Chapter Tests

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People who have a clear idea of what they want to do and then do it are considered which of the following?


Which of the following are the five main characteristics of a vision?

picture, change, values, map, and challenge

Those who research destructive leadership seek to understand ______.

what it is why it happens what to do about it

Warren Buffett possesses three main strengths he believes made him successful. These include ______.

patience practicality trustfulness

Over time, the members of an organization have developed ______ as a result of coping with the organization's challenges and coordinating resolutions that work for them.


Through effective ______, people can successfully resolve conflicts and create positive change.


Leadership is a(n) ______ process.


Match the example leader statement with the correct key component of the inclusion experience.

"I make others feel like part of the team": feeling involved engaged "I treat others the way I want them to treat me": feeling respected and valued "I let others know they can be open with the group": feeling authentic and whole "I listen to others' perspectives": feeling influential

In the text, Coach Chris Jones was able to grow his football program by creating a vision based on what?

his values

How does a leader achieve a vision? Place the following steps in the proper order.

1. clearly articulate the vision and adapt to the values of the audience 2. highlight the values of the vision 3. use motivating and uplifting language to communicate the vision 4. use inclusive language when describing the vision

______ used his dynamic personality to bring harm to others.

Adolf Hilter

Sandra is 65 years old. Her husband has passed away unexpectedly and she needs to find employment to supplement the income she currently receives. What law protects Sandra from being discriminated against by prospective employers because of her age?

Age Discrimination Act

Mentoring programs such as ______ must find ways to assign children mentors based on the values they stress when the demand is higher than supply.

Big Brothers Big Sisters

The communication approach of face saving is similar in nature to Principle 1 (separating people from the problem) in what way?

Conflict participants should stay focused on the content issues and not challenge the other person's self-image.

______ is the second step to incorporate strengths into your work and life.

Developing your strengths

______ is a process that can cause small and rapidly growing organizations to forgo clear rules that prevent abuses of power.


Why is Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech considered visionary?

It was inspiring and described a future worth striving for.

Founded by Bill Gates, ______ is one of the fastest growing companies in the world.


Who developed the Inclusion Framework?

Shore et al.

______ are among the six core universal values in the VIA Classification.

Temperance Humanity Courage

______ enforces transparency among corporations, preventing the likelihood of leaders who abuse power.

The Sarbanes-Osley Act

Match the following global figures with their accomplishments.

commander in chief of the Continental Army: George Washington a self-made man who invented Microsoft: Bill Gates founder of the Missionaries of Charity: Mother Teresa a loner in regular society: Winston Churchill

______ are less visible, and they help one meet his or her goals.

Unrealized strengths

______ are assessment tools used to identify strengths.

Values in Action Inventory of Strengths StrengthsFinder 2.0 CAPP R2 Strengths Profiler

Which characteristic of a vision moves an organization or system toward a more positive future?

a change

What positive organizational outcomes may occur as a result of diversity?

a decrease in groupthink an increase in productivity an increase in quality and creativity decisions

While establishing norms may seem ______ and building cohesion may be ______, rewarding results is ______.

abstract; challenging; straightforward

A youth sports coach who rewards excellent athletic performance with stickers is using which type of leadership style?


How can a leader define the path to a goal for followers?

adapting directions for individuals giving clear directions

Out-groups may feel ______.

alienated unaccepted discriminated against

Julia is a department chair at a small university. She has developed a vision for her department that will improve a long-standing problem and hopefully attract more students to the majors offered by her area. Julia is scheduled to meet with her dean tomorrow where she will explain and describe her vision. She is nervous but excited to share her ideas. She is preparing to do which of the following?

articulate a vision

Helen was having a minor conflict with a coworker. She went to her supervisor and tried to explain the problem, but he downplayed the situation and changed the topic. Helen left his office with nothing accomplished and feeling even more frustrated. What approach to conflict is Helen's supervisor using?


The four factors a leader should consider in creating a constructive atmosphere include ______.

building cohesiveness clarifying norms providing structure

Which of the following are true of a leadership vision?

challenges people to strive for a higher standard of excellence offers a picture of a better future provides a guiding philosophy

When goals are vague or unclear, a leader should do which of the following?

clarify them

Micah and a coworker have both submitted requests to attend an upcoming professional development conference. The budget cannot fund both employees, and there is conflict over who should attend the conference. Micah's supervisor finds a different, but similar conference that both Micah and his coworker could attend instead, so they both agreed. Neither Micah nor his coworker got what they really wanted, but they were somewhat satisfied with the outcome. This describes which conflict style?


A patterned response or behavior that people use when approaching conflict can be called ______.

conflict style

Collaboration is the most difficult conflict style to achieve because it requires energy, hard work, and shared ______.


Which of the following are common causes of relational conflicts?

control esteem affiliation

Brewer found that people have two opposing needs regarding being part of a group: a need to assimilate and a need to ______.


Mark is hired as part of a diversity initiative at his company. He fluently speaks the same language as a quickly growing percentage of the people the company services. However, when decisions are being made regarding these customers, Mark is never included or even asked for input. His coworkers do not make any efforts to reach out to him. As a result, Mark does not feel like he is really part of the organization, they just value his ability to speak a different language. What is this an example of?


How might a leader highlight the values of their vision?

emphasizing the ideals of the vision

Ellen has worked at her company for many years; however, she does not feel a part of the group. She feels her manager and coworkers do not appreciate her and leave her out most of the time. She feels like she does not belong, and in turn, she comes to work and only does the minimum she needs to do to get by. Ellen belongs to which quadrant of the Inclusion Framework?

exclusion quadrant

Out-groups take away from the synergy of the larger group because their unique contributions are not ______ for the common good.

expressed discussed utilized

A syllabus marks the way members of a team perceive an organization.


All cultures celebrate individualism.


Bribery is one of the Six Pillars of Character.


Checks and balances do not require leaders to share power.


Constructive feedback is mean-spirited and paternalistic.


Hindering group norms enables a leader to maximize performance within a team.


Implementing a vision is a quick and easy process for effective leaders.


It is not possible to change leadership from destructive to constructive.


Leaders do not have to concern themselves with the common good.


Many traits contribute to the success of a leader, but if one does not exhibit intelligence, confidence, charisma, determination, sociability, and integrity, they will not be effective leaders. True


Mother Theresa was quite sophisticated, required much, and always owned more than those she served.


Out-groups feel connected to the ideas of the group and are working toward the goals of the larger group.


Productive leaders may have harmful behaviors that adversely affect group members as well as the organization.


Prudence is necessary of all effective leaders; a leader must always prudently explain the reality of a situation.


Relational conflicts over esteem, control, or affiliation are overt.


StrengthsFinder is a self-assessment questionnaire based on cognitive psychology that analyzes people's personalities.


The comfortable background in which LeBron James was raised contributed to his motivation to help underresourced communities.


The need for affiliation in a group does not contribute to destructive leadership because the goal for the individual is to belong not to fulfill or follow the goals of the leader.


There is no need to be ethical in society today.


Unconscious bias cannot be changed.


When a leader allows an out-group member to have a voice, she or he puts the out-group member at a disadvantage to the majority.


When being diplomatic, a leader can simply expect the same sorts of behaviors that he or she has come to know in his or her own culture.


Which of the following can be considered disadvantages of cohesive groups?

fear of "rocking the boat" being closed off and not open to outside ideas the value of unanimity

The need to ______ is a factor that helps one understand why basic human needs make people susceptible to bad leadership.

feel chosen by be secure and certain assure authority figures

As the result of recent events involving scandals, the public is desperately searching ______.

for ethical leaders for moral leadership

Over 2,000 years ago, Aristotle was arguing that a moral person demonstrates virtues of ______.

generosity self-control modesty

Ashley is a new employee in a sales department. She wants to show her supervisor her commitment to the job and sets a very high goal for herself. Ashley's supervisor knows that this goal is unrealistic and unattainable. What should the supervisor's next steps be?

help Ashley set a realistic goal

Path-goal leadership theory is attributed to which of the following researchers?


John's company transfers him to a branch in a new city and state. John's new coworkers are welcoming; they seem interested in him and ask for his opinions and suggestions. Although they are actively reaching out to John, they still give him personal space to adjust. What is this an example of?

interpersonal inclusion

Dishonesty affects a leader's ______.

interpersonal relationships

When found in combination, these characteristics make good thinkers and good leaders.

language perception reasoning

Power differences have been shown to be present in the fields of ______.

law emergency medical response technology

Match the leadership action with the correct key component of the inclusion experience.

leaders share information freely and treat followers like insiders: feeling involved and engaged followers are able to participate in decisions and they feel their ideas are heard: feeling influential individuals know they will not be hurt, ridiculed, or criticized for expressing ideas that differ from those of others Select option feeling safe feeling involved and engaged feeling authentic and whole feeling influential: feeling safe individuals feel free to be honest and transparent: feeling authentic and whole

______ out-group members can be one of the most challenging aspects of being a leader.

listening to responding to

Labeling different group members as ______ will prevent the idea from being eradicated from other group members' minds.

militant lazy uneducated

Ethical leadership strives to make the world ______.

more humane fairer better

Challenges are always present so leaders should help followers overcome ______.


"How can I help you?" is an attempt by a leader to do which of the following?

offer support to followers determine how to adapt their behavior to help followers communicate with followers

Which of the following are examples of inclusive language?

our we

When out-groups exist, they negatively impact ______.

out-groups themselves the community group synergy

Which of the following terms describes the idea that people of all races, classes, religions, and backgrounds can coexist in one society or community without relinquishing their individual identities, customs or traditions?


Strengths can include ______.

problem-solving communication time management

When conflict arises between people regarding how to reach a particular goal, it is referred to as ______.

procedural conflict

A constructive atmosphere refers to a person's feelings and general thoughts about the ______ of a group.

procedures activities assumptions

Strengths can be used to make organizations more ______.

productive efficient satisfied

Match the following statements with the law they describe.

prohibited unfairness in employment based on race, sex, national origin, religion, and color: Civil rights act protected workers over 40 years of age from being discriminated against at work because of their age Select option Executive Orders Civil Rights Act Equal Pay Act Age Discrimination Act: Age discrimination act required organizations that accepted federal funds to submit affirmative action plans that demonstrated their progress in hiring and promoting groups of people who had been discriminated against previously Select option Executive Orders Civil Rights Act Equal Pay Act Age Discrimination Act: Executive orders required that women and men must receive equal pay for equal work: Equal pay act

Max is a college student who spent more time partying than studying. As a result, he has failed his latest semester of courses. It will now take him longer to graduate because he will have to repeat the courses that he failed. He wants to improve his grades, but he is completely unmotivated. This is an example of what kind of obstacle?


Valerie has been assigned to work on a group project with several coworkers. She knows she has the skills and experience to add to the project, but she still feels unsure of herself and is anxious about working with a group. Valerie's feelings are an obstacle to her performance based on which of the following issues?


Followers need to be able to address ______ that cause them distress and desire to be taken care of by others.

psychological factors

A board of directors is best when its members are not ______ the CEO.

recruited by

Your new coworker describes your new supervisor to in you a harsh way. She says she's had many disagreements with him, and chalks it up to a "personality clash." What kind of conflict does this describe?

relational conflict

When choosing goals, a leader must assess the ______ of his or her goals.

relative value

Collaboration is the most preferred conflict style for which of the following reasons?

requires assertiveness and cooperation produces a solution where all parties are reasonably satisfied is a process that takes everyone's needs and concerns into account

Empowering an out-group member means that that individual is more ______.

responsible involved independent

In which of the following ways can a leader help others see the value in their work performance?

rewards positive feedback awards

When leaders begin the implementation phase of a vision, they must do which of the following?

set high performance expectations motivate followers set worthwhile goals

A "people person" is someone who is ______.


Leaders face a challenge of identifying ______ of their own and of others.


______ helps team members understand their roles and where they fit in.


"You've already learned so much, Agnes, despite this minor setback. You are going to figure this out" is an example of ______.


The toxic triangle consists of ______.

susceptible followers destructive leaders coercive environments

An obstacle can be physical, psychological, or ______ related.


Match the statement with the correct quadrant of the Inclusion Framework.

the individual feels like an insider, but only if they conform: assimilation the individual feels like an outsider and is not valued: exclusion the individual feels like an outsider, but their unique skills/characteristics make them valuable: differentiation the individual feels like an insider and feels valuable: inclusion

According to the Leadership Practice Inventory created by Kouzes and Posner, which of the following was identified as one of the five exemplary leadership practices?


One reason why leadership may overlook followers' strengths is because ______.

work situations may not make it easy to reveal them openly

When leaders implement a vision, why might they set challenging goals for followers?

to motivate followers to accomplish a mission

Sharing one's traits allows him or her to appear more ______ to others.


"Keep the quality up" is an example of a slogan that exhibits standards of excellence.


A McKinsey study found that organizations with diverse leadership teams performed better financially.


A person's need for control may vary.


A teacher giving her students a detailed rubric along with their assignment is an example of setting clear goals.


According to LMX theory, individuals become part of an in-group or out-group based on how well they work with a leader and how well the leader works in reciprocity.


Asking a person what attributes impacted a successful time in his or her life is a good way to discover strengths.


Boundaries between in-groups and out-groups are permeable.


Conflicts can produce positive change.


Destructive leadership is "the dark side of leadership."


Developing one's strengths is a process involving many steps.


Different rules of conduct enable different cultures and countries to behave in ways that another culture and country may deem inappropriate or unethical.


Esteem refers to an individual's need to feel significant and worthy.


Groups with synergy accomplish far more than those without it.


Highly cohesive groups have consistent membership.


In China, it is considered a norm to give carefully chosen gifts to those one is doing business with.


In an international study, 22 traits were found to be markers of exceptional leadership.


Influenced by Gandhi, Nelson Mandela pursued nonviolent change in South Africa, persevering in the face of great obstacles, even prison, to end apartheid.


It is important for leaders to be able to recognize obstacles because they provide cues for how leaders can help followers.


Leaders must adapt directions to the individual needs of their followers.


Low-performing group members hinder a group's productivity when their behaviors are not addressed.


Margo Miller, nurse at Central High School, was a leader who initiated special relationships with out-group members and invited them to accept new challenges.


Modal values are concerned with the actions a leader takes.


Napoleon Bonaparte was an effective leader despite his selfish aspirations because he was able to mobilize a large group of people in history.


One trait of destructive leaders found to be related to immoral actions is narcissism.


Organizations can combat abuses of power by establishing strong ethical climates that support the values that make destructive leadership untenable.


Passive followers can unconsciously offer destructive leaders unfettered support.


Practice builds one's confidence in a particular activity.


Principled negotiation aims to solve conflicts in fair way for both sides, where no one party is taken advantage of.


Reflection helps a speaker identify and describe his or her emotions.


Research has revealed six key traits of leadership.


Some leaders have been accused of "stirring the pot" when they promote visionary changes.


Special relationships are initiated when leaders recognize out-groups and invite them to try a nonscripted role or challenge.


The Ethical Leadership Style Questionnaire will help individuals identify their own ethical leadership style.


The influence of inclusion can come from the top level down or the bottom level up.


The purpose of this chapter is "what it takes to be an ethical leader.


To continue revealing and developing your strengths, you should practice your skills with others.


When a leader creates structure, she has explicitly identified goals for the team.


When a leader establishes constructive norms, the effect will be positive for the group.


When articulating a vision, a leader should do which of the following?

use motivating and inspiring words or symbols emphasize the value(s) of the vision choose the right language

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