Chapter 9: Leading People and Organizations

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set goals for employees and encourage them to reach their goals. Their style challenges employees and focuses their attention on work-related goals. This style is likely to be effective when employees have both high levels of ability and high levels of achievement motivation.

Achievement-oriented leaders

openness to experience, conscientiousness, extroversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism

Big 5 Personality Traits

refers to behaviors leaders demonstrate that inspire confidence, commitment, and admiration toward the leader. [3] Charismatic individuals have a "magnetic" personality that is appealing to followers



Charisma is the main element of transformational leadership and leaders cannot be effective without charisma

Conscientious individuals are organized, take initiative, and demonstrate persistence in their endeavors. Conscientious people are more likely to emerge as leaders and be effective as leaders.


provide specific directions to their employees. They lead employees by clarifying role expectations, setting schedules, and making sure that employees know what to do on a given workday. The theory predicts that the directive style will work well when employees are experiencing role ambiguity on the job. If people are unclear about how to go about doing their jobs, giving them specific directions will motivate them

Directive leaders


Directive leadership is thought to be less effective when employees have low levels of ability

the late Steve Jobs of Apple; Tony Hsieh, CEO of Zappos; and Elon Musk, founder and CEO of Tesla Motors and SpaceX

Examples of charismatic business leaders include

are sociable, assertive, and energetic. They enjoy interacting with others in their environment and demonstrate self-confidence. Because they are both dominant and sociable in their environment, they emerge as leaders in a wide variety of situations. Out of all personality traits, extraversion has the strongest relationship to both leader emergence and leader effectiveness


Research also shows that people who are effective as leaders tend to have a moral compass and demonstrate honesty and integrity. [11] Leaders whose integrity is questioned lose their trustworthiness, and they hurt their company's business along the way


Specifically, people who have high mental abilities are more likely to be viewed as leaders in their environment. [4] We should caution that intelligence is a positive but modest predictor of leadership. In addition to having high IQ, effective leaders tend to have high emotional intelligence (EQ). People with high EQ demonstrate a high level of self-awareness, motivation, empathy, and social skills.



Laissez-faire decision making style is positively correlated to employee satisfaction with leaders and leader effectiveness

Contemporary traits that show relatively strong relations with leadership are as follows: Intelligence, Self Esteem, Integrity, Openness, Extroversion, and Conscientious.

Leadership Personality Traits

those who demonstrate originality, creativity, and are open to trying new things—tend to emerge as leaders and tend to be effective as leaders.

Openness to experience


Research shows that charisma is something people are born with.


Research shows that high LMX members are more satisfied with their jobs, more committed to their companies, have higher levels of clarity about what is expected of them, and perform at a higher level.

Self-esteem is not one of the Big Five personality traits, but it is an important aspect of one's personality. The degree to which people are at peace with themselves and have an overall positive assessment of their self-worth and capabilities seems to be relevant to whether they will be viewed as a leader. Leaders with high self-esteem support their subordinates more, and when punishment needs to be administered, they punish more effectively. [9] It is possible that those with high self-esteem have greater levels of self-confidence and this affects their image in the eyes of their followers. Self-esteem may also explain the relationship between some physical attributes and emerging as a leader.



Self-esteem is one of the Big Five personality traits and is an important aspect of one's personality


The achievement-oriented leadership style is likely to be effective when employees have both high levels of ability and high levels of achievement motivation


The key to benefiting from the findings of trait researchers is to be aware that not all traits are equally effective in predicting leadership potential across all circumstances


There is a connection between some personality traits and charisma


To maximize their effectiveness, leaders are encouraged to demonstrate either transformational or transactional styles

motivate employees by aligning employee goals with the leader's goals. Thus, employees working for transformational leaders start focusing on the company's well-being rather than on what is best for them as individual employees.

Transformational leaders


Transformational leaders rely on their charisma, persuasiveness, and personal appeal to change and inspire their companies

Charima, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, individualized consideration

Transformational leaders use


When employees know exactly how to perform their jobs but their jobs are unpleasant, participative leadership may be effective


When leaders demonstrate task-oriented behaviors, employees tend to be more satisfied and react more positively

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