CHAPTER 9 Peripheral and Autonomic Nervous System ANSWERS

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C. Complete the following table of the cranial nerves. I / Olfactory / ________ II / ________ / Vision, eyesight III / Oculomotor / ________ ________ / Trochlear / Movement of eye muscle V / Trigeminal / ________ ________ / Abducens / Movement of eye muscles VII / Facial / ________ ________ / Vestibulocochlear (auditory) / hearing and balance IX / ________ / Movement of throat muscles X / Vagus / ________ ________ / Accessory / Movement of neck muscles XII / Hypoglossal / ________

- smell - optic - eyelid and eyeball movement - IV - face and mouth, touch, chewing - VI - controls most facial expressions, secretion of tears and saliva, taste - VIII - Glossopharyngeal - senses aortic blood pressure, slows heart rate, stimulates digestive organs, taste - XI - movement of tongue muscles

A. 1. What nerve pairs make up the peripheral nervous system? 2. Name the two divisions (subcategories) of the peripheral nervous system. 3. Name the division of the system that conducts impulses to and from the brain and spinal cord to the skeletal muscles 4. Name the division that is sometimes called the automatic system, and name and list the functions of its subdivisions.

1. 12 cranial nerve pairs; 31 spinal nerve pairs 2. Afferent peripheral system and efferent peripheral system 3. somatic nervous system 4. autonomic nervous system

B. Select the word or words from the following list that best describes each statement. 1. The parasympathetic nervous system uses the neurotransmitter ________. 2. This structure consists of a bundle of nerve fibers enclosed by connective tissue. ________ 3. A specialized part of the peripheral nervous system that controls involuntary activities or automatic of the vital organs. 4. Spinal nerves may form a network with adjacent spinal nerves and veins; this is known as a(n) ________. 5. The name of this nerve may give you a clue about how it functions. ________ 6. The nerve carrying impulses from the sense organs to the brain and spinal cord. ________ 7. A nerve that carries only sensory fibers.________ 8. This cranial nerve affects the smooth muscle of the stomach. ________ 9. This system includes the brain and spinal cord. ________ 10. This group of nerves contains mixed nerves. ________

1. 2. nerve 3. autonomic nervous system 4. plexus 5. 6. sensory nerve 7. optic nerve 8. vagus 9. central nervous system 10. spinal nerve

F. Match the following plexus names with the descriptions. Brachial (B) Cervical (C) Lumbar (L) Sacral (S) ________ 1. Supplies nerves to scalp, neck and part of shoulder and chest ________ 2. Contains the origin of the phrenic nerve that influences respiration ________ 3. Forms the median, radial, and axillary nerves ________ 4. Supplies motor movement to the buttocks, anterior leg, and thighs ________ 5. Femoral nerve that is part of this plexus ________ 6. Provides the entire nerve supply for the arm ________ 7. Forms the sciatic nerve

1. C 2. C 3. B 4. L 5. L 6. C 7. S

H. Mark the underlined word in the following statements either true of false. Correct any false statements. ________. 1. Some *reflex* *arcs* are preceded by a stimulus. ________ 2. A *simple* *reflex* involves a sensory and motor neuron. ________ 3. Tapping on the knee to demonstrate a reflex is a method of checking the condition of the *muscular* and nervous systems. ________ 4. The reflex arc is *conscious* and involuntary. ________ 5. Reflex actions are automatic reactions controlled by the *brain*

1. T 2. T 3. T 4. F - unconscious 5. F - spinal cord

E. Label the diagram of the spinal nerve plexus and name one major nerve in each plexus.

1. cervical plexus - phrenic nerve 2. brachial plexus - axillary, radial, median, musculocutaneous, ulnar nerves 3. lumbar plexus - femoral and obturator nerves 4. sacral plexus - sciatic, common peroneal, and tibeal nerve

G. Answer the following questions 1. Name the two divisions of the autonomic nervous system. 2. List the organs affected by the autonomic nervous system. 3. Why is the sympathetic nervous system referred to as the fight-or-flight system? 4. What other body system is directly connected to the sympathetic nervous system?

1. sympathetic and parasympathetic 2. internal organs - blood vessels, stomach, intestine, liver, kidney, bladder, genitals, lungs, pupils, heart 3. 4.

D. Complete the riddles, giving the correct name and Roman numeral of the cranial nerves. WHO AM I? What is that, what did I hear? I affect your balance and your ear Nerve name and number ________ I can make your eyes roll and other tricks. Sometimes one or another of my pairs get me in a fix Nerve name and number ________ I hit the palate and places inside your mouth; even difficult words I help you pronounce. Nerve name and number ________ I turn your head about, going to and from. There are times I do not know which way you want to go. Nerve name and number ________ When you have a cold, I do not do well; a running nose really affects my sense of smell. Nerve name and number ________ Medicine really does not have a good taste; I swallow it down quickly in great haste. Nerve name and number ________ They say it takes many muscles to cry and to smile, yet there is only one pair of me to weep and beguile. Nerve name and number ________ In this group I am quite out of place; my action does not affect your head or your face Nerve name and number ________

vestibulocochlear (acoustic), VIII (auditory) oculomotor 3, trochlear 4, abducens 6 hypoglossal, 12 accessory 11, spinal olfactory, 1 glossopharyngeal, 9 facial, VII vagus, X

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