Chapter 9 review

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17) Who was the brilliant general who helped Justinian achieve military gains in north Africa and Italy? A) Belisarius B) Theodorus C) Procopius D) Basil E) Methodius


18) All of the following were outcomes of Justinian's wars of reconquest EXCEPT A) the permanent addition of Rome to the Byzantine Empire. B) increased tax pressures on the government. C) short-lived military successes in north Africa and Italy. D) weakening of the empire's defenses on its eastern frontiers. E) establishment of a temporary capital at the key artistic center at Ravenna.


2) The Byzantine Empire lasted from approximately A) 500 to 1450. B) 200 to 1200. C) 300 to 1700. D) 700 to 1650. E) 300 B.C.E. to 600 C.E.


23) Which of the following conclusions that might be drawn about the Byzantine Empire as the result of its conflicts with its neighbors is most true? A) Despite all of its difficulties, its wars with its neighbors demonstrate that the empire had real core strength. B) The outcomes of the wars demonstrate that by the 10th century the empire was completely decadent and incapable of defending itself. C) The wars with Islamic powers demonstrate the inherent weakness of the Byzantine military. D) The role of Theodora and other women in the wars demonstrate that the intrusion of women into Byzantine politics was highly destructive. E) The Byzantine Empire continued to lose tax revenues through the loss of territory in the Balkans.


43) The kingdom of Kiev in southern Russia was established by traders from A) Scandinavia. B) Czechoslovakia. C) the Balkans. D) the Byzantine Empire. E) the Middle East.


6) Which of the following represents a difference between the spread of civilization in eastern and western Europe? A) They produced different versions of Christianity, culturally as well as organizationally separate. B) Only eastern Europe developed north-south commercial ties. C) Centralized government and well-organized bureaucracy was more a feature of western Europe than eastern Europe. D) Eastern Europe retained less fully the culture of the later Roman Empire than did the West. E) Only the East faced the threat of an Islamic invasion.


9) The emperor responsible for a surge in construction in Constantinople was A) Constantine. B) Justinian. C) Diocletian. D) Heraklius. E) Procopius


13) The Byzantine Empire began A) in the 9th century C.E., with the missionary work of Cyril and Methodius. B) in the 4th century C.E., with the building of Constantinople. C) in the 1st century C.E., during the reign of Augustus. D) in the 5th century C.E., with the fall of Rome. E) in the 11th century C.E., with the first Crusades.


14) What eastern emperor was responsible for the attempted restoration of a united Roman Empire after 533? A) Constantine B) Justinian C) Diocletian D) Theodosius E) Michael II


21) What was the technological innovation that aided the Byzantine Empire in withstanding the Muslim siege of Constantinople in 717? A) Cannon B) Greek fire C) Gunpowder rockets D) Catapults E) The longbow


22) Which of the following was a result of the conflict between the Byzantine Empire and the Arab Muslims? A) The Arab threat to the Byzantine Empire was permanently removed. B) The position of small farmers in the empire was weakened as a result of heavy taxation, resulting in greater aristocratic estates. C) The Byzantine Empire was able to recover the provinces of Syria and Egypt, thus regaining valuable agricultural land and increased wealth. D) The commercial significance of Constantinople was destroyed by the 8th century, forcing the Byzantine Empire to depend increasingly on trade with the West. E) The Byzantines made an alliance with Kievan Rus, which led to greater cooperation between the two empires.


40) What two missionaries were responsible for the creation of a written script for Slavic language? A) Basil and John Chrysostom B) Cyril and Methodius C) Constans and Mnemosyne D) John and Matthew E) Nicholas and Alexander


42) Which of the following regions eventually converted to Orthodox Christianity? A) Poland B) Russia C) Hungary D) Czech territory E) Slovak territory


46) Why did Vladimir I prefer Orthodox Christianity to Roman Catholicism? A) He preferred to avoid the pitfalls of the veneration of icons. B) He believed that Roman Catholicism implied papal interference, while Orthodoxy embraced the control of the church by the state. C) He was not familiar with Roman Catholicism, because the Western form of Christianity had not penetrated into eastern Europe. D) He did not believe in clerical celibacy, which was required of the Roman Catholic priesthood. E) He rejected the Roman Catholics' emphasis on the sacraments and the use of the trinity.


47) Which of the Kievan princes issued a formal legal code? A) Rurik B) Yaroslav C) Vladimir D) Boris E) Michael


49) What group of peoples was responsible for the conquest of Kievan Russia after 1236? A) Huns B) Mongols (Tatars) C) Ottoman Turks D) Seljuk Turks E) Safavid Persians


1) Which of the following is most correctly seen as a direct continuation of the Roman Empire? A) Frankish Empire B) Ottoman Empire C) Byzantine Empire D) Abbasid Empire E) Holy Roman Empire


10) What was the difference in the military organization of Byzantine and western Roman empires? A) The western Roman Empire depended on citizen soldiers until the 5th century. B) The Byzantine Empire recruited armies from the Middle East. C) The Byzantine Empire recruited barbarians almost exclusively while the Roman Empire of the West depended on Islamic mercenaries. D) The Byzantine Empire depended on the strength of Constantinople's walls and did not recruit an army. E) The Byzantine Empire gave higher status to the infantry than the West did.


11) What was the great church built in Constantinople by Justinian? A) St. Peter's B) The Cathedral of St. Dimitri C) Hagia Sophia D) Sts. Cyril and Methodius E) St. Basil


15) Which of the following was NOT one of Justinian's positive contributions to the Byzantine Empire? A) The rebuilding of Constantinople B) Systematizing of the Roman legal code C) The reconquest of Gaul D) The construction of Hagia Sophia E) Allowing for new architectural innovations


24) What emperor became renowned in the 11th century as the slayer of the Bulgars by defeating the Bulgarian kingdom and restoring Byzantine rule in the Balkans? A) Justinian B) Anastasius C) Basil II D) Michael III E) Ivan IV


27) Which of the following statements concerning Byzantine military organization is most accurate? A) Byzantine soldiers were recruited almost exclusively from peoples outside the empire. B) The Byzantine Empire emulated the later Arabic empires by making use of slave armies as a basis for the military force. C) The Byzantine Empire recruited troops within the empire by granting heritable land in return for military service. D) Military command within the Byzantine Empire remained in the hands of the traditional aristocracy who lived in Constantinople. E) No outsiders were ever recruited by the Byzantine military but there was wide usage of eunuchs.


28) Which of the following statements concerning urbanization within the Byzantine Empire is most correct? A) Constantinople controlled the economy and grew to enormous size, but other cities were relatively small. B) Constantinople began to decline in population in the later years of the Byzantine Empire and was surpassed by the growth of other urban centers. C) Like China, the Byzantine Empire was heavily urbanized with many cities numbering more than 100,000. D) Most people in the Byzantine Empire lived in five great cities: Constantinople, Nicaea, Smyrna, Rome, and Athens. E) Constantinople was never a center of trade, but dominated the empire culturally.


29) What were the primary exports of the Byzantine Empire? A) Food products B) Raw materials, such as metal ores from Asia Minor C) Luxury products, such as silk, cloth, and carpets D) Fish products E) Cash crops, such as cotton and indigo


3) Which of the following territories was always part of the Byzantine Empire? A) Parts of the Italian peninsula B) Frankish territory C) Balkan Peninsula D) Parts of the Iberian peninsula E) Arabian peninsula


32) Which of the following was NOT strength of Byzantine cultural life? A) Domed buildings adapted from the Roman style of architecture B) Richly colored mosaics C) Innovative literary forms D) Painted icons E) A certain amount of diversity


33) The name normally given to the form of Christianity that emerged in the Byzantine Empire was A) Roman Catholicism. B) Nestorianism. C) Orthodox Christianity. D) Russian Orthodox. E) Coptic Christianity.


34) Which of the following describes a key difference between art in western and eastern Christianity? A) Art in the Roman church depicts the image of Christ, while Orthodox art does not. B) Art in the Roman church depicts only a triumphant Christ, while Orthodox art only depicts Christ's crucifixion. C) Art in the Roman church emphasizes Christ's suffering, while Orthodox art emphasizes Christ's majesty. D) Art in the Roman church depicts figures from the gospels, while Orthodox art depicts only figures from the Old Testament. E) Art in the Roman church depicts Christ and the saints, while Orthodox art portrays only believers


35) What was NOT an art form utilized in Byzantine culture? A) Domed buildings B) Mosaic forms of religious painting C) Pyramid style tombs D) Secular tradition of hellenism E) Icon paintings


38) What was the outcome of the Western crusade of 1204? A) The crusaders succeeded in temporarily pushing back the Turks and restoring the Asiatic provinces of the Byzantine Empire. B) The Crusade succeeded in establishing a Western kingdom in the Holy Land, but failed to relieve the Asiatic provinces of the Byzantine Empire. C) The crusaders attacked and conquered Constantinople, temporarily establishing a Western kingdom there. D) The Crusade resulted in the establishment of a Western kingdom of Bulgaria in the Balkans. E) A new Christian kingdom was established in Jerusalem under the leadership of King Richard.


39) In what year did the Ottoman Turks successfully capture Constantinople and bring the Byzantine Empire to a close? A) 1071 B) 1326 C) 1453 D) 1501 E) 1492


41) The Slavic alphabet created by Orthodox missionaries to the Slavs is called A) Kievan. B) Constantinapolitan. C) Cyrillic. D) Russo-Slavic. E) Sanskrit.


45) Which of the following practices was NOT adopted as a feature of the Russian Orthodox church? A) Veneration of icons B) An active monastic movement C) Clerical celibacy D) Emphasis on almsgiving E) Use of monogamy


5) What was the most important "stepchild" of the Byzantine civilization? A) Italy B) Bulgaria C) Russia D) Poland E) Greece


50) Which of the following statements concerning the Tatar invasion of Russia is most accurate? A) Tatar control of Russia lasted for four decades. B) The Tatars used Russia as a springboard for their successful invasion of western Europe. C) Tatar supervision did not destroy Russian Christianity or a native Russian aristocracy. D) The Tatars rapidly devised a closely supervised local administration for the Russian cities. E) Russia became a Mongol possession permanently.


7) Which of the following does NOT represent a similarity between the spread of civilization in eastern and western Europe? A) Civilization spread northward from a Mediterranean base. B) Animism gave way to monotheism. C) Northern kingdoms dominated both areas. D) In both cases newly civilized areas looked back to the Greco-Roman past. E) Christianity was spread in both cases.


8) The capital of the Byzantine Empire and its commercial center was located at A) Rome. B) Nicaea. C) Constantinople. D) Baghdad. E) Athens


12) After the reign of Justinian, what was the official language of the eastern empire? A) Latin B) Persian C) Arabic D) Greek E) Aramaic


16) The former courtesan who was Justinian's wife and advisor was A) Sophia. B) Syria C) Zöe. D) Theodora. E) Roxanne.


19) The Slavic kingdom that attacked Byzantine territory in the Balkans after the 8th century C.E. was A) Russia. B) Hungary. C) Anatolia D) Bulgaria. E) Serbia.


20) After the 7th century, what group posed the greatest threat to the eastern frontiers of the Byzantine Empire? A) The Sassanid Persians B) The Germans C) The Huns D) The Arab Muslims E) The Russian Empire


25) In which of the following ways were the Byzantine bureaucracy and the Chinese bureaucracy similar? A) There was an extensive state exam system in both. B) Emperors played little role in either government. C) There was no linkage of the bureaucracies to local administration. D) Both bureaucracies were open to talented commoners, not just aristocrats. E) They were driven by the authority of the religious authorities.


26) Which of the following statements concerning the Byzantine bureaucracy is NOT accurate? A) Many of the officials closest to the emperor were eunuchs. B) Aristocrats predominated, but there was some openness to talent. C) An elaborate system of spies maintained loyalty to the central government. D) Bureaucrats had limited education and ability. E) Provincial governors kept tabs on the military.


30) Which of the following statements concerning the merchant class of the Byzantine Empire is most accurate? A) Because of its lack of export products, Byzantine commerce was controlled completely by foreign merchants. B) Byzantine merchants, because of their wealth, rapidly became the most powerful force in the government of Constantinople and the empire. C) The Byzantine merchant class never recovered from the loss of territories to the Muslims and was not a significant factor within the empire. D) There was a large and wealthy merchant class in the Byzantine Empire, but it never gained significant political power because of the elaborate network of government controls. E) By comparison to western Europe, the merchant class was relatively small but was very influential in Byzantine political circles.


31) Byzantine cultural life centered on the secular traditions of A) Islam. B) Confucianism. C) ancient Egypt. D) Hellenism. E) Norse legends.


36) Which of the following issues was a cause for the split between the Roman Catholic and Orthodox churches after 1054? A) The Orthodox church's lack of bishops B) The insistence of the patriarch of Constantinople on supremacy within church councils C) The absence of monasticism in Roman Catholicism D) The Roman Catholic practice of requiring celibacy for its priests E) Polygamy among Orthodox priests


37) In the 11th century, what group of people seized most of the Asiatic provinces of the Byzantine Empire? A) The Huns B) The Mongols C) The Ottoman Turks D) The Seljuk Turks E) The Mamluks


4) The significance of the Byzantine Empire included all of the following EXCEPT A) the empire's ability to survive for almost a thousand years. B) the importance of the empire's capital at Constantinople as a major urban center. C) the ability of the empire to spread its cultural and political influence to the Balkans and southern Russia. D) the empire's conquest of the Ottoman Empire and its inclusion of all of the Middle East. E) its development of Orthodox Christianity, which broke off from Rome in 1054.


44) The first king of Kievan Russia was A) Yaroslav. B) Vladimir I. C) Basil I D) Rurik. E) Ivan I.


48) What was the extent of western European influence in Kievan Russia? A) Despite the adoption of Orthodox Christianity, most of the ecclesiastical influences were Roman Catholic. B) There was direct Western influence in Russia in both music and art forms. C) Like western Europe, Russia also moved away from the popular veneration of icons and representational images. D) Russia's religious culture and social and economic patterns developed separately from western Europe's. E) Russia borrowed many customs and artistic forms from both Rome and the Byzantines.


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