Chapter 9. Section 1. Jefferson Takes Office

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Shot and killed Alexander Hamilton in a duel. Jefferson and Aaron Burr tied in the voting for The Presidency. The House of representatives had to break the tie and decide the election (they decided in Jefferson's favor, obviously).


1. He fired all the tax collectors. (He really believed there were too many people in the government). 2. He shrunk the military. (He believed the federal government was spending too much money. He cut the army's budget in half. 3. He eliminated all federal taxes. (He believed the government could raise money by placing a tariff on all imported goods). 4. Reduced overall spending by the federal government.

What did Thomas Jefferson do differently at his inauguration and what statement was he trying to make by doing this?

He walked to his inauguration instead of riding in a fancy carriage. Why? To show that he was less aristocratic... to show that he was a "man of the people." In this way, his inauguration was Jefferson's first attempt to bring a divided nation (federalist vs. republican) together.

Judicial Review

JUDICIAL REVIEW means that the court can review a law or a regulation or a treaty and determine if it is valid or if it goes against the rules set up in the constitution. Is it Constitutional or Unconstitutional. Judicial review is the most important power of the Supreme Court. It allows the court to determine the constitutionality of laws. And it gives authority to the Supreme Court to strike down unconstitutional laws Because of Judicial Review the Supreme Court is an equal branch of government because the court answers to the Constitution not the Congress or President. In the US we have 3 equal branches of government 1) Legislative Branch (Congress) 2)Judicial (The Courts and Judges) 3) Executive (The President)

What is the most important Power of the Supreme Court?


Be able to explain LAISSEZ FAIR.

LAISSEZ FAIR is an economic term or idea which suggests that the government should not interfere in the economy. LAISSEZ FAIR means "to let alone or let do" in French. It is understood to mean "Hands Off." Leaders who believe in a LAISSEZ FAIR approach to government favor fewer laws (especially laws that affect businesses and commerce). If you believe in a LAISSEZ FAIR approach to something, you believe in fewere rules and regulations... and favor a "hands off" approach.

What was Jefferson's first goal as President? Why did he call his election "The Revolution of 1800."

Remember, Jefferson was the first President who wasn't a Federalist. So, Jefferson's first goal as President was to limit the power of the federal government created by The Federalists. He even called his election "The Revolution of 1800" because he planned to reverse many policies of the current government. Jefferson believed that under The Federalist philosophy (guided by George Washington and John Adams and Alexander Hamilton) the government was too involved in the economic affairs of ordinary people. He believed in an idea known as LAISSEZ FAIRE, which suggests that the government should not interfere in the economy. LAISSEZ FAIR means "to let alone or let do" in French. It is understood to mean "Hands Off."

Be able to explain CHEIF JUSTICE JOHN MARSHALL'S ruling against The JUDICIARY ACT.

SHORT ANSWER: it established JUDICIAL REVIEW, the most important power of the Supreme Court. Marshall's ruling showed that Congress could not tell The Courts what to do. That the Courts answered to the constitution not Congress. Many believe this ruling led John Marshall to be responsible for making the Supreme Court into a co-equal branch of government.

john marshall

Supreme Court Justice appointed by John Adams. His writings helped lay the basis for US Constitutional Law. Many believe he is responsible for making the Supreme Court into a co-equal branch of government. Known for his ruling on Judicial Review (which allows the Supreme Court to be an equal branch of government because the court answers to the Constitution not the Congress or President).


Wrote the declaration of independence; 3rd president of the US. Believed the majority must make the rules. Wanted to be a Man of The People. Called his election to the Presidency "The Revolution of 1800" because he planned to reverse so many Federalist Policies.

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