from the sequencing of the human genome through the human genome project


human cloning is characterized as either __________ (the cloning of human organs for transplantation in sick people) or _________ (the cloning of people themselves)

Havasupai Indians

in 2010, Arizona State University settled out of court with the _________ _______ after researchers from the school were found to have used DNA samples given by the tribe for diabetes research in other projects - the tribe members had signed a vague consent form giving permission for the use of their blood in medical or behavioral research, but both the spirit and intent of the agreement had been violated from the tribe's point of view

medical decision rule

is the notion that since the work of the physicians is for the good of the patient, physicians tend to impute illness to their patients rather than deny it and risk overlooking or missing it - Thomas Scheff

female doctors

it was found through a study that _______ _______ are more attentive to patient's comments and medical histories, especially those of women

genetic testing

makes it possible to learn about someone's likely health future that even that person does not know

robotics and computer-guided imagery

may increase efficiency and precision in surgery and reduce the need for extensive hospitalization

Eliot Freidson

person that suggested that physicians tend to have bias in favor of finding illness in their patients

mutual participation model

physician-patient interaction model that applies when the patient fully works together with the doctor to manage a chronic illness such as diabetes or heart problems


refers to making a precise genetic copy of a molecule, cell, plant, or animal

digital divide

survey that showed how the Internet had become a major source of health information creating a ______ ______ where women with high incomes and education were more likely to use the Internet for health information than those at the lower end of the social scale who lacked Internet access


the ________ emphasis is on finding out what is medically wrong and doing something about it, so he or she can move on to the next patient

computer information highways

the development of these connecting a patient's personal home computer to those of doctors, hospitals, drug companies, medical suppliers, health insurers, and medical databases will allow patients to obtain health information directly from their own computer rather than visiting a physician

coronary heart disease

the diagnostic model of _________ _____ _______ held by physicians generally fits male symptoms better than females whose heart attacks can be masked by upset stomachs or anxiety symptoms not commonly seen in men with heart problems

biographical medicine, techno-medicine

the expanding reliance on new technologies has promoted a shift away from _________ ________, with its focus on the patient's oral account of his or her medical history, and instead to ____-______, involving the extensive use of advanced technology for testing, diagnosis, and the scientific determination of treatment in a more differentiated world of health care delivery

female physicians

the gender of physicians to tend to be more empathic and egalitarian in they relationships with patients, more respectful of concerns, and more responsive to patients psychosocial difficulties

third-party payers

the government in the case of Medicare and Medicaid, private health insurance companies, and managed care programs are all examples of ______-______ ______ intruding on the traditional doctor-patient relationship


the lack of male __________ to women patients was a major factor in the formation of the women's health movement to combat sexual discrimination in medicine

sociology of genetics

the social use, control of information, risks, and ethics of genetic research has promoted the birth of a new field in medical sociology called


the term _________ has been used to indicate a female majority in medicine and as a term that signals the gradual decline of the status and autonomy of medical work when women enter a profession

social class

those patients who are similar to physicians in _______ ______ are more likely to share their communication style and communicate effectively with them

ideal doctor-patient relationship

with a caring physician and trusting patient, this represents what type of relationship? - ended in the 1960s

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