Chapter one quiz

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John Locke's views on government are expressed in

Two Treatises on Government.

Anarchism is the political opposite of​


A libertarian is likely to believe

All of these choices are true.

Liberals are more likely to favor generous government support for

All of these choices are true.

__________ value both equality and order more than freedom, and its members support both affirmative action and laws that restrict pornography.


The government's role in redistributing income to promote economic equality has been a major source of debate in the United States ever since

Great Depression

Which of the following philosophers is usually associated with socialism?

Karl Marx

Who said that the ultimate principle of the state should be, "from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs"?

Karl Marx

Two nations with deep ties to the principle of communism that have moved in the direction of more private property are

Russia and China.

Democratic governments that have in the decades since World War II been, at times, avowedly socialist include

Sweden and Germany

An example of a government policy that promotes social equality without redistributing income is

Vermont's civil unions.

​National sovereignty is defined as

a political entity's externally recognized right to exercise final authority over its affairs

Thomas Hobbes's ideal form of government was

a single ruler with unquestioned authority.

​Critics charged that Lyndon Johnson's "war on poverty" had failed because

about 15 percent of families were still living in poverty.

​One example of government focus on equality of outcome is

affirmative action programs.

Although globalization can threaten national security, this can create desirable outcomes, as shown by the international community's attempt to force Bashar al-Assad to surrender Syria's ​

chemical weapons.

​Documents leaked by Edward Snowden showed that the National Security Agency had

collected data on domestic phone conversations of ordinary Americans.

Americans are likely to think of freedom and equality as​


Capitalism is best described as a(n)

economic system in which production and property are privately owned, with a minimum of government interference.

When one person has the same chance to succeed in life as another, this is called

equality of opportunity.

If universities increase funding for women's sports so that they receive comparable funding to men's, that is an example of

equality of outcome.

Social order is usually defined as

established patterns of authority and traditional modes of behavior.

Conservatives strongly favor

firm police action and swift punishment for criminals, traditional patterns of social relations, and less government regulation of business.

During the 1990s, Congress prohibited private businesses from discriminating in employment, public services, and public accommodations on the basis of physical or mental disabilities. This act creates a clash between

freedom and equality.

Communist regimes that gave their police great powers to arrest and imprison suspicious people raised a conflict between

freedom and order.

Franklin Roosevelt's four freedoms included all of the following except

freedom from inequality.

When the authors say that we live in an era of "globalization," they mean that citizens and nations are increasingly


The national government under the U.S. Constitution

lacks a general police power.

​As derived from John Locke's philosophy, the doctrine of liberalism holds that government should

leave citizens free to further their individual pursuits.

The broad, basic definition of government given by the text is

legitimate use of force within specified geographic boundaries to control human behavior.

An American, who supports the creation of election districts that are likely to vote for minority candidates for public office and wants more restrictions on business owners' hiring decisions, is likely to be a


According to your text, the difference between libertarianism and John Locke-inspired liberalism is

libertarianism puts a greater emphasis on individual freedom.

Globalization can be seen as a threat to

national sovereignty

In general, libertarianism

opposes all government action except that which protects life and property.

According to Thomas Hobbes, author of Leviathan, the proper objective of government is to ensure


Using a two-dimensional model of political ideology, conservatives are more likely to support

order over freedom and freedom over equality.

Each citizen having one vote demonstrates

political equality.

A consistent set of values and beliefs about the proper purpose and scope of government is a(n)

political ideology.

According to the text, the concept of order encompasses

preserving life, protecting property and maintaining patterns of social relationships

Services that benefit all citizens and are not likely to be produced by the voluntary acts of individuals are known as

public goods.

Although the United States is a capitalist country, the government does intervene in the economic arena, primarily through

regulating private businesses.

Western Europe's experience with democratic socialism demonstrates that

socialism can be practiced along with personal freedoms and democratic participation.

A person who favors government ownership of some basic industries and a strong government role in directing the economy would best be labeled a


The state of nature refers to

society without government.

A government pursuing laissez-faire policies would

take a hands-off attitude toward the economy.

Anarchists have gained some visibility in recent years as a result of protests related to

the World Trade Organization.

The national government can act on individuals if​

the action is based on a constitutionally delegated power.

The broad, basic definition of politics given by the text is

the authoritative allocation of values for a society.

​Since 1964, government policies intended to help families have most clearly benefited

the wealthy

Compared to citizens in other nations, Americans are more likely to

value freedom of speech more than order.

​Desire to avoid potential foreign prosecution of its soldiers and desire to continue practicing the death penalty led the United States in 2002 to

withdraw from the 1998 treaty creating an International Criminal Court.

Protection of private property is not a valid objective of government according to​

​Karl Marx

Which political philosopher expressed the sentiment that life in a state of nature would be "solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short?"

​Thomas Hobbes

According to the text, politicians openly call for more order ____________.

​during times of social strife

All but which one of the following are collectively called "civil liberties?"​

​freedom of education

Most governments at least claim to __________ while they maintain order.​

​preserve individual freedom

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