Chapter 9- Tools for Healthy Eating

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b- 250 calories e- Carbohydrate f- Protein

A healthy balanced snack consists of (choose all that apply): a 500 calories or more b 250 calories c 100 calories or less d Fat e Carbohydrate f Protein g Less than 10 grams of fat

a- One that encourages eating whole foods like fruit and vegetables d- One that discourages dairy¸ meat¸ eggs and refined and processed foods

A plant-based diet is (select all that apply): a One that encourages eating whole foods like fruit and vegetables b One that encourages eating whole foods like vegetables and lean proteins c One that encourages eating dairy and meat d One that discourages dairy¸ meat¸ eggs and refined and processed foods

a- Gains awareness of how they can make choices that support health and well being. c- Acknowledges that there is no right or wrong way to eat but varying degrees of awareness surrounding the experience of food. e- A person who by choice directs their attention to eating on a moment-by-moment basis.

According to the Center of Mindful Eating Website, someone who eats mindfully does the following things: a Gains awareness of how they can make choices that support health and well being. b Acknowledging responses to pleasure and food with judgment. c Acknowledges that there is no right or wrong way to eat but varying degrees of awareness surrounding the experience of food. d Using all your eyes only in choosing to eat food that is both satisfying to you and your mind.. e A person who by choice directs their attention to eating on a moment-by-moment basis.

a- A lot of risks c- Lack sufficient calories and balanced nutrition d- No proof they work f- Quick fixes are not the answer g- They are often expensive

According to the Detox article, which of the following are identified problems with a detox diet? Select all that apply. a A lot of risks b Lack fiber c Lack sufficient calories and balanced nutrition d No proof they work e Quick fixes are effective long term solutions f Quick fixes are not the answer g They are often expensive

a- Eat around 1.5-2 hours after waking up c- Eat smaller meals or snacks

Mia doesn't like eating in the morning because it makes her feel sick. Which of the following strategies could Mia try to incorporate some food into her morning? Select all that apply. a Eat around 1.5-2 hours after waking up b Focus on water for breakfast c Eat smaller meals or snacks d Drink black coffee or tea e Eat eggs¸ bacon¸ and hashbrowns each morning

b- ½ cup of cooked vegetables d- 1 cup of leafy greens f- 1 medium-sized fruit

Choose all that apply: One serving of fruits or vegetables are equivalent to (select all that apply): a 1 cup of cooked vegetables b ½ cup of cooked vegetables c ½ cup of leafy greens d 1 cup of leafy greens e ½ cup of fruit f 1 medium-sized fruit

a- Chicken b- Turkey d- Roast beef

Deli meats that are good sources of lean protein are (select all that apply): a Chicken b Turkey c Ham d Roast beef e Salami

d- 9-11am on weekdays and 12-2pm on weekends

Ethan wakes up at 9am each weekday and noon on the weekends. His morning meals should be within which time frame? a By noon every day b 10am- 12pm on weekdays and 1-4pm on weekends c 11am-12pm on weekdays and 12-1pm on weekends d 9-11am on weekdays and 12-2pm on weekends e Breakfast is not important for Ethan

c- Appetite

Gina is ready for lunch. She walks by a restaurant and, after smelling their food, decides to go in and get fried chicken. Gina's food selection decision was based on: Select an answer and submit. a Energy Density b Hunger c Appetite d Satiety e Nutrient Density

a- Less than 10 grams

How many grams of added sugar per serving do you want to look for on the nutrition facts panel when buying cereal? a Less than 10 grams b Less than 15 grams c Less than 20 grams d Less than 25 grams e Less than 30 grams

b- Only nuts and salt d- Trans fat free

In choosing a nut butter (like peanut, almond, or cashew butter), which of the following should you look for on the label (select all that apply)? a Trans fat b Only nuts and salt c Saturated fat levels d Trans fat free e Crunchy and smooth

d- 10; sugar

In choosing yogurts, you should look for less than ______________ grams of ______________ per serving. Select an answer and submit. a 15; fat b 5; sodium c 3; calcium d 10; sugar e 20; saturated fat

c- Helps supplement foods we missed in our meals.

Snacking: a Is a habit we should avoid. b Is beneficial to our bodies regardless of the snacks we choose to consume. c Helps supplement foods we missed in our meals. d Should replace our meals so we eat little bits throughout the day. e Helps if we eat in response to our appetite cues.

a- See it before you eat it. b- Put food into a bowl instead of eating out of a bag d- Move food farther away or put food out of sight g- Eat with your stomach¸ not with your eyes

Some practical strategies to reduce mindless eating would be (select all that apply): a See it before you eat it. b Put food into a bowl instead of eating out of a bag c Eat while watching Netflix d Move food farther away or put food out of sight e Eat from a large plate or bowl f Eat family style meals g Eat with your stomach¸ not with your eyes

a- Added sugars

The most prominent type of sugars consumed in the U.S. diet are from: a Added sugars b Fruits c Veggies d Glucose e Agave nectar

c- Show the desensitization of certain flavors when consumed regularly and therefore we need stronger tastes

The purpose of "salt water followed by fresh water" experiment was to: Select an answer and submit. a Demonstrate the hydration of the taste buds to allow for optimal tasting potential in four types of taste buds flavor areas b Identify which taste buds are more prone to salty flavors on the tongue verses sweet, bitter, and sour flavors c Show the desensitization of certain flavors when consumed regularly and therefore we need stronger tastes d Practice retraining your taste buds to enjoy salty flavors in our food and beverages

a- Eat a balanced diet c- Stay hydrated d- Cook

What are some practical strategies to feel better as stated in the article? Select all that apply. a Eat a balanced diet b Eat a quality plant-based diet c Stay hydrated d Cook e Eat out only once a week f Include refined grains in your diet

b- Pick the leanest cut of meat that you can afford.

What is a good general rule for picking out meat? Select an answer and submit. a Find steak with good marbling. b Pick the leanest cut of meat that you can afford. c Eat only red meat once a week. d Pick poultry with skin on. e One serving of meat is the size of your whole hand.

b- More likely to pay attention to cravings

What was the reason given for not grocery shopping while hungry? a To allow for impulse buying b More likely to pay attention to cravings c Less motivation for health food purchasing d To avoid snacking e More likely to sneak food from the bulk food bins

e- 3-5 grams in whole fruits and 1-2 grams in juices.

When you compare the fiber content in whole fruits vs 100% fruit juices, what are the fiber contents (per serving)? a 5-6 grams in whole fruits and 3-4 grams in juices b 6-8 grams in whole fruits and 1-2 grams in juices c 2-3 grams in whole fruits and 3-4 grams in juices d 1-2 grams in whole fruits and 3-5 grams in juices e 3-5 grams in whole fruits and 1-2 grams in juices.

c- Lack of patient educational resources

Why are physicians NOT prescribing a plant-based diet to patients? a Could work too well b Could get them off their medications c Lack of patient educational resources d Too difficult for doctors to prescribe e Further research is needed

a- Calcium b- Protein e- Vitamin D

airy or dairy alternatives provide which of the following nutrients? Select all that apply. a Calcium b Protein c Carbohydrates d Potassium e Vitamin D

a- Less than 10 grams of sugar c- Whole grains d- 200 calories or less e- 2-3 grams of fiber

based on your reading and/or the video, granola bars can be considered healthy snacks if they have which of the following (select all that apply)? a Less than 10 grams of sugar b Dried fruit like raisins or dates c Whole grains d 200 calories or less e 2-3 grams of fiber f Chocolate chips

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